Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 619: Underwater world

Lin Lang kept going down, and the further down, the colder the horror, at the end he was forced to push the water spirit body to the limit, which only slightly resisted.

Rao is so, his face was frozen and pale when he reached the bottom of the cold pool. But here, everything suddenly opened up. There is another world below the lake. The lake's water is blocked by a strange energy to form a normal space. The lake is suspended above the head and flows without dropping a drop.

It's just that at the bottom of the lake, it has fallen into complete darkness. It is exactly the same as the situation in the previous crack canyon. The eyes cannot see things, and even the consciousness cannot spread far.

Of course, this does not prevent Lin Lang, who is good at the dark way. As the darkness covered his eyes, the sight in front of him became brighter.

In front of him was a piece of land, and the entire lake floor space was not large. It was only a few tens of miles in size, but Lin Lang still spent half an hour looking at the entire land.

The bottom of the lake is full of regular ice lines, and flying here will be greatly hindered, so Lin Lang's speed has also become extremely slow. In this lakeside world, there is an open space, and you can quickly see the margins when you open your eyes.

Of course, Lin Lang is good at the dark way. Otherwise, if you change to another person to estimate the time of three days and three nights, you can stop wandering around the lake world, and you will probably go around in the same place.

"Well, there are signs of battle here."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, but he saw a shallow mark plowed on the ground, and a faint sword spirit remained in the overturned soil, and not far away was a sachet embroidered with Xuansu grass pattern.

A further distance is convenient and there are no signs of battle.

Obviously, one of the two sides of the battle was so strong that it directly crushed the opponent. This also means that before Lin Lang arrived here, it was very likely that someone had already discovered the secret of the bottom of the lake.

"People should be near the crater."

Lin Lang looked slightly. He has explored the entire land under the lake, and in this lake world, the only place that has the potential to hide and has not been explored by him is that volcano.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang rose in the sky and stopped shortly under a volcano. This volcano is the only feature that distinguishes the land below the lake from the potholes.

The volcano supports the sky, the top of the mountain is inserted directly into the lake above, and the crater is like a fountain, constantly pouring cold crystal water upwards. And here, the lines of the ice rules are messy, and there are a few flame rules in the air.

Lin Lang glanced roughly and descended along the crater, but he just landed on the ground, and a sound of air burst behind him.

Lin Lang had been alert for a long time, knowing that there was someone below the volcano, so she decisively jumped up, jumped up, and stood on a protruding rock on the mountain wall.


A spear was nailed in place.

Lin Lang was not hurt in the slightest.

At this time, Lin Lang just made time to look around carefully. Not far away from him, a middle-aged monk bowed his body, motionless, and raised his ears vigilantly at Lin Lang's original standing position.

"It was him."

With a smile on Lin Lang's face, it was natural to see the identity of this middle-aged monk, who was one of the strong men who had previously pursued him outside Zhongzhou City, and taught by Daganmen.

At first, in order to escape the hunt, Lin Lang detonated the colorful and exquisite tower and severely wounded the commander of the main gate. Later, it was said that the commander of the main gate was ambushed and dropped by the enemy on the way back to Zongmen Meteor Sword Abyss.

Who would have thought that the teachings of Daganmen were not dead, not only freeing up the space of gravity, but even repairing it to a higher level. That's right, the present cadre teaching has broken through the eight-striped people's puppets and entered the ranks of the world's strongest.

However, it is clear that even a peak human being such as Daganmenjiao, although in this space can rely on cultivation to resist the cold, but still has to be restricted by the rules of the dark way and can perceive the forest. Lang couldn't find his place.

I can't find Lin Lang's position. Even if the cadre is strong, now it is just a tiger without minions, which can not pose any threat to him for the time being.

Lin Lang's gaze continued to walk around. Near the wall, a wonderful young woman was **** with big flowers, and she was thrown on the ground with rigorous straps all over her. She could still judge the uneven body. She stayed away from her head, leaving only one side, but even one side looked quite amazing.

I don't know which disciple's disciples fell into the hands of Daganmen.

Further on the ground, an ice-blue sword is obliquely inserted. The color ranges from shallow to deep, the blade tip appears blue, and at the point of the blade, it appears clean and white, crystal clear, and the blade is like The smooth mirror surface is average.

Like a sword made of ice and snow.

It exudes an appalling low temperature.

The cold rule at the bottom of the lake is emitted from this sword. Perhaps because of the existence of this sword, a cold crystal water of a whole lake is created.

"Good sword!"

Lin Lang's eyes brightened. Naturally, at first glance, you can see the extraordinaryness of the sword. I am afraid that it is not worse than the supernatant sword in his hand, and it is even better.

After all, even though the Shangqing sword gave birth to a sword embryo, it is still far from the birth of the instrument spirit, to the extent that the sword is compatible with the rules.

This is a peerless sword!

At this time, Daganmenjiao also completely lost his patience, and slowly moved closer to the spear step by step. After careful inspection, it was found that the spear did not hit the target.

"Who is your Excellency? Please come out and tell." You should know that in this dark space, even the Jiuwen Immortal's consciousness is imprisoned within a dozen meters of his side, easily unable to lock down his opponent.

In the previous teachings of Daganmen, I only heard the sound of Lin Lang's landing, and this was the first time to shoot a spear. We must know that being covered by the dark rules can emit a dozen meters of consciousness is already the pinnacle of human fairy. , And the distance between the two is a full 30 meters, so that a sneak attack without intentional calculations can not hurt each other.

The cadre teaches how to not be surprised.

Lin Lang didn't say a word. He had a great advantage in the place covered by the dark rules, but it was the right time and the right place. He took this opportunity to cut off such an enemy.


Lin Lang was firm in his intention to kill, took the Super Sword from the Spirit Ring of Space, and stepped out into the rules of darkness to distinguish himself from the darkness. Only when he attacks will he show his real body, otherwise it will be like a flowing night.

Naturally, the leaders of the cadres also clearly stated and failed, and they were always ready to attack the other party. He raised his ears and listened carefully to the sounds around him. At the same time, he held the war spear firmly and securely.


A cold light was approaching behind Daganmenjiao.

Dagan's palm teacher was startled, quickly urged to get up, and overflowed forward several meters away. Even so, Shangqing Jian still broke through his body's protective suffocation and penetrated deep into the skin.

But it didn't matter.

"It's a tough guy."

Lin Lang frowned. His current strength barely allowed him to fight against the Eight-Stranded Immortals, but he encountered some difficulties in teaching the nine-stranded Immortals, even though relying on the dark way, it did not take much advantage. .

Everyone knows that the mood of Daganmenjiao is even stronger than him. You must know that he is already a cultivation of Jiuwen Renxian. Even if he is trapped in the dark rules, the scope of the consciousness of more than ten meters outside the body is enough for him Time to deal with upcoming variables.

However, he did not perceive Lin Lang's attack, and he could only make changes by virtue of his rich combat experience.

There are only two possibilities that can cause this situation. One is that the opponent's speed is extremely fast, which has exceeded his reaction speed. The other is that the other side has a very advanced posture, which can shield his perception.

Either way, it proves that the other party is not easy to mess with.

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