Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 361: Killing God!

The yin and yang man tried a few times, but at this moment, he found some hopelessness. By the time all of Lang Lang's cards were lifted, he had completely fallen into a slump.

On the flesh, it was the death of Shang Qingke. Don't look at Qing Feng, who is less than half a foot, very small, but the lethality is not proportional to the volume. Cutting the flesh of the divine realm is as simple as chopping melon and cutting vegetables.

And if he casts the Taoist method, the Baoshanyin will fall, and the ten thousand methods will not come. It has no effect on Lin Lang at all, and his attacks and defenses are perfect.

Unexpectedly, he had a premeditated act to stifle the genius. Instead of taking the chance of the other party, he also caught himself in. I'm afraid it's the biggest farce.

"I'm sure you are an old dead monster. You have to retreat before you die, hide your soldiers, and take away the young man's body. Otherwise, no one can have such a deep foundation. "Yin and Yang Taoists have to fight and retreat.

He was ready for the end of the world, turned around, shook his hands, and stood up against the wall of ice. He occasionally throbbed Yin Qiao and struck out mines in the air to delay time.

"Your imagination is rich."

Lin Lang smiled with a smile, but had a strong intention to kill. Behind the sea, Bihai Taotian walked in the void, holding the mountain seal in one hand, breaking through the sky with the sword in one hand, cutting off the layer of ice wall, and chasing behind him.

Yin and Yang Taoists unfolded at a speed and fleeed, but unfortunately the defeat has been settled. No matter how fast he couldn't escape Lin Lang's pursuit, he shook his palm, and the Shangqing sword shot out, even at the speed of light.

"This sword punishes your offense."

The Shangqing sword pierced through the back of the yin and yang Taoist, the front chest was drilled out, and the devastating sword gas swept through, instantly disrupting the vitality of the yin and yang Taoist.

But after all, the yin and yang Taoist is a powerful god, after all, his vitality is very strong. Although his heart is pierced, he will not be able to die in a short time. If given a certain amount of time, he has a half chance to survive.

The yin and yang Taoists ignored it, and still ran forward.

"Punish your sin."

Lin Lang stepped forward, holding the mountain seal from the sky, breaking the bones of Yin and Yang Taoists. The only remaining spiritual power in his body could no longer support his flight and fall from the sky.

"Now send you to death."

Lin Lang's figure flickered, and suddenly appeared next to the yin and yang Taoists at a height of 100 meters. The golden elephant fist danced and instantly burst the yin and yang Taoists at the end of the strong crossbow. Whether it is blood flowing in the body or ice muscle jade bones, all at this moment. All exploded.

Even though the resilience of the divine realm is amazing, the body has been beaten into a pool of meat and mud, and the gods are hard to save.

God blood stains the sky!

The lake water became extremely red at this moment, everywhere was filled with the tragic atmosphere of death of Yin and Yang Taoists.

"Yin and Yang Taoists actually died."

Some people are unavoidable. Who would have thought that a generation of divine powerhouses, who could dominate one side of the world, fell to Guyu Lake today, or died in the hands of a demigod.

Who dares to think before switching?

Divine Realm will bleed into the sky.

Accomplished his supreme reputation.

From today, Lin Youye officially ascended to the top of China's martial arts, and is regarded as a legend by the majority of martial arts. And the yin and yang Taoist, this big man who has just broken through and has not yet established his foothold in the realm of God, has finally made Lin Lang's stepping stones to help him embark on the peak of the road.

"From today on, all Chinese warriors will take Lin Youye as the horn-holder, which became a myth at that time. Perhaps in the next hundred years, the martial arts circle will live in the shadow of him, and I ca n’t wait for the master to look back on it.

Duan Zhengchun sighed.

"He is not divine, but better than divine." Belekoff took a deep breath and left in a hurry. He must pass the news to his master as soon as possible.

Someone, stunned!

"This is a real living god-man, a legend of Huaxia today!"

Countless awe-inspiring eyes looked up, there were shocks to the scene in front of them, there was also admiration of Lin Lang's horrific strength, and there was even more fear hidden in the dark.

"Although I don't know how much noise you will make, at least you are safe, that is my biggest wish."

Su Shilan was relieved.

Just right now.

Heresy rises!

Lin Lang's body was stunned for a while, and the spiritual power in his body was drained instantly. He had no strength at all, and the sword of the Qing Dynasty came out. He fell straight into the lake of blood and splashed a wave.

Successive battles have exhausted the spiritual power in his body, and the Spirit Sea is almost dry. One by one with great consumption of magical powers, it is true that Lin Lang, who is the foundation of the Tao of Heaven, can't bear it.

This is probably the most difficult game he has ever played. The strength of the Yin Yang Taoist almost forced out all his hole cards. Although there were no serious injuries, the consumption was extremely huge.

He couldn't hold it.

"what happened?"

The shore was uproar.

Someone flashed in their eyes, and rushed to search for the place where Lin Lang fell on the lake.

