Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 398: Spear breaking red dragon out

"Rome's ancient practice of Onbasto ..."

The first time the ghost of the red dragon imprisoned in the dragon spear appeared, an obscure sound popped out of his mouth, just like the voice was only half, and the other half was in his throat, he couldn't understand.

But there are some things that can be seen from its appearance.

It's arrogant.

This is the Dragon language, the internal language created by the Dragons, which naturally cannot be understood by humans. Of course, Lin Lang can be excluded, and he is not without dealing with the Dragons, and the Dragon language can still understand a little.

The red dragon was saying, "Stupid human, to release me from the seal is your stupidest choice. Surrender to my feet."

"The lowest red dragon soul in the dragon family, now you have a chance to surrender me." Lin Lang's voice seemed to have a strange magic, making the red dragon's majestic body gradually lower. Like a surrender, growl gently.

Lin Lang used some of the secret methods of the Imperial Beast Sect of the Fairyland, which affected the mind of the Red Dragon. The Royal Beast Sect is the Royal Beast in name, but through the creatures with dragon blood, such as crickets, it is not a superficial study of real dragon-type creatures.

Yulong is not empty talk.

However, after a short absence, the red dragon suddenly leaped, and his tail seemed to fly away. The sound that went away gradually could discern its meaning.

"You are always in this set, this seat is fed up! When the 1500 years of torture in this seat is in vain, it is already resistant!"

This change actually made Lin Lang somewhat unexpected, and he did not expect the Royal Dragon Law to completely fail on this red dragon, and did not trap the dragon soul.

"The non-yulong method is useless, but this seemingly inferior red dragon also has its own extraordinary features." Lin Lang's eyes flickered, and instead he would go up to catch the red dragon soul and study it carefully.

However, at this time it was a battle, and he couldn't distract him, only waiting for the fate of the Red Dragon Soul in the future. Almost as soon as the Red Dragon Soul disappeared, Lin Lang and Oliver fought again.

Oliver was holding a broken spear. Although he could not launch the special blessing of the Dragon Spear again, the cultivation of the divine realm was still a threat to Lin Lang.

Dragon warrior, brave and addicted to battle.

The only half of the broken spear in his hand also made him change his moves. When he danced, he shivered, his moves were extremely fast, there was a strange feeling of entering and exiting with a spear, and a thick-backed knife.

Breaking the spear is not spear, but there are more moves.

"I have been in the Divine Realm for thirty years. How can those younger juniors who are new to the Divine Realm compare?"

Oliver shouted, shaking his hand and lunging forward a hundred times. A little bit of brilliance was stranded, but the next move was killed before the previous one. Lin Lang kept making mistakes to give up his position. Even though his physical body was comparable to Divine Realm at this time, if he was stabbed by a spear, he was afraid that there would be more evil.

"Go die, stab you!"

Oliver made a fierce move, and the spear broke Lin Lang's chest without hindrance, but this was not his true body, but a residual image left in place.


The warning sign in Oliver's heart was a sudden retreat. Suddenly, there was a chilling touch in his back heart. Fortunately, he responded quickly, his back arched, like a successful demon cat, staggered in time.

"It's a pity."

Lin Lang felt sorry. Sure enough, each of the divine realms is an extreme power. In the alternative, someone else has already penetrated the heart with his finger, and there is no place for burial.

"It's dangerous." Oliver bounced away and still had a bit of anxiety. A horrible finger hole behind him almost pierced his chest. Fortunately, his movement of a cat's waist forced his finger away from the direction of the heart.

"Master Oliver has fallen!"

Everyone on the ground was dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, Oliver, who had been in the state of God for many years, was still at a disadvantage in the face of General Jin.

Just as they worked hard, the two bumped together again. Over the city of Sanil, two silhouettes flew side by side. The waves passing by swept across, the high-rise buildings were crumbling, and the low-rise shantytown seemed to have just experienced The baptism of a storm was in the ruins.

Wherever I went, I turned it into scorched earth.

"This is the divine war. It has not erupted for many years before General Kim was born. Many people are about to forget the fear of being dominated by the divine realm. The fighting that erupted between the divine realms will destroy a city, even if he Unintentional, powerful impact can also destroy the city. "Everyone is astonishing.


Oliver handed his hand forward, a terror of suction erupted in the palm of his hand, and a six-story high-rise building stood up against Lin Lang, who was killed ten feet in the air. Lin Lang pinched a knife, broke through layers of reinforced concrete, and stabbed Oliver with a sword.

Somehow, Oliver's weapon spear has disappeared without a trace. A weird smile suddenly rose on his face: "Lin Youye, you're in trouble!"

suddenly. He pointed forward and pointed out.

The spear spans miles and distances, seems to break through layers of space, and suddenly appears on top of Roman Stanislav's head, hanging without hair.

"I have seen through your tricks, and you have always intentionally or unintentionally guided me away from the church during the war, and you are afraid." Oliver looked at the fire with confidence.

"There is another doubt, if they are trapped by you, why don't you first kill the two of them who have no resistance and take the initiative to provoke me to this state of prosperity."

"Everything is demonstrating that I have the power to rescue them from the seal. You take it for granted that I would have penetrated your flaws."

As Oliver's voice fell, a spear hummed, avoiding the key points of Roman Stanislav, and stabbed him.

Pierce the seal, and he can rescue the two divine realms from the seal. This is his conclusion after observation.

However, his smile freezes instantly.

The half-spearing dragon spear seemed to be stabbed on a layer of invisible stone, and could not fall at all.

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