Lin Jingnan's affairs were not on his mind. On the way to the room, he just met Chen Miaoxuan who came out of the house and put on a light sportswear to go out.

"Supper is a bit too much. I was just looking for you to take a walk with me." Chen Miaoxuan blinked.

Chen Miaoxuan and Lin Lang were walking in the park near Lin's house, nestling on each other on the park bench, sweet and sweet, unwittingly turning into stars, and it was almost night.

"I have something to tell you."

Chen Miaoxuan suddenly made a noise. Lin Lang's eyes seemed to hesitate for a while before Chen Miaoxuan said: "This time we have been in Kyoto for more than half a month, and in a few days it will be the date of graduate examination. Should go back and prepare. "

"How about, are you sure?" Lin Lang smiled and stroked Qingsi. Chen Miaoxuan has always had his own ambitions, and he will support them anyway.

"You think you're doing something in these retreats these days, not endorsement." Chen Miaoxuan gave Lin Lang a glance, with a hint of blame in his tone.

Lin Lang smiled in embarrassment and coughed, "I'm trying hard, how to protect you without strength. If the strength is too weak, even the little wife can't protect well, then I can only confess my death."

"You still want to marry a little wife?" Chen Miaoxuan widened her eyes and suddenly smiled slyly: "Do you know that my mother gave me the same ancestral treasure yesterday, would you like to try?"

"And the ancestral treasure?" Lin Lang froze and smiled: "I don't know how, if there is a chance, let me try it."

"You said it." Chen Miaoxuan smiled with a treacherous smile, her eyes narrowed, and she took off a little fox: "Since you insisted on asking, I won't be polite with you, I will take it out when I get home. My dad knelt on the washboard for a lifetime. "

"See if you dare to find a little wife."

"Where's the little wife ..."

Lin Lang was dumbfounded, remembering the washboard Lin Xiao kneeling on in the past, and the bitter words his dad often sighed at that time, he couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Sure enough, women are quite unreasonable."

"Rest assured, there are only 3,000 sips of weak water. There are tens of millions of beautiful women in the world. I have one of you. I swear." Lin Lang smiled mildly, and his mind was a little confused when he said this. I do not know why the moon fairy appeared in front of me.

That was the lover of his past life.

I don't know how she is doing now in the fairyland.

"It's nothing, the previous life is the previous life, after all, I will be alive again in this life. It's impossible to do everything as usual, let everything go." Lin Lang sighed. In the previous life, he and Chen Miaoxuan failed to come together, but became acquaintances with the fairy of the moon palace, but who can tell this life accurately.

"Don't dare you." Chen Miaoxuan snorted.

"Isn't it difficult for you to take the postgraduate entrance examination?" Lin Lang quickly shifted the topic and did not want to continue to struggle on this issue.

"Not difficult."

Chen Miaoxuan smiled with a smile: "I applied for my graduate school, and the difficulty was much lower, and Sichuan University is also a well-known university in the country, and the gold content is not low. But I have to prepare for this time to return to Sichuan and leave the day after tomorrow."

"Then I will go back with you."

Chen Miaoxuan smiled sweetly, but she still shook her head and completely conquered Lin Lang for one reason. She raised her eyes and scorned: "With you, what can you do besides delaying my studies?"

Lin Lang clutched his heart and fainted: "Help me call an ambulance, I think I'm going to be mad!"

"Then you die."

The two were playing for a while, and the park was full of laughter and laughter, but soon fell silent again.

"It's not too short for you to go back this time. After you finish your postgraduate entrance examination, you can try to practice, so that you can protect yourself when I'm away, otherwise I can't rest assured." Lin Lang suddenly said. Remembering that Fang Dakui had threatened Chen Miaoxuan's safety at the beginning, he wanted to make Chen Miaoxuan also have sufficient self-protection ability.

"it is good."

Chen Miaoxuan nodded.

"Wait, let me think first."

Lin Lang frowned and searched in his head, searching for the best practice in his memory for Chen Miaoxuan's practice. For others, he could just throw him away, but he still had to do his best for Chen Miaoxuan.

Rao has tens of thousands of precious exercises in Lin Lang's mind, but it is still difficult to find out at this moment. Not because Chen Miaoxuan is too weak, but too strong!

Lin Lang already knew that Chen Miaoxuan's physique was very special. There was a deep layer of blood on her body. Although it was not untied, she would still be able to do more with less effort, which is much better than a lot of Zongmen Tianjiao.

"It's it. This is a practice created by an ancient emperor of the imperial kingdom. Once upon a time, people from the golden saints came to ask for it. It is very suitable for women to practice." Lin Lang thought for a moment, then no longer hesitated, gave a pointer In Chen Miaoxuan's eyebrows, she transmitted the information of the exercises.

"Try it when I have time." Chen Miaoxuan smiled sweetly. Since childhood, she did not like to fight and kill things, so even if she was born in the Xiuwu family, she never practiced.

The exception this time was just that she heard that practice can make people have the ability to stay in the face, but she didn't want Lin Lang to be in the midst of a rising age in a few years.

The two chatted for a while and were about to get up and leave. It was just that the two women came forward.

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