"I know, Lin Youye is not unscathed. At least now he is at the end of the crossbow, this is the best time to kill him!" A guru sipped.

The warriors in twos and threes hesitated for a moment, or chose to rush to the lake. If you can cut off a demigod like Lin Youye, it will be an absolute glory, and it will also clear the way for the future self and destroy an indestructible enemy!

More is greed.

Whether it is the Shangqing sword or the items on Lin Lang, they are definitely rare and rare in the world. Some people even value the practice of Lin Lang's practice. If it can be obtained, the road to becoming a **** in the future is bound to be smooth.

At this moment, there are many differences, and even unseen military fighters have reached a unified calibre. It is imperative to slay Lin Youye!

The old man beside Mo Yixian stepped forward, but Mo Yixian took his arm.

"Old man, do you want to ..."

Mo took a deep breath. The old man paused, looked back at the other person, and then made a noise.

"Xiao Mo, do you know how much Tianjiao Yingjie is trapped in a divine realm. How many talented geniuses stop here. This is not a matter of talent, but there is no road in front of us that becomes a divine realm. The secret is in the hands of only a few. "The old man sighed.

"Then what can we see from their battle?" Mo frowned.

"At least I saw hope in Lin Youye's body. Since he was born, in less than two years, he has been able to fight to the level of God today in less than two years. I think he is definitely not simple."

"I've been trapped in this realm for decades, and I've been boiled long enough that I don't want to spend every day in desperate inquiry."

There was a trace of wickedness on Gan Lao's face: "If you can see the mystery of the divine realm today, I will die without regrets and do it!"

Mo was still trying to stop, and Gan Lao's face suddenly became frightened: "You have also tried to stop me. If it were not for you and me at the same time, the master of Nanliao Province, you would be dead now.".

Feeling the latter's determination leisurely, Mo reluctantly released his arm. The divine powerhouses are too rare in the world. The old divine, dead dead, and alive divine life are rare to a rare degree, and there has been little news of their birth in a century.

Even if there are several demigods like Wan Guizong, and there are nearly ten masters of the Hidden Sejong, there is not a divine powerhouse sitting in the town, this is where the divine power is rampant.

This is Gan Lao's obsession, but also the paranoia of many demigods. To stop them is to break their lives.

"All of you, fight with me to martial arts rebellion." Gan Lao whispered, and instantly responded.

"Yes, kill him while he's sick!"

A warrior blushed and rushed out.

"The divine realm should not exist in this world, let alone interfere with the operation of martial arts. I will stop him and prevent him from cholera martial arts world." An unknown master came forward, Lingyi Dayi said.

"It's not greed yet. Eros will have to make a good name for yourself, and it's all up to you. Why didn't you see you in his heyday?"

The delicate **** the shore chuckled.

"Little girl, you look for death!"

The Grandmaster was pierced and furious. With a big wave, he patted the delicate girl. The delicate girl looked immobile, covering her with a random palm. Suddenly, the Grand Master was torn apart and photographed as a piece of meatloaf.

The martial arts were all discolored nearby. Only to find out that this beautiful little girl hides the deepest, is actually an extremely powerful person, even Huahua realm can not walk in front of her.

"Isn't this another forest night?" Many people subconsciously took a few steps away, far away from the second daughter of Su Shilan. Don't look at her weak and boneless appearance, but she is also a decisive old demon.

Can't afford it.

The delicate girl didn't care, and rushed to **** opportunities with many warriors, so she stood quietly watching the shore.

Su Shilan's playful face on the side was full of worry, staring nervously at the lake, Xiuquan couldn't help but pinch tightly.

"Don't be found by them!"

Su Shilan did not ask for help from the delicate girl. She knew that it was already the conscience of heaven and earth that the latter had not taken any action, and it was impossible for an irrelevant person to stop the general situation and to be hostile to many sages.

On the lake.

The warriors have almost laid out the Tianluodi net, and they have carried out carpet-like searches within a few miles of the lake.

"This is his sword."

The tip of a warrior's eye found the Shangqing sword between two rocks in the bottom of the water. He dived into the bottom of the water and held the Qingqing sword in his arms.

Among these people, the fastest search speed is Gan Lao. His demigod peak was repaired with unreserved release, and the majestic dark energy stirred up a half of the lake.

Finally, after a long time tossing.

"Good boy, finally let me find you."

Gan Lao's eyes brightened, his arms rose like a gibbous monkey, and he wanted to fish out Lin Lang who was on the bottom of the lake.

"At that time, I will abolish his limbs, and then slowly ask the secret of the divine realm from his mouth." Gan Laozheng thought so suddenly, suddenly, the warrior who picked up the Qingqing sword, the light in his pocket soared, Toward the extreme cyan shadow pierced the pockets, and five or six martial artists penetrated along the way, unexpectedly piercing Gan Lao's head.

The speed of Shangqing Sword was so fast that he didn't give him any reaction time at all. A generation of demigods fell like this, and their lives were cheaper than grass.

"You, where's the power."

Gan Lao plunged into the lake and died.

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