Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 525: Are you looking for me?

Sun Dapeng caught up with Lin Lang at the moment and was about to say something, but saw Lin Lang take him directly to the Imperial Hall upstairs. "What are we going to do?" Sun Dapeng wondered. "Find someone." Lin Dan responded to Lang Dan. Chen Miaoxuan was called out by Sun Xiaohan for a while, but before returning, Lin Lang simply looked for himself.

Although he didn't think that anyone dared to be against Chen Miaoxuan under his eyes, and he could not hide his perception if there was a wave of warriors around him. But all in all, be careful. Liu Dapeng followed each other, and watching Lin Lang's direction toward the Imperial Hall made him even more faint. He always felt that Lin Lang was by no means as simple as it seemed. This time the Imperial Hall may be able to witness. "Does he really know those big men in the Imperial Hall?" Liu Dapeng thought secretly. ... in the Imperial Hall at the moment. When Chen Miaoxuan waved her hands, a group of waiters came forward to visit all kinds of mountain and sea food. One by one, the beautiful girls couldn't help but peep at them and stretched themselves as the most elegant. Everyone here is a big man in Kyoto, and their background is sky-high, who doesn't want to seize the opportunity of this sparrow flying on a branch to become a phoenix. In particular, the Qin Gongzi sitting in the main seat, with a handsome face, was even more delicate than these girls. Coupled with his background, all this made them feel ashamed. "The quality of the waiters at Shenghai Hotel is getting higher and higher. Each one is not considered to be the best, but they are all considered to be superior." Qin Gongzi smiled. Immediately, his eyes fell on Chen Miaoxuan again, chuckling: "Did the manager of Shenghai Hotel change, why can't I see Miss Sun, but there is a peerless beauty? "She. She was in a hurry to go in advance. In order not to sweep everyone's Yaxing, I had to let him take his place. "Chen Miaoxuan gave a smile, and a gentle and polite smile made Qin Gongzi's heart bewildered. There are absolutely no such beautiful women in Kyoto. Although he has seen such a few times, But he has never gotten started. Of course, the last time I saw him is the girlfriend of the patron Lin Jialin, who was excavated from the small city of Nanliao, but he is definitely not under Chen Miaoxuan. How is a beauty called? "Qin Gongzi smiled." Chen Miaoxuan. Chen Miaoxuan frowned. Although Qin Gongzi looked polite, she always had a sense of disgust for no reason. Qin Gongzi also seemed to see that Chen Miaoxuan had little interest in him, and still maintained a polite manner at the moment: "My name is Qin Wenjun, and I'm glad to meet Miss Chen. ""Hello there. Chen Miaoxuan kept an embarrassing but polite smile. If she was lonely, she felt like rejection thousands of miles away. She just came to help, and didn't want to be related to these Kyoto brothers. Qin Gongzi's eyes A flash of light passed away, and Chen Miaoxuan's subtle refusal made him rekindled with faint excitement. For a long time, it has been a long time since there was no girl who could make him like this. The rich men were also present, and naturally knew the other party ’s character. In particular, Qin Gongzi was a seductive guy, Lei Lei Lei. The courteous look in front of him made them feel inexplicable. Chen Miaoxuan didn't want to stay here, and at the moment, he was finished with the dishes. , Ready to toast Sun Xiaohan with a glass of wine and go. "Ms. Chen is anxious to go back? "Qin Gongzi stretched out lazily. A burly young man immediately noticed that they hadn't done a lot of this kind of thing, and they didn't tell each other, they didn't even need reminders. He opened his mouth and smiled:" By the way, Miss Sun Xiaohan just suddenly sent me a message saying that you should wait for her here, and come over when she is finished. "It's okay, so will I go out and wait. "Chen Miaoxuan shook her head." Sun Xiaohan said that she would be back soon. If there is something important to look for, you might be delayed. "The burly young man immediately put a face on his face, pretending to be angry." Xiao Han sent me a message telling me to go downstairs, and I was unaccompanied. "Chen Miaoxuan knows that this group is not a good person. At the moment, he excuses himself and prepares to leave." Wait. "The burly young man took a step forward, blocked the door, and slammed his wide palm on the door, locking the door of the imperial hall, and his strong body blocked the door panel. Is Miss Chen looking down on us so quickly? "" Whatever you think, do you still want to deal with me with the little girl's set. "Chen Miaoxuan's cheeky face slowly chilled," "My boyfriend is waiting for me below, and he's gone." "" Your boyfriend? The burly young man rolled his eyes, patted his chest, and raised his eyebrows. "What can your boyfriend do below? Let him come up and see if he has the courage." "" Our brothers are no better than your boyfriend. This is the son of the Qin family, Qin Wenjun. His status is only under the prerogatives of the five major families in Kyoto. He is also a pivotal figure in Kyoto, no better than your