Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 632: This sword belongs to me

A large number of monks are surrounded by the mountain peaks. The monks are irregular, some are only gods of the realm, and some are immortals. Each of them is not bad.

Supernatural powers piled up around the mountain peaks, and psychic lasing, bursting with heart-warming waves from time to time. Those monks who are weaker are just watching the battle from a distance, and the real battlefield is still on the top of the mountain.

"Bei Tingyuan, there are some things you can't touch, and hand over the Spirit Sword seat to spare you not to die, otherwise don't blame me for being impersonal and killing you here." An old man with a dusty palm scolded.

"Yes, surrender your sword, otherwise today is your death." The Yin Man said coldly.

None of the siege beiyuan far was the weak, Xiuwei also reached the seven-printed immortal, and one or two people reached the peak of the seven-printed, which caused him a lot of pressure.

"How about that?" Bei Tingyuan's eyes were sharp as a sword, and he dazzled with light. "Heavenly and powerful treasures can live among them. Since I can pass the test of Tao Lijian, this sword is mine, and no one can win it. go."

"court death!"

The immortals in the surrounding area screamed loudly and kept their moves in hand, stepping Bei Tingyuan into danger, step by step. In contrast, Bei Tingyuan's response was somewhat dwarfed, and each move was at risk of falling.

If you are not careful, you may be sieged here.

After all, he just thought that he was a master of the formation. What he was really good at was arranging formations, and he was probably worse than the peak of the seven-striped human immortal in the real battle.

Not to mention besieged by so many strong now.

That is to say, relying on the wooden sword in his hand, it greatly shortened the formation time, otherwise Beiting Yuan could not fight with them until now.

"I can't imagine that the Eight-Stranded Immortal is so weak that even I am a Seven-Stranded Immortal." Someone laughed and slammed behind Bei Tingyuan.

Bei Ting was seriously injured and was hit by a palm with a palm.

The rocks rolled down, Beiting spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his expression was weak.

Before he could react, the four immortals were closed and scattered in four directions. The murderous ones descended on Beitingyuan.

"Give up the sword, spare you not to die." The old man who brushed his palm greedily looked at the sword in Bei Tingyuan's hand. Although it looked like a wooden sword with a rough material, it was above.

Bei Tingyuan gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at the old road, squeezing a few firm words between his teeth: "Don't think about it!"

This sword was obtained by his great chance, it is a holy sword that gave birth to the sword spirit, and it is not recorded in the dossiers of all major forces. This sword is called Tao Li, but it is a sword of formation. It can not be used in battle but can be used as an aid. It can better understand the formation and can arrange the formation method faster with the formation of swords.

He didn't know how many formations were broken, and it took effort to pass the test of Tao Li Jian Jian Ling. Do not want Tao Li Jian's formation rules just converged, before getting warm in his hands, this group of robbers appeared.

"Then I have to send you to death."

A few people at the scene looked very cold, and were about to take a shot to end Bei Tingyuan's life. Unexpectedly, Bei Ting shook his hands and fired a few stones, waving Tao Lijian.

"Stand up!"

Of course, Bei Tingyuan couldn't sit still. As early as in the battle, the formation of the formation method was formed. Although it was rushed, it was the first time to show its due power.

The face of the people around them changed, and they could naturally feel the power of this array. They were afraid that they had reached the top level, as if they had the ability to absolutely kill the Seven-Pin Immortals.

No one dares to act lightly.

"Shadow Lone Star Array." The old man holding his dusting face was a bit ugly, and he knew the power of Shadow Lone Star Array. But he couldn't think of the duck in his mouth, so he flew like that.

The great situation reversed instantly.

At this moment, a figure landed in the sky. The man was wearing a cyan armor and kicked his leg with a bent leg. The formation trembled for a moment, and the second leg was already kicked into the array.

When he fell on the third foot, he stepped directly into the battle.

Several stones were broken into powder.

"Deputy gatekeeper of Riyuemen, Gan Tao."

There was a hint of bogey in everyone's eyes. In contrast, the overcast man was ecstatic and shouted: "Brother!"

The comer is the main portal of the Sundial Gate, and the immortal with the peak strength of the Eight Patterns is only one step away from breaking through the Jiwen immortals.

"It's bad." Bei Tingyuan's heart was cold. If only the seven-striped immortals in front of him could still do some work, but the arrival of Gan Tao now made him almost desperate.

Arranging the formation requires a certain amount of time, and only when the preparation is sufficient, the master of the battlefield can exert the greatest threat. But how could Gan Tao give him this time?

"Kill him, he has no ability to resist now." Gan Tao said lightly, and in his eyes, he could see that Beiting was seriously injured, and now it was the end of a crossbow.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to kill me." Beiting sighed coldly, but it made the Yin man a little surprised, and he didn't dare to approach it easily for a while.

Does Bei Tingyuan have any other cards?

"Hurry up, now Jianzuoshan is estimated to have been opened, and the gatekeeper has already rushed. It is estimated that even soup will not be drinkable at a later time. Hurry to kill Bei Tingyuan and go to help the gatekeeper." Gan Tao was impatient .

The yin man also snorted coldly, plowing a ditch along the road with his sword. He walked in front of Bei Tingyuan and waved his sword, leaving only a cold and cold light passing by.

"That's life."

Bei Ting laughed a long way. He knew that it would be useless to surrender Tao Lijian at this moment, and Qian Tao would never leave himself a master of array formation as an enemy.

Thinking back to today, Bei Tingyuan felt that he was a tragic character. Obviously, he was recognized by Tao Lijian by virtue of atmospheric transportation, but all of them made wedding dresses for others.

I will die tragically here.

The sword is about to fall, and the sharp blade cuts his hairs several meters apart, and his head is about to be cut off.

Just then.

However, the Yin Man felt that the weapon was controlled by an invisible force, and he strayed from the direction of the cause, and finally chopped on the open space beside Bei Tingyuan.

How could Gan Tao know this, and he thought he was deliberately sympathetic when he saw the actions of the Yin Man, and he frowned: "What are you doing, do you want to let the tiger return to the mountain?"

The shady man's face was ugly and was about to say something.


An arrogant voice sounded.

"This sword belongs to me, you all roll."

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