Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 620: Assassination

The sound of the fighting between them seemed to awaken the woman who was captured by Dagan Menjiao, for fear that Lin Lang didn't know there was a person here, and rushed for help.

"Grace saves me."

However, at this moment, the two sides at war had no mood to take care of her and fight again.


Lin Lang is not discouraged. After all, the Jiuwen Renxian has stood at the pinnacle of the human immortal realm, and the physical defense is comparable to the spirit, so naturally it is not so easy to kill.

Daganmenjiao is not vegetarian. At the moment Lin Lang launched his offensive, he had already used Lin's rich combat experience to determine Lin Lang's position. He speared in his hand and shot forward with an indomitable momentum. .


The spear nailed into the mountain wall and pierced the mountain wall directly out of a bucket-thick pit. The fierce vigor carried on the spear front pierced hundreds of meters away, and then stopped.

However, I haven't waited for the cadres to draw back the spear, but I feel that the hairs on the back are erected, and a crisis of life and death emerges.

Do not hesitate to teach a turn around, slamming the seal, covering the arm with a dense layer of cyan tattoo, raising his hand to face up the sword.


The Shangqing sword taught a bunch of Mars in the palm of the Dagan Men palm, pierced the skin a full inch deep, and then stopped, that is, the Dagan Men palm was taught to be deep, otherwise it would be replaced by any nine-printed fairy The stronger ones will be killed directly.

But he resisted with his physical body.

The elder Daganmen had already paid the price of an arm. After all, one arm was very insignificant compared with his own life.

It can be said that even he himself did not expect that not only did he save his life, but also his arms were completely unharmed. The palm of his hand was stabbed an inch, which is not a big deal for a pinnacle.

"I still think that someone is fighting me, it turned out to be just a small ant." The cadre of the cadres sneered. Lin Lang's two offensive failures also made Daganmenjiao quickly realize that the opponent's cultivation is far worse than him.

Realizing this, Daganmenjiao also completely calmed down, calmly responding to Lin Lang's every move.

"It must be done."

Lin Lang looked for a moment. It is also realized that it is definitely not an easy task to solve the problem of teaching elders. If you do not use the method, I am afraid it is difficult to retain each other.

"The Assassin's Way."

At this moment, Lin Lang's momentum changed, and the entire person was completely absorbed in the darkness, and his breathing was minimized. Even if he walked in the air and stepped on the air, he would not make a slight sound.

Assassin's way, the first point to pay attention to is to be quiet, converge the fluctuations of the whole body, and kill the opponent with a thunder. In the previous life, Lin Lang had several avenues including darkness, assassins, speed, and wind, and many other trails.

The darkness and the assassin's way, combined with the night's body method, countless powerful people have been killed.


Lin Lang suddenly appeared in shape, at this time had already stood opposite Daganmenjiao, the latter still did not know. He raised his palm lightly, stabbed with a sword, did not show any fancy movements, and did not even move his spiritual power into it.

However, it was such a simple sword that did not bring up any wind, but gave people the illusion that they could not dodge.


Dagan's palm teacher taught his face to change drastically before he could react. At this time, the sword had pierced the skin of his throat. If the neck is cut, even if the immortal is strong, it is impossible to regenerate.

Only at this time, the leader has no choice but to use the real hole cards.

His life-saving card was a soft armour. At the moment he was inspired, a layer of lilac light wrapped his body. This armor is called the female saint soft armor, but it is a personal treasure of a fairy goddess named Xingmo Female Saint in Kunxu Circle. Later, the Xiamu Female Saint was robbed and her armor was broken, almost falling into the fifth-grade spirit artifact. Order.

Until later, the soft female armor was inadvertently obtained by the masters, and today it is also one of the life-saving cards he relies on. Even the semi-discarded Wupin Spirit is far more powerful than the Sipin Peak Spirit.


The Qing sword fell on the soft armor of the female saint, and gave out a clear sound of collision. The purple light only supported for a moment, was torn by the Qing sword to a vacancy, and penetrated into the throat knot of Daganmenjiao. .

The response of Dagan Menjiao was also extremely fast. With the half-second time that the female Saint Baojia had won for him, his body quickly retreated. Rao was quick in his response, but was still injured by Shang Qingjian, and his throat was bleating outward.

"Even the female saint soft armor can be broken, what exactly is this trick?" Dagan doorkeeper taught the weak voice, only felt that the speech was pouring out wind, and quickly protected the throat with spiritual power, so that blood did not continue to flow.

Even the female saint's soft armor can be broken. How could this be a weak person? The cadre teaches that there is already a retreat in the heart, and he turns and rushes out of the hole.

How could Lin Lang miss this opportunity? There is no dark rule outside the volcano, and his advantage will be minimized. If Daganmen teaches to escape, the offensive and defensive situation of the two will immediately change.


Lin Lang transformed into a blast of wind, and the speed increased several times. After a few breaths, he caught up with Daganmenjiao and stabbed at the opponent's back heart.

The wind is so loud that it is a life-threatening sword!

"Gravity is distorted!"

Under the crisis of life and death, the leading teacher finally used the hole cards. And his hole card is the Gravity Way. When Dagan Menjiao was young, he occasionally acquired an ancient book, which contained some insights and magical powers about the way of gravity.

Since then, Daganmen taught him to make a name for himself in Kunxu. To this day, he has learned the centuries of gravity and reached the realm of Jiuwenrenxian, finally condensing the species of gravity in his body.

Already can call some of the primary gravity mysteries. Therefore, even if he had only the practice of the Eight-Winged Human Immortal, he was able to open a sect and establish a sect with other ancestors.

It can be said that such talents and opportunities are not inferior to those of the lucky child like the Seven Sons of Kunxu. After all, in the past, the seven sons of the Kunxu market were in the realm of immortals, and few of them were able to condense Taoist species in the body.

When the commander of Daganmen taught the method of gravity, suddenly the pressure around him was light, and the sharp sword was forcibly twisted in the space where gravity was twisted, and pierced in other directions.

"It's not just you who practice the way of gravity."

Lin Lang sneered. At the last moment when the sword of Qing Dynasty was about to fall, he changed the cast of the sword again. It was only a piercing action, but it turned into a horizontal cut at the moment.

In just a moment, the sword of the Shangqing sword had not yet fallen, and two disputes over Dafa had already occurred.

"How can you?"

Daganmenjiao exclaimed, as if he had seen something unbelievable, and was shocked that Lin Lang even showed the way of gravity.

It must be known that under the immortals, it is almost impossible for any monk to comprehend a Taoist method, even if it is a trail. Not to mention planting in the body.


The hot blood spewed out, and directly cut a lot of viscera into two halves, almost chopped into two. Fortunately, however, the two sides previously performed the gravity method twice, causing the Shangqing sword to lose sight.

Otherwise, this sword can directly cut the heart of Daganmenjiao. At that time, even if his vitality is even stronger, there is only one way to go to life to save the **** Dan.

However, although Daganmen was still dead, he basically lost most of his combat power. He dared to continue fighting with Lin Lang and fled to the crater.

"It's a pity, I'm afraid it's very difficult to have such an opportunity in the future." Lin Lang stopped and did not chase again, revealing a look of regret. After all, Dagan Menjiao is also the pinnacle of immortals. Even if Lin Lang uses the night magic method, it is difficult to keep him, and he can only let him go.

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