Qi Shiliang shuddered and never experienced such a look. He had a faint illusion. Even a classmate, Lin Lang dare to kill him!

In silence, Qi Shiliang stepped back and gave up the doorway to allow Lin Lang to pass. Lin Lang took Chen Miaoxuan's slender waist and left slowly under the eyes of countless lights.

At this time, Qi Shiliang seemed to collapse like a prostration, and the whole person collapsed to the ground. The rest are not as strong as Qi Shiliang, and fall back to where they were.

They met a devil today, and they killed each other without a word. This is something they have never seen in their twenty-year experience ...

However, they have no way to deal with such people.

It wasn't until Lin Lang's departure, nearly half an hour later, that everyone returned to God, and there was a faint sense of wind and rain.

A first-class family's sister-in-law was abolished, and a descendant of the Xiuwu family was directly killed. Even in Kyoto, where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was placed, this is definitely not a small matter!

Something big is coming!

Everyone was surprised by the unification. Then the waiter at the restaurant came up to clean up the mess. When Sun Xiaohan arrived, he was stunned and could only smile with a bitter smile: "This guy is really not a fuel-saving lamp, he goes everywhere."

And the big and small are also busy at this moment, one after another by their own means to inform their families.

"Help me check his details, yes, his name is Lin Lang. Don't come to see me without turning out all his old ones!"

"Hey, is Fang the owner? One thing I want to tell you, Da Kui ... was killed! Well, I'm afraid I don't have to come here to collect the corpse. The bones are gone."

"Hey, Brother Lin, I've been fucked. I don't know who he is, help me get revenge!" Qin Gongzi, who was originally personable, was like a beast of revenge at this moment, almost roaring and screaming.

Qi Shiliang looked at this scene, and it was expected that Lin Lang caused a big disaster, Mingli only offended Fang and Qin, but secretly he knew how many people wanted to put him to death.

"This lunatic, where's the anger?"

Qi Shiliang no longer dares to imagine it.


Leaving the Shenghai Hotel, Lin Lang walked on the streets of Kyoto's most famous pedestrian street. Under the gorgeous neon lights, the two held hands to walk in and out of the shops.

"Although you like what you like, anyway, what your husband has is money. Yes, it's impossible to set up the shop together." Lin Lang patted his chest, very confident.


Chen Miaoxuan gave Lin Lang a white look, and Jun Jun couldn't help laughing, she blinked and said, "Since you say that, don't regret it."

"Can I regret it?"

Lin Lang hummed and refused to say 0.

Soon, Lin Lang realized how naive he was. When they came out of the last perfume shop on the street corner, Lin Lang was fully armed from head to toe and hung with shopping bags, and the whole person looked a bit bloated.

"Why do you still have ..." Lin Langyu stared at him in amazement, Chen Miaoxuan holding two shopping bags with a smile, only listening to the voice of sorrow and angrily over there: "I can still carry ... Hey, don't hang On the ear ... "

After the last store on the pedestrian street was swept by Chen Miaoxuan, Lin Lang at the moment had countless shopping bags on his neck, ears, hands, arms, and belts.

As for Lin Lang's body has been drowned by countless shopping bags, from a distance, it looks like a bunch of shopping bags walking on the street.

When the pedestrians saw this scene, they all took a sip of air-conditioning. The sympathetic eyes of many male compatriots looked: "This male compatriot ... have worked hard!"

The eyes of all the couples gathered on Lin Lang, while the men showed a sympathetic tribute, while the girls looked at their boyfriend with contempt, and despised: "Useless guy, look Look at his boyfriend! "

Listening to the surrounding sounds, Lin Lang opened his mouth to say something, but in the end it just turned into a smile.

Just as the two were about to leave, a van was standing in front of the two, and a few steps forward, two Toyotas with Kyoto license plates stopped in front of them.

Soon, a large group of people came down from these two cars, young and old, and some people were powerful and powerful. These people gathered together to stand in front of Lin Lang and them, and they were aggressive.

"You are Lin Lang."

An old man in practice clothes stood, his gaze flashed.

"It's me." Lin Lang glanced lightly at the old man, then crouched down and put down his baggage, and put on a smiley expression: "Are you stopping me?"

"Since you are Lin Lang, then there is nothing to say, you know the guilt." The old man who practiced the practice snorted.

During the conversation between the two, a dark blue Maybach stopped and a man and a woman walked down from the car. A middle-aged man always followed closely, looking like a bodyguard.

When Lin Lang saw the woman who came down from Maybach, she was a little stunned, and then a weird smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "It is a coincidence that I would never have met on such an occasion."

The woman also froze slightly, looking at Lin Lang with a touch of complexity, and her throat moved: "I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way. Is this your girlfriend, very beautiful? . "

"Are you ok?"

Chen Miaoxuan's eyes rolled around. Naturally, she noticed that the atmosphere was a little weird. With a little association, she guessed the facts. She took a step forward, her figure was not weak compared to the **** the opposite side.

"You should be Yu Xiaoxiao, I heard my husband talk about you, and sure enough, as he said, you are also very beautiful and flattering to men." Chen Miaoxuan smiled slightly and behaved generously.

"Thank you, so do you." Yu Xiaoxiao Yanran said: "Introduction, this is my boyfriend Lin Ye, one of the future heirs of the Kyoto Lin family, speaking of the same name as Lin Lang."

