Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 393: Chaos in the golden triangle

Until the evening, the war subsided.

The smoke was not as intense as it was diffused.

Thousands of soldiers lost not much, only less than a thousand were damaged. The rest were a large number of expeditions fleeing, and only a small number of defenders in the city chose to surrender.

On the half-remnant city wall, Lin Lang sat in the middle, as the old monk settled in, waiting quietly for the old **** in the mouth of Skelak.

He believes this one will not give up.

He guessed that the old **** would retaliate and get back his belongings. But Lin Lang's purpose is not the old god. The state of God is already innate. If he wants to continue to cultivate, he must take the initiative to absorb the heaven and earth aura.

Lin Lang also urgently needed a breakthrough in Reiki. He believed that there must be aura full of aura in these old-fashioned divine realms. Because they were born far earlier than Lin Lang, for their own sake, they will certainly take the initiative to collect the natural treasures to cultivate.

Lin Lang was working on this idea. Even offending the state of God, he did not hesitate, he even had the heart to cut God, so Oliver appeared to be in his heart.

It was a pity that after waiting all night, Oliver never appeared, not even a little wind and grass.

However, for many warlords.

Today's Golden Triangle is destined to be a sleepless night.

They couldn't forget the man sitting quietly on the head of the city. The more you understand the battle situation, the more fearful you are of Lin Lang.

He once killed thousands of horses and destroyed ten artillery alone. Although the follow-up mysterious warriors also participated, the killing caused by them was far less than that of Lin Lang. Just by stepping down a city wall, nearly 200 people were killed or injured. Dozens of people were chopped off with a flaming sword.

After the investigation, only thick fear remained on their faces. That proud record and earth-shattering cultivation are famous in the First World War. They finally understood why Lin Yu's reputation had risen, everything was because of the strong man behind the scenes.

They never knew Lin Lang's real name. But in the mouths of most warlords, they respected Lin Yu as the 'golden general' according to the battle scene at that time.

"There is General Kim in the Golden Triangle, and I am afraid it will change in the future. Now it is Skylark, and it may be General Robert's turn and even General Zamohan in the future."

The warlords got in touch privately and agreed that the days of the Golden Triangle would change! Their speculation is not groundless, although Lin Lang has no intention of referring to these sounds of the Golden Triangle, but Lin Yu is definitely not the kind of easy generation.

as expected.

On the third day, Lin Yu personally led the noble army to sweep around the Wangpu Forest. Many tribes and national soldiers served. Its power is expanding day by day.

On the fourth day, once under Her Majesty Skylark, the guards who guarded the border town would declare their independence and return to His Majesty Robert. In another city, Mayor Dorogen declared independence and had 5,000 soldiers.

Three days later, the fleeing Mu and the old ninja in black assembled the defeated soldiers, captured a small town in the northwest, and swept through several towns and villages, reaching their peak.

Starting from today, the war in the Golden Triangle has begun. Many warlords battled north and south, and some chaebols have sometimes established new generals and sometimes turned to others. Not to mention the Thai-Burmese military also took the opportunity to step in.

The entire Golden Triangle has become a pot of porridge, fighting every day, and smoke is everywhere. Even the territories controlled by General Robert and General Zamohan have often exploded in war.

A few days later, General Robert's rebellion, General Robert's, seized Robert's important food reserve base, and another quarter's quarter was also burned by him. Robert, who has lost food support, is at stake even with an army of 10,000 people.

It's not a matter of time before the army loses heart.

Lin Yu was not quite there. An army of two thousand people was thrown in the Golden Triangle. The various Alliance forces that foreseen the coming of troubled times in advance were not very outstanding in the defending army.

In front of two generals, Robert, who had tens of thousands of soldiers, it was even insignificant. In chaos, noble army can only follow the wave. Fortunately, there is the name of General Jin, and it is rare that he has actively opposed Lin Yu for a while.

Try to avoid conflict without provoking.

But Lin Lang still did not wait for Oliver's arrival.

In the afternoon, several planes set off.

The large-scale war bloc in the Golden Triangle has begun.

These aircraft did not know where they came from, nor did they have a clear number. They originated from the Boeing B-52 bomber of country M, but there were many overseas orders, and they could not tell which country they were in.

It was also these B-52 bombers that chose to smash Huanglong directly, and Wangpu Mountain was the first to be stricken, and was scorched into soil by rounds of bombing. Fortunately, the residents on the mountain have already withdrawn from the remote wilderness and moved to Nua City, otherwise it will be a catastrophe.

Even so, the hundreds of defenders stationed by Mount Wangpu disappeared instantly. It wasn't just here that was bombed. Kanmeslov's outpost was also bombed. His luck was good. He was shot through an arm by shrapnel and his life was worry-free.

However, the five B-52 bombers on the way back did not stop there. Instead, they hovered over the city of Nua and threw down a few missiles. The city center was bombed out of several shocking pits.

"Dare you move where I am!"

Lin Lang suddenly stood up. He stamped with one hand, and the ghost image of him appeared behind him. With his low-drink, Lin Lang's arms grew tens of thousands of times in vain, straight into the sky.

In fact, this is not the lengthening of his arms, but the illusion of using magical powers. At this point, a hovering bomber in the sky seemed to be pinched by its wings, being pinched firmly by a devil's hand.


The plane was ripped from high altitude and crashed to the ground, with no less than a small explosion. The remaining four bombers wanted to continue their mission. Unexpectedly, a small blue sword broke into the air and cut the aircraft in half along the fuselage.

The pilot was frightened and hurriedly prepared to return. However, at the moment of turning the fuselage, Lin Lang had already flew up, shot one after another, and then chopped down two more, falling into the suburbs, destroying people.

The only pilot left was terrified, and finally adjusted his direction at the critical moment, speed reached the limit, and fled to the south.

"Want to leave? Did you ask me?"

Lin Lang looked cold. Spiritual power reached its extreme at this moment, and the speed erupted in vain. With a burst of crackling tails around him, he followed closely.

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