At this moment, Lin Lang was as light as a goose, and the whole man shuttled through the army with impunity, not even the shells.

He broke through the blockade of the gunfire. The upper and lower swords were split in a few times, and the sharp swords were overflowing, turning into a milky moon arc. The mortar and the gunner behind the helm were all cut in half .

The long anti-tank gun of the British anti-tank gun was completely unable to stop the Qing sword and was cut into two pieces. He struck the city tower, a golden elephant with an ancient hair, thick elephant legs slammed against the city wall.

Suddenly the wall collapsed, countless soldiers on the city wall and heavy machine guns fell to the ground, causing heavy casualties. Lin Lang stretched out his legs, and trenches and other fortifications collapsed. I don't know how many people were buried alive.

A heavily armed armored vehicle drove out of the city, and the flare of the machine gun erected above stopped. Lin Lang shook his body to avoid bullets, which jumped several hundred meters away. He stood under the armored vehicle and suddenly burst into strength.

He was overlaid with metal monsters wrapped in layers of iron, and a dozen tons of armored vehicles in his hands were like playthings, thrown into a pile of people and killed a large piece.

Soldiers who are not afraid of death are worthy of respect, because they are also poor people who cannot help themselves. Because of this, Lin Lang, who is the opposite, will not be in the slightest.

It is their supreme glory to die on the battlefield.

Lin Lang slashed out his sword, and his sword ran across like an aurora weapon in people's impression. Only a creamy arc was seen across it. In front of it, whether it was a cement wall or flesh, it was all fragile white paper.

Two swords!

You don't feel any pain, and you don't need to experience any dying struggles. In front of these ordinary soldiers, Lin Lang is like a death **** who has harvested life. Want you three dead, never leave you to five.


Everyone saw Lin Lang enter the city, and the nearby artillery was also cleaned up, and finally it was their turn to play. Kevis and Lu Beidou rushed out first, and the fifth group of people were impatient and waited for a long time, screaming into the battlefield.

Lu Beidou has a demigod body, and his physical body is better than thousands of refined steel. In addition to the heavy-kill artillery, ordinary bullets can only leave a white spot on his body, which will not threaten his life. The flesh alone is enough to shuttle through the barrage of guns.

Kevez is not as abnormal as his physical body. When he stepped on it, the wooden energy condensed in front of him a high oak wall with a thickness of three or four meters. The bullets are deeply embedded in oak, but few oak walls.

Even if there are occasional bullets that can pass through the wooden wall, the kinetic energy that falls on everyone is very little and powerless. The members of the fifth group hid behind the oak shield erected by Kevis and advanced forward step by step.

"This group of people is so bad!" Suzaku stomped again and again. The fifth group was brought out by Lin Lang himself. It seems to have inherited the other party's usual banditry. Before the action, she did not ask her at all.

"Well, they should be wearing small shoes afterwards." Suzaku muttered quietly. When I looked back, the members of the third group stared at her, staring desperately.

"What to see." Suzaku fiercely stared at him: "I can't help yet, and let go of the Situ cub, you can't eat it."

"Not yet!"

The voice fell, and the members of the third group rushed out, leaving Suzaku behind.

"Are these people crazy?" Suzaku stared. In fact, each group in the special operations department has a relationship of comparison with each other. In the distance, they have been watching the fifth group as fierce as a tiger, showing their talents wantonly, and they have also been holding a grudge.

"Everyone protects themselves. Don't kill too many people, otherwise there will be too much noise ..."

Suzaku pursued in the rear.

Upstairs. The heavy-faced Stuart Goblin changed his face again, and until now Suzaku came closer, he finally understood something.

"Dammit, are you worthy of doing so to catch the crowd in order to catch me? Suzaku will not be called, even Lin Youye will be shocked. Attacking Nua City, just to catch me?" Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped in the heart of Situ You Mo Too. As the top three on the China Hunting List, he naturally often dealt with Suzaku warriors, and he recognized them at a glance.

"What the **** is that?"

Situ Youmo was crying without tears. To attack a city for one person, fairy tales are not romantic, but rather scary!

escape! At this moment, the Stuart Goblin was firmly convinced that he must slip away before being found, otherwise the things he had committed before were enough for the Special Operations Department to stab him 10,000 times.

However, he just stepped out of his left leg, and the whole man was stiff, and his soles stiffened in midair could not say anything. Because in front of him, a familiar figure was standing in front of him.

"Lin Youye!"

The Situ young demon scared his soul.

Lin Lang did not kill him, and pointed forward slightly. Two spiritual chains were wrapped around Situ Youmo, binding him tightly. What made him even more apprehensive was that his pride in the cultivation of the situation could not be moved at all.

Situ's young demon's body was suspended, and he fell to the ground after a long time.

"You should be glad that someone wants to kill you more than I do."

Lin Lang didn't directly kill Situ Tumo, but chose to throw him into the battlefield, and the members of the special operations department will judge him.

"As for Skylark."

Lin Lang's consciousness diverged, covering half the city of Nua, and screening one by one among countless soldiers. Finally, he found a blood-stained soldier on the battlefield.

"Hiding here."

Lin Langchen laughed. This man is Skelak, who is dressed as an ordinary soldier. He wants to fool through this way and escape from Lin Lang's hunt. Changing to another person may help him succeed, but in front of Lin Lang, ten miles of consciousness, there is nothing to hide.

"Don't kill me, I'm willing to surrender. I can donate the city of Nua, and the border town, and even let you be a general. Please spare me my life." Skerat was sincerely afraid.

It is just that these interests that he betrayed are basically lacking in interest for Lin Lang, and he is not short of money. How can he be guilty of stigma, such as Skylark selling drugs to his own country?


Seeing Lin Lang was unmoved, Skylark turned to throw another bombshell. "In fact, I have the support of Divine Behind. The old **** Oliver is already on his way to the Golden Triangle."

"I'm waiting for him."

Lin Lang didn't care, Jian Qi lightly cut off Skerat's throat, and the blood was like injection. Lin Lang stepped on the city wall and raised Skylark's head to the city.

"Skelat is dead, he won't kill."

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