Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 542: His identity

"Well, Mo Fan, what's wrong with you?"

Deep in the ancestral home of the Lin family, a long vicissitude sighed, and the voice of the owner's gaze penetrated the space, colliding with the thin old man.


A sound like an electric current struck in the air, each bursting into an outrageous power. The collision of the eyes of the two made a sudden roar in the ears of everyone.

Lin Lang was in the middle of the two, raised his hands and pressed down, the power of the two dissipated at the same time. Only then did the crowd get a respite.

"You practiced magic?"

The old lady of the Lin family fluctuated for a while. He naturally saw that Lin Mofan was practicing with a state of mind, but it was full of evil, and it was never obtained by conventional means.

And for more than thirty years to achieve the Divine Realm, this speed is not normal at all.

"Why are you doing this now? Your strength is no longer under me. I never thought that the position of a homeowner would make you feel sore to this day." Mrs. Lin sighed.

"Shut up for me."

The skinny old man suddenly became furious: "What surprised me was that this old thing you lived at this time, it ’s really a good man who lives for a thousand years without scourge. I know, you do n’t dare to walk out of the forest now, and you are almost exhausted Withered. "

"I thought that when I and Lin Jingnan competed with the homeowner fair, I was obviously a hundred times better than him, but he replaced me because of your support. This homeowner should have been mine, and I came back to get what belonged to me."

Lin Mofan's cold voice came out, then immediately came to the front of the square, smirking: "How bad the old and the young immortal oppressed me at the beginning, thanks to the fact that I went away from the Lin family and joined the Taoist family to this day. Has today's status. "

"You're right. I don't have a Lin family at all, but the owner of the Lin family is my thing. I have to take it back."

"As for you, if you dare to come forward, I will kill you. Of course, if you ca n’t shrink, I wo n’t be embarrassed for you, as long as Lin Jingnan obediently kneels to me and a few loud apologies, then pass the position of the owner to my child Lin Bao Something happened. "

"You!" Lin Jingnan's Gu Jingbo's face finally began to waver. Lin Mofan insulted the previous generation of the homeowner, but it was also his father.

What's more, he knows that the old Lin family's old man, Shou Yuan, has dried up, and he will never show up until the life of the Lin family is reached with only a trace of repair.

"Why, not convinced?" Lin Mofan sneered, and his dry palms grabbed Lin Jingnan Yaoyao and sneered: "I will let you kneel in front of me today, who can stop me at the Lin family!"

However, his palm had just reached halfway, but it seemed like an electric shock, and he pulled it back like lightning. He looked around puzzledly, seemingly wondering if it was the old Lin family's shot.

"An old thing pretending to be a **** and a ghost, I just let you kneel today." Lin Mofan snorted coldly, and was about to shoot again.

"Enough, are you finished?"

Lin Lang, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke, and gave a slight glance at Lin Mofan: "Get out and get out. The Lin family is not where you are now."


Lin Mofan's face was cold. It seems that he has been away from home for too long. Without revealing his methods, even a junior dare to ride on him. He was about to have an attack. Unexpectedly, at this time, the young man opposite raised his hand gently, and a violent hurricane was brought under the sleeves. Before Lin Mofan did not respond at all, he was directly knocked out of the Lin family's door.

Lin Mofan tumultuously rolled around the door of Lin's house a few times, and a divine realm was blown away by the wind under his sleeve. This sounds incredible, but it actually happened in front of him.


Lin Mofan's first reaction when he got up was anger, and he suddenly realized the power gap between the two and flew away without looking back.

"This is Lin Youye. I don't know how far his strength has reached now."

Lin Zheng sighed. Why didn't he see that Lin You had no trouble killing a divine realm at night, and most of the time he had faced them?

As far as Lin Feng was listening, the two had been whispering in his ears that the other party was Lin Youye, but who was he and what was it about.

"Don't you know Lin Youye?" Lin Yu's surprised eyes looked a little surprised when looking at Lin Feng: "Lin Youye is the Golden General in the Golden Triangle."

"He is General King?"

After hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help breathing down. Drinking that day, he had a long talk with Lin Yu, and naturally knew that General Jin, as the backing supporter of Lin Yu, strongly intervened in the military of the Golden Triangle and wiped out all the mighty warlords.

Therefore, all the forces in the Golden Triangle respected the name of General Jin, and the name of the golden characters of the Golden Triangle was enough to see his status. Called the only king of the Golden Triangle. Even the majority of Lin Yu's foundation now comes from General Jin, within easy reach!