Qi Shiliang shuddered and never experienced such a look. He had a faint illusion. Even a classmate, Lin Lang dare to kill him!

In silence, Qi Shiliang stepped back and gave up the doorway to allow Lin Lang to pass. Lin Lang took Chen Miaoxuan's slender waist and left slowly under the eyes of countless lights.

At this time, Qi Shiliang seemed to collapse like a prostration, and the whole person collapsed to the ground. The rest are not as strong as Qi Shiliang, and fall back to where they were.

They met a devil today, and they killed each other without a word. This is something they have never seen in their twenty-year experience ...

However, they have no way to deal with such people.

It wasn't until Lin Lang's departure, nearly half an hour later, that everyone returned to God, and there was a faint sense of wind and rain.

A first-class family's sister-in-law was abolished, and a descendant of the Xiuwu family was directly killed. Even in Kyoto, where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was placed, this is definitely not a small matter!

Something big is coming!

Everyone was surprised by the unification. Then the waiter at the restaurant came up to clean up the mess. When Sun Xiaohan arrived, he was stunned and could only smile with a bitter smile: "This guy is really not a fuel-saving lamp, he goes everywhere."

And the big and small are also busy at this moment, one after another by their own means to inform their families.

"Help me check his details, yes, his name is Lin Lang. Don't come to see me without turning out all his old ones!"

"Hey, is Fang the owner? One thing I want to tell you, Da Kui ... was killed! Well, I'm afraid I don't have to come here to collect the corpse. The bones are gone."

"Hey, Brother Lin, I've been fucked. I don't know who he is, help me get revenge!" Qin Gongzi, who was originally personable, was like a beast of revenge at this moment, almost roaring and screaming.

Qi Shiliang looked at this scene, and it was expected that Lin Lang caused a big disaster, Mingli only offended Fang and Qin, but secretly he knew how many people wanted to put him to death.

"This lunatic, where's the anger?"

Qi Shiliang no longer dares to imagine it.


Leaving the Shenghai Hotel, Lin Lang walked on the streets of Kyoto's most famous pedestrian street. Under the gorgeous neon lights, the two held hands to walk in and out of the shops.

"Although you like what you like, anyway, what your husband has is money. Yes, it's impossible to set up the shop together." Lin Lang patted his chest, very confident.


Chen Miaoxuan gave Lin Lang a white look, and Jun Jun couldn't help laughing, she blinked and said, "Since you say that, don't regret it."

"Can I regret it?"

Lin Lang hummed and refused to say 0.

Soon, Lin Lang realized how naive he was. When they came out of the last perfume shop on the street corner, Lin Lang was fully armed from head to toe and hung with shopping bags, and the whole person looked a bit bloated.

"Why do you still have ..." Lin Langyu stared at him in amazement, Chen Miaoxuan holding two shopping bags with a smile, only listening to the voice of sorrow and angrily over there: "I can still carry ... Hey, don't hang On the ear ... "

After the last store on the pedestrian street was swept by Chen Miaoxuan, Lin Lang at the moment had countless shopping bags on his neck, ears, hands, arms, and belts.

As for Lin Lang's body has been drowned by countless shopping bags, from a distance, it looks like a bunch of shopping bags walking on the street.

When the pedestrians saw this scene, they all took a sip of air-conditioning. The sympathetic eyes of many male compatriots looked: "This male compatriot ... have worked hard!"

The eyes of all the couples gathered on Lin Lang, while the men showed a sympathetic tribute, while the girls looked at their boyfriend with contempt, and despised: "Useless guy, look Look at his boyfriend! "

Listening to the surrounding sounds, Lin Lang opened his mouth to say something, but in the end it just turned into a smile.

Just as the two were about to leave, a van was standing in front of the two, and a few steps forward, two Toyotas with Kyoto license plates stopped in front of them.

Soon, a large group of people came down from these two cars, young and old, and some people were powerful and powerful. These people gathered together to stand in front of Lin Lang and them, and they were aggressive.

"You are Lin Lang."

An old man in practice clothes stood, his gaze flashed.

"It's me." Lin Lang glanced lightly at the old man, then crouched down and put down his baggage, and put on a smiley expression: "Are you stopping me?"

"Since you are Lin Lang, then there is nothing to say, you know the guilt." The old man who practiced the practice snorted.

During the conversation between the two, a dark blue Maybach stopped and a man and a woman walked down from the car. A middle-aged man always followed closely, looking like a bodyguard.

When Lin Lang saw the woman who came down from Maybach, she was a little stunned, and then a weird smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "It is a coincidence that I would never have met on such an occasion."

The woman also froze slightly, looking at Lin Lang with a touch of complexity, and her throat moved: "I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way. Is this your girlfriend, very beautiful? . "

"Are you ok?"

Chen Miaoxuan's eyes rolled around. Naturally, she noticed that the atmosphere was a little weird. With a little association, she guessed the facts. She took a step forward, her figure was not weak compared to the **** the opposite side.

"You should be Yu Xiaoxiao, I heard my husband talk about you, and sure enough, as he said, you are also very beautiful and flattering to men." Chen Miaoxuan smiled slightly and behaved generously.

"Thank you, so do you." Yu Xiaoxiao Yanran said: "Introduction, this is my boyfriend Lin Ye, one of the future heirs of the Kyoto Lin family, speaking of the same name as Lin Lang."

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