Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 553: False border

Can I mention the moving sword?

Can the sword be sharp?

Two cheers fell down, Lin Lang's violent momentum set off beside him, raging like a tide, the edge could not be seen, and surged in the direction of Wang Gucheng.

Today, the true age of Wang Gucheng is even more than two hundred years old. It is undoubtedly an unattainable age for ordinary people, as well as for practitioners. Even if the Shou Yuan is enough, there is no more than three or four hundred years of Shou Yuan.

It can be said that this aged Wang Gucheng has begun to enter his twilight years. The moving sword that can also be mentioned can be called a question on Wang Gucheng himself. The world thinks that Wang Gucheng is old and has lost his prestige. As a result, the Divine Land Treaty was loosened, and the bulls, ghosts, and snake gods of all parties have appeared in the world, and they also think that Wang Gucheng's combat power is far less than that year.

Instead of questioning Lin Lang's words, he was better at convincing the warriors of the whole world. Is Wang Gucheng really old? Whether he can still be like the peak of the year, countless enemies are killed with one sword.

This matter is equally curious for everyone.

For these inexplicable voices, Wang Gucheng did not answer, but made the best response with the sword in his hand.

"Sword up!"

Wang Gucheng calmly opened his mouth, the sword that had been deeply inserted into the snow behind him shivered violently, and the surrounding snow surface began to melt. With a light sword singing, the sword broke out of the ground and returned to Wang Gucheng's hands.

The sword is breathtaking and imposing!

This is the best interpretation of the state of Wang Gu at this moment!

He waved his sword gently, and the silver sword reflected the shadow on the snow. With his movement, a terrible storm of sword air aroused around him, and the countless snowflakes rolled up across the sky.

The vertical and horizontal sword air is raging, and each one has the power to easily kill the divine realm. Even the fluttering snowflakes are stained with a trace of sword air. The landing is a sword pit that is several meters deep.

Wang Gucheng used his actions to tell all the questioners that the hero is not old, and the sword of the world can still be cut off!

Can the sword be sharp?

Now for eighty years, the edge is as old as ever!

"It is indeed Wang Gucheng. It really is like the old one. One person suppressed it." Everyone sighed. From the figure of Yingwu in Wang Gucheng, we can see the white sword **** in the previous era, pushing Liuhewu horizontally. opponent.

"This is not weaker than the peak period of Wang Gucheng at that time. It is still as powerful as the sword of the day, and the undefeated myth is as sharp as before." The lord of Ise Jingu sighed. As Wang Gucheng's old opponent, he was naturally qualified to speak.

"Lin Youye also never lost, but the two of them are surprisingly consistent at this point, just don't know who can laugh to the end and be the true undefeated myth." A warrior began.

"You don't understand the fright of Wang Gucheng at all."

Ise Jingu shrine shook his head.

He had witnessed firsthand that he had personally experienced the era of Wang Gucheng, and that man had not lost since he was born, and was invincible until the war subsided. One hundred years later, the strength of Wang Gucheng is afraid to be more unpredictable.

No one who has not experienced that era can know the true power of Wang Gucheng. Even the master of Ise Jingu, who is ninety-nine percent complete, has to admit that his old rival is now far beyond him.

"I heard that you also use swords, and also show your sword, otherwise you have no chance." Wang Gucheng sword pointed at Lin Lang and said lightly.

"Not needed yet."

Lin Lang shook his head, but there was a dark iron command in his hand. The iron command was dark in color and glowed a little green. At the center, it depicts the image of an old man riding a green bull. Above the old man, It is engraved with the word 'Dao'.

"Is this your weapon? Use a token to deal with me, it would be too big." Wang Gucheng faintly said.

Wang Gucheng didn't see anything strange, and everyone in the room couldn't learn the origin of the iron order, but only one person suddenly contracted his eyes when he saw the token.

"This is ..." Lin Mofan's breathing began to rush, his eyes filled with incredibleness: "This is the inheritance token of Daomen. Shouldn't it have been lost in the hands of the previous generation? ! "

Daomen token, which is the symbol of Daoism, is said to contain a huge secret. The whole Daoism is only qualified to hold Daoism. However, with the disappearance of Li Mujun, the predecessor of the previous generation, this token has not reappeared in the world for many years.

"Did he have something to do with the previous leader, maybe it was ... rebuilding and rebuilding?" Thinking of this speculation, Lin Mofan struck an instant. It's no wonder that Lin Youye practiced at a superb speed. At a young age, he had reached a perfect completion of the divine realm. This horrible speed of cultivation should never have occurred.

The most probable explanation is to relinquish and rebuild. It is difficult for the monk to renounce others, but it is not difficult for the immortal who can leave the body for a short time.

Before Lin Youye was eighteen years old, she was unknown, but she was still an ordinary person, but after eighteen years of age, she stepped into practice and has broken through from low-level martial arts to what she is today. It is also only through the possibility of losing the house that the power of the previous generation to teach Qidan Jindan can be cultivated to this level in such a short time.

Now think about it ... The origins of Lin Youye indeed have a lot of doubts worth considering.

