Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 359: Sound impaired punch

"This is the divine realm!"

The martial arts present were all discolored.

Since the two men fought each other, each encounter has the power of extinction. However, this is still not the case for real cultivation. Divine Power really broke out, so how horrible should it be?

"Lin Youye is in danger. Originally, the yin and yang Taoists had been practicing to suppress the demi-god realm, but now it is his real strength." Mo Yixian looked dignified, a flash of worry flashed between his eyebrows.

No one knows the power of Divine Power. Ever since ancient times, no one has ever heard of retrograde immortality, who can fight against the gods in the demigod realm.

Not many escape even under the power of the Divine Power.

"Lin Youye lost. But in the same realm, he defeated the Yin and Yang Taoists. It is worthy of being No. 1 in the Dark List. But he is nothing more. Commented.

The original alternation between the old and the dark list has ended, and the rest is the unilateral crushing of the master by the gods. The eyes of everyone looked at Lin Lang, wanting to see how he responded.


In Lin Lang's body, they couldn't find a bit of confusion, and even a little excitement: "You suppressed the realm, but why didn't I spare no effort?"

From the beginning to the end, Lin Lang only used less than 20% of his full strength, and only slightly used the Seventy-two Daye style and the Qingxu Taoism. Many supernatural powers have not yet been exerted. This is his invincible confidence, even if he differs from the yin and yang Taoists in a great realm.

"Then try it today. In the end, is your divine power terrible, or my demi-god demigod." Lin Lang was eager to try, and suddenly a huge power broke out on his body, like a round of hot sun. Becoming the center of the audience is actually the faint opposition of Yinyang Taoist Chamber.

On the other hand, if someone says this in a divine powerhouse, anyone will feel that person is crazy. But now that he has witnessed Lin Lang's strength, no one dares to refute that no one has to admit that he does have the strength to compete with the divine realm.

"Yin Yang Taoist, I'll kill you!"

Lin Lang sighed, grabbed his palm toward the void above, and pulled the star map, a bright star meteorite fell from the sky, and fell down towards the yin and yang Taoist.

"Little Daoer." The yin and yang Taoist was indifferent to the water, raised his hand lightly, and punched the stars into a powder with one punch. "This is the power of the divine realm. Without it, you will never know the power of the realm."

"You know that I have traveled to Huaxia, and I have never been able to meet someone who can match me. The masters are often lonely. I can't satisfy you with regrets if I can fight with you in the same realm."

Lin Lang was silent. The battle with the yin and yang Taoists was indeed the fiercest one in his life. The latter was also a cultivator, and he was a whole higher than him. It can be said that apart from thousands of years of fighting experience and supernatural power, Lin Lang and the yin and yang Taoists were Not much difference.

Stepping out, he was completely ignored by the distance of 100 meters, covered with a layer of gold on the tip of his fist, and then the golden light became more and more intense until it broke out completely.

The first punch is invincible!

The second punch is invincible!

The third punch, the world is overshadowed!

Jinxiangquan, three moves in one style, the strength of each move is a geometric multiple of the previous time. Especially with the last punch, the strength has completely reached its peak. Facing the first two strokes of the Golden Elephant Boxing, the yin and yang Taoist can calmly resolve it, and in the final punch, he has to wait seriously.

Even so, the yin and yang Taoists were still flying backwards hundreds of meters under the golden elephant fist of the third move. Yu Wei didn't disperse, and he would continue to bombard the yin and yang Taoists. At this point he also adjusted his body shape, continuously twisted his hands, and wiped out the power of the third punch of the golden elephant with one palm and one palm.

At this time, the yin and yang people were a little embarrassed, but their complexion was still rosy, and he could not see a little hurt. He laughed: "The barriers of Divine Realm can not be broken so easily. .You can't possibly not know that, right? "

"It seems I still underestimate the state of God."

Lin Lang frowned. The so-called divine realm, the inevitable transformation of the four cultivation systems to the extreme, not only evolves in the direction of the cultivator, but is also equivalent to the innate in the realm.

The birth of the innate realm to become a monk is an important symbol for separating mortals from cultivators. The physical body breaks the cocoon into a butterfly, completely fading the mortal body and competing with heaven. The improvement brought by this state is far greater than that from gas refining to foundation building.

The gap between the two realms of congenital and base-building is just like the base-builder and the mortal who are not able to practice, basically equal to no ability to resist. Even the heavenly pride of the immortal world, it is rare to be able to defeat the innate strong in the foundation realm.

"But what can this do? The so-called barriers can be ignored when the accumulation is amazing enough."

Even though Jinxiangquan, which was not disadvantaged, failed to exert its destructive power, Lin Lang was not discouraged. As a ninety-nine-percent fairy king, he was able to break the impossibility barriers and pull on the back of an immortal emperor.

A barrier to innateness could not hold him back.

"Whoever wins and loses, the contest has just begun." Lin Lang took a step forward and was trembling with war. Behind him, the tide surged and the Nu River roared.

"It looks like you still don't give up."

Yin Yang Taoists looked at Lin Lang ironically, the light curtain behