Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 395: Divine Land Meeting

Perhaps worried that Lin Lang could not get the news, General Robert sent a messenger to Nua City. At the same time, Zamohan also spoke for the master behind him, inviting General King to go to Sanil to discuss many issues in the north.

At the same time, the old **** Oliver came forward personally, with unquestionable majesty, and uttered his voice across the skyline of the city of Sananil: "General King, come and die."

All eyes of the Golden Triangle came into focus at one time. The three gods appeared at the same time, either with heavy hostility or a flat attitude, but the goals were unanimously intimidating Lin Lang to the meeting.

The three gods are here, but not in ancient times.

And their appearance brought an invisible pressure. The goal is only in Lin Lang.

"Go or not?"

The first time Lin Yu received the news, he immediately forwarded the envelope to Lin Lang.

"The ancestor of Montenegro was a character 70 years ago, and now some villages still worship his idols. At first, this person stirred countless situations in the Golden Triangle, and his character was surly and extremely addictive to killing. Only thousands of people died in his hands. Is counting. "

"It is said that he once killed a village and waited for him to come out. Only a mad dog at the entrance of the village was alive. Later he set up an army to fight the North and the South. During the heyday, even the T country had to send a special one. The infantry division and its confrontation ... "

According to Lin Yu's description, the origin of the ancestors of Montenegro is no longer available, but his life is notorious, and the crimes are staggering. In the same way, his own strength has also become god, and the demigod has almost no resistance before him.

"Instead of convening a peace conference among the warlords, it is better to say that this is essentially a meeting against us ... the Divine Realm!" Lin Yu's voice was low.

The ancestor of Montenegro appeared, and the old **** Oliver has been hidden in the dark. As for the people standing behind General Zamohan, they must not be reconciled.

"We ignited the gunpowder barrel in the Golden Triangle, and now it is the target of public criticism. It is bound to be dangerous to attend the meeting. Besides, we have lost the support of the special operations department, and it is better to avoid the limelight as much as possible." Lin Yu's **** analysis said.

After Situ Youmo was arrested, everyone in the Special Operations Division naturally had no reason to stay, and escorted him to Beijing for his life and walked away.

"They are also worthy of my retreat. You look at their ability too much." Lin Lang faintly said, "Three days later, you will go to Sanil on your own, and I will protect your life."

"Isn't Lord Lin enough enough to kill the three divine realms?" The Kevis were on the side, and suddenly the mind was shocked.

"It's impossible. Every divine realm is a super power. It may be a bit odd to face a single Master Lin, and it is impossible to face three at the same time!"

"No one can do it!"

Kevis is absolutely sure. Divine Realm has symbolized the apex of martial arts in the world. The limit that mortals can reach may be overcome, but it will never be humiliated.

With one enemy and three, it is even nonsense.

If they escape with one heart, the divine realm in the same realm cannot be stopped. Of course, the newly-developed divine realm of Yin-Yang Taoists can be excluded.

"I can't be alone against the three gods for the time being." Lin Lang shook his head: "In contrast, forcing them to submit is much easier."

He hasn't become a **** yet, and he may be able to defeat a strong person in the divine realm alone. But facing the siege of three divine realms at the same time, he had no choice but to escape.

"Cultivation of immortals and cultivation is to fight against the sky. If you do not fight, do not rob or conflict, you are afraid that it will take another three years and five years to cultivate innately."

"The best way is to grab the divine realm! But before that, I need to do some preparation."

Lin Lang's mouth cocked a confident arc.

Three days after today, and even the peace conference really started, everyone including Lin Yu lost the news of Lin Lang, just as the world evaporated, no one could find him.


City of Sanil.

As the only city near the Huaxia border, it is also widely known as the abandoned city. There is no garrison in any country at the border of the four countries, and it is not part of the warlord's forces on either side.

Holding a peace conference here still guarantees some personal safety.

However, this is the case. There are very few warlords who have made a public appearance. Most of them only sent their relatives to come. They are also worried about their own lives. Even if the warlords participating in the peace conference can lay down their feuds, will the three countries of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos miss this opportunity to wipe out the thief?

One intercontinental missile goes on, and it will be done once and for all. When the Three Kingdoms send troops to clear the country and restore Datong, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Of course, there are also many warlords who completely ignore Robert's suggestion and have not even dispatched a representative.

Peace conference, when was the Golden Triangle truly peaceful?

Unless everyone can quit greed and ignore power.

This is impossible at all.

The so-called peace is only to find allies for mutual protection. Even if the peace agreement is signed, it is only a piece of waste paper. Within a week, everyone will be beaten by a dispute over interests.

Downtown of Sanil.

Inside a church.

The rows of seats in the church were removed at this time, leaving only a long circular conference table in the most spacious place in the center. About twenty people sat in the surrounding seats.

Behind these men, each had a strong bodyguard standing with a pistol in his waist. At the top of the conference table, there were three people each, who were the original two generals and the current General Mu.

The church is noisy and noisy, there are fierce noises, there are scar men who carry Cuban cigars and spit clouds and watch the changes, and tattoos cover every skin on the body. In short no one looks kind.

"The meeting has to be postponed. There is one more important person who has not arrived yet, you guys later." General Robert raised his hand and pressed it down, the noise was slightly lower.

Everyone naturally knew who he was referring to.

"You're talking about Lin Yu and General Jin." A middle-aged man with a fluttering face yelled, "It's ten o'clock right away, that coward can't come. They're Chinese, so timid and yet Useless. "

Laughter around.

The peace conference is to a large extent aimed at Lin Yu's side. As long as they are not stupid, they basically will not come to die. Because they don't have any allies or good powers, the offending people are a large group, not to mention the other three generals are jealous.

If you come rashly, I'm afraid that humiliation and difficulties are trivial matters.

"If I were Lin Yu, I would never come. Even if General Jin stood behind him, the three great generals stood behind three gods."

"They don't have a chance."

A well-known general affirmed.

But just as his voice fell.

Noisy outside the church.

"Who said I was afraid of Lin Yu ?!"

Lin Yu is in a military uniform, with two pistols around his waist, and has a charming posture. Followed by Kevis and Lu Beidou, walked into the church with heads high.


There are countless lights in the church. All are mixed with unexpected colors.

"Lin Yu, how dare he come?"

The crowd was somewhat surprised.

In this sensitive period, the best choice for Lin Yu is to be a tortoise, avoiding the limelight for a while, maybe there is a possibility to stay for a while.

But if it is true, it is tantamount to death.

"Well, General Lin Yu didn't even choose to run away, it was a surprise." The middle-aged man with a fluttering face shouted.

Lin Yu glanced at him lightly and ignored him. He recognized this man as General Tai, under General Orton. The Golden Triangle is headed by three generals, but it does not mean that only three of them have proclaimed themselves. General Orton is one of them. It is comparable to the three generals, but there are thousands of elite soldiers.

However, Yun Tai obviously did not want to give up, and continued to wonder: "Why don't you see General King? Could he have also made a coward and only sent you to deal with the scene?"

"Maybe at this time he had escaped from the Golden Triangle with his tail in his hands and sought refuge everywhere."

Laughing around.

"What do you mean."

Lin Yu wasn't surprised, and fainted.

"I mean you're late. There is no place for widowers and running dogs here." Wu Tai laughed wildly, looking at Lin Yu's cold face, and said, "What? I'm angry, I forgot to tell you here but not Hands are allowed, otherwise they will be regarded as public enemies of the Golden Triangle. "

Prior to the start of the peace conference, all parties had agreed that anyone was not allowed to take part in the conference. Anyone who broke the agreement would be punished by all parties.

This is also the basis for such a provocation.

Lin Yu didn't move, she couldn't see a little anger. Just when everyone thought that Lin Yu would swallow his breath for a while, he drew his gun lightningly and aimed at Wu Tai's head.


Wu Tai's eyes were stagnant, a blood hole appeared in his brows, and the body fell to the table. The martial arts guard behind Lu Tai turned discolored, and just about to attack Lin Yu, a vine pierced into his chest silently.

"This will not have a seat."

The audience was dead and Lin Yu's voice echoed in the conference room.

No one expected that Lin Yu would take the action without hesitation and kill the provocative Wu Tai neatly.

"Yu Tai provoked me proactively. It shouldn't be a violation if he killed him." Lin Yu looked around the room and said quietly. Finally, he fixed his eyes on the three generals.