"If the return of the predecessor to teach is undoubtedly a disaster for the contemporary leader, how could he have had the predecessor of the predecessor holding an orthodox head command." Lin Mofan worried, Taoist There are also many factions in China, but unfortunately, he is exactly the confidant of the contemporary leader.

Just as Lin Mofan was thinking, the war in the sky had already begun. Wang Gucheng held the sword to kill him. The sword was shocking and the mountains shook.

Lin Lang held the iron gate of the gate, and under the infusion of spiritual power, the iron beam emitted an ink-colored brilliance. It seemed that the darkness that enveloped one party and the earth came, whether it was sword or snowflakes.

After hitting the bump, Lin Lang shook his body to avoid it, and the sword energy remained unrelenting. He directly cut off a corner of the mountain and rolled down huge stones, making a deafening noise.

With such a mighty sword, it is conceivable that I am afraid that it is an ordinary **** who is 90% perfect and is hit by the front. I am afraid that he may be seriously injured on the spot.

This is Wang Gucheng.

Eighty years ago, he could defeat the fellowship of fellow initiates. Today, eighty years later, he can not only defeat, but even easily crush!

Faced with such an opponent, I am afraid that most people will despair.

There is a hint of worry on the Lin family's face. Although Lin Lang's strength is detached, he may be a bit worse than Wang Gucheng, who was already famous 80 years ago. The blow that has just been explained to some extent Something went wrong.

As everyone knows, Lin Lang stepped back a few steps, but looked at the iron gate with a frown. There was a strange power in this token, which was a weird devouring power, even the spiritual power he poured into the token. Most of them were swallowed up, so that they had to rush to the enemy and had to avoid it first.

Lin Lang originally wanted to exchange the token directly, but was also interested in exploring the mystery of Tie Ling, so he temporarily put down this idea and began to try to grasp the strange power in the token. This power can also be used as an effective means of attack.

"You are just that."

Wang Gucheng laughed loudly, stepped out a few steps, shrunk into countless distances, appeared directly in front of Lin Lang, and slashed with his sword. Although he has been comprehending the Taoism in these years, everyone who originally used swords has been incorporated into the swordsmanship by most of his sentiments. It can be said that his sword is even more terrifying than magic.

Moreover, Wang Gucheng is already holding one end of the cause-effect line. I saw Lin Lang dodge a few times, and soon the two fought again.

Within a few rounds, Lin Lang was able to initially control the mysterious power in the token, and exerted his power. He held the iron order in his hand, but the iron order with a length of one foot bloomed with sword power, and cut forward with a heavy amount of devour.

The two soldiers continued to collide in the air, causing fierce Mars, but no one regressed, killing even more fiercely, the sword gas burst out, and one move can be used to cut any gods.

The battle between the two was getting fiercer and fierce. One move was more dangerous than the other, and the spiritual collision involved in the attack was even larger. Even if a strong man like Ise Jingu is joined, I am afraid that between three or two rounds will be kicked out.

Because the power that the two of them can use, they are already above the 90% perfection of the divine realm, almost immortal!

The vertical and horizontal sword gas cut off the cliffs, Lin Lang slashed thousands of lakes, and nearly cut Wang Gucheng back. Wang Gucheng missed a move, sweeping the top of Laoshan Mountain down to a layer of stone surface, and the hard rock couldn't stop it. A ditch of 100 meters in length was plowed by Jianqi.

The mountains crumbled, the lake sprayed, and the ground was cut into sharp trenches by sharp swords. Wherever the two passed, the forest planted with pine trees was also devastated and was about to be destroyed.

With such fierce fighting, the expression of the two lonely kings also brought a sense of dignity. Lin Lang was able to use his iron sword to exert his sword energy. Such a state is no less weak than him.

This is probably that a sword in his heart is better than a sword in his hand. Everything can be a sword in his hands. Sword is not only a weapon, but also a kind of spirit. Only when you understand the kendo to a high level can you exert your sword energy.

You can even shoot out your sword with your fingers.

"Wang Gucheng, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. If you keep your hands on me again, I will chop you today." Then we kill ourselves today. "

Listening to the conversation between the two, the hearts of the people suddenly shook and looked at the two with incredible disbelief. Especially the master of Ise Palace, at this moment it looks like he's seen a ghost. To this extent, it seems that listening to the meaning of two people did not try their best to each other?

Have they reserved each other?

But what kind of power is that? !!

"Okay, then I will open the seal today. You are the only opponent in these years who is qualified to let me fight with all my strength, regardless of life or death!"

The word of Wang Gucheng fell, and heavy golden rings erupted on his body. Each layer of golden rings was covered with a layer of dazzling gold powder, as if a golden robe was added. The whole person was like a god.

On top of his head, there was a golden ball like a panacea, and half of the incomplete gold pattern was imprinted on the top. It stopped abruptly in the middle, and felt a little lacking.

But it is precisely when such a golden dan appears, the whole person of Wang Gucheng is like a black hole that devours everything, full of deadly attraction. An overwhelming moment of coercion descends above all beings, which is trembling!

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