Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 552: Can the sword be sharp?

Wang Gucheng's magical power was broken, but he didn't panic. Instead, he sat directly on the solitary boat with his eyes closed. It seemed that the defeat of his own magical power could not lift any waves of his state of mind.

"This is the second move."

Wang Gucheng fainted, but there was no change in the surroundings. He still sat quietly on the lone boat, without any intention to do anything.

"Where's the second move? What did Senior Wang do? Is it going to work? That's not right. He didn't radiate any fluctuations."

"Lin Youye is the same. He doesn't move anymore. Is he still waiting for the old man to prepare moves?" Zhou Ren watched the war in wonder.

They couldn't understand why the two were still in the air, as if they were tacit and stopped shooting. But what they couldn't see was that the scenery around Lin Lang had already changed greatly at this moment.

The second move of Wang Gucheng is the impact of fantasy!

The sea around him has long been transformed into a vast palace group, and it is brilliant in gold. The prototype of the entire palace is made of gold. A human-sized night pearl hangs on the plaque of each palace. Decorated with countless brilliant diamonds.

For the price to pay for casting such a palace complex, I am afraid that the emperors of the previous era will be amazed.

"Is it a fantasy?"

Lin Lang whispered to himself, the pace at his feet was not slow, and his eyes did not linger on the palace, hurried past.


Wang Gucheng said softly. In an instant, countless sceneries changed in front of Lin Lang's eyes. A lot of coins, pearls and diamonds appeared in the open space of the palace, and everything that people could think of appeared one by one.

There is greed in the world, but the degree of greed is different, and the types of greed are also different. If Lin Lang craves power, he can be a true emperor in this fantasy. If Lin Lang is greedy for money, he can also be rich and worthy here.

Lin Lang hurried past the Jiuchi meat forest, surrounded by countless beautiful women, Yingying Yanyan, each of them looks like a fairy, still difficult to move his heart.

"Most of the practitioners are six pure, how could they be tempted by these things." Lin Lang was amused and moved on, but as his thoughts flashed, a book shelf appeared in front of him, and there were countless displays on it. Precious Code.

Lin Lang's eyes hurriedly glanced, and the consciousness suddenly shook. There was actually the Code of Jiuxiao here. In addition, the holy law of the bright people and the township of the dragons and phoenixes were extinct. As long as he could call the names, they were placed quietly. On the bookshelf.

What's more frightening is that he hurriedly scanned the pages of the book, and the geniuses recorded on it were exactly the same as those he knew, and every technique was true! After reading a few words, Lin Lang's heart gave birth to a sense of identity.

"Using my memory to make me think it's all true?" Lin Lang's mouth sneered, and other people might become greedy and lost in the center of this fantasy, but use this trick to deal with him But it is definitely the biggest failure.

He had never seen many kinds of illusions in his life. Although Wang Gucheng realized by himself, the creation of the illusion was too rough, and he was penetrated by the truth at a glance.

"Since I can copy my memory, I'll let you copy it." Lin Lang smiled, fluttered, and in the blink of an eye an emperor wearing a purple gold crown and holding a scepter appeared.

This is the night king of the night that suppressed the universe.

All sorts of greed had arisen because of his thoughts, but all were shattered by the Emperor Zijin at a glance.


Wang Gucheng whispered.

Immediately, Lin Lang transformed into numerous enemies. Among them were the Protoss and the Bright Saints. All the enemies of Lin Lang's previous lives all appeared in front of them, and their eyes were wide open.

The Emperor Zijin still glanced at it, and a thousand rays of light erupted in his eyes, and countless enemies exploded instantly. As he moved along, he encountered more and more enemies, but each of them fell with his footsteps, as many as possible disappeared.

Wang Gucheng suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were covered with blood. His second move was indeed a fantasy, aimed at people's greed, but it was difficult to play a role in the face of Lin Lang. This forced him to terminate the illusion in advance, and even the last obsession was not used.

"Also, since the dilemma is useless to you, then try the last trick tailored for you." When the voice dropped, Wang Gucheng raised his head again, I do n’t know when to add a fishing rod in his hand, and the hook He didn't put any bait, flung the fishing line, and was thrown into the sea by him.

"There is also Taigong Jiang fishing, and those who wish to hook, I have a sense of sentiment, imitate the predecessors and move, and sat down in the ice field for decades to realize. The so-called wish is only the word causality. fruit."

Wang Gucheng's faint voice sounded. At this moment, a fishhook suddenly fell silently in the air in front of Lin Lang and was floating in front of him. Before he could take the initiative, the fishhook suddenly moved and floated directly into Lin Lang's body.

"If there is a cause, there is a result." Wang Gucheng still held the fishing rod in his hand, and a voice of indifference sounded: "You and I did not know each other, but the reason for the immediate encounter is the way of cause and effect. "

"I put down the fishing lure in Nanliao Province. You got the pre-Qin refining dinger due to greed and voluntarily bite the fishhook. Since then, the cause and effect between you and me have been doomed."

"Later, you got engaged with my great-grandson, Queen Yi Qing, and it was the cause and effect between us that made you meet me today."

"The fish is hooked."

When Wang Gucheng talked, Lin Lang's heart tightened, as if a rule in the dark had implicated the two together and could not be erased. With each time Wang Gucheng spoke, the connection between the two of them became subtle.

Even, at some point, Lin Lang couldn't even stand up against Wang Gucheng, as if his elder was sitting opposite him, so he couldn't attack.

You don't want to kill the other person, but the other person is always thinking about killing you. You can't help it, but the other person has it!

This is undoubtedly deadly for real killing!

"It was really rare to get involved in causality." Lin Lang looked at Wang Gucheng with a hint of vigilance in his expression. The way of cause and effect has always been difficult to find. Only a few Buddhist monks can appreciate the way of cause and effect.

Although the cause and effect way is not a very powerful way, it can be used to track and subtly affect the emotions of others. Wang Gucheng was able to enlighten himself without the guidance of his predecessors, and even developed it into an independent magical power, which is really incredible.

And there has been no good way to deal with the cause and effect, only the source of cause and effect is fundamentally removed. To put it another way, it is to kill Wang Gucheng!

"Wang Gucheng, these little tricks are useless to me. Is it that you are old and you can no longer hold the sword?" Lin Langyu laughed, and then yelled.

"Wang Gucheng, you can even move your sword, and your sword is sharp!"

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