This battle came suddenly, but it continued for a while, until Wang Gucheng completely hosted the wedding, and the battle came to an end at this time.

Han Zilong smiled wildly, his body was stained with Yin red blood, the **** smell was tangy, and his shirt was torn in a strong collision between the two sides, exposing solid muscles.

At the same time, the battle on Zhao Zilong's side also began to end, but compared to Han Zilong's condition, Zhao Zilong was much better. The sword behind him was sheathed and his breath was stable. He could not see the experience of a battle.

The two returned, Yun Jingcheng and other disciples of Yunlang Palace did not return with them, which is enough to prove some problems. I'm afraid they can't return in this life.

"I still have blood on my body, so I won't make fun of it." Han Zilong grinned roughly, then stepped forward, stepped directly into the crowd, and found a place to drink.

Zhao Zilong also smiled slightly, his temperament as usual, and returned to the crowd after paying tribute to Lin Langyu.

"You killed them?"

The old man at Yunlang Palace suddenly looked gloomy.

"Yes, I also chopped their skins and ate their meat. Well, Ye Xuanzong's chef, this dog meat is really good." Han Zilong's voice came from the crowd. Is chewing.

"Okay. You two will be buried today." The strength of these people is not higher than him, but their identities are extremely high. They are the top geniuses of Yunlang Palace. They are known as Kirinzi-like characters, and each has the qualification to break through the immortals.

Ye Xuanzong is now dying one by one. If he does not chop off the players, he will not escape if he returns. These people are a hundred times more important than him.

"Don't go, too."

Wang Gucheng faintly uttered a voice, with a big sleeve and a roll, the old man of Yunlang Palace was disappointed. This was the strong man who killed the immortal. There was no time to resist, Wang Gucheng's sleeves bloomed in full bloom, and the old man of Yunlang Palace was directly involved in the sleeve robe. I saw Wang Gucheng's sleeve trembled a few times, and there was no sound.

There was just a drop of blood between his fingers.

This is the power of immortals!

Just by being in your sleeves, you can kill and kill a powerful man with a divine perfection. You can imagine the horror of the fairy. Of course, this is also the case where Wang Gucheng sat down with Lin Lang, and experienced the baptism of Thunder for nearly half a month, completely controlling Renxiu Xiu, and this has the power of today.

"Wang Gucheng still has such a mighty shot. What kind of terrible situation should Lin Youye never take?" Everyone looked at Lin Lang's location with awe.

I'm afraid it's already invincible.

The emergence of Kunxujie and others is just a trivial episode, which does not affect the overall situation. But this time the wedding is coming to an end.

Lin Lang took Chen Miaoxuan toasting everywhere, but to the extent of his status, he only raised the wine glass in the hands of the opposite guests, and the other side would feel the glory and drink the wine in the glass.

However, several people, Lin Lang, respected him personally. These were the elders in his family and the elders of Chen Miaoxuan. Qiao Yunxiang held Chen Jianwu's arm and looked at the new couple with great emotion. If it wasn't for Chen Miaoxuan who had secretly received the marriage certificate on her back, she might have been hiccupped if she didn't know.

Fortunately, her daughter has real eyes. Otherwise, the Chen family will have the status it has today, and they have the qualifications for equal dialogue with the five big families in Kyoto.

Later, Lin Lang toasted a few more glasses separately. These people were Wang Gucheng and others. Today is his day of great joy, and it is inconvenient for them to shot. These people simply shot for him.

Han Zilong and Zhao Zilong are together. At the same time, the world's top powerhouse naturally has a lot to talk about, and it didn't take long for them to become familiar with each other.

"This cup respects you. I have also been a **** lover to Huaxia Valkyrie for a long time, and today I really met once." Lin Lang smiled, raised his glass, and went all out.

"At that time on the national air island battle, you were guarding nearby. Although you did not show up, Lin was grateful." Lin Lang smiled slightly.

"I didn't help you at that time, thank you." Zhao Zilong laughed. At that time, Lin Lang had a war with several sacrifice gods in Japan. Zhao Zilong got the news and rushed over. He planned to rescue Lin Lang if he was really helpless. He never expected Lin Lang to return unscathed.

Speaking of this, Zhao Zilong's face suddenly changed, he got up abruptly, said that he was out of acquaintance, and hurried to the sky, flying towards the distance.

Soon after, a heroic woman landed on Ye Xuanzong's square, holding a cold and aggressive long knife in her hand, with a terrifying look, and her face was cold as snow. When she fell, she asked, "Where is Zhao Zilong, Let him get out of me. "

"Brother Zhao flew to the other side." Han Zilong pointed to the direction in which Zhao Zilong flew away, and then shouted loudly, "Brother Zhao, this woman wants to chase you, do I need to help you take him together."

"To shut up."

The woman holding the knife gave a cold glance, and then there was a roar at her feet, and she chased after Zhao Zilong's direction.

"Brother Han, don't you see it?" Lin Lang's mouth appeared with a sense of interest, and he smiled.

