Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 391: Cannonball

The original people intentionally kept a certain distance from Skerat, far beyond the range of the bullets, and even the ordinary mortars were struggling to hit them. Most of the time, they had enough time to predict the dodge before firing the shells.

However, at this moment, their position advantage disappeared. The muzzle velocity of the ejection of the gun is more than 1600, five times the speed of sound, which can be razed to the ground within a few seconds. How many people can escape at the critical moment?

"Kill your flag first!"

Skylark sneered. He pressed his hand down. The skilled gunner had already reloaded and fired immediately. A one-meter-long conical shell screamed.

When the members of the group changed their faces, they noticed that the shells had fired and started to dodge within the first time. Rao was so unable to escape the shell envelope.

Just then.

Until the shells were within 500 meters of the crowd.

Lin Lang with closed eyes finally moved.

With a single-handed sword, half-footed Qing Feng made a false stroke somewhere in front, as if he had planned it, and he never touched the tip of the artillery. Then there was a flash of light on the spot, and the cannonball was cut in half directly.

It wasn't until the shells divided in half left and right, that the crisp sound of cutting into the ears came to everyone's ears. The shells full of destruction energy dissipated invisible.

Sword cuts cannonball!

The explosion of the shell usually touches a hard landing point, and it will start after the fuse sensor detects the fuze detonator. However, just at the moment, the impulse signal was not transmitted to the detonator, and the speed of the sword was faster.

If you use a playful sentence to describe it, it is: "While the shell is not paying attention, let it be split in half with a sword."

As for the power of the explosion, there is no way to talk about it.

On the tower, Skylark's pupils shrank.

Missiles that are five times the speed of sound can be cut in advance by Lin Lang in advance, and both the reaction speed and the speed of shots have exceeded human limits.

Simply inhuman!

"It must be a coincidence. If human beings can also break through the speed of sound, then we must study what these hot weapons do." Skylark did not believe in evil and blamed everything by chance.

However, at this moment, Lin Lang had already taken advantage of the action. The body forcibly broke above the speed of sound and rushed forward. His speed was so fast that no one could understand his trajectory.

The anti-tank artillery had been reloaded by distant gunners, but they stayed in place for a long time. The direction of the gun barrel moved along with Lin Lang's figure, and it was always difficult to find the direction.

There is no way to start.

"Fire all over! I don't believe he can escape with luck." Skylark ordered urgently.

More than a dozen artillery fired together, forming a man-made bombing area in the suburban area of ​​Nua City. The continuously exploding shells shook human eardrums and the ground was turbulent.

Closer, countless bullets flew across. Intertwined a dense fire network, completely blocked this area. No one can pass smoothly.

Lin Lang flew on the ground, walking like a light dragon, walking through a dense fire network. Several shells landed on the ground, blasting a nearby rotten turret.


Lin Lang couldn't escape when a cannonball exploded. The hot energy and horrific impact lifted him out. Dust and mist with a diameter of 34 meters rose into the sky, and deep craters were left on the ground.

"It's a rabbit that can run." A smile on his face finally appeared on Skylar's face. "No matter how fast he can be, he won't be able to hit me with a cannonball. The explosion wave is no more than two meters away from him. This time, even the bones are swaying. No more. "

Opposite to him is Mu and Situ Yumo.

Both faces are serious and not optimistic.

Suddenly, Skylark's smile stopped abruptly.

Because he found that a figure appeared less than two miles away from the city. It was Lin Lang, not only did he not look a bit injured, but he was still alive and well.

He was crossing the fire line at an alarming rate.

"How could this be."

Skylark is a dull chicken. He is not a member of the martial arts world, but in the ears of Situ Yumo and several great martial artists, he has some understanding of the martial arts world. He knew very well that the Grand Master could not retreat from the whole body under the close range of the shell.

"His cultivation is not only in the middle period of metamorphosis, I speculate that it has reached at least the late metamorphosis and even the demigod." Mu's face was dignified.

Behind the three, a black mist condensed, and slowly the black mist condensed a human figure, and an old voice came out of the black mist: "How easy is it to reach the top of the transformation state, which is rare in Southeast Asia and even in East Asia? Young guru. "

"See Master."

Skylark was calm and respectful.

Mu followed saluting. Skylark has dominated the Golden Triangle for many years. In addition to the strong support behind the scenes, there are three treasures around him, the outstanding general Mu during the march, Stuart, a dog-headed division, and a master in the late stage of transformation. Already.

The old ninja in black nodded: "Anyone who can reach the middle stage of transition at this age, in addition to the hidden powers of the Western Arbitration Department and the Holy See, there are only two Chinese warriors and the sword **** Zuo Qiudao. , Assada of the Dark Witches barely counts one. "

The Western Holy See and Arbitration Departments are not usually born, and their news has rarely been heard for half a century. Of course, this does not mean that they have weakened.

On the contrary, even major international organizations such as Hongmen and Dark Star have to avoid three-pointers and try to avoid confrontation with them.

Situ Yumo's face was solemn, and he cried, "You seem to be one less."

"Who else?"

The three looked at the same time. Mu's face changed drastically: "Must you mean ..."

"That's right. It is the rookie who has risen in the past two years, which has beheaded countless older generations of killing gods, Lin Youye!" Situ Youmo said in a stern voice.

"If he is really Lin Youye, that would be horrible. I hope he is not." Munana said. The name of Huaxia Lin You Ye is truly thunderous in the world, and even overwhelms Zhao Wushen, and is one of the most terrifying people in the world today.

"The most horrible thing is not Lin Youye's cultivation, but his character. If there is a crime against him, it must be endless. Few strong men who have fought against him can come out alive."

Situ young devil still remembers this. In their circle, some people even secretly lined Lin Youye with Zuo Qiudao. Although Lin Youye did not do any evil to the Chinese official, in fact the number of strong men who died in his hands Only more than Zuo Qiudao.

Upon hearing the words Lin Youye, Skylark's mood became anxious: "If he is Lin Youye, I'm afraid he can't do anything for him behind me."

"You must contact that lord."

Skylark made up his mind and walked down the tower immediately. The matter was out of his control, and only the person behind him could go out in person.

"Master Oliver, now someone is involved in the Golden Triangle, and has now hit Nua City. I suspect he is Huaxia Linyou Ye ..."

Skylark returned the situation of the place to the original side, and on the other side of the phone, the old **** Oliver frowned, put down the phone and immediately set off for the Golden Triangle.

The Golden Triangle is also a piece of fat for him. "Lin Youye, if you are as bullying as Oliver, the junior of the Yin-Yang Taoist, you are very wrong. I have stayed in this realm for decades, how can the junior of Yin-Yang compare.

Oliver hit the road with countless sneers.

Rush to the Golden Triangle.

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