Lin Lang just went out on this day.

Since this month, he has not only supplemented the spiritual power consumed by the initiation, but has also made some improvements in the cultivation. The cultivation in the later period of the foundation construction has completely settled down, accompanied by a deep sense of power in every move.

If at this moment he meets a yin and yang Taoist again, he will not be forced to play as often as before. Even if he crossed a great realm, he was confident to beheaded.

"The only flaw in the United States is probably the inability to break through the innate." Lin Lang is not sorry. In other words, it is estimated that it has entered the innate at this time, but Lin Lang is the foundation of heaven. Linghai is more than twice as wide as the foundation of the tunnel. about.

And the cost of improving combat power is closely related to the cultivation of advancement. He wants to cultivate innate and it takes three times more time than ordinary people.

"But in order to achieve the perfect foundation, all of this is worth it. This is one of the important yardsticks to measure whether the Emperor can break through in the future." Lin Lang thought silently.

The perfect foundation is a required course in the realm of immortals. Without a perfect foundation, a person with great talents and perseverance can only stop at the fairy king, which is beyond the realm of the fairy emperor.

The perfect foundation refers to the realm below the true immortal, including the four realms of heavenly foundation, heavenly gold, heavenly primal babies, and heavenly primal gods. The foundations must be completely perfected, and the foundation must be thoroughly strengthened for future promotion to Xiandi ready.

However, these are still too far away for Lin Lang, just to prepare more for the immortal realm, there are still many things to be resolved.

That afternoon.

Lin Lang suddenly got up and went out.

"I've been in the Golden Triangle for too long, it's time to end it." Lin Lang's eyes were as sharp as electricity, and his eyes seemed to be mixed with substantive sharp edges, which stabbed people's hearts.

On this day, Lin Lang convened the members of the fifth group and rushed to the city of Nua with the two Keves. Lin Yu also entered the battle lightly, temporarily delegating power to Sayuluo, anyway, Lin Lang had not left the Golden Triangle. Even if Sayuluo had a courage, he would not dare to hold his own soldiers and take the new army as his own.

As for Kanmaislov, he did not spare time. He and Master Evan led the troops to clear the area around Wangpu Forest. Wherever the army passed, they conquered several small warlords and even several military places such as Suming Town. Was captured.

In the area of ​​thousands of miles, today there is only a name of the noble army.

Suzaku hesitated, then led the third group to follow up.


The team of dozens of people from Wangpu Mountain did not conceal their tracks. At this time, they each took a car, and a convoy of more than a dozen pickups and off-road vehicles drove to Nua City.

And at the moment.

It was even more confused to learn that the warlords such as Lin Lang were moving, and they were puzzled by Lin Yu's strange behavior. They thought that Lin Yu would lead the army of nobles to go north to fight against Nua City.

But now, it seems that they are very different from their guess. Do dozens of people kidding thousands of well-equipped armies?

Lin Yu is not like going north to fight at all, but more like negotiating. "Is Lin Yu prepared to plead guilty to the crime, and can't easily surrender to General Skylar?" Everyone secretly guessed.

One hundred people have one hundred thoughts. For Lin Yu's mind, almost no one can guess. It wasn't until the warlords along the road attacked the convoy that everyone was a little eyebrows.

It was a national militant, and friction arose as the convoy passed through their territory before fighting. It is a pity that the three hundred national armed group could hardly find any waves in front of the special operation group, and they were beaten in a few times.

This time finally let the warlords feel a little nasty, and Lin Yu brought a group of masters! Skylark, who received the news, also arranged accordingly.

"But to regret that General Skelak is still delusional. Without mentioning heavy weapons, just a bullet of thousands of people will be enough for them to drink a pot."

"Compared to this, I believe that Lin Yu has a purpose. It is not provocation to Nua City." The warlords agreed.


The land of the Golden Triangle is vast, with a territory area of ​​nearly 200,000, equivalent to more than a dozen Kyotos, and rugged mountain roads. Even if it crosses the northern region straight, the speed of everyone is greatly delayed.

The convoy swaggered all the way, especially the surrounding warlords who joined the Expeditionary Force Alliance were also copied from the old nest, whether it was valuable or not, the fire was completely cleaned up.

"It's a bandit infestation!"

As far away as the midwest, many warlords in the west were dazzled and finally had an intuitive assessment of the combat effectiveness of this dozens of people. Some even saw it with their own eyes, describing someone in the squad who had exploded a military vehicle with bare hands, and some claimed to have seen someone who could calmly walk in the rain of gunfire, as if in a no-man's land.

"This may be a martial arts team!"

General Skylark also moved. Dozens of martial arts teams could not find the whole Golden Triangle. Even if he had a large number of soldiers, he would only count ten and a few soldiers.