General Robert's face was cloudy, why did Lin Yu's move not give him a power? At this time an old man behind him whispered a few words beside him.

"That yellow hair is a master in the same realm as you?" Robert frowned, trying to take this opportunity to give Lin Yu a good-looking, do not want to have two big masters behind him.

"Let's leave him alive for the time being, so as not to undermine the plan of the old ancestor of Montenegro. It will be his death when General King appears."

In the end, Robert frowned and smiled: "Huan Tai asks for trouble and can't blame General Lin Yu. Please sit down."

Lin Yu was not polite. He tore off Tai's body from the table, and then sat in the blood-stained position. Looking around the scene, he was all shocked by his fierceness.

The meeting was held as scheduled, and everyone apparently signed a peace agreement with He Meimei. It is only when discussing the issue of the territories of various parties that there have been numerous disputes, and some even want to emulate what Lin Yu did.

It was just that the person was very sad, not as fast as Lin Yu's shot speed, when he pulled his gun, he was beaten into a horse honeycomb by several guns around him.

"Do-it-yourselfers are no different from this one."

With a wave of Robert, two light servants came up and dragged the body out. Organized by the three generals, the meeting was back on track.

"I think the northern region is a tumor of the Golden Triangle War and must be integrated." A warlord took the initiative to stand up and said that he seemed to see the murderous eyes of the surrounding northern people.

"I didn't mean that." The man quickly waved his hand and said, "I refer to the northern Lin Yu's territory. The area is mixed with fish and dragons and often provokes war. If it is not integrated in time, I am afraid it will spread to the entire Golden Triangle."

"General Lin Yu's territory is a tumor of the Golden Triangle, and it is recommended that it be eradicated." One person stood up and said.

"Why anxious to eradicate." A warlord stood up at the scene: "The northern region is the territory of General Skelak. After his death, General Mu should also succeed him, so it makes sense."

General Mu smiled, which was exactly what he had been waiting for.

"Then you let Skylark crawl back from **** and grab me." Lin Yu stood up and stared at General Mu's body: "And you, was killed by General Jin and lost his helmet and armor. And the fleeing coward was worthy to come back to fight with me. "

"You can't help it."

Lin Yu scolded unceremoniously. At this time, we must not show weakness, otherwise there will be no bone dregs that can only be swallowed a little.

"Lin Yu, you are looking for death!"

General Mu was poked in the sore spot and rose with anger. Behind him, the old ninja in black robes also stood up, and the cultivation in the later stage of the realm was undoubtedly manifested.

At the same time, the two generals, Robert and Zamohan, also walked out of the same place behind each other. As for those warlord representatives who have already slipped far away, in the late period of the Three Empowerment, they represent the strongest existence in the Golden Triangle martial arts circle.

As for the strongest people on the top of the transformation, they are one-sided battles. No matter in which country the value is strategic, they will be supported by the country, and naturally they will not condescend to the broken place of the Golden Triangle.

Therefore, the three finalists are definitely the top masters in the Golden Triangle.

"Master Ninja, kill Lin Yu for me."

The fighting was much faster than everyone expected, and before that there was no warning, and almost everything was done. As for the rules that cannot be practiced at the meeting, they have long been left behind by the three generals.

Two masters entangled Kevis, making him unable to help. The black ninja rushed forward, and the ninjutsu was almost invisible.

"Back down."

Until Hei Ren rushed forward, Lu Beidou finally started, punching somewhere in front of him, and forced Hei Ren out of space.

Hei Ni stepped back, spitting a blood, his face was low: "You are a demigod." Until now, he discovered that the old man who had been ignored by him and could not detect a little repair in his body even possessed a demigod Body.

"How could he be demigod."

The other two masters of Huajing also sat down. A demigod, if given him time, would be enough to kill all three of them here.

Obviously, they did not find any traces of repairs on the latter!

"Little baby, having a demigod body is not your mad capital." A majestic voice came suddenly into the sky.

"The so-called demigod can't resist a real divine realm. The ants are still ants after all."

Suddenly, the top of the church collapsed, and a large hand suddenly grabbed Lu Beidou.

Finally, the God of Realm still appeared!

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