Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 360: Poyama seal

A dazzling fire broke out on the yin and yang Taoist body, evaporating the soil covered by the body surface into a dry layer of soil, and as his body shook, it completely shook off.

At this moment, he was so angry that he ate a huge loss without notice, and then recollected those words he just said, making him have to want to cut off Lin Lang, and he felt ashamed.

"The existence of the Tao divides yin and yang. Where people are, I am both Tao." As the yin and yang Taoists touched their upper and lower lips, the complicated runes poured out like tide.

The charm blue on the left side of his body is like ice, and his face is pale like ice, condensing the cold temperature, and vaporizing all the nearby water into solid icicles. On his white beard and white eyebrow, a thick layer of ice had been covered.

On the right side of the body, his face is ruddy and exuding hot temperatures, like a sun, evaporating all nearby water streams into gas, which is then assimilated by the left side, condensing thick icicles.

The left is yin and the right is yang. A golden section line in the center perfectly separates the two sides with completely different temperatures.

"This is a special skill of the Yin and Yang Taoists. I realized the Yin and Yang Tao of the half-life." Some time-honored antiques recognized this discoloring practice, which was once the Yin and Yang Taoists ranked second in the dark list.

As soon as the Yin-Yang Road came out, few people in the world were fighting. Even the Huaxia Valkyrie, at the time of the final decisive battle with the yin and yang Taoists, if it was not the sudden enlightenment of the Taoism and pierced the defects of the yin and yang Taos, I am afraid that it will be the first defeat of his life for the first time. That strange man shrouded in a halo.

"It's a bit of a doorway. Although there is still a certain distance from the prototype of Daoism, there is already a shadow of Daoism." Lin Lang whispered softly. Wu Dao was the patent of the higher monk, and in this way he communicated with Heaven and Earth and issued an unparalleled attack. Just like the Tao contained in the false dandelion he had seen before, there is horrible lethality without spiritual power.

"The earth's talents, amazing."

Lin Lang deeply thought so. Everyone who can cultivate the earth to the divine realm in the end-French era is a person with outstanding wisdom and qualifications. Since the road cannot be reached, he will open a new path and start another one by himself. It is no wonder that the Yin Yang Taoist has this strength, which is inseparable from the Taoism he has realized.

At this time, the yin and yang Taoists had already been killed, the frost spread in the left hand, and the flames were dense in the right hand. Two palms joined together, attacking Lin Lang together, regretful, Lin Lang took a few steps back, while the yin and yang Taoists were motionless, burning fierce flames on their fists, and recruiting fiercely.

"You are strong!"

Lin Lang is also dignified. At this moment, the yin and yang Taoist is at his peak. It is as strong as Lin Lang. When the yin and yang Taoist collides with his right hand, his body is faint and his skin is covered with a layer of black charcoal.

This is the first time that the yin and yang man entered the realm of God, and I dare not imagine how strong he should be if he is completely consolidated in this realm. Definitely Lin Lang's mortal enemy.

The Yin-Yang Taoist has a left hand as yin and a right hand as yang, and his fist is wrapped in the way of ice and fire, constantly infiltrating Lin Lang's body, forcing him to split up some repairs to suppress.

"If I made the little five-element treasure body, he wouldn't hurt me at this moment." Lin Lang's heart moved: "The five-element spirit body still lacks the source and cannot be cultivated for the time being, but I can try the fourth method of fighting the Holy Law. trick."

"Now I should be able to control it."

Lin Lang meditated in his heart, and at the same time, his body was moving backwards. On the way, his hands twitched Yin Jue, and a mountain narrowed numerous times appeared in front of him.

The mountain peak is in the shape of a pyramid, covered with black rocks, and the Tao is inexplicable. Although the volume is not large, it is full of coercion, making people unconsciously want to go to pilgrimage.

"go with!"

Lin Lang embraced the mountain with his hands and threw it forward suddenly.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Yin and Yang Taoists drank three times, hitting the bottom of the mountain one after another. However, this mountain was extremely strong, and even if he bombarded vigorously, he could not destroy it at all.

"It's weird." The yin and yang people frowned and changed their methods. Instead of smashing the mountain peaks, they chose to hold the mountain peaks and return to Lin Lang again.

However, when he touched the base of the mountain with both hands, he was horrified to discover that he had enough power to pull up a mountain, and it was a mud ox entering the sea in front of this mountain with the size of a house.

He can't stand it!

It was like bearing a mega stone of ten thousand pounds. He was pushed down from the sky and fed down by the mega stone. The yin and yang Taoists suddenly spit out blood and fell to a distance. Lin Langzhang chased after the mountain peaks, dancing across the sky, smashing violently again and again.

Yinyang Taoist was unkempt, and even practiced Dafa. One hand of Yinyang Road was hit frequently by his hands. The flame ignited the mountain peak. In the blink of an eye, an ice wall stood up, blocking Lin Lang's steps.

"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

Lin Lang used force to break the method, throbbing the mountain peaks to crack the ice walls, violent and full of beauty. Finally, the yin and yang Taoist no longer stepped back, and moaned in place.

"Lin Youye, do you dare to chase me and hit me, do you think my terrible education is so simple?"

Yin and Yang Taoist hands folded.

