Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 397: Meet Oliver

"what happened?"

Oliver's color changed suddenly, and the two divine powerhouses were so unclear that they did not even realize it. What a dream?

"What did you do to them both."

Oliver shouted in shock. Fortunately, he can still feel the fluctuations in the lives of the two, otherwise the two divine realms will be directly killed, and he will only have the opportunity to escape.

Rao is so, two strong men who are not weaker than him are so unclearly settled, and they also impact his mind to a great extent.

"It's just sleepy. For the time being, they will be in a dream space, so that they don't disturb our decisive battle."

Lin Lang fainted.

He had anticipated the gathering of the three gods, so he rushed to Sanir to prepare three days in advance. Although he is far from reaching the level of cutting space, he can set up arrays in many nearby spaces.

In this way, the space in the nearby Sanli area was divided into forty-nine grids by him, and a triple ban was imposed on each appearance. The Shenjing had capital to break the triple ban, and he added a magic array to it.

The triple ban is just to stabilize the space.

"This team is called Xin Xin Sheng. Those who join the team will breed the demon, and form a series of tests in their minds. The life choices they have experienced will reappear again. Until they solve them one by one." Lin Lang said lightly.

Paradoxical but not magical formations, but the magic realm of the birth of the demon heart barrier. There is no real existence, but it is testing the truth of the people in the array.

There is no substantial lethality in this array, the memory in my mind repeats the array method and then dissolves on its own. When you walk out of the demon, everything is easy to reach, and it's a thousand miles a day. There is no danger if you can't get out of the demon, it's just that the demon is deep.

Therefore, in the fairy world, this array is mostly a way for the elders to experience. Some geniuses feel like a rock, and they can walk out of the demon in an instant. And some people don't have a good idea, they will only get stuck for longer.

But the divine realm on the earth is ignorant, and the inheritance is not comprehensive. Wherever I have seen such a battle, I have won the first move. I'm afraid it's not easy to get out of my heart.

"So how am I all right?" Oliver frowned.

"Because I want to stay with you, I'll deal with both of them after I hit you."

Lin Lang said lightly.

"Crazy boy!" Oliver was furious, how he couldn't hear Lin Lang's meaning, obviously he regarded him as the best bully.

"Even without them, it's easy for me to kill you. I'll let you know the cost of belittle me."

Oliver growled and was completely enraged. He moved his fingers together and flew forward, while pinching his thumb downward, a huge palm of flame appeared in the void, and the body was filled with dark red magma, with hot temperature, coming towards Lin Lang.

Before the terrifying temperature was approaching, layers of heat waves had evaporated, and even the sand on the ground became hot. At first, Hong Qiuer was a fire-powered creature. He was born as an elf in flames, but he did not have such a huge momentum as Oliver.

No one knows where these magma came from.

"This is the divine realm. Raising your hands and feet is like a god, the means is almost a void creation." Several transcendental positions have different positions, but the same awe on their faces.

That state made them fascinated.

Lin Lang looked immobile, and the seven-color flame wave swept across his pupils, stamping his feet, and the seven-color flame erected a high wall.

The oncoming flame palm and the seven-colored fire wall slammed into each other. It was the same fire, and the two were entangled instantly, regardless of each other.

Only with time, the seven-color flame seems to become weaker and weaker, the red part has faded to pink, and the dark blue area is more inclined to sky blue.

"Oops. General Lin's flame is not as good as Oliver's, and he will be swallowed up." Lu Beidou's face changed. The seven-color flames gradually faded and no one could see that they had suffered in this confrontation.

Only the old **** Oliver looked dignified and did not have the slightest victory. Finally, the seven-color flame stabilized and no longer descended. Oliver's face suddenly changed, like a cat with its tail stamped.

"You are assimilating my flame."

Oliver was furious.

At this moment, the flame turned back, Lin Lang recovered the sky fire, Lin Lang's eyes loomed a fire lotus. In addition to the cultivation and evolution of the seven-color flame, another way is to devour, and its dim color is not exhausted, but neutralized.

"The formation of fire lotus means that it has evolved into a magic fire, but it currently takes a long time to conserve."

"Nothing, you can still chop you without using the purple flame god's eyes." Lin Lang's eyes glowed, he raised his left and right hands together, and at the same time popped a wind blade to chop forward.

"Can you only have this ability?" Oliver whispered, and waved his hands to the endless rain curtain. In the rain curtain, a faceless, silvery figure slid to Lin Lang.

There were no faces in the two wind blades, but the silver blood was allowed to squirt. There seemed to be no pain. Instead, the silver blood flowed back and recovered as usual.

Lin Lang made a virtual stroke in his hand, and the Qing sword spurted out. The speed surpassed the speed of sound, and he reached the silver man in an instant and cut off the latter's head. The returning Shangqing sword was smashed into the distance by the silver man.

