Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 566: Desperate pursuit

That night, the news of the collapse of the Yueyue company building reached Lin Lang's ears. At this moment, his face was somber and watery, and countless people were sent to investigate what happened at the time. In the end, people in the special operations department were found again. Such a catastrophe special operations department could not notice. Under their investigation, a figure was finally locked by radar.

"Hua Xia has no record of this person, and is so young, I think it should be a visitor to the Kunxu market, and he retaliated because of things at the wedding during the day." Suzaku quickly concluded.

"Kunxu World."

The cold light flashed in Lin Langmu. Suzaku's speculation is very consistent with him, but he provokes him several times before and after, how can he let such a beam-jumping clown, so he tells Suzaku to pay attention to this person's movements at all times, and inform him as soon as there is news.

A congenital peak-level powerhouse is absolutely capable of crossing a province within an hour, and it is difficult to find a place with vague speculation, and the person must also know that he is a fairy, and it is almost difficult to find it after deliberate hiding after revenge.

But he will definitely stop, because tomorrow will be the last day of the opening of the Kunxu border channel, and he is bound to stop somewhere in Huaxia. With today's Huaxia technology, it is enough to monitor any corner, and it is not difficult to find the location of the space channel.


The next morning.

In a mountain in the Heijiang Province in the north of China, it was covered by a thick layer of snow earlier. It has never melted in winter and summer. But since one day half a month ago, it was swallowed up by darkness, and the extremely high heat made the snow in the mountains melt.

As for the mountains, they were torn by the howling winds that raged through the black holes, and the mountains collapsed, and many of them had been stirred into the black holes and broke in blinks.

The cold wind blew past, and at the foot of the mountain, stood a handsome young man, standing near a boulder with a sword in his shoulders. It was just that his temperament seemed a bit cold at this moment.

"It is less than half an hour before the passage of the channel, at that time the turbulence in the space between the two realms will become very weak, but even if it is weak, it is far from being able to bear by the human fairy, unless the strong person of the earth fairy escorts himself . But I have a token from Zongmen in my hand, which can be closed at any time. "Pei Jia whispered to himself.

He didn't want to spend more time in this ghost place in the secular world. He just wanted to return to the ancestral gate as soon as possible. When he really stepped into the fairy, he would be shameless.

"When I come back next time, I will let the immortals of this worldly world lie at my feet." Pei Jiamu flashed a cold color. He is known as the Tianjiao disciple of Yunlang Palace, not only because of his high level of cultivation, but also because his powerful fighting ability is enough to crush the same level.

After he breaks through the immortals, he is absolutely invincible in the realm of first-order immortals. It is not yet possible to crush the immortals of a secular world. And this day is not far away, he has a faint sense that he can definitely condense the real Jindan for one year.

In such a long wait, finally, with a violent roar, the heavens and the earth trembled, and the entire mountain peak seemed to be upside down. The horrible devouring force directly lifted the earth and burst into forceful storms.

In the dark black hole, a golden light channel stretched out and stretched to Pei Jia's feet.

"Goodbye to the mundane world, I will be back."

Pei Jia snorted coldly when Dang Yi was ready to step into the passage. At the moment he just turned around, a figure came galloping in the distant sky, and the majestic voice had already cleared the sky before people arrived.

"Hugh off!"

Pei Jia fixed his eyes and saw a figure roaring at a speed of more than one kilometer per second from a distant distance, causing a deafening sound boom.

"Is this speed ... the human immortal?" Pei Jia's pupils shrank, and she suddenly lost her mind: "The human immortal in the world!"

In addition, the world immortal seems to be slightly different from the human immortal he has seen before, and seems to be more powerful. Almost immediately after a brief absence, Pei Jia immediately realized what she had done before, and I'm afraid the other party might have asked him to settle the bill.

Having figured this out, Pei Jia never dared to stay any more, and immediately stepped out to the golden channel. Although he is known as Tianjiao, he is absolutely not arrogant enough to compete with real people. Because it was never a state.

"I close the channel to see how you pass." Pei Jia snorted, and the token Jin Man flashed in his hand. As the black hole behind him slowly closed, the golden channel he walked by began to collapse.

The black hole represents a crack in space. It has the ability to destroy everything. It is said to be human immortal. Even strong men of the earth immortal level must be very careful here, and it may fall into it if they are not careful.

He did not believe that the other party dared to step into this space.

"I still want to chase me, I can't help it." Pei Jia flashed a scorn in his eyes. However, just before his expression was fully unfolded, a pair of white palms suddenly penetrated the closed black hole space, and the violent power even tore a gap, and the light shot into the black hole space.

The cracks kept expanding, and a figure actually squeezed in through the cracks. Although the other party's cultivation was not felt far away, it was a young face, and the thin body looked even weak. Scholar feeling.

However, such a person has the power to tear a black hole with his bare hands. Even if he is thin, the reflection in Pei Jia's eyes is just like the ancient giant ape.

