Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 396: Three Gods Come Together

This gigantic hand looks very bleak, but in fact it is bound with boundless Tianwei, and it is like the judgment of heaven and earth against all beings with one palm, and it cannot tolerate resistance.

Lu Beidou was fixed in place like a nail, and seemed to have lost his ability to think alone. The air around him was completely swallowed by him like a muddy swamp.

The strongest Lu Beidou is still like this, let alone others, many people have already fallen to their knees completely under the pressure of this palm, and they are unable to raise their heads to see the appearance of this palm.

This is the gap between man and God, one is the master, and the other is the ants who let them go.

Under this palm, everyone had only one thought in their minds: "Human power and God, after all, are so different from each other. Only such a person deserves to be called a divine realm, standing on top and overlooking all beings."

Lu Beidou closed his eyes.

Waiting for death.

Just then, there was a clear voice behind him: "People who also want to touch me in front of me, wake up, you can't do it."

The pressure all around suddenly disappeared.

The vigorous palm couldn't fall in the air, and the next time he was flying out. A lazy figure stretched out of Lu Beidou behind him.

"I'm right, Oliver."

Lin Lang fainted.

High in the sky, the man retracted his palm and landed slowly from the top of the church. With the help of Lin Lang to offset the pressure, everyone could clearly see the person's appearance. This is a dry and thin old man with white hair in the Mediterranean, with a pale complexion, and the few wrinkles on his face seemed to be twisted into a ball.

This is an old man who looks like a grandfather playing Tai Chi in the park. But for such a person, the majesty that comes out naturally cannot be ignored, and it is frightening to dare not face it.

"That's how it should be."

The people were in awe. The three Roberts also got up in a hurry, with Divine Realm present, and they were not qualified to sit down.

"You seem to have a lot of secrets."

Oliver's hawk-like eyes visited Lin Lang, and looked back and forth a few times, his naked eyes seemed to want to see Lin Lang completely through the general.

"Unexpectedly, before becoming a god, if you cultivate in your body like a vast ocean, you will chase the divine realm. The divine spirit can also be compared to most of the divine powers."

Prior to that, he always thought that the so-called General Kim was also a miracle. Until this moment, Lin Lang showed Xiuwei without reservation, and he found out that the other party was not the true god.

It's just that the strength broke through to this level.

Lin Lang snorted coldly, and Oliver's gaze was blocked by an invisible barrier, and he couldn't go any further.

"How can Huajing practice to such an extent that there is no precedent in ancient times?" Oliver frowned, without rushing to act, as if trapped by a problem, contemplating.

"From demigod to divine realm, no matter whether it is cultivation, life span or other kinds will undergo qualitative transformation. Compared with strength, even if it can't be ten times, eight times, or five or six times."

"This is a barrier of divine realm and it is impossible to break."

Oliver wouldn't believe it unless he saw it.

The divine realm is called God and governs the Cangsheng. The Huajing can only be called the Grand Master. There are only a few tall men in the world, and the two are essentially different.

So retrograde cutting can only exist in legend. But it is clear that Lin Lang, who is not weaker in all aspects, has this capital.

"Not to mention. There have been few things that interest me over the years, and I have dug them out myself." Oliver said to himself.

As the voice fell, Oliver rose up and Xiu's momentum broke out in vain. Lin Lang showed no weakness, fisted his fist to meet, and the two men met each other shortly afterwards, fighting in one place.

Because he had already played a simple match with Lin Lang before, Oliver also knew the depth of the other party, and did not entrust it, and went all out to attack Lin Lang.

Lin Lang didn't show mercy, his arm fluttered, the power injected by his arms exceeded ten tons, and each punch was like a heavy artillery bombarded on his body. Before long, he had the ability to grab and drop the plane with his bare hands. Even though he was relying on magical powers at the time, he could still see his terrifying power.

"When I get older, can't I be bullied? Little baby, my husband is not old enough to be physically weak." Oliver snorted. He had become a god, and his power was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

At this point the two did not have any fancy moves, punched into the flesh, fierce fighting for a long time could not help each other. Just listening to each collision between the two people, as Thunder Clouds collided, they uttered a low humming sound.

There appeared to be a storm rolling up at the center of war, throwing countless debris near the conference table into the sky, under pressure. The earth was shaking.

The two of you come and go. Every point of the fall is like the shattered glass, and the ground is cracked, especially conspicuous. The attack on the fist will inevitably unload the force to the ground, causing the land to look like it is now.

There are no amazing aftermaths of fighting, but the simple hand-to-hand combat has such an amazing impact, just like being bombarded by a cannonball.

Finally, the ground nearby could no longer support the puppets of the two, and the hard terrazzo ground was broken into powder. The foundation seemed to have been greatly affected, and the church walls became shaky.

Oliver turned aside, Lin Lang's fist struck straight on the pillar, and he decisively swept his hand. The half-meter diameter pillar was cut in two from the center.

The already fragile church, at this moment, can no longer support the two peerless powers to attack each other and collapse. At this moment, Lin Lang and the two of them pulled away and flew up at the same time, flying out of the hole on the top of the church, transferring the battlefield to heaven.

The fumes filled the air, countless people were stunned, and several people including Kevis also changed their colors later. The church is hundreds of square meters in size, and the surrounding thick stone piers are enough to illustrate its solidity.

This is not yet a martial arts confrontation, only a physical collision. Instead, they played in person, and even if they used martial arts to deliberately destroy the fulcrum of the church, they might not be faster than the two of them.