"It's useless."

"This is the sculpted body that I have spent elaborately for ten years. I can't stop killing and rebirth. On the contrary, its offensiveness is comparable to that of Divine Realm." Oliver proudly said. This is exactly what he is proud of, and even Divine Realm never wants to break easily.

At this moment, the headless silver man's neck blistered, rising higher and higher, and a head re-grown. The originally dropped head was added to the bottom of the silver man's feet, and his body was drawn a foot long.

The silver man twisted his neck a few times, and after adapting to the newly grown head, his thighs contracted and recovered as usual. Even the Shangqing sword, which has always been known for its sharpness, couldn't help it.

"It's weird."

Lin Lang glanced for a few moments, and suddenly he knew what the silver man's secret was. This silver man has no life itself, but a puppet made of a special substance similar to mercury, just like a stream of water, and will return to normal even if it is cut short.

"A tadpole is also known as the Rebirth of Blood. The real rebirth of blood is the realm of the Mahayana immortal. The spirit is immortal and the body is immortal.

Lin Lang sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

The silver men rushed in, and they were so imposing. Lin Langzhang turned into a sword, and even cut out more than a dozen wind blades, each of which was deeply embedded in the silver man's blood.

The silver man's movements are sluggish, and he is messed up by the influence of the body. As a 'burst' word spit out in Lin Lang's mouth, the silver man exploded, and each flesh was blasted into tiny mist beads.

"It's useless." Oliver shook his head: "My uncle will never die, no one can kill it. Besides, let you see the real blood rebirth!"


Oliver slammed. The mist, however, did not obey his orders at all, and condensed into a ball in the air. The shape was erratic, but it could not be united.

"What hands and feet did you move?" Oliver's face changed, but after all he was a divine powerhouse. Even if a method was defeated, he still had a forceful hole card.

After a brief absence, Oliver stopped trying to control the puppet. Immediately rushed to take over the battle position of the Silver Man. He has been delaying time, waiting for the other two divine realms to break out of the ban, but at present, this hope has also failed.

He fleshed forward, and his body was repaired like a mountain tsunami.

"You know, before I became a god, there was another name, Dragon Warrior." Oliver flew up, gripped with five fingers and held back, followed by a straight arm from the back, and a bronze spear gradually stretched out. Hold it in your hand.

The name of the dragon fighter is not because he actually slaughtered the dragon, but because of his weapon. According to legend, in the ancient British Empire, a dragon was born, and the flames of fire burned a city into a purgatory. The dragon-slaying warrior took a spear and a shield to cut the dragon thousands of miles away.

The soul of the dragon after death is imprisoned in this spear for eternal life. Many people think this is the deification of the weapon, but Oliver knows that this may not be a fiction. Because at some point, the spear would manifest itself as a dragon.

"go to hell."

Oliver swooped forward, and with his spear waving, he looked like an angry tyrant, sometimes changing his form and twirling his teeth, rushing forward.

The spear waved up and down, and the shadow of a dragon with four feet and two wings looming behind. Dragon's anger is thousands of miles away from scorched earth. Breathing, a field of fire. Perhaps this is why the West sees dragons as a symbol of evil.

Lin Lang faced head-on, the golden elephant punched, and three consecutive punches, all regretted the spear. In terms of cultivation, Oliver is definitely more domineering than the Yin and Yang Taoists. Even though Lin Lang has already surpassed the initial warfare state, he still has to work up his spirit and take it seriously when facing Oliver.

After all, he is not congenital.

The golden elephant fist came out.

The star picking hand followed closely behind, but unfortunately, the dragon spear in Oliver's hand was like a finger, and was not captured after a wrestling.

"Shangqing sword, not yet back!"

Lin Lang sighed softly, and Shangqing sword made a roundabout appearance in the palm of his right hand. And his left hand was pinching a spear, entangled with Oliver.

"Break me!"

At the last moment, Lin Lang suddenly let go of his spear, and concentrated his energy on cutting it to half his waist. Listening only to a crisp cry, the Dragon Spear was cut in two from the center.

Oliver had a panic in his face with a spear in his left hand and a spear in his right. The Dragon Spear was easily cut off in this way, which he did not expect.

Suddenly, something happened.

In the half-spear tip of Oliver's right hand, there was a sudden spray of black mist, a strange burning sensation emerged, and the smell of sulfur was everywhere in the air.

The black mist quickly formed, and the ground reflected a shadow.

A western dragon with broad wings and dorsal wings, four feet under its feet, and thorns and spines on its head. And his size is very amazing, it is 20-30 meters in size, covering the sky.

This is a red dragon in Western legend.

"Legend, is it true?"

Oliver was sluggish for a while.

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