Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 389: Head of Skylark

The 2,000-strong coalition force was heading for Wangpu Mountain, and before it was approaching, it had already had the pride of a triumphant division.

There were few decent attacks along the way.

It wasn't until their soldiers descended from Mount Wangpu that Luca noticed a strangeness. The surrounding area is too quiet, and I didn't hear a gun moving to the foot of the mountain. The reconnaissance company of the new army seemed to be asleep.

"It's weird, can't the three great martial divisions control the army?" Luca was puzzled and had to blame it on the credit of the three grandmasters.

Suddenly, at this moment.

Ambush all around.

There was almost no unnecessary nonsense on both sides, and countless bullets poured out when they met. At the top of the mountain, the coalition flank, and even the high slopes are full of people's silhouettes. Every important firepower point is equipped with a crane gun, a continuous stream of fire tongues spraying, harvesting a piece of life.

The coalition was already on a wide field without any obstruction. At this moment, facing the fire in all directions, the soldiers fell down one by one, faster than cutting wheat.

After several rounds of shooting, the coalition forces suffered heavy losses.

Luca has also been beaten. He is too blind to believe in the three great martial artists, especially the middle martial arts master, who should rarely find natural enemies in the Golden Triangle.

However, everything in front of them clearly shows the failure of their mission. With the fall of a famous soldier nearby, Luca was trembling with a knife, these are all soldiers he brought out hard!

"Let's surrender. Lin Yu's people have already occupied the best position. Our people can't charge, only to be beaten. Let's surrender." Seeing that the situation had gone, Hammeren could only sigh.

Luca couldn't help nodding. Today's coalition forces are like a stubborn cymbal, unable to fight or retreat. A longer time will inevitably be destroyed here.

However, the white flag had just been raised on their side, and they were hit with a lot of holes. Helplessly re-raised another white flag, but unfortunately the flagpole was interrupted under random bombs, and failed to erect.

"I surrender! We surrender!"

Anxious, Luca had no choice but to let the correspondent scream. It's a pity that the opposite hillside, if unheard of, still responds to them in the most violent way.

"Children Lin Yu, you deceive people too much! This is to drive us to the road!" Hammeron's eyes were red, and he rushed up the hillside to pin down Lin Yu's head.

As for Lin Yu wearing a telescope on the hillside, of course he saw the white flag erected on the opposite side, but he still did not turn a blind eye and did not order his men to accept the surrender of the coalition forces.


The guns and bullets rained down below, all kinds of hot weapons appeared, and the bullets intersected a thick layer of firepower. Even if the master of the realm went down, it would not be long enough to be sieved.

Without the cultivation of divine realm, we can only do the weakest struggle in the face of war.

"Aren't you prepared to accept the surrender of Luka, they don't have any threat to us now." Master Wata frowned, some could not stand any longer.

"No, leaving them sooner or later is a disaster." Lin Yu said lightly.

"We can put them under His Majesty. At that time, the strength of the Noble Army is expected to expand again, even if there is a certain degree of confidence in the face of General Skylark's Expeditionary Force." Master Hehe said.

"The new army was first built, and I didn't have a few generals who could stand out. It was already the limit to lead 2,000 people. There are many changes, and not everyone is loyal to me."

"The best way is to completely bury Luka. If you ca n’t use it, bury them, and leave none." Lin Yu's face was cold and cold, and there was no human touch in his tone.

War is so cruel, there is never a righteous side, and there is no mercy. If these captives are useful to Lin Yu, he will consider leaving them. If not, don't even want to live.

Looking at the calm Lin Yu spoke these words in the most bland tone, even though Master Wata is now a master, he still shivered.

There were more than 2,000 lives in front of him. Lin Yu ordered the slaughter without blinking. It cannot be attributed to his cold-bloodedness, but only to the ruthless, majestic nature of the war.

"If Lord Lin Youye can support him all the time, I am afraid that relying on his wrist talent, dominating the Golden Triangle is not an arrogance." Master Duhe thought silently.

Tonight is destined to be a massacre.

The blood beneath the mountain drifted, the shells covered every corner, and the thick **** smell was breathtaking. Lin Yu really did not let him go, as he said. Even after the battle, the captives were put down, and the captives died in several rounds of fire.

Until the early morning of the next day, the smoke was not dispersed, the new army swept the battlefield, and a body piled up on a hill.

Lin Yu personally held the fire, a blaze ignited the corpse mountain, and it continued to burn for one day and one night. The blood-filled earth, the bones and the mountains, all showed the cruelty of war.

The success of the First World War made all bones dead.

