Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 526: Pay for life

Lin Lang stepped in and looked coldly at the scene. Every rich man in the room felt a shudder involuntarily, only that the young man in front of him was suffocating and suffocating.

"Miao Xuan."

Lin Lang looked back at Chen Miaoxuan, no need to say anything, what happened to Lin Lang already knew, and then his eyes fell on Qin Gongzi, and he said indifferently, "You bullied Miao Xuan."

Qin Gongzi was locked by that gaze, but he felt that his body was extremely cold and his voice was indifferent, but the feeling was like being stared at by a wild monster. Qin Gongzi knew that he had to stand up at this time, and then took a step forward.

"who are you?"

The cold light flashed in his eyes, and his intuition told him that the young man in front of him was definitely not to be provoked.

"I'm his boyfriend." Lin Lang faintly voiced out: "Since Lin was born, you are the first to bully my girlfriend. Now you have to calculate this account."

I don't know why, when this sentence fell, Qin Gongzi snorted unconsciously, but he dared not look at Lin Lang together. In spite of this, Qin Gongzi can be regarded as a brother with a head and a face in Kyoto, not to mention his hole card, even though he can't be discouraged.

"What do you want to count."

Qin Gongzi held his chest coldly. He didn't believe that there were still people in this Kyoto who dared to touch him. Except for a few big boys in Kyoto, he could indeed fear no one.

This is his confidence.

He has absolute confidence. Except for the few young people in Kyoto, no one dares to touch him, not to mention that today he banquets a few people who have a higher status than him, and he has the fear to protect him. A lot less.

Lin Lang glanced at Qin Gongzi lightly, his face sullen and silent, and his steady steps forward, making the audience silent and approaching Qin Gongzi step by step.

"What are you doing?"

The fear in Qin Gongzi's heart is getting stronger and stronger, and he feels that the atmosphere is gradually depressing. The figure who walked towards him silently is like a volcano that will erupt in silence.

Oh! Da da!

The sound of heavy footsteps was heard in Qin Gongzi's ears. With each step, Qin Gongzi's strength was weak. Between him, he seemed to see the corpse blood rushing behind him in that white figure.

The moment he had just returned to God, the figure in white had already reached him. Qin Gongzi was wary and was about to say something threatening, but the young man in white oppositely raised his hand gently.


A slap fell on Qin Gongzi's face, and an indescribable vigorous attack struck him, turning the place he pumped directly into two circles and falling to the ground.

"Okay, you dare to hit me. Today is not over, no one wants to leave!" Qin Gongzi's eyes are red, and he is holding his swollen cheeks, almost going crazy. This is in Kyoto, especially in Kyoto. A slap was slaped on his site, both physically and mentally making him completely violent.

Lin Lang still said nothing, raised his leg and stepped down to Qin Gongzi's knees, only to hear a "click", a cracked bone joint, and the original handsome Qin Gongzi screamed in pain, then lay down softly Lying on the ground, mourning.

Qin Gongzi's scream was like the roar of a primitive beast. No one knew exactly how much pain he had endured, but his legs were trampled by life!

In the originally noisy Emperor's Hall, the needle drop was audible at this moment, and no one dared to talk loudly. The eyes of everyone present were full of fear, and the end of Qin Gongzi was their lesson.

In the same way, their eyes toward Lin Lang were full of fear. Who is this? Starting from the door, without arguing, Qin Gong was abolished directly.

Countless people twitched, wondering if Lin Lang didn't know the family history of Qin Gongzi, otherwise who would have eaten the bear heart and leopard gall, and dare to directly abandon the Qin family's grandson.

"Ke brother, this guy seems to have practiced some skills, is he very good ..." A young man looked at Dakui and said. Although it seems to be asking, in fact, it means that Dakui shot.

"It's okay, what can you do with some kung fu? Most of them are retired special forces." Da Kui took a deep breath, and suddenly a look of embarrassment appeared on his face: "I'm afraid he will hang, Grandpa, I'm a warrior!"

"That's right. Da Kui is the sister-in-law of Fang's family, but Fang's family is the Xiu Wu family of generations of warriors. He must be able to subdue this guy with his shots." Thinking of this, everyone was shocked, and came to be confident that Da Kuna's physique had no reason .

"court death."

Feeling the countless lights of gaze, Fang Dakui was very proud. A bit of hotness slowly appeared on his face. He waved his fist and rushed towards Lin Lang. This fist blasted out and brought the sound of whistling. Everyone can feel the fist. The wind passed against his cheek, and the person who shaved had pain in his cheek.

This Da Kui is not only a means of bluffing, but also a bit of real skill. It is said that there was a rumor long ago that once Da Kui was out of control, he killed a veteran by accident.

However, this one pinned everyone's hope. At this moment, approaching Lin Lang suddenly stopped abruptly. As if the whole person had been fixed, he posed in the position of punching and punching.

