
With a loud noise, a meteorite in the sky cut through the sky, burning a blazing flame, and the huge impact caused the whole Yongjiang City to shake it.

In the depths of the beast forest, a meteorite impacted on the ground and smashed a 50-meter-long depression directly on the ground. In that depression, a young man was lying peacefully at this moment, without breathing, the entire person. As if dead.

One month passed, the beast forest range restored its tranquility, and many beasts no longer regarded this place as a terrible restricted area. A three-foot-sized vulture fell from the sky, and all beasts retreated. The bucket-thin feet supported the huge Standing on his body, hawkish eyes stared at the prey in front of him.

After a long while, the vulture seemed to have finally determined that a dead man was in front of him, and then flew his wings fluttering at a low altitude, ready to hurry up. At this moment, the vulture was struggling violently around three meters from the corpse, but it seemed to be bound by an invisible force, making it difficult to break free.

Bloodlines spread, reaching into the young man's body, and his body, which had dried up due to the impact, swelled at this time. Shortly after, a vulture's bone appeared on the ground.

As time passed, a golden leopard passed by nearby, and his keen sense of smell immediately smelled a **** smell. He sniffed the smell continuously and finally found a delicious prey. When it wanted to enjoy it, it suddenly roared, and the majestic body dried up quickly and became a standing dead bone.

A group of ghost venomous ants stared at the corpse again, and soon there was only the body of the venomous venomous ants that was as large as a plate and dried up.

Two and a half months later, the beast bones of the ground were full, and it turned into a forbidden area for the beasts. Those bones became a deterrent, and almost no beast dared to approach here half a step.

Gradually, the "corpse" lying on the ground had the first breath, and then had a lot of rapid breathing. It seemed to be greedily absorbing the air between heaven and earth, and then it became stable after many days.

On the weekdays, the beast forest mountains are scarcely visited, because there are too many beasts here, and some fierce beasts have evolved to the level of spirit beasts in the depths of the mountains.

It is said that in the mountains and forests, there are beast kings who have reached the level of the divine realm. Therefore, except for some mercenary regiments who are forced to make a living and have to kill strange beast skins and cramps, basically few people will come to this place.

On this day, an old man and a young man walked through the jungle. The old man was dressed in a clean blue gown, and he was very imposing, and he was already a master of God. As for the pure face of the girl next to her, although it is not beautiful, it can also be included in the beauty seat.

Because there are no so-called makeup methods outside, even if there is rouge, the appearance is almost pure and natural.

"Miss Er, walking inward is the core area of ​​the Beast Forest Mountains, where there are many dangers, even if I am a divine master, I can't go in and out easily," the old man reminded.

"That's it, I just came out to relax and stay at home all day as if I was being imprisoned." The girl shook her head and gave up the idea.

The old man couldn't bear it anymore, and the lady of her own was born with no veins, and her lifelong cultivation was hopeless. How can an uncultivated person not be envious of the cultivation world? Compared with the atmosphere in which Zhong Jia is full of monks, Miss Er is more willing to walk in the mountains.

Maybe this way she can not feel the bad from the world, and the atmosphere of fierce competition. Although Zhong Xuanzhu itself is also very much loved by the owner, but this is a different matter.

"Miss, actually three hundred meters forward is really the real forest perimeter. It doesn't matter if you walk further." The old man said softly.

"No." The girl shook her head and immediately smiled sweetly, her bright eyes were grateful: "Mr. Li, thank you very much for being with me."

Mr. Li shook his head and just said, "This is what we people should do now."

The two returned in the same way. When passing by somewhere, the young girl suddenly stopped and was surprised: "Lao Li, there seems to be someone over there."

The girl's eyes penetrated the gap between the forests, and she saw a young man lying on the ground at a distance of 100 meters away. She walked over to see the other party, still motionless, as if dead.

"Miss Er, be careful." Li Lao asked quickly. In fact, Li Lao noticed Lin Lang when the two came to the road, but did not remind him.

"Miss Er, don't go there. I'm afraid this person is dead. Be careful to get ridiculous." Li Lao chased after him.

