On the top of the mountain, the two peerless silhouettes stared at each other for a long time, and the cold wind was cold. It seemed that because of their existence, the snow and ice also showed signs of melting.

Although one of them was in the beginning, the fame was no longer under Wang Gucheng, and even in many people's minds, he even thought of overtaking Wang Gucheng.

As for the other person, although he has been far away from his era of arrogance, and the young and upright figure has gradually grown old, he can still see the sharp edge of that year through this back.

Both are strong men who have dominated an era.

"You are an old man, and you have defended the sovereignty of Huaxia martial arts. I respect you as a personal masterpiece, but today ’s battle is inevitable. You go ahead."

Lin Lang said faintly.

"Well a junior, but I still know how to be polite, but do you think I will spare you?" Wang Gucheng's eyes broke out, as sharp as a sword: "Today's battle, we can only go out one person, Either die or beat me! "

"Right on my mind."

Lin Lang laughed.

Everyone around them shook and heard. Only one message was revealed between the two, and whoever wins in the end will be able to get out of Laoshan, otherwise there will only be a dead end.

Either win or die!

This is a battle of life and death.

The conversation between the two was very brief, and when the voices fell, the two moved at the same time. Wang Gucheng snarled, raised his hand to pinch the prints, and suddenly made a storm. There was a thunder cloud looming in the thunder and lightning.

"Thunder comes."

Wang Gucheng raised his hand, and suddenly a few thick lightnings fell from the sky, and suddenly fell with a devastating atmosphere of destruction. At this moment, his whole body was transformed into heavens, and a majestic **** behind him came down.

"wind and rain."

Wang Gucheng waved again, with countless deities moving behind him. There were thunder-killers holding hammers, wind-women holding sails, and rain gurus holding rain scourges. All kinds of gods seemed to be the general means of attack. Thunder, wind and rain, come in handy.

The thunderstorm filled the sky, and the killings were everywhere.

Thunders of the thickness of buckets descended from the sky, blasted to death with all the air-powered machines, raised their hands, and crushed the coming thunder into nothingness.

"go back."

Lin Lang stretched out his hand, extending his arms indefinitely, penetrating Jiuxiao, and thunderingly thundered Lei Yun, kneading all the thunder into a ball and throwing it towards Wang Gucheng.

Wang Gucheng walked out to avoid it. Thunder was brewing in Thundercloud again, and several breathing rooms took shape again. Thunder King smashed the Thunder Sledgehammer and turned the Thundercloud in the sky into a vast thunder pool.


Wang Gucheng stepped up, with countless thunders behind him, countless, and evolved Thunder Gulong among the thunder, roaring.

Lin Lang made no progress, his palms stroked forward, and a crystal-clear prism appeared in front of him, like a shield, with his left hand standing in front of him.

"Do you think that this mirror can still block my attack, it's too naive." Wang Gucheng's face was calm, Lei Ze set off waves, and the most terrifying liquefied thunder that overflowed the thunder pool.


Three consecutive sounds, the ice mirror in front of Lin Lang has long been covered with dense cracks, as if spider silk is generally spread over the entire mirror, the ice mirror is already overwhelmed and will always be broken at any time.


Until the fourth sound fell, accompanied by a crisp sound, the ice surface could no longer support Rayzer's fierce bombardment, completely fragmented. Only Wang Gucheng's first attack was so fierce. It can be imagined that his strength was absolutely perfect in a sense of wonder.

Lin Lang stepped back step by step, but Wang Gucheng had no intention of letting go, Lei Ze was brewing a more fierce thunder, and blasted towards Lin Lang with no defense.

"Do you think that my magic power is all that?"

Lin Lang said faintly.

The voice fell, and the dazzling electric light suddenly stopped in the direction of a few meters in front of Lin Lang, as if it was blocked by a layer of invisible film.

The magical iceland is the magical power recorded in the Nine Xiaoxian Code. The mirror form is only the initial form. Only by playing the real mystery can the true subtlety of the magical iceland be inspired.