"This guy is so powerful."

Pei Jia took a deep breath, then realized that he looked down at the other person, and could directly tear open the crack in the space to be closed. How could it be an ordinary fairy.

However, he didn't have any worries about this. Being able to tear the space cracks does not represent the ability to pass through the black hole space. Every meteorite there, even small pieces of gravel, will expand after a long time To the instant killing immortal.

So he is not worried.

"You are the worldly Lin Youye, I have heard your name, and I don't know if my guesses match." Pei Jia smiled. Anyway, two people are separated by a space storm, so the power of this natural amulet need not be doubted.

"You don't deserve to know my name."

Lin Lang snorted and raised his hand directly to grasp the direction where Pei Jia was. The hand of the demon appeared, and behind him a large number of virtual shadows came, giving the mighty power. A palm full of ten feet in length protruded, and it passed through layers of storms and bombarded directly.

Pei Jia's face suddenly changed suddenly, and he felt that this large hand covering the sky contained a terrible force of eradication, enough to kill him across the space. How fierce the space storm is, but Lin Youye's move has been weakened by the layers of the space storm, but he still has the energy to kill him.

What a horror!

With almost no time to think about it, Pei Jia immediately excited the amethyst jade pendant hanging on her chest, bursting into several feet of light. The ten-zhang palm bombarded the purple light mass, and immediately caused the purple light mass to tremble violently, in a fierce collision. Then the big smoke disappeared, and the purple light clusters turned into strands of fine air and scattered in the black hole space.

After losing a magic weapon enough to resist Renxian's full blow, Pei Jia finally picked up his life and returned. This was made by the elder Zongmen himself, and his preciousness is hard to find.

When it was too late for heartache, Pei Jia broke out completely and galloped along the golden channel just to get a chance for life. He knew that the opponent behind him definitely had the ability to penetrate the space channel to kill him.

Every time he walked, the golden channel behind him would collapse, so as to widen the distance, leaving absolutely no chance for the other party to catch up. Without a space channel, Renxian also missed the impact of the space storm.

"I want you to look good after three years."

Pei Jia secretly ruthlessly. But all of a sudden, he just felt that the hairs on his back were rising, and he saw a gorgeous beam burst at the speed close to the beam.

Before that, the figure standing in front of the cracks in the space had already rushed into the space storm and chased them. The speed was not slower than Pei Jia who was traveling in the golden channel.

boom! Boom!

The beam of light hit Pei Jia, once again wasting a magic weapon on his body, which was offset. But at this moment Pei Jia was already in a cold sweat, and he didn't dare to slow down the slightest, and fled in haste.

"What kind of body is this? It can walk through the storm in space!" Pei Jia was a little bit afraid.

The two men successively started a thrilling chase in this dark cracked space, and Lin Lang raised his hands with horrific attacks and continued to attack Pei Jia. Pei Jia can only be beaten passively. Rao is a means of body protection, and his body is still left and right.

From the foundation to the innate, from the innate to the current state of the pinnacle, his Pei Jia as the Tianjiao of the Yunlang Palace has high hopes. Almost every elder in the ancestral gate has refined the means of protection for him, so he saves life. Absolutely a lot.

But as this chasing battle started, Lin Lang had chased a distance of fifty miles. Gradually, Pei Jia was frightened to find that the many means of body protection on his body had been consumed, but it still failed. Get rid of the killer behind him.

"This lunatic!"

"Space turbulence is ubiquitous in space storms, as long as it meets Renxian. I just ruin your building, can you commit such a death force!"

Pei Jia was desperately angry, but he still didn't dare to relax in the slightest, so he had to sacrifice all the remaining sacrifice. At the moment, his head was like a canopy and pearly treasures, each of which exudes a strong power. In the end, Pei Jia even offered a small tripod directly suspended above his head.

At this moment, Pei Jiaxin was bleeding. Only this little tripod was the most precious. This was awarded to him by the owner of the palace of Yunlang Palace, which was enough to resist the imprisonment of Dixian.

But at this moment he could not care so much to force Lin Lang back. God knew that the lunatic would chase him to the Kunxu border all the time. By that time, there is no space storm to stop him. If an immortal wants to kill him, he still needs to work hard?

But apparently, after he sacrificed Xiaoding, Lin Lang also resolutely gave up the pursuit and let Pei Jia leave. At this moment Lin Lang shook his head and turned away.

Because he didn't know how many similar body protection methods Pei Jia had, and how far away the place was from the Kunxu border. Before he was fully prepared, he didn't have enough confidence to pass through the two realms.

Space turbulence is just one of many natural disasters. Whether it is a space turbulence, a meteorite group, or a fire and thunder, it has the ability to kill the immortal instantly.

Soon after, Pei Jia's figure finally appeared in a mountain in Kunxu boundary. Still shocked at this moment, I believe he will never forget, the storm that chased him through space, like a nightmare figure.

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