"Old Li, you lied to me again. This man obviously has breathing. How could he die?" The girl shook her head. The young man lying on the ground had regular fluctuations in his chest, how could he be dead.

The young girl had to move forward. Old Li's face changed, and she quickly stopped in front of the young girl, and said in a deep voice, "Miss you better not to go there, this person is very dangerous."

"Look at the bones around him, there are many beasts among them. If a person is exposed in the wild like this, how can he not be divided by the beasts, and now even the beasts have become dead bones. I am afraid that this person is not an evil cultivation of evil methods It is those vicious people on the reward list, who are engrossing in flesh and blood to cultivate. "Li Lao exhorted.

"What then ..."

Being so frightened by Li Lao, the young girl was obviously a little panicked. If there was such a wicked person in the wild, how could her rebellious body have any resistance to it, I just need to trouble Li Lao.

But after a moment of panic, the young girl immediately returned to peace, but smiled sweetly at the old man: "Lao Li, you scared me again, how can you come to the beast forest mountains to be a cult? "

"Moreover, even if he is evil cultivation, but he did not devour human flesh. In order to cultivate, he can only hit the attention of these jungle beasts. Such a person is definitely not bad." The girl smiled slyly, the head of the analysis was right, so that Li Old people feel a little dumb.

"Miss Er, let's go back. In case this man was chased down by some enemy, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for our Zhong family." Old Li still shook his head.

"That won't let him wait for death here, how can we be met, and we can't see death but not save it. Let's take him back to the family, there are many famous doctors in the family." The girl said softly, at this moment she took the initiative Walked in the direction of Lin Lang.

Mrs. Li could not help but miss her head, and she could only walk to Lin Lang in front of Zhong Xuanzhu, lifted Lin Lang lazily, and carried her on her back.

"Miss, I'll come."

Mr. Li sighed. The lady of her own is all right, but she is too kind-hearted, and how horrible the killing is in the practice world, and she is dying almost every day. This is the most common thing.

Not long after, Lao Li backed Lin Lang back to Zhong's house, and Zhong Xuanzhu also found a partial room for him. Although it was not gorgeous, it was better than a clean and often cleaned room.

After putting down Lin Lang, Li Lao quickly left with Zhong Xuanzhu, leaving Lin Lang alone in the room.

About half an hour later, Lin Lang opened his eyes and scanned the room around him to find that there were no abnormalities. Then he slowly got up.

Since he was attacked by the mysterious force on the broken continent that day, the situation in the entire body has been chaotic, not only the meridians are broken, but also the foundation of his proud heavenly path has been worn away, leaving one in his body. Jin Dan but no aura.

"How is this going?"

Lin Lang frowned. It was not only the puzzle of the power of the day, but also the condition of his body at the moment. The foundation of heaven is the strongest foundation in the world. It can be cut and killed but it is hard to be destroyed, because it represents part of the will of heaven.

But the one who can destroy the will of the heavens and the strength is already strong to a certain extent. It should be the power of the immortal master who came through the two realms and descended. But what happened on that land that even attracted the attention of the Emperor?

And who finally rescued him from the state of abrasion? How did he come to this world from the earth.

Everything makes him feel confused.

But what is certain is that the place in front of him is likely to be the Kunxu boundary, because the richness of heaven and earth aura has reached a certain level, a hundred times and a thousand times higher than the earth.

"But the priority now is to return to the top, my foundation has been worn away, but fortunately, Jin Dan is still there. Although the power of heaven is no longer at least, it is also at least a proof of being on the fairy land. It should not be difficult to return to this realm. "Lin Lang thought so silently.

But as he introduced the heaven and earth aura into the body, slowly Lin Lang's face became a bit difficult to look, because he could not feel any spiritual power.

In other words, he is like a stone now, and the aura brought by the street is like a copper wall and an iron wall. He cannot enter the body at all.

In other words, he cannot cultivate.

"What's going on?" Lin Lang hurriedly looked inside, and found that Linghai was as heavy as a mountain, and Jin Dan also fell into Linghaiquan's eyes and couldn't ascend. The body was blocked by an invisible force. The invisible rules imprisoned his body, and his pores could not penetrate the slightest aura.