"Godland, this is Godland."

Under the gaze of countless awesome eyes below, the two in the sky suddenly gave up and did not fight, each taking a very tacit step back.

"Why didn't you hit?"

The people below looked at each other blankly. Shouldn't this be the fierce battle at this time? Why did they both stop at the same time. Suddenly want to shake hands and make peace?

Obviously, this is unrealistic. General King came for Oliver, and Oliver also had the responsibility of killing General King, and he must have a win or a loss.

At this moment, Oliver's laughter sounded in the sky, praising: "General Kim really has a keen sense, and he can calculate this step in advance. If I had two Taoists hide it in advance, I am afraid that General Kim would not Make it easy. "

As his voice fell.

In the south, black clouds over the city. A mass of darkness was like ink, and a thick black mist like water droplets rolled in. The sun's rays were obscured, and the entire city of Sanil was shrouded in shadow.

The world was dark, and fear and anxiety surfaced in everyone's mind.

"Old Montenegro!"

The mention of the name instantly depressed a lot. Heiwu represents the ancestor of Montenegro, the notorious and extremely addictive demon.

There was a wave in the sky in the other direction, and a tall old man came out of the void, with a Russian face with a sign, blue eyes and white skin, beards and chests, and two white beards together.

Compared to the first two, the Russian bearded man was born with a kind and compassionate face. It seemed completely out of touch with the first two of the mighty world.

"Two, it's not too late for me to appear."

The old man smiled.

"This is ... Roman Stanislav."

An informed person broke the name of the person. Many years ago, he had his legend that he and the ancestors of Montenegro were the characters of the same era. It was also at that time that the three of them were on the same stage and competed with each other for more than ten years, and finally laid the pattern of the three major generals in the future.

In layman's terms, the three of them are equivalent to the founders, and the three generals now are the heirs, helping them manage many businesses in the Golden Triangle.

As one of the three generals, Roman Stanislav, even if he was amiable again, was a **** murderer with his hands covered in countless blood.

"It's been almost a hundred years since the Golden Triangle era. It was unexpected that all three of them were still alive, and the living one was tougher than the other."

"Each of them should be a hundred or dozens of years old." Everyone just felt dry. Many people do not know that the Divine Land has a longevity of 200 years. According to the standard of ordinary people, the elderly with a long life of more than 100 years are still amazing.

"Montenegro, Roman came to help me get rid of this. I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to kill him alone."

Oliver asked loudly.

One is in the bright and the other is in the dark. This is a strategy that they have negotiated early. Each of them stood in three directions, blocking all escape routes of Lin Lang.

"I originally thought that each of the divine realms was an invincible figure at the time. Now the three divine realms have to join forces to besiege a siege realm. Do the so-called gods decide to win or lose with more deception?" Yu Leng hummed.

In a blink of an eye, Roman Stanislav's gaze swept away, Lin Yu's body was sore as a knife, and invisible pressure poured from overhead, forcing him to kneel and fall to the ground.

Divine majesty can't be offended, and Roman Stanislav's temper was not good without killing him on the spot.

"You are wrong, every divine realm is invincible." In turn, Roman Stanislav's eyes moved away from Lin Yu and fell on Lin Lang.

"General Kim, in normal times we can still claim our identity and fight alone with you, but the tomb of the immortals of Northern Russia is about to open soon. We don't want to waste a little more on you."

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for not appearing at the right time." Roman Stanislav still explained to Yue Yan. As for the ancestors of Montenegro, although they did not speak, they had already shown their weapons.

Lin Yu's last hope was dashed. He originally wanted to use this tongue-to-mouth approach to relieve some pressure on Lin Lang. However, his careful thinking was not used at all, and the three divine realms had to join forces to besiege Lin Lang.

This is three gods!

In the past, the three gods competed with each other, and they played a tremendous role in the Golden Triangle. At this moment, they joined hands to unify the outside world, and at the same time, they voiced their intention to join forces to remove Lin Lang.

Lin Yu no longer dares to speak, he knows that the divine realm is not a good temper. If he dares to speak up again, his death will be his end.

The three gods join forces.

What could be more desperate.

"Lin Youye is in danger most of the time." Kevis sighed. Roman Stanislav said that it is true. Every divine realm is invincible. It is difficult to defeat one, not to mention joining forces together.

Whether it was fighting or fleeing when three gods appeared at the same time, it became a bubble.

This is a mortal situation!

No one noticed, however, that a few traces of golden threads in the sky were fleeting, hidden in the void, including the three gods unaware.

"Are you still struggling? What do you want to do now?"

Oliver looked at Lin Lang with amusement and teased. But on the latter, the angular face was as plain as water, and there was no trace of confusion.

There is only calmness that should not exist at all.

"I will kill you first, and then kill both of them in turn." Lin Lang said lightly.

Oliver seemed to have heard a big joke, and Ren Jun couldn't help but said, "You're the only one who has to work for me, let alone two helpers."

"One person, one move, enough to kill you."

Oliver gave a finger.

"If you think the two of them can free up their hands to help you, try them."

Lin Lang snapped his fingers.

On his left and right sides, Roman Stanislav and Montenegro's ancestors suddenly became stiff, as if they had fixed themselves, their expressions were rigid, and the horror of the sky was dissipated.

The two seemed like clay figures, and no matter how Oliver called, there was no response.

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