The real magic ice realm is a kind of magical power in a similar field. As long as it is stretched out, the surrounding area of ​​ten meters will be replaced by the magic ice realm. It is difficult to break through ordinary attacks in a realm.

The violent wind rose suddenly, and there was a sudden violent wind in the rain curtain. Every drop of rain concealed a shadow of a sword, like crystal amber. As the wind rose, the sword in the raindrops broke through the shell and quickly turned into an endless rain curtain.

Swords were raining like crazy. However, after touching the range of the magical ice realm, a stalk of a sword with a thick shadow climbed on a thick layer of strong ice, which was completely condensed, and could not rush into the magical ice mirror at all.

"Good magic."

Wang Gucheng praised him, his face was still no wave, and the whole mountain peak turned into an endless ocean, and the waves were angry.

"Supernatural power comes from life. In the ancient times, there were powerful people who felt the nature of heaven and earth and engraved the divine patterns. Only then can we have supernatural powers. What we have learned today does not inherit the wisdom of our predecessors.

"The magical powers come from nothing. Only through real creation can we exert the true power of magical powers. I learned about it for 30 years on a solitary boat, and then went to the ice field to fish.

As the words fell, Wang Gucheng stooped down, and when he lifted up again, he was shrouded in an unreal robe, wearing a straw hat, stepping on a solitary boat under his feet, and marching over the boundless ocean.

"Wu Ye, funeral!"

The waves on the calm water-like sea suddenly set off and set off an endless wave. The place where Wang Gucheng was turned into a vortex, exuding a heart-wrenching appetite.

At the foot of Laoshan Mountain, it began to shake violently, and was pulled by that horrible engulfing force. Within a short while, the corner of the mountain peak had begun to smash, and in the blink of an eye, numerous boulders had been swallowed by vortexes.

Those vortices are like a giant meat grinder. Even the hard granite can be easily crushed and turned into a pile of stone powder in a blink of an eye, not to mention the physical body of martial arts.

Lin Lang stood in the void, and his body moved with a flash of hunting. Following the vortex's swallowing power, waves followed, and even his body began to lean forward uncontrollably.

Even Lin Lang couldn't resist the engulfing force. Imagine that if you were involved in the vortex, you might not be able to escape from a deeper state of worship.


Wang Gucheng fell down with a roar, and the vortex's swallowing power increased again several times. Lin Lang's back seemed to be pushed hard by an invisible pusher. His figure was sloppy, and the entire man could not control the flight forward. Out.

"Hold a mountain seal."

Lin Lang saw no turbulence at all, and continued to print along the way. Holding a majestic majestic mountain in his palm, there were hundreds of feet high, and there were engraved godliness on the top, throwing it toward the vortex eyes.

"Jingwei reclaims the sea." Wang Gucheng sneered, standing quietly watching the towering high mountains drawn into the vortex, disappearing without a trace. This move is Wang Gucheng's original magical power, but even so, it is still able to connect to the other world and devour all incoming attacks.

Capable of attacking and defending, this move has long been invincible. It has even reached the level of Taoism, and it is not difficult to crush the Baoshan Seal.

"so what?"

Lin Lang was rolled by a giant wave, and his body moved forward one hundred meters again. In the process, he successively enshrined twelve seals, one after another in high mountains. Each one was like the previous Baoshan seal, and the magnificent mountain was emitted With a majestic breath.

Lin Lang moved his left and right hands at the same time, throwing out the twelve gods in one breath, all used to suppress the vortex eye. In the face of this magical art, it is already difficult to break it. It is best to break it by force and use the embossed seal of the sacred mountain.


Lin Lang fell down, and the sea surface suddenly shook, like a pool of boiling water. The waves were turbulent, and the spires gradually peaked out of the sea. The Thirteen Mountains came out, the vortex collapsed, and its devouring power ceased.

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