"It is the law of heaven that restrains my body. The breath of heaven is above nine days, and it is above the aura. The aura is restricted by the realm and cannot pass through the sky, so this situation is before us." How long it took to get a correct guess.

"But does this mean the same ... Does it mean ..." Lin Lang felt the strength of heavenly power in his flesh and began to breathe quickly: "Does this mean that my constitution is no longer a mortal body, but a heavenly body ! "

The breath of heaven and his body have been entangled completely, regardless of each other, and they are also constantly squeezing his physical potential, which means that he has become a unique body of heaven that bears the breath of heaven!

This kind of physique is modern, even if there is no whole fairyland history. There are few monks who have the foundation of the heavenly path, and they can be crushed into the flesh before the foundation of the heavenly path has grown, and no one has ever done it!

Because the foundation of the heavenly path is already the strongest and has terrible potential, but who is willing to be ordinary and crushes the precious foundation of the heavenly path.

Lin Lang asked himself that he would never have thought of this way to practice before he had experienced the accident, and even if he thought of it, he might not dare to try it. Give up the opportunity to become a Xeon, just to bet on a foundation?

No one will do this.

Lin Lang tried to punch out with a punch, the space in front of them was trembling, and a wave of space rippled quickly. Above his fist, a burst of oppression was exuded.

There is no surprise that this boxer Lin Lang has the confidence to crack the second-order Renxian, and he still does not use his full strength. How terrible is the ability to kill immortals by physical power alone?

"Then how do I cultivate next?"

Lin Lang frowned later. Although the heavenly body is good, he cannot stay in the first three stages of the immortal all the time, always thinking about his future life.

"The Tao of Heaven is the first of all the Taos of the heavens. It governs the various ways of the world, and the heaven is even higher. It governs the beings of the world. The aura, including the aura, is just a power within its rule. It is absolutely impossible to pass through the heavens. . "

"So I have only two ways to go now. One is to relinquish other people's reincarnation and rebuild, and the other is to keep this heavenly body and continue to explore the mysteries."

In all fairness, Lin Lang does not want to take the former path, because after all, he won't be his own, and he will certainly fail when he hits that highest state. He cannot go this way.

"But the heavens and the flesh are already separated from each other, how can I cultivate?" Lin Lang began to meditate, and countless possibilities evolved in his mind. All kinds of speculations rose from thoughts and were immediately overturned.

Finally, at a certain moment, Lin Lang's eyes were shining brightly, erupting into a golden light: "Who said that the sky must be high above all else, wouldn't it mean that even detachment is subject to the control of heaven and earth. This is not my wish. I want to detach myself from this day and let Heaven can't hold my eyes. "

"If the sky is up, I'll change it!"

When this kind of thought arose, Lin Lang's heart was full of lofty sentiments. The monks claimed that they were going against the sky, but who could really go against the sky.

At the same time, Lin Lang's thoughts became extremely clear. At this moment when he understood the goal of the practice, Tao was extremely pure. Think of thousands of feasible solutions in an instant, but were rejected one by one.

There are countless heavenly breath in his body, and his flesh and blood is equivalent to the carrier of heavenly heaven, so can he make himself a true heavenly carrier and control the direction of heavenly heavenly breath in his body.

In that case, the whole body's heavenly breath can be concentrated in one place, and not only can it be re-cultivated, but it can also be a punch that is full of heavenly breath.

This idea is obviously feasible, but how to control the breath of heaven is a problem, but after a clear direction, Lin Lang can also speculate in this direction.

With his knowledge, it is not impossible to create such a secret method!

Just as Lin Lang's thoughts flashed in his mind, a sudden knock sounded outside the door. Lin Lang cleaned his clothes, and said, "Come in."

Entering the room were Zhong Xuanzhu and Lao Li, beside them they also carried an old man with black hair and white beard, with a long beard constantly fluttering in the wind.