Da Kui seemed to be trapped by an invisible palm all over her body, unable to control her breathing even. In shock, he happened to look at Lin Lang together.

The cold eyes made him have infinite fear. As Lin Lang retracted his eyes, Da Kui groaned, stepping back, vomiting blood in each mouth, his strong body fell like a fall.

"You are also a warrior."

Da Kui's voice filled with fear. In general, under the prestige of Fang's family, he naturally didn't need to care about a fighter, but now he has to bow his head. After all, his elders are not around and continue to suffer.

Although Da Kui looks well-developed on all fours, he also knows the reason why a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses. This time he will do so first, and then turn to him to calculate the general account.

As long as the others are still in Kyoto, Fang Dakui has a hundred confidences to let the other person die silently, and still die in infinite torture and pain.

With this kind of thought rising, Fang Dakui couldn't hold back anymore, but when he reached the mouth, it turned out: "It turns out that you are also a warrior and you have offended."

Fang Dakui clenched his fists, his face was full of sincerity, and most people really couldn't see it.

"go away."

Lin Lang glanced lightly, not that he could not see Fang Dakui's mind, but that he was too lazy to guess, and even too lazy to vent the dignity of a dignified monk on a trivial little person. In short, it's too lazy. The moment he turned around, his gaze was suddenly fixed on a strand of hair on Chen Miaoxuan's shoulder.


Lin Lang's eyes turned cold, and he twisted this strand of hair gently, and instantly understood what was going on. He suddenly turned back, looking at Fang Dakui full of murderous eyes.

"Did you hurt Miao Xuan?"

Fang Dakui hit a shock, only feeling that an unpleasant premonition emerged in his heart, and quickly bowed: "This is an accident, I am willing to compensate!"


Lin Lang's face had no fluctuations, as if a layer of ice that had not changed for thousands of years covered his face. He reached out and nodded his finger, a gorgeous beam of light shot out, and at the same time, a cold voice sounded beside Fang Dakuier.

"Let's pay for it."


Fang Dakui's face changed greatly, and he saw that the dazzling light beam covered the entire pupil. The breath emanating from him made him feel a crisis of life and death. However, he was locked and could not move at all.

Can't stop!

Until the last moment of the beam, Fang Dakui was in fear, with incredibleness, he couldn't believe it, Lin Lang really dared to kill him!


This loud noise spread throughout the Emperor's Hall, and then the sound waves spread, and the entire Shenghai Hotel was shrouded in a shudder.

Wait until the light is gone, and then look at the original location of Fang Dakui. A big hole has been blown out, and the front desk on the first floor of the hotel can be seen directly from the third floor. As for Fang Dakui himself, he has nowhere to be found, only a pool of blood on the ground, which represents the only trace of his existence in the world.

Something big!

"Dakui ... was dead?"

There was a roar in everyone's minds, and this time the shock caused by Fang Dakui was far more terrible than the abolition of Qin Gongzi. After all, Fang Dakui's identity is not inferior to that of Qin Gongzi. Now being killed by people directly means the same as declaring war directly to the Fang family!

Looking at the young man in white, at this moment, killing Fang Dakui is still hard to detect in the face, as if he had done a trivial matter.

"What the **** is he ..."

Everyone looked at Lin Lang dumbly, and infinite fear spread into their hearts, as if they saw a demon. It ’s been a while to kill someone without a word. How long has it not happened in Kyoto?

When that gaze fell on them again, making all of them step back in horror at this moment, the invisible pressure sank on the shoulders, let these so-called big and small involuntarily begin to tremble, and their legs kept swinging.

Until this time, the voice condensed that strand of hair into a sharp arrow shape, directly inserted into the ground, and said lightly: "Hurt my woman with her hair to pay for her life, and tell me to Fang's family. This matter must be accounted for. . "

Under this indifferent voice, Lin Lang was holding his back with one hand, and the other hand holding Chen Miaoxuan's body was preparing to leave. And his last voice again raged in everyone's mind.

"One hair and one life, so many hairs, he wanted to destroy Fang's house, and he couldn't do it ..." A young man stood in place, only to feel that his body was like a broken sieve, and every inch of his skin was outward. Braving the biting cold.

At this time, three or four people downstairs rushed to the Imperial Hall at a rapid speed. It was Qi Shiliang who was headed by the loud noise that just made him feel that something had happened in the Emperor's Hall, so he hurried with a few strong classmates.

When they blocked the door and saw Lin Lang's figure, they looked at Qin Gongzi who was lying on the ground half-dead, and they had a faint understanding of what was going on.

He stared at Lin Lang stubbornly, taking a deep breath, bravely opened his arms, and stopped in front of Lin Lang: "You can't go."

"Do you want to die too?"

Lin Lang's indifferent voice came out.

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