Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 550: Attitudes of all parties

Three days later, Sheshan fought.

The two sides of the war were the patron saints of Huaxia and the founder of Kunlun, who led Kunlun and Huaxia's gates to sweep the world, and then oppressed the gates of Wang Gucheng, the gates of the mountains, by themselves.

The other side is the strongest Chinese in the new century, destroying the Wanzong Ghost Sect, pressing down on the four ancient gates, and then killing the Dark Castle alone and destroying it. Falling forest quiet night.

Such a battle between the two current Xeons will undoubtedly attract worldwide attention, and this news will soon spread throughout the martial arts world, causing a violent shock in the martial arts world.

This is a handover of the oldest and the oldest. It is also the contest of the strongest in the world. Whoever can win will mean that the world is invincible without the door of the temple.

The news of this battle quickly swept across the world like a storm. The last time was Lin Youye's confrontation with Yinyang Taoists. This time, it will be the battle between Lin Youye and Wang Gucheng. The turmoil in all directions and the hidden worlds of the various parties appeared one after another and rushed to Kyoto City at the fastest speed, because this battle is likely to involve human-level forces.

And both of them already have that level of combat power.


Huaxia, Kunlun.

Kunlun was originally founded by Wang Gucheng. After a hundred years of gathering and development, the strong man it possesses has already had a considerable number of divine realms in the world, and even two have completed the divine realm.

When this news came out, the strong men from all sides in Kunlun also came out one after another, and came to Sheshan half a day in advance.


Inside Ise Jingu.

A warrior rushed into the temple in a panic: "The palace master, something serious has happened. Lin Youye will fight a life-and-death battle with Wang Gucheng. The date is set at noon three days later."

"Is there such a thing?"

Ise Gong's main head flashed, and even when he stood up, he asked in detail. Hundred years ago, he fought with Wang Gucheng and lost a trick. In recent years, he has been practicing hard day and night and worshipped in the Shinto religion. Although he failed to break through the immortals, he had a certain grasp in his heart to defeat Wang Gucheng.

"Let's go, and see how good my old opponent's strength is!" Ise Gongzhu was very excited, and immediately let people arrange a trip and prepare to rush to Huaxia.

Within the blood ancestors.

This news was rushed to the castle, and the blood prince also expressed his will. Regardless of the outcome of this battle, a **** powerhouse with a perfect 99% perfection would be sent to kill the winner.

No matter who wins, it is probably a fierce victory in the end. Taking advantage of this opportunity to wipe out the strongest in China, it is a very cost-effective business.

Inside an inconspicuous cave in the corner of Jinshan.

A ragged young man rushed to the place and flew into the cave within a few steps, hurriedly reporting to the old man with a broken arm leaning on the wall: "Master, master, something has happened in the martial arts world."

The old man who was standing against the wall was very dissatisfied with this and rebuked: "I have warned you long ago, don't disturb me when I meditate, and once again I abandon your practice."

"Master's life, the apprentice has something important to do. It's news about Lin Youye."

"News from Lin Youye?" The expression of the old man with a broken arm suddenly paused, and then he burst out laughing, as if to ease the anger of many years: "Lin You Ye, Lin You Ye, the enemies of the broken arm worship you. But you never imagined that I was blessed by misfortune, and accidentally got Master Weimen's mantle. "

"Now that I am in the middle stage, it is time to revenge and snow hate." While talking, the old man with a broken arm set off a black storm, countless resentment wandering, and killed everywhere.

This man is Oliver.

In the Golden Triangle World War that year, he was hunted by Lin Lang and there was no way to go to the sky. In the end, he could only choose to use the treasures on his body as a recompense. Then he mistakenly entered the sitting area of ​​Master Weimen eight hundred years ago. Accomplished heritage, with today's achievements.

This broken arm's hatred naturally counts on Lin Youye.

"Lin Youye, I will kill you this time!"

Oliver swept away the haze in his heart, and the battle was soaring.

"Master ... I have one thing to tell you ..." The apprentice hesitated a moment before finally speaking.

"What's the matter, as long as it's available, I'm rewarded."

"This time with Lin You Ye Wang Wangcheng."

"Well, Wang Gucheng." Oliver nodded, and then suddenly stared at his eyes, as if to stare out: "Which Wang Gucheng are you talking about? But the best in China?"

Later, even Oliver's own voice trembled: "Lin Youye against Wang Gucheng, how much has his strength been achieved, at least it is the level of perfection, or even the level of perfection?"

"How is this possible? How can he reach this level? How can he go through so many realms in just two years, this is impossible."

In the end, Oliver felt the fear. Although there were 10,000 reasons in his heart to disbelieve, it was not difficult to obtain these news. He could easily understand all the news of Lin Youye.

Almost inquiring, Oliver learned everything from a Grand Master in the Golden Triangle and stood still: "Siberia beheaded and killed several digital realms. Ye Xuanzong was established and then killed three middle-level gods, and then killed a few months later. Go to the dark castle and easily destroy it. "

Behind every impressive record, it represents a promotion of strength, and his strength now makes everyone need to look up.

"I haven't closed it for two years. How can there be so many things, Lin Youye's strength has reached such a level, and I still report a fart!"

Oliver murmured, rushed back to Dongfu without looking back, and chose to retreat again. Facing such a terrible opponent, he has given up the idea of ​​revenge.

Never even want to see that guy again from now on!


In a place covered by the heaven and earth in a certain place in Huaxia, there is a huge gate that covers an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers. It is divided into inner and outer gates. The strong insiders can be seen everywhere. In terms of strength, it is absolutely above all ancient schools.

Even compared to Kunlun, there are faint signs of transcendence.

Here is the door.

The foundations of Huaxia for thousands of years can resist the ceremonial forces of the Temple Chamber. When the news of this war came back to the door, the majestic middle-aged man above the high seat blinked, and then fell silent again.

"Teaching, tomorrow's King Gucheng will have a decisive battle with Lin Youye. According to my guess, these two people are likely to have approached that realm. Should we go there?" A divine realm below said smoothly.

The middle-aged man in the high seat slightly opened his eyes, then closed his eyes again, and said lightly: "The so-called China's first strongman, nothing more than a name. Let them fight, even if they break through this battle, they can't touch it. Our foundation. "

The divine power below was breathing shortly, and there was an faint look at the Taoist palm teaching: "It seems that the meaning of palm teaching has broken through to that level, but when was he ..."

"Yes, the talents of contemporary palm teaching are hard to come by for five hundred years, and they have surpassed many of the previous generation of palm teaching. It is a strange thing if he can't break through the fairy, but ... what has his strength been? Degree? "

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