"Are you awake?" Zhong Xuanzhu pushed in the door and saw Lin Lang sitting on the bed, surprised at the time.

"Um." Lin Lang nodded and smiled. "Thank you for your life-saving grace. If it weren't for you, I would have been buried by now."

Of course, he knew Zhong Xuanzhu. Although he only breathed a little while in the beast forest, he didn't hinder his ability to perceive. After a quick glance at the divine thought, he knew something about Zhong Xuanzhu in the entire Zhong family.

"You're welcome, save one's life and win the seventh-level floating slaughter." Zhong Xuanzhu smiled playfully and said, "You lie down, you are a patient now. I deliberately invited the master Donglin you invited to heal you, He is a famous doctor in Yongjiang City. "

"It's okay. Thank you for your care. I'm almost recovered." Lin Lang smiled.

"How is that? Master Donglin has already come, do you disappoint others to come here thousands of miles, and you still want his old man to fight back home like this?" Zhong Xuanzhu glared at Lin Lang and looked back to the east Master Lin said, "Master, don't mind, this man fell from the mountain, as if he had broken his brain."

"Stop taboos and doctors."

Master Donglin Muran shook his head and said nothing more. In this case, he didn't know how much he had seen, and naturally he didn't care. Then immediately stepped forward, and took the pulse for Lin Lang.

When Lin Lang saw Zhong Xuanzhu's insistent request, he did not disappoint others. Anyway, this Donglin master is not good at repairing, and it is good to let him investigate.

Of course, Lao Li also had this kind of thought. Ms. Er brought it back to her without knowing how to make it. Master Dong Lin is also a demon-level monk and proficient in medical practice. He can explore some details at his full ability.

However, Master Donglin's brows became tighter and tighter with the passage of time. The frowns on his behalf represented his confusion.

Finally, after a while, Master Donglin finally released Lin Lang's wrist and rose up and said, "This person is no longer in trouble, and his physical injuries have recovered."


Looking at Master Donglin's slurping, the second half didn't say anything, Li Lao asked afterwards: "It's nothing? But is there anything abnormal, or is there any hidden danger?"

Master Donglin shook his head: "There are no hidden dangers, but he is a stubborn stone body. The body cannot pass through the aura. The aura is dead like a grinding disc. In general. Not like a stone body but more than a stone body. "

"In this situation, the old man can only be seen in his life ..."

Master Donglin shook his head endlessly.

Zhong Xuanzhu was silent for a moment. No one knows better than her what the stubborn body represents. She is inherently unable to cultivate, but it does not prevent her from entering the body and nourishing her body. But the stubborn body is not.

This is the whole Kunxu world. Reiki is ubiquitous. Even mortals can nourish 80 years of age under the nourishment of Reiki. Of course, this is a condition that is free from illness and disease in a lifetime.

But compared to the stone body, the stone body cannot penetrate the slightest aura, which means that his normal life span is less than ordinary people. The stubborn body is inferior to the mortal body.

"I can't believe Miss Er, you paid such a great price, even for a stubborn body." Master Donglin sighed and shook his head. The old man Li hurried out and personally sent Master Dong Lin out of Zhong's house.

After a while, the two returned to Lin Lang's room. Zhong Xuanzhu didn't make a fool, he moved the stool to sit around the tea table, and chatted with Lin Lang after a while.

When the three talked about Lin Lang's origins, Lin Lang just said in a humble voice: "I wasn't originally from this place. Later, an immortal teacher saw me with a **** body, and took me away from home. I did n’t want to encounter an enemy when I was passing by the mountains. I did n’t care about me during the fierce battle. Then I fell unconscious from the sky. "

Lin Xuan was amused by Lin Lang for a moment, and then stopped for a long time. This man is obviously a stubborn stone body that cannot be cultivated, but it is really interesting to brag about himself and take on a peerless **** body.

However, she didn't reveal it, just whispered: "I can't tell you are quite cheerful. You are still joking like this, please rest assured here. Anything you need to remember to mention to me."

It is also impossible to cultivate. Zhong Xuanzhu can understand each other's mood, but it is rare to be so cheerful when he knows that he cannot cultivate.