From the bottom of Lin Lang's feet, a chain of ice wrapped around Lin Lang's body. The ice covered Lin Lang's body surface, making his movements stiff. Four icicles stood up in front of him, forming a solid prison.

Lin Lang tried to make a breakthrough, his hands on the icicles, and he could not break even if he exerted his strength. The icicles and the ice chains were much stronger than he had expected, and even the innate might not be able to break free in a short time.

At the same time, a sea of ​​boundless fire spread and overwhelmed. Only the temperature was left, and the lake was completely evaporated.

The entire Guyu Lake was foggy at this moment, and no fingers were reached. The lake's water was cut off instantly, within a few miles of the river, the river bed dried up and the soil cracked.

The hot heat wave swept around, and the pendant pillars hundreds of meters away began to melt. The warriors in the distance couldn't bear the high temperature, and some stunned on the spot.

"Lin Youye, die!"

Yin-Yang Taoist gave a cold drink. The sea of ​​fire surged and Lin Lang was swallowed up instantly.

"Is this the power of Divine Realm."

People farther away do not change color. In their cognition, the warrior is just physically stronger than ordinary people. After all, they still have to bow their heads in front of the army, but the scene before them completely subverts their cognition.

Destroying a military fortress is a breeze for a fierce miracle.

"No wonder the Divine Power can control the politics of some small countries, and even negotiate with large countries. They are simply intercontinental missiles with amazing destructive power."

"Under such an attack, even if Lin Youye was a fairy goddess, it should have been burned to ashes."

"He can't survive, and there won't be any realm to defeat Divine Realm." Belekoff asserted.

"Don't worry about it."

Su Shilan was worried, and the discussion around her made her completely panic. It was the delicate woman beside her who patted her on the shoulder: "Sorrow, any master can't stop the wrath of the powerful gods."

"Well, that's wrong."

Her voice had not completely fallen, and her eyes suddenly flashed with surprise. Cherry's small mouth has begun to O-shaped:

"He is still alive!" Deep in the sea of ​​fire, at this moment a big wave was set off, and a flame vortex appeared in the center, all the flames around it were distorted, and eventually swallowed by the vortex.

A cyan figure broke through the sea of ​​fire and killed it with a cyan short sword, which was the unscathed Lin Youye. The flame of swallowing the sky did not help him, but instead became his nourishment, making Ziyan's eyes happy and moving towards the fire.

"how can that be!"

Even the face of the delicate girl changed greatly. The temperature of the sea of ​​fire was in her eyes, and even if she changed, she would end up in ruins. But Lin Youye, who was only trained by the master, was able to retreat, which was incredible.

"How could this be."

Yin and Yang Tao's face suddenly changed. At this time, Lin Lang had already killed a while ago, the Shangqing sword was empty, and the sharp sword energy immediately wiped a bloodstain on the reinforced iron bones of the yin and yang Taoist, blood was like a pillar.

"Too deceiving people. Do you think I have this way?"

"Gravity field!"

The yin and yang man snorted and waved with a big palm. The space around him suddenly became countless times thicker. The air was like muddy swamps, and he couldn't move at all. All his movements became ten times slower.

This is the peculiar science he is proud of. After ten years of hard work, the mystery can be compared with the Yin-Yang Taoism.

Lin Lang's complexion remained unchanged, still reciprocating, embracing the mountain with both hands, suppressing it in the past. The gravitational field reached the mountain peak, but the ubiquitous tenfold gravity was completely invalid at this moment, and the mountain peak still fell at an astonishing speed.

The yin and yang Taoist was smashed and flew out, and fell very far away. He coughed a few mouthfuls of blood, stained his shirt red, and wanted to crack his bones.

"What spell are you doing and why can you ignore the gravitational field."

"This is the fourth move of Xiandian, holding a mountain seal. Lintong visualizes the rudimentary cultivation of the holy mountain of the human race, and it is launched into a mighty army to suppress the heavens." Lin Lang sighed: "It is a pity that I can now perform The mystery is less than one percent, otherwise you can be cut off with this trick. "

Each of the supernatural powers recorded in the Jiuxiaoxian Code is the supreme martial arts of the human race, and the mystery is infinite. Even the previous Lin Lang only practiced the ninth trick. As a matter of course, Xiu was constrained everywhere, and he couldn't fully use the mystery of magical powers. If he had the cultivation of the peak of the previous life, even the weakest offensive star picker could easily pinch the star.

"No wonder."

The yin and yang Taoist was stunned, not to mention that Baoshan Yin completely abused the gravity field on the level, and even attributed him horribly to his attributes. No wonder he was so defeated. At this time, Lin Lang was near to the front, forcing him to quickly give up a position.

Unfortunately, Lin Lang's speed was too fast, and a sword would easily run through his palm, dripping with blood.

"Then what's up with your sword ..."

The yin and yang man frowned, and naturally noticed the Shangqing sword in Lin Lang's hands. Cutting his **** body was as simple as drinking tea and drinking water. You should know that even Lin Lang couldn't get any benefit from fighting with him.

"You don't need to know, I'll send you back to the West!"

Lin Lang gave a light whisper, leaving a shallow white mark on the spot, chasing after him.

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