boyfriend, Rush. A hundred times. "If you look at me again, it is also a famous family in Kyoto. As long as this figure has been slept, no woman said it was uncomfortable. "The burly young man with a sense of ridicule, patted his chest directly, it seems to show the unique male charm." Dakui, don't scare people. Qin Gong frowned, and smiled gently: "Miss Chen, don't rush back, we are not bad people, I'll tell your boyfriend later. "Let me go out, otherwise I'll call my boyfriend and I won't be sure what will happen. "Chen Miaoxuan's face turned cold, looking at the male and female buddies present at the scene was also full of strong disgust." Hit. "You hit me!" "Many sons started to coax. Chen Miaoxuan's face was cold and snowy. When she arrived in Kyoto, she didn't want to have more troubles. She knew that a phone call to Lin Lang would meet what kind of disaster this wealthy and young people would be. She had to make an inch, and she couldn't help her at this moment. She took out her cell phone and quickly dialed a phone number. However, at this moment, Da Kui picked up a chopstick and waved it out. Ding! On the mobile phone, the mobile phone was directly penetrated, passed by the ear, and nailed to the wall. A strand of hair fell gently. It was placed on Chen Miaoxuan's shoulder. What's missing is Chen Miaoxuan's head. "Okay! "Deserves to be Dakui!" There was a burst of enthusiasm and applause. There were not only five families in Kyoto, but also many business families. After the official death, the military family and even the military family. This is one of them. It is said that there are no fewer than two in his family. Demi-level old monster. Although Da Kui has learned very little, there are still a few ways to frighten people. He often plays the role of a thug in this group of brothers and is highly sought after. Chen Miaoxuan's body trembled slightly. It was cold in the eyes. Half of the hair was still hanging on the shoulders, making her look a bit messy. "Miss Chen, I think we should be able to sit down and talk now. Qin Gongzi smiled slightly: "Miss Chen, how old is Fangling this year, but there are married people, how is my boyfriend better than me." Qin Gongzi is complacent. This question has been asked subconsciously, with full confidence. It's been a long time since Qin Wenjun's uncertain woman. "You are worthy to compare with him. You can't even reach him with a finger of a hundred." Chen Miaoxuan smiled sarcastically, looking up, without regressing. Qin Gongzi, who was still smiling and listening to the answer, froze for a moment. Although this time he was begging for help, the answer made him embarrassed. "Ms. Chen." Gongzi smiled softly, but the voice came out incredibly: "Ms. Chen, don't ask for hardship, don't toast, don't eat or punish. Drinking it is you, even your good friend Sun Xiaohan. This courage talked to me like this. "" Since you believe your boyfriend so much, then I'll show you what he can do and can turn it under my hands. "Qin Gongzi calmed his face, then took out his mobile phone and dialed quickly Get out a call. "Hey, Shiliang? Bring someone over for me, this should be downstairs. His girlfriend's last name is Chen." Qin Gongzi fainted, then dropped the phone, and he believed that Qi Shiliang would be able to handle this little matter. Qi Shiliang over there apparently froze. The woman with the last name Chen, and someone's girlfriend, seemed to agree with Lin Lang. "Is it Lin Lang?" Qi Shiliang frowned. At this moment he looked at Liu Dong, and a few strong-looking classmates were looking for the trace of Lin Lang in this Shenghai Hotel. ... "Miss Chen, your boyfriend will come soon." Qin Gongzi's face was cold, and a faint desire to conquer rose in his heart. He wanted to call Chen Miaoxuan's so-called boyfriend, and then he was so humiliated that he knew the gap between the Kyoto giant and a little man. He did not do less of this. And often, at that time, the so-called boyfriend will be shameless, and kneel in front of him for mercy, then obediently give up his girlfriend. And that girlfriend may let him play around or be easy to get started when he is disheartened. But more than that, when recognizing the gap between the two, choose to find a stronger man to surrender. This is not the first time he has done such a thing. And every time, he will be filled with a strong sense of conquest, and he enjoys this feeling. "Soon, I will rest assured that Shiliang is doing things." Qin Gongzi smiled slightly. At this moment, there were several footsteps at the door, and then, with a loud noise, the door of the Imperial Hall was smashed, and the door plate flew high, hitting the dining table. The soup splattered, and many of the boys were not spared. They were covered with oil and their hair was still stained with many residues. The delicious delicacies that have come to my mouth are wet at this moment, but they are full of unpleasant taste and disgusting. All of these make these wealthy sons and brothers mad. "You guys, are you looking for me?" A white figure stepped into the room, and at the same time, the cold eyes locked everyone firmly, faintly, they smelled a horrible life and death.

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