"People always look forward, don't they?" Lin Lang chuckled. Who said that the stubborn body cannot be cultivated, even if he is a stubborn body, there is a way to cultivate, even if the imprisonment of the heavenly body does not have a dawn in front of him?

The two talked more and more speculatively. In the end, Zhong Xuanzhu's heart also resonated a little, and they couldn't cultivate. The fate of the two of them was surprisingly similar.

"Your injury is almost better now, and there is no one to be alone in Yongjiang City. If you have no plans, you might as well stay in our Zhong family." Zhong Xuanzhu invited out loud: "I'm in Zhong family anyway. It ’s boring to be alone, so just talk to me and accompany me. "

"I've always been alone and I'm not used to these days of shackles." Lin Lang shook his head. When he first arrived in Kunxu, he didn't understand anything, but he wanted to know Zhong Xuanzhu to understand this place, but the price was that he would never accept it as a servant.

Zhong Xuanzhu knew Lin Lang's misunderstanding a little while thinking, so he smiled and said, "You may have misunderstood, I mean you are now helpless, so you might as well stay in Zhong's house first, and not be hungry .We're friends."

Lin Lang hesitated a little, but nodded. His eyes were obscured by the situation here, not to mention whether it was unclear whether it was in the Kunxu community.

In addition, it takes time to explore the method of controlling the breath of heaven. For the time being, there is a place to stay in Zhongjia. It is not too late to plan for restoration. Anyway, his divine thought has swept the circle of Zhong family, and the strongest person is just the pinnacle of Divine Realm.

Here he wanted to leave, no one could keep him.

"Then take a good rest. I'll look for you tomorrow." Zhong Xuanzhu smiled sweetly, and seemed to find a rare playmate, leaving happily.

As for Li Lao wandering for a long time in front of Lin Lang's door, he wanted to go in to force Lin Lang away. He said that the ridiculous lady was ridiculous. How could a mortal who did not know his origins and did not cultivate in the slightest be guarded?

But Mr. Li also knew that the Zhong family were all monks, especially the young lady was selected by the seven major gates of the Kunxu market. It is difficult to find a mortal in this family, and the lady is too boring for too long, and there is no one to find the same listener.

Thinking of this, Lao Li's heart softened again, but he only falsely told the owner of the incident. The Zhong owner didn't care when he heard that the other party was a stubborn stone body. Anyway, Lao Li, a master of divine spirit, followed his daughter. What could go wrong?

Just one night passed.

Lin Lang whole person is immersed in the enlightenment, constantly trying to adjust the breath of heaven in the collective to one place. In such a long perception, three days have passed.

Many Zhong family members also heard that Miss Er rescued an ordinary person, and often ran into their room every three minutes and five, especially a mortal who had not practiced any magic, and did not take it seriously.

The Zhong family is a relatively large Xiuxian family in Yongjiang City. What a mortal is here, it is estimated that Miss Er will get tired in two days.

Zhong Xuan Bamboo was about to go out on this day, and naturally he called Lao Li and Lin Lang together. He planned to go to a banquet in Yongjiang City on behalf of the Zhong family. Coincidentally, Lin Lang also planned to go into the city to see, and naturally went with him.

Zhong Xuanzhu sent Li Lao to send two sets of clothes, some of which look similar to Tang suits on the earth. Although they don't look very gorgeous, at least Lin Lang puts on a good fit and is neat, and the washed white clothes are even more It is his temperament of flowing dust.

"I haven't wore this kind of clothes for many years, but it still fits better." Lin Lang loosened his bones, and he was wearing this ancient costume in the fairyland. Now he puts on this kind of clothes again. A feeling of stepping into the practice world.

"But it's good. It looks more pleasing to you than the strange costumes you used to have before." Zhong Xuan Bamboo's eyes are colorful and the material of the clothes is very ordinary. They are worn by people, but now they wear Lin Lang with a sense of standing. .

"Let's go."

Lin Lang shook his head.

It was just that several people had just stepped out of the door, and three men came in front of them from outside the gate of the family.

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