Unfortunately, the bodies of the two Lucas were not found. Most of them were mixed with the small troops that broke out last night. Under the guard of countless desperate efforts, the two fled to Nua City and sought the asylum of General Skelak.

As for Lao Chao, they dare not go back.

The campaign ended.

The Golden Triangle is boiling.

The two big warlords with heads and faces were defeated in this battle, and their troops were damaged by more than half. They could only abandon the headquarters like a bereavement dog and go to the account of Skylark.

Perhaps all over the world, only Skelak is safe here. This war came out, I don't know how many warlords discolored it, especially those whose territory is closer to the Wangpu Forest, and they are close to the enemy and guard against death.

Lin Yu has the ability to destroy the Luka coalition, but also has the ability to destroy them. Looking at the entire Golden Triangle, there are less than five warlords who can fight Lin Yu.

Until this moment, someone finally found to look down on this little warlord who was once infamous. No one had ever imagined that Lin Yu would expand to such an extent in just one month, which was scary.

After this battle, more fighting details were revealed. In particular, the incident of three big martial arts attacking the robbery camp was the focus of everyone's attention.

For a total of three masters, there was not even a spray in Wangpu Mountain. The premise was not under siege by the soldiers or even a round of bullets, so the three masters died silently.

There is even a middle-aged one!

"Lin Yu has expert guidance behind him." The warlords agreed.

The biggest loss in this battle was the two Lucas, followed by General Skelak. It was even reported that when Luca fled back to Nua City, they were almost directly shot by Skerak under anger.

The defeat of the two had nothing to do with him. The important thing was that he lost a great martial artist in the middle of the transition period! This almost broke his left arm and right arm, even more distressed than losing a regiment. Soldiers can be recruited when they die, but one such peerless powerhouse dies.

"Lin Yu, my enemy of life and death, I will destroy you!"

Skylark roared and issued a notice to all the warlords in the northern district. Whoever dared to get close to Lin Yu was his enemy in Skylark.

"I will establish an expeditionary alliance, the Northern Expedition, Yu Fei, post-war scores will not be taken, and the members of the alliance will be divided equally."

On the first day of Skylark's order, the situation in the north changed drastically, and seven warlords responded in succession. Although these are only three or five hundred people armed locally, they are still a huge force.

Coupled with the headquarter of Skylark, the number has exceeded 4,000. This is the calling force that Skylark informed the North for many years. A simple call can pull up a force of 4,000 people.

A week later, the Expeditionary Union broke the 5,000 mark.

However, at this time, Lin Yu did not live in Wangpu Mountain, but led the new army to fight around, conquered three warlords, and even Luka's camp was looted by him. wealth.

The new army's front was completely exposed, and the warlords who passed by were all subject. Perhaps this is why the expeditionary army alliance was able to gather so many people, while the small warlords everywhere wanted to share a piece of cake, but also felt a crisis in Lin Yu.

"What exactly does Lin Yu want to do? At this time, he shouldn't honestly digest the victory results, or rack his brains to cope with the immediate crisis."

"At this time, he still has to be public. Does he think he has the strength to confront General Skylar?"

Just when everyone was puzzled, Lin Yu suddenly came out with an arrogant saying: "I don't need Skylark to come in person. I will visit Nua City."

"After three days, take the head of Skylark."

Countless people are uproaring.

Arrogant, it's too arrogant!

There is simply no way of looking at General Skylark!

"I'm afraid that Lin Yu is crazy. I think he will become a bereavement dog after three days."

"Maybe now Lin Yu has secretly rolled up his wealth, and Wangpu Mountain has become an unmanned empty shelf. Two thousand people are against the army of ten thousand people, even the best general in history can't do it."

Skylark was really startled when he heard the news, and then sneered: "Then I was waiting for Lin Yu's child in Nua City, no matter what conspiracy he was playing, it was useless in front of me. "

Situ Yumo went up and advised two words, but still did not change the mind of Skylark. Regardless of Lin Yu's delay or not, he didn't care.

As for whether Lin Yu secretly made an alliance with General Robert, he also had a countermeasure. If Robert dares to send troops to support Lin Yu, he has 100% confidence to leave it, and even counterattack Robert.

Eliminating Lin Yu was just a matter of course. His real purpose was General Robert in the middle, which he had planned for a long time. As for Lin Yu, it was just a fuse.

Naturally, three days of waiting is irrelevant.

Camp in Mount Wangpu.

"Lin Zhanjiang, would you let me say that, wouldn't it be too arrogant. Now the entire Golden Triangle is thinking of me as a joke." Lin Yu smiled bitterly.

"Three days later I will take you to collect the heads of Skerak."

Lin Lang fainted.

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