"He is so amazing?" Lin Feng said dullly.

"What is the name of General Jin to him? The really terrible name is Lin Youye." Lin Zheng shook his head and continued: "Wang Gucheng is not out, Lin Youye is the deserved head of China's martial arts circle. It is also the master of Ye Xuan. The six men in the world are indeed in power, and the power is indeed beyond the ancient gate. "

Lin Feng was shocked.

He is not a person in martial arts, and he really does not know the term Lin Youye as well as others. However, he knew Wang Gucheng, knew Gu Zongmen, and even Ye Xuanzong.

Ye Xuanzong set up the mountain gate that day, but even Kyoto was going to roll up a storm. He was naturally very clear.

Wang Gucheng second!

Huaxia martial arts leader!

Lord of Xuan!

The forces surpass the ancient gates!

Every title that Lin Zheng said made Lin Feng's heart twitch fiercely, every word was impacting his mind. Lin Youye, a big man who truly has thousands of glories, cannot find a few people who can compare with him throughout Kyoto.

"Perhaps these identities are just the tip of the iceberg that he showed up. It is beyond my control to compete with their family for the position of owner."

"Compared to him, what is Lin Feng?" Lin Feng laughed at herself, and dangled her waist, making her whole person momentarily old.

He still vaguely remembers that when Lin Lang returned to Lin's house for the first time, he claimed to be Lin Youye and said that he was a countryman. All of this was not empty talk, but he had these identities.

Lin Feng may be a big man in Kyoto, but in front of Lin Youye, it is like heaven and earth, which can't be compared. On the other hand, Lin Feng may encounter a big man like Lin Youye in awe and may come forward to please him.

But he happened to be his opponent by chance!

"I remember it, I know who he is!" A sudden exclaimed out of the crowd, with a little vibrato, startled: "He is Lin You Ye!"

The crowd burst into an instant.

"Lin Youye, you know, the first person in Huaxia Budo. Have you heard of the establishment of Ye Xuanzong a while ago? It is said that Ye Xuanzong's ruler is that Lin Youye."

"Lin Youye who destroyed the dark castle and almost brought the Western Arbitration Office to it? Is he the Lin Liuguo who can reach one country!"

Ye Xuanzong is a major gate in Huaxia today. Although it has not been established for more than one year, its strength is superior to all ancient gates. It is better than ancient gates.

More importantly, Gu Zongmen needs to self-censor the mountain and not allow interference in worldly affairs, but Ye Xuanzong does not have this restriction. Can admit disciples, is equivalent to the second Kunlun. Under such advantageous conditions, Ye Xuanzong, who was already strong and mighty, might be able to shake off Gu Zongmen ten streets in a few years.

This Ye Xuanzong is the most terrible!

With this kind of capital, Lin Lang's support for Lin Xiao's competing homeowners can be described as effortless. Because no one can be his opponent, let alone Lin Jingnan's full support behind this.

"Lin Jing Nanhui knows the real gold, no wonder he will abandon Lin Feng and ignore it, and summon Lin Xiao from Nanliao Province a short distance away. With Lin You at night, the Lin family may not be able to prosper!"

This voice became the only keynote after the audience, and there were even some people chanting the sounds of the six forest countries. Such characters are like myths in their eyes, and now the legend has come to reality, standing in front of them completely.

"Or you have to say that Lin Jingnan has a long-term plan. This old guy has been playing games with us for decades. In the end, even his own homeowner must be carefully calculated." The Gongsun homeowners looked at each other with a helpless smile.

Lin Jingnan has always done things this way, the organs have done everything, even a trivial matter can be turned into a trick.

With the eyesight of these homeowners, Lin Youye doesn't care about the position of the homeowner at all, but Lin Jingnan puts this heavy responsibility on Lin Xiao. With such a conspiracy, Lin Youye was dead. Tied to the Lin family battleship.

Lin Jingnan had already expected that Lin Feng would attack at the ceremony. Now sending this opponent, he also had to come forward to help Lin Xiao to rescue the siege. In this way, Lin Youye can only recognize the identity of the Lin family and use his presence to deter other families.

Lin Youye couldn't say anything, because all the benefits were obtained by their family, and Lin Jingnan was not greedy at all.

Impeccable conspiracy!

Poor Lin Feng, as the biological son of Lin Jingnan, was the most powerful heir of the Lin family. He thought that everything was ready, but in the end it was just a small chess piece in Lin Jingnan's calculations.

The little twists and turns caused by him did not affect the entire succession ceremony, and even few people noticed that one of the losers had left silently and left alone.

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