Lin Xiao, the head of the Kyoto forest family!

When the succession ceremony ended, the outside world was boiling for a while. After that day, the old man who had been counted by the agency in Kyoto left the scene temporarily, and was replaced by his son, Lin Youye's father, Lin Xiao.

This result is of course some people rejoice and some worry. I am glad that Lin Jingnan has finally ceased to be the owner of the Lin family, and many people who are skilled at calculating are resentful and afraid. Because the Lin family has not suffered losses in the past thirty years under the leadership of Lin Jingnan, only other families have suffered losses.

Of course, there are a lot of people who are worried about this, because many people can already foresee that the Lin family in the future will definitely take it to the next level under the leadership of Lin Xiao and Lin Youye. No one has to admit it.

The Lin family wants to decline, it is estimated that there is only one day for Lin Youye to fall. But how many people are there in the whole world?

Probably only one Wang Gucheng has such strength.

"The Lin family has Lin You at night. It's inevitable to grow bigger. It can even threaten the status of the royal family. There will be conflicts in the future." Some people asserted: "I don't believe the royal family can sit."

Although Kyoto is a family of five, in fact, the most powerful family is the King of Kyoto, which can fight the other four with one family. If it wasn't for the Wang family's low-key, I'd be afraid to call it the largest family in China.

Will the Wang family sit idly by threatening his status?

Wang Gucheng will let Lin Youye take his name away?

Even if the Wang family is low-key and the Lin family is restrained, at the moment when this new and old hegemony is about to hand over, it is impossible not to erupt. It is possible that a trivial matter between the juniors may cause a full-scale family war.

However, to everyone's surprise, the Wang family was surprisingly calm, and everything was not shocked. They even sent someone to congratulate Lin Xiao the next morning.

Where is the tension?

As for the Lin family, it is even more harmonious. On the night of the ceremony, many ethnic groups came to visit Lin Xiao. Rather than congratulations, it was better to come to pull the relationship.

It is natural that the new officer should take care of himself after taking office, not to mention the background of the new owner. Some people suggested that they wanted to see Lin Lang and wanted to have a relationship with this climber. Lin Xiao naturally knew that his son's personality was always too lazy to deal with these unnecessary entertainment, so he resigned on the grounds of retreat.

What's more, some people expressed that they wanted to send their children to Ye Xuanzong for further study, but Lin Xiao refused very simply. In order to prevent Ye Xuanzong from becoming smoky, it was impossible for everyone to accept it.

Lin Feng also calmed down. No news has been heard for a few days. It seems that he has accepted this fate. Of course, even if they are not willing, they can't help it. At this moment, they can only be like prisoners drowning in the swamp and eventually fall into it.

With the passage of time, Lin Luo gradually accepted this result. Since you cannot resist, enjoy it. Anyway, even if he eats and waits to die, there will be a large family dividend every year, which is enough for him to splurge.

As for Mr. Lin Jingnan, who is now taking off his heavy responsibility, he is also light-hearted. When he is fine, he can grow flowers and raise fish. If he has energy, he can talk to a few old men of the same age to talk.

For Mr. Lin, Lin Lang can neither like nor hate, but the actions made at some times make people feel too deep and annoying.

But he is definitely an unselfish character. He is very careful, everything is purely for the Lin family, and the number on his outgoing account is definitely no more than seven.

Lin Lang can actually guess that if Lin Youye's identity is placed on a certain branch of the Lin family, it is very likely that Mr. Lin will abandon Lin Feng and choose other people today.

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