"of course!"

Han Zilong laughed, and then looked at Lin Lang together, all seeing each other's meaning, laughing at each other. Zhao Zilong provoked Zuo Qiudao, don't look at this woman who only has the first-level cultivation of Divine Realm, but Zhao Zilong who can chase flees in haste, this debt is probably not good enough to get rid of.


Somewhere in China.

A man in ancient costume was walking in the streets and alleys, and the vast consciousness swept across the city, selecting every eligible earth person.

"The indigenous people from the outside world are not nourished by the heavens and the earth, and have never started cultivation. It is not easy to find some talents." Pei Jia shook her head. In fact, it is not that the human talent outside the Kunxu community is not enough, but Pei Jia's vision is too high, and he has always selected excellent talents based on his qualifications.

This undoubtedly makes the difficulties a lot.


The jade pendant hanging from Pei Jia's waist brightened. This is a messaging jade, similar to the effect of a modern mobile phone, which can transmit messages over long distances, but it is much better than a mobile phone.

"Yu Jingcheng died in battle ..."

Pei Jia frowned. Xi Jingcheng was hailed as the genius of Yunlang Palace's young generation who is likely to surpass his Pei Jia. Although the cultivation time is short, the talent can be compared with him.

"Dead and die, although I don't need to worry about him surpassing me, but one opponent is always good, and Zongmen's resources will be tilted to me completely." Pei Jia thought silently.

However, at this time, the news of Yu Pei lit up again, and this time the news returned was that his face suddenly gloomed down, and his body burst into infinite murder.

Fu Xuanxiu and the three heavenly arrogants died in Ye Xuanzong!

This news made Pei Jia's face completely eerie and murderous. He can care less about the life and death of Yun Jingcheng, or even the life and death of the other Tianjiao.

But only Fuxuan show!

He has to care!

Few people know that from the beginning, Pei Jia met Fu Xuanxiu. At that time, he loved the former teacher and sister, but He Jiaren had no intention but never gave up the pursuit.

You must know that he pursued this woman for a long time, and devoted a lot of effort to the other person. Even the reason why Fu Xuanxiu was able to break through the divine realm was largely because of Pei Jia's help, and he did n’t know how much elixir he gave. Assistant cultivation.

But now, his hard work is gone, and the beautiful woman he admired died even this time.

"Xiuer, I didn't protect you." Pei Jia's complexion was getting more and more complexion. Her red eyes were like fierce bloodthirsty beasts. The whole person was on the verge of violence. He screamed almost word by word: "Ye Xuanzong, I will make you pay."

He leaped forward, stepped on his flying sword, and the whole man flew in the direction of Ye Xuanzong at a terrifying speed. He wanted to kill. He wanted to destroy the entire Ye Xuanzong as a funeral of his beloved woman. With his perfect cultivation in his divine realm, it was enough to kill any sectarian power in this ordinary world!

However, he just flew out not far, and the third message returned from the news of Yu Pei was that his figure in the air suddenly stopped, and it was difficult to express his anger by crushing his fists.

The message on that third day was: "Don't come, man!"

When the news came to an abrupt end, Pei Jiayu stood in place. Renxian, when there was a strong man of this rank in the vulgar world, even if he cultivated for the world, he knew that he could not defeat Renxian, because that already represented another field.

But he is not willing, he is not willing to go on like this!

"What about Renxian, unless you don't care about your family and no foundation." Pei Jia has been completely insane at this moment. He will never take into account any humanity or worry about the warning of Xuanyuan. He just wants revenge.

Even if you can't fight the fairy, you will destroy the most precious thing of the fairy! The only way to calm his anger a little.

Pei Jia's figure went away quickly. With his current strength, he can really do whatever he wants in the ordinary world. Only a few hours later, he completely understood Lin Lang's heels.

He rushed to various places with anger, but reality once again made him stingy. Because today is Lin Youye's wedding day, all relatives and friends who have a close relationship with Lin Lang are already on Ye Xuanzong, and there is no place to kill.

There is nothing worse than this.

He couldn't beat the other party, but wanted to get revenge, but he could n’t find a relative or friend of the other party. He did n’t have time to wait, because the passage to the Kunxu world would be closed tomorrow. At this moment, Pei Jia was completely embarrassed, but fortunately: "Well, if you do such a great job, I will ruin your foundation!"

Soon after, Pei Jia's figure appeared over Nanliao Province, and under his feet was the 17-story building of the Yueyue Company. He stood on the cloud, the brilliance of the palm of his hand broke out, and it immediately hit the building of the company.


The building collapsed. Where can I withstand the wrath of a congenital peaking powerman. The building began to collapse completely within just a few breaths. Numerous employees sitting in the office are waiting for the coming off-hours.

Disaster comes suddenly!

Numerous people were buried in the ruins and the 17-story building collapsed. How could these ordinary people survive the disaster. Even more terrible is the building dumping, pedestrians, vehicles below, buried under the ruins, and numerous injuries.

All kinds of tragedies are already unavoidable!

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