"But trying to attack me with these dozens of people is a bit overwhelming." Skylark sneered. No one is an opponent of a warrior, but when he really enters the battlefield, the role of the warrior is weakened by the indiscriminate guns, and his life is uncontrollable.

Until the next afternoon.

The team finally rushed to the suburbs outside Nua as promised.

From a distance, the gates of Nua City are closed, a heavy machine gun is raised high on the wall, and the elite soldiers in the rear are waiting. Under the city wall, nearly ten mortars were erected with muzzle facing the sky. In the trenches, the soldier stood by with a rifle.

"Good guy, worthy of being a great general in the Golden Triangle. Even these things can be obtained." Lin Yuhuan sighed, envious and envious. Ordinary warlords are good at equipping subordinates with a gun, let alone the most difficult heavy weapon.

However, Skylark can reach this level with just a defensive force in Nua. You should know that in an economic center city like Nua, Skelak has three or four in his hands.

"General Skylark, there are VIPs coming to visit but closing the door, is this your way of hospitality?" Lin Yu faintly said.

"Guest? I don't think about the guest who picks my head every day." Skylarak laughed and shouted. It's just that someone is standing on the tower, and the sound is transmitted through a large speaker connected to the wire, far away.

"Couldn't it be that General Skerat was so scared of me and would hide on the wall a few miles away, without even the courage to speak to me face to face?" Lin Yu tithe.

"You can't excite me. I know you have masters. How can I take your path and approach the past and let the warrior around you kill me."

"Let the master behind you come out and talk to me. I have no interest in you."

Skylark fainted.

How he couldn't guess Lin Yu's rapid rise in the past two months was also inextricably linked to the strong man behind the scenes. And the dying master who never showed up is definitely extraordinary, otherwise he would never kill the big warrior in the middle of the realm so silently.

Lin Yu intentionally or unintentionally looked at Lin Lang.

Although he is the leader of the new army, he still relies on Lin Lang's support, which he knows better than anyone.

"It's me."

Lin Lang stepped forward from behind the scenes to the stage. On the city tower, Skylark carefully looked through the telescope, and saw that the latter was just a young man's face, and frowned.

"Mu, do you know who this person is? The Golden Triangle has not heard of such a character."

Beside Skylark, a middle-aged man frowned and shook his head. "I haven't seen it before. The black witch taught me a lot of acquaintances, but there is absolutely no such person."

"According to many data, it is speculated that this person's cultivation is mostly in the middle of the transition period, and there are not many young masters in the world ..."

Skylark smiled and said with relief: "It's not black magic, I don't need to jeopardize his identity. You can just kill him with the soldiers."

The influence of the black witch religion in the Golden Triangle is not small, and the ability of the congregation cannot be considered in detail. Therefore, as long as the ranks of the warlords in the ranks will most often hand in a certain material map to the black witch religion in a stable manner. Skylark is no exception.

Next to the two of them, a small old man with a dignified face looked at Lin Lang through a telescope, and suddenly another bad guess: "He must be ..."

However, his voice was interrupted by Skylark's laughter before he said, "Whether he is sacred or not, as long as he is not a black witch congregation, what can be feared?"

"What about the big wizard, I see he can't resist my shells." Skylark disapproved. He would never underestimate the power of the great wizard, but he was also more convinced of the power of gunpowder.

During the war, the martial arts division was insignificant. The large martial arts division was only a little bitter ant under the intense artillery fire. Even when he was in MI5, he had launched a missile to kill the grandmaster himself.

Huajing is also very small on the real battlefield. For many years in the Golden Triangle, Skylark knew this.

At this moment, Lin Langyao in the distance pointed to the direction of the tower, and said lightly: "Skerat, I now give you a chance to live. Within ten minutes, now I will surrender me to spare you a life."

"Otherwise, I will go into town and kill a piece of armor."

His voice was not transmitted by electronic equipment, but it also sounded through the sky, like a thunderous sound, and spread into the towers of Nua.

"You're scared when I'm scared?" Skylar sneered. "I know you're a big warrior, but do you think I'm not prepared?"

Skylark waved down. Suddenly, a black cloth was opened at the corner of the gate, exposing the dark and long barrel.

Lin Yu's face suddenly changed.

"The British new-generation armed anti-tank artillery has a rate of fire of more than ten rounds per minute, and its range and accuracy have reached the world's top level. Special armor-piercing shells can easily penetrate through thick-skinned tanks. Shoot the Grandmaster. "

"Skerak really has an unclear relationship with the British Empire, and even the latest defense equipment has been obtained by him." Lin Yu's face was gloomy.

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