Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 621: Ling Xuan Fairy

Dagan keeper taught to escape with serious injuries, but Lin Lang was uncomfortable there, his face was a little pale, and he spit out a large amount of blood on the ground.

It wasn't the Daganmenjiao who hurt him, but he himself, or he could be called to be injured by heaven.

Taking his current practice as the realm, although he knows several kinds of avenues such as the Dark Avenue, but after all, there is no way to consolidate the Taoism in the body, even if the successful use of the Taoism method will only exist for a moment.

There is no way of forcibly performing Taoism in the body. Of course, this is also because his understanding of several avenues has exceeded the level that Renxian should have, in order to force the transfer.

In the case of other people, there is no such accumulation at all, and naturally this situation will not be encountered.

"Tao species, Dao species, only by implanting Dao species in the body can the Dafa method be exhibited, but unfortunately I am practicing to accumulate enough, at most, only a single Dao species is condensed." Lin Lang sighed. If he can consolidate Taoism and directly call Taoism to fight, this battle need not be so difficult.

Dao species are equivalent to the seeds of Tiandi Avenue. Only the Dao species in the body can mobilize the corresponding Dao to fight. Sometimes Dao Fa appears, more powerful than a domineering supernatural power, which can change the outcome of a battle.

And planting Tao in the body is the means that Dixian is qualified to involve, and only Dixian can perceive the Dafa by their arrogant spirit and spirit, and finally a Tao is condensed in the body.

This Taoist species is also very important. It will be transformed into Taoist principles and integrated into the Yuan infant cultivated by the earth fairy, and grow up with the human fairy. Only when there are five Taoist species in Yuanying can Dixian be qualified to enter another realm.

That is to return to the realm of heaven.

As for why human immortals rarely realize the existence of Taoism and congregate Taoism, it is because their Jin Dan has not hatched into Yuan Ying. Yuan Ying is like a newborn boy and has a strong ability to learn everything. , So you can feel the existence of 'dao' slightly.

Even though Dixian Jingqi is powerful, it is very difficult to condense in the body, let alone to become a weak monk.

"As far as my current practice is concerned, only one Taoist species can be condensed. The ancient Taoist species are extremely difficult to condense. However, it can be put first. The power of the small Taoist species is too weak. Tao. "

Lin Lang hesitated for a moment, and finally set a goal, first condensing the species of gravity in the body. This is also the choice of maximizing the benefits. Some of the powers of other roads are weak. They are accumulated in the existing realm, and some of them are difficult to train. They are not suitable.

Only gravity can improve the combat power to the greatest extent.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang sat cross-legged, ready to condense the kind of gravity. At this time, a clear and pleasant sound came from the wall not far away.

"If there isn't En Gong today, I'm afraid the little girl will ruin the evil hand of the wicked. En Gong Da Ling Ling Xuan has kept in mind that there will be good returns in the future."

Shen Lingxuan saw the fighting sounds disappear, knowing that the battle outside had already settled down, and she was afraid that Lin Lang would leave her here alone, and quickly spoke.

However, Shen Lingxuan saw that the other party did not respond for a long time, thinking that Lin Lang had left, and quickly said: "Engong is still not there, can you come over and bind the little girl loose."

"It hurts me to be bound by this diamond."

Shen Lingxuan pursed her lips, looking pitiful.

Lin Lang was preparing to condense the gravitational path. Where can I deal with her, she said lightly: "Wait first, I'll be busy before I say it." Shen Lingxuan Qiao showed a little dissatisfaction on her face, but did not show it, and continued: "Can you ask What's your name? "


Shen Lingxuan's face could not help but show a little annoyance. He was such a beautiful beauty, who was **** here to call for help. A man should come and take a look. In this case, she no longer hoped that a white horse prince would appear in the air to save her from fire and water.

It's just that the teachings of Daganmen are too horrible, where are these monks under the meteoric sword abyss? So after that, Shen Lingxuan was already a bit desperate, and she vowed that as long as anyone could take her out of this danger, she would promise him in the future.

But Lin Lang appeared.

Strongly repelled Daganmenjiao.

At that moment, Shen Lingxuan was full of light, thinking that he had waited for the Prince Charming in his mind to complete a story of heroes saving beauty. But she never dreamed of it. The hero who rescued her did appear, defeating Daganmenjiao strongly.


Didn't someone come to save her!

"Putting a big beautiful lady by the side, wouldn't it be a monk who saved me? It was only possible to come." Shen Lingxuan muttered quietly, her long swan neck froze forward, trying her best to see and sit The opposite is not a monk.

But under the dark rules, Shen Lingxuan was no different from a blind man, and he couldn't see what the other person looked like. "Is he really a monk? Or is it just an old man, or that ?!"

Thinking of this, Shen Lingxuan's thoughts are more complicated. What if she is really an old guy or a monk who saved her? If Fairy Lingbo, one of the top ten beauties in the Kunxu industry, really married such a person, I am afraid everyone in the world will laugh to death.

"Well, this girl doesn't marry anyway, and no one knows I swear anyway." Shen Lingxuan was crying, her mind was more confused.

"My son didn't want to ask my name?" Shen Lingxuan still didn't give up. King Kong Suo is a treasure of Daganmen, claiming to be able to bind anyone in the world, and the Daganmen teach is not a fragrant and cherished person. She wrapped around Shen Lingxuan's delicate body seven or eight times. Very uncomfortable.

"Shut up!" Lin Lang snorted coldly: "Trouble me again and don't blame me for doing it to you, no matter who you are, no one will die here."

Sure enough, Lin Lang's words scared Shen Lingxuan, no longer clamoring, and Shen Lingxuan's face turned scarlet for a long while, and then came out a sentence: "You are shameless, you are indecent!

Lin Lang was also stunned. He was taken aback by Shen Lingxuan in one sentence, and then he came to the reaction. The girl's brain circuit seemed a bit strange, probably because of his sentence, it reminded him of the manual foot ...

"It's good if you know." But Lin Lang didn't explain. He still kept his voice cold, no matter how he thought that Shen Lingxuan could scare her anyway.

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