Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 567: Broken continent

Lin Lang did not continue hunting, tearing open the space channel and returning to the ordinary world. This time he rarely stayed at Ye Xuanzong for nearly half a month.

During this period, he called on Wang Gucheng to give some pointers, and then re-arranged Ye Xuanzong's team of mountain guards, and then called Suzaku and others to give the new weapons obtained from the US science and technology team to the other party, and then divided Give a few drops of particle energy to the country.

This particle energy is somewhat similar to the spirit stone, but it is not as good as the cultivation resource that contains abundant aura, and there are many substances in it. However, the victory is numerous and can be used as a spiritual stone in a sense.

He stayed in Ye Xuanzong for nearly three months, settled everyone, and helped Ye Xuanzong's several gods to improve their strength. In particular, Mr. Wang, a thousand miles since he practiced his sword, has a very talented person, and he has seen the world with his pure mind, and has been promoted by Lin Lang. He has reached the pinnacle of God at this moment.

The rest of the class, except Han Zilong, who travels all over the country, are now all stepping into the middle stage of the realm.

However, they did not have the surprise of a breakthrough in their hearts. Instead, they had a faint lingering enthusiasm. Everyone knows that their suzerain is about to leave the mundane world this time.

"Master, can you not leave?"

Sun Yishan was full of tears, and his sad expression did not contain any adulteration. He is the only person who Ye Xuanzong was accepted as a disciple by Lin Lang in order to kill. He has been following the **** of the killer to take over the career of the Dark Star in the past. Now his strength is in the state of transformation.

"Silly boy."

Lin Lang shook his head, then said goodbye to everyone and flew away in Ye Xuanzong's reluctance. Now his cultivation is no longer a pattern, but a golden pattern of two patterns.

He did not go directly to the location of the crack in the space. Instead, he landed near a second-floor pharmacy in Shencheng, with the three characters Miaochuntang hanging on the plaque, and two rows of left and right couplets.

Miaochuntang has now expanded and moved to a new site in Shencheng District. At this moment, there are only some old doctors in Miaochuntang who make diagnosis for them, and they have a prescription.

"It is said that Dr. Su has a wonderful hand to rejuvenate, and that ancient acupuncture in one hand has the power to turn decay into magic. There are almost no incurable diseases that he cannot cure. But only to himself ..."

The old man sighed, "It is difficult for a healer to heal himself."

"It is said that Dr. Su's illness is not a strange and intractable disease, but a heart disease. Since the disappearance of his daughter, Dr. Su has been decadent and has stood at the door every morning for a while."

"Well, who wouldn't be distressed by doing such a thing. It would be unfortunate for a gray-haired person to give a dark-haired person."

When Lin Lang just entered Miaochuntang, he heard such a sound. After turning his mind, he went straight up the stairs to the second floor, and several old doctors chased after him.

When Lin Lang pushed open the door of the room, he saw a skinny figure sitting at the tea table. There was no tea in the tea cup, and it was replaced by a half-burned cigarette butt. The smoke in the room was dazzling. Can't open my eyes.


Lin Lang said softly. For Lin Lang's arrival, Dr. Su just raised a glance, and said: "It's Xiao Lang, find a place to sit." Lin Shenyi, who only covers the sky with other people's eyes, seems to be coming to Dr. Su It's just a trivial matter.

"I probably already have the news of Su Shilan." Dr. Su, who was half-lying on the chair, burst into a sudden burst of light, and stood up horribly, looking at Lin Lang in shock: "Where is my daughter?"

"In another world." Lin Lang's lips moved.

"Sure enough? Another world." Dr Su suddenly burst into a laugh, but with a drop of bean-dropped tears falling in his smile: "I should have thought of it, I should have accepted it, but I ..."

"Lin Shenyi, if you are here to comfort me, then you will be spared. Sum does not need your comfort. I will have patients to see later, please take it." Dr. Su sat back in his chair and cried with a headache. stand up.

For three years, Su Shilan has not returned for three years. Dr. Su did not expect that result, but he did not want to accept it.

Lin Lang knew that this was a misunderstanding of Dr. Su, but he explained to him in the past, and informed Su Shilan of the speculation that he might be in the Kunxu market.

"You mean that Xiao Lan may be in another world, another star outside the earth?" Dr. Su suddenly stopped crying, staring at Lin Lang with a gaze.

"That's what it means. In short, I'm sure Su Shilan is still on the earth." Lin Langdu affirmed: "This time I'm preparing to leave for the Kunxu boundary, and I must bring Su Shilan back safely. "

Dr. Su had long known that Lin Shenyi was different from ordinary people. Even if he seemed to understand, he believed most of them. "Then you can only trouble Xiao Lang. If there is news about Xiao Lan, you must inform me as soon as possible."

At this point, he can only put all his hopes on Lin Lang. There is no other way.

"Do not worry."

Lin Lang nodded, and sorted out the internal interest for Dr. Su. Before Dr. Su's thoughts were depressed, his body had been made out of shape. If he went on like this, he would not be able to wait for the day when Su Shilan returned.

After a few chats, Dr. Su invited Lin Lang to go home for dinner. Lin Lang said that there was still work to do, and left Miaochuntang directly, and rushed to the space crack in northern China.

At this moment, nearly three months have passed since the passage to the Kunxu border was closed, and the cracks have gradually returned to their original appearance. Even Lin Lang's tearing again took a lot of effort.

Generally speaking, the space is very stable, and it is generally impossible to be torn apart, and it is only slightly easier to break the space if it is once opened here.

Lin Lang stepped into the darkness, and the surroundings were dark. He lighted a lamp in his palm, a canopy above his head, and a treasure armor slowly emerged from his body, resisting the erosion of the space storm from the outside.

He himself, like a guide in the dark, constantly explored the direction of the Kunxu boundary by the light of around ten meters. From the data accumulated by Kunlun for many years, Lin Lang already knew the general location of the Kunxu boundary, and was not afraid to get lost in the dark space.

But the meteorites that are everywhere can make Lin Lang have to deal with it carefully. In this ruined space, even a stone with the thickness of a finger can be a weapon to kill people.

After thousands of years, even thousands of years of acceleration, countless years of acceleration, even the rotation speed of a particle of dust is quite terrible, and the impact force is enough to make the body of the fairy unbearable.

Therefore, even though Lin Lang has been promoted to the second-order immortal today, at this moment he has to be extremely vigilant and try to avoid the meteorite group in advance within the coverage of the consciousness.

"Meteorites are very easy to avoid, plus I'm wearing a treasure armor, as long as I avoid space turbulence in advance, there should be no major problems." Lin Lang thought silently. This treasure is a treasure that he has collected over the years from the many magic weapons that he has collected over the years.

This is also the most important preparation for his return.

Lin Lang kept moving forward, stepping on each piece of static rock floating in the void. Lin Lang walked hundreds of miles in a blink of an eye, Lin Lang frowned slightly.

"How can this space crack be so big? To open up a realm, you need a boundary heart stone. The boundary heart stone depends on the nucleus. If it is too far away, it is likely to escape the shackles of the nucleus. The world that Stone opens will never be too far from the main world. "

Lin Lang was a little puzzled. The distance between the boundary stone and the star core is the so-called space crack. However, such a large space crack is still rare. Counting the distance, I'm afraid I have to leave the earth.

"Did Kunlun give me the wrong coordinates, or did the Kunxu boundary be established by the nucleus of other stars. Or maybe the gravity of the Earth ’s nucleus has reached a certain level, enough to restrain the Kunxu boundary from thousands of miles away ? "

Lin Lang couldn't figure it out.


In Lin Lang's perception, a stream of light, like a burning meteorite, is shooting at a terrible speed, which has exceeded the speed of light, even faster than the speed of magical magic.

"I'm afraid it's a meteorite that carried for 10,000 years."

Lin Lang didn't dare to neglect, if he met this meteorite in front, I am afraid he could not resist wearing the armor. He turned slightly, and immediately was enveloped by a dazzling light, and his vision was pale. Fortunately, the streamer did not shoot at him, and the streamer passed by dangerously.

"this is……"

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, but glanced at it, but found that the streamer was not a meteorite, but a broken bronze bowl, but two extra ears were on the side of the bowl, but the ears were already broken and the handle was broken .

Even so, the bronze bowl still exudes a heartbreaking scent, just a quick glance when still feeling as if facing the blood and blood of the corpses, the blood is so high that it is the cultivation of Lin Lang today, and also feel the bursts Startled.

This is not a bowl, but a cricket! And it is not a good kind, it is definitely a horror vessel containing a lot of blood, and it is a big weapon.

"This is somewhat similar to the blood purgatory blood puppet, but I don't know what the two have to do with it." Lin Lang has seen the shape of the blood purgatory purgatory blood puppet at level 33, which is roughly the same as this The shapes are very similar.

Lin Lang had the intention to find out, but the speed of the broken bowl fragments was too fast, and it was beyond anyone's desire to chase. Lin Lang had no choice but to dispel this idea.

The broken bowl was so fast that it was almost fleeting. In just a moment, the entire dark space shone brightly. The brilliance had not fallen, but the broken bowl had long disappeared.

The speed of breaking the bowl has already exceeded the speed of light several times. Until it disappeared, the light brought into the dark space did not dissipate.

Through the light brought by the broken bowl, the entire black hole space was completely and clearly displayed in front of Lin Lang. When his gaze was looking somewhere in the space, his pupils stared at him.

I saw that not only meteorites were floating in the silent void, but also a continent in the extreme eyesight. At this moment, it was advancing at a slow speed.

"Is this the Kunxu World?"

Lin Lang's brow frowned and tightened. According to the information sent by Kunlun, it should be said that there should be some distance in the Kunxu boundary. Isn't the Kunxu boundary not a creation of the boundary stone, but a continent wandering in the void?

At the same time that Lin Lang's thoughts rose, the whole person has already taken steps to avoid the meteorites that came in, and avoided the meteorite groups passing by, and finally stepped on this Land on the continent.

In a lonely dark space, a continent floats silently, and the entire continent is not large, only the size of several prefecture-level cities in China. But Lin Lang traveled the entire continent, but found no vitality.

Not only did not find any signs of life, on the contrary, the land on this continent was dark red, and the pungent **** breath continued to spread out in the soil, like a blood-stained magic soil.

This is not the Kunxu boundary.

On the ground, Lin Lang found a lot of dead bones along the road. The jade-like bones were translucent, the lines were clear, and they exuded a decaying taste, but they were not corroded by the years, and they were still as bright as before.

"Ice muscle jade bone is Tianxian."

Lin Lang's eyes were dignified, only the bones of the strong people who had reached the level of heaven and above would be transformed into ice muscle jade bones, and they would not be damaged for a thousand years, even if they could make their bones rot.

If only this is the case, as Lin Lang continues to move forward, more and more jade bones under his feet, but each one is scattered all over the ground, no complete skeleton can be found at all. The powerful men of these Celestial Series seem to be devoured by large mana during their lifetime, and they are also incomplete with bones after death.

In the end, Lin Lang has begun to become numb, because the broken bones on the ground are no longer present in front of him, but a corpse mountain!

A corpse mountain made entirely of celestial bones!

There wasn't a bit of flesh and blood adhesion on these bones. It seemed that all flesh and blood was completely swallowed up except the bones.

"This is the blood genius, the most terrifying blood genius." Lin Lang murmured. At the foot of the endless corpse mountain, there is a broken scepter, half of the broken two are lying on the ground, the golden color of the whole body is approaching dim, the immortal **** pattern is also worn away, and there is no spirituality.

But it was such a scepter that shocked Lin Lang again. Because this is not a scepter in the ordinary sense, but an archangel scepter, a holy weapon of the temple!

He can't recognize the blood purgatory of purgatory, but he absolutely knows the archangel's scepter, because there is a chapter in the great holy light of the light tribe to build the archangel's scepter to suppress the opponent. He has seen it with his own eyes.

"So the broken bowl should also be the purgatory blood puppet." Lin Lang took a deep breath: "What kind of battle should be, even the purgatory blood puppet and the archangel's scepter were broken at the same time."

On a wandering continent, Tianxian's corpse became a mountain, the blood of purgatory shattered, and the archangel's scepter broke. What kind of battle broke out on this continent, even the earth was shattered, the etiquette collapsed, the two holy vessels collapsed!

"It seems that there has been a terrible fairy war near the earth, but this battle should have passed too long, and the original history can no longer be verified." Lin Lang shook his head. These history can be traced back to the ancient times. What he has learned on this continent can only be deduced as a rough estimate.

"But these bones ..."

As soon as Lin Lang moved, Tianxian's skeleton was originally ice muscle jade bone, which was an excellent refining material, and he could even use this array method.

Wouldn't the power of the array formed by the immortal bones be extraordinary? Now there are so many celestial skeletons in front of them.

When Lin Lang's idea rose, a gust of wind rolled up in his sleeve robe, the ancient mountains moved, countless bones flew up, and the sky was filled with dust, and he was stored in the spiritual ring of space.

Just then.

Heresy rises!

A vast divine thought came, and immediately turned into a fatal murderous rush to Lin Lang. This killing only targeted Lin Lang, but its power was far beyond the limit that Lin Lang could fight. Just one killing is enough to kill Tianxian!

"not good!"

Lin Lang's face in the roar suddenly changed, and the Emperor Zijin in his head also began to roar, trying to fight this murder. But everything is futile. That killing machine does not contain any aura. It is more like someone having an idea. One idea can wipe out Lin Lang.

The murderous power descended on Lin Lang's body, directly destroying his resistance and shattering his resistance. He penetrated into the body through the scabbard and made a loud roar constantly, evaporating the aura in his body into nothingness. Thousands of condensed Jindan will also be broken.

At the same time, everywhere in Lin Lang's body began to glow, faintly exuding the power of heaven and earth, against this overbearing force. The foundation of the heavenly path, the heavenly path is congenital, the heavenly path is golden, and the three foundations of Lin Lang's body bloom at the same time.

The foundation of heaven, this is the last hole card owned by Lin Lang!

But this power is even more overbearing, directly crushing the various meridians in his body, actually surpassing Lin Lang's will, directly controlling the spiritual power in his body, turning into a force, directly crushing all his foundations.

Fight against himself with his own power!

This terrible way of doing things, Lin Lang, has only been seen in his life, including when he was in the vertical and horizontal direction, it was unheard of. I never thought that there was such a terrible method!

The foundation of heaven is instantly broken!

Lin Lang's many efforts have been condensed, and the foundations of the heavens, which have been exhausted and repaired, have been crushed under this force, and they cannot be opposed at all.

"Only ... Nine Xiaoxiandian!"

The terrible headache made Lin Lang faint at this moment, but at this moment of life and death, he cast away the mysteries of previous lives, and the only thing he could think of was Jiuxiaoxiandian in his mind.

Because even the original King of the Night Yexian, I am afraid that this strange power is dwarfed, which has exceeded his cognition. Jiu Xiao Xian Dian is a book of fairy tales, which is also a treasure in itself. Since he was refined into his mind in previous lives, he does not know whether it exists today, and can only rest his only hope on this book.

If it exists, there is a silver lining!

"I dare you!"

At this moment, there was a sudden roar on this land, a mysterious force was slowly recovering, directly took over the burden on Lin Lang, and resisted the innumerable killings.

"Dead and not stiff."

The thoughts of these two parties were just a collision. The whole continent was instantly broken, but Lin Lang, the original creator, was no longer paid attention to these two forces, and fell directly into the lonely space of black paint.

Lin Lang's body surface is shrouded in a layer of gold, like a coating, making him look like a golden Buddha. This golden light carried his will, and led him to constantly drift in the dark space.

Like a corpse without a sense of mind, lying in this dark space constantly drifting, bumping into the meteorite group again and again, but passing through it unscathed, encountering the turbulence of space is still unscathed.

I don't know how long, three days, three months, or three years. In short, Lin Lang's consciousness finally slowly recovered. At this moment, he could feel that he was wandering in this space, but his body could not move at all, and his foundation and meridians had been completely crushed.

Finally one day, Lin Lang felt the light in front of him, faintly a glorious channel shape, and then a horrible suction included him.

Before the coma, Lin Lang could only feel the richness of the surrounding aura by his consciousness, as if in a comfortable ocean, at the same time, the damaged body began to slowly repair.

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