Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 634: The rules of Kensukayama

There was silence between heaven and earth.

I don't know how many people stared at the round head on the ground, staring with speechlessly.

Gan Tao, deputy host of the Sundial Gate.

The strong man of the peak level of the Eight Patterns.

Who would have thought of such a high-level human immortal, who should have been an invincible figure under the Jiuwen immortal, and thus fell on the spot. Especially died in the hands of a four-printed fairy.

This result is full of huge shocks for anyone.

"Has he grown to this extent?" Everyone looked in shock. As early as a month or two ago, Lin Youye was fleeing by many human immortals, frightened to deal with the seven-printed immortals.

Even the Eight-Stroke Immortal is not his opponent now!

In the eyes of countless people, Lin Lang was holding the sword calmly, and the blood was still dripping down from the point of the sword. He turned his back to the crowd and wiped the blood on Qiantao's clothes.

"Aren't you going to wait to go to Hell with him?" Lin Lang's indifferent voice kept echoing.

The strong men fled and fled faster than the rabbits.

Just kidding, even the immortals at the top of Bawen are not Lin Youye's opponents. They may not be enough to kill them together.

If you do n’t leave, you ca n’t wait to die here?

Lin Lang quietly turned his head, glanced at Bei Tingyuan, who was sitting on the ground, and glanced at the peach-wood sword lightly.

When his voice fell, he rose into the sky again, and rushed to Jianzhushan with Jian Hongfei. Lin Lang is not good at arranging arrays. Researching arrays will waste a lot of time, so he is not interested in arranging arrays.

Moreover, this is a chance that belongs to Bei Tingyuan, so she simply left without Tao Tao Li Jian.

But Bei Tingyuan watched Lin Lang's departure, his mood was a little complicated. He originally thought that Lin Lang would take his sword. After all, this is also a holy sword. Lin Youye could not see it.

But he didn't.

And after Lin Lang made such a come forward, anyone in the world would guess that Tao Lijian fell into Lin Youye's hands, and he would not doubt that he was pregnant with treasure.

This is equivalent to transferring all the hatred to himself and minimizing the danger of Beiting Yuan.

"This person has a sense of grandeur." Bei Tingyuan sighed deeply and said to himself: "No wonder he can upgrade Xiu to such a short time, maybe he will not be too bad to follow him.

for a long time.

Bei Ting deeply worshiped in the direction that Lin Lang left, and left the Meteor Sword Abyss without going back. Now that he had obtained a holy sword, he did not dare to extravagant for other opportunities.

The ruling rules contained in Tao Lijian alone are enough to make him useful for half his life. It is not impossible to become a ruling master in the future.

Of course, the premise is to save life.


Not long.

Lin Lang landed around a tall mountain peak.

The mountains in front of them were tall, vigorous and erect, as high as a thousand feet high, standing high between clouds and fog. On the top of the mountain, even on the mountain road, there are countless swords, each of which is rare to be seen outside.

The sword was inserted upside down in every corner of the mountain, with the blade pointed outwards, revealing only a half of the sword body, and the hilt part was submerged in the rock. From a distance, the entire Suzukayama looks like a giant hedgehog.

Hundred feet high.

A red **** dagger is suspended, only about the length of an adult arm. The delicate sword body is crimson and bright, and the rounded sword handle makes it look like a beautiful dripping blood droplet.

This sword is called Dripping Blood.

It is the best of the twenty-seven holy swords in the abyss of the meteoric sword. Only under the legendary lord of the sword, he orders the million swords and has vast power. It is said that the sword spirit that was bred in it was infinitely close to the earth fairy.

Even if it is not as good as the real earth fairy, I am afraid that it is far beyond the ordinary adversarial powerhouse.

It was also because of this **** sword that Tianjige's first attack on Jianzuoshan ended in failure.

"This is Kensukayama."

Lin Lang took a deep breath.

There are many monks standing under Jianzhan Mountain, who are talking head-to-head.

"Do you say that this time the attack on Jianzuoshan will be successful? After all, Tianjige has gathered many of us and has failed once before."

"I do hope that we can break through the Jianzhan Mountain, so that we do n’t have to struggle hard to climb the mountain, but we must be weakened, and we can only awaken the Spirit Sword by consciousness. If we can open the Jianzhan Mountain, the monks in the entire Kunxu world It's all a good thing. "

"How can it be so easy?"

An informed monk shook his head with a grin.

"It is said that there is a great will under the abyss of the meteoric sword, which is rumored to be the consciousness of the king of swords. It can dominate the sword. There is a giant Emperor of Zhenwu Sect who has angered the Sword Lord and was almost wiped out here. "

"You do n’t understand. Tianjige has always sought to move forward. Without a 100% certainty, they will not take the shot. They also counted. The Sword Lord is now in deep sleep, which is why he dare to do so boldly ..."

"The first attack on Sword Takayama failed. Adults also realized that they were not prepared enough. I believe they will soon be able to return to a large number of masters and attack Sword Takayama.


Listening to these people's discussions, Lin Lang was more interested in Jianzhan Mountain. In a step, directly across the distance of one hundred feet, step into the sky above Jianzhang Mountain.

His actions scared a lot of spectators around him. No one expected that this guy around him would even set foot on Jianzuo Mountain.

"Dare to fly near Jianzhan Mountain, this guy is going to be badly molded." The faces of everyone showed compassion.

Jianzuoshan was once shrouded in a layer of strange power, capable of suppressing all practices, even the physical body would be weakened infinitely, and the monk would be defeated as a mortal.

You have to know that everyone who climbs Sword Mt. Mt. walks on both feet, and dare not cast any body and flying spells.

It wasn't without reckless intrusion into Jianzuoshan like Lin Lang, but he was imprisoned in the air to fall down, and most of them were killed by random swords.


Lin Lang also noticed the strangeness in time. When he stepped into the sky above Jianzhu Mountain, the spiritual power in his body suddenly stopped flowing. Without spiritual urging, the flying spell came to an abrupt halt.

Lin Lang's body stagnated in mid-air for a moment, and then he could no longer support it, and fell directly from the sky.

"No, my physical strength has not been limited, and the same is true of the way." Lin Lang kept thinking during the fall, and when he looked inside, he immediately noticed what was happening inside him.

No rule can suppress the heavenly body.

The rules here can only interfere with the gravity path, so it can't limit the performance of the gravity path method.

Lin Lang used the gravity method to form a double-gravity space on the soles of his feet. He stepped on the tip of a spiritual sword with one foot and landed steadily.

"Don't he be imprisoned ?!"

There was an exclamation from under the mountain.

Shocked by Lin Lang's move.

He was not stabbed to death by the chaos, he could land on the spirit sword securely. I am afraid that even the immortal immortal cannot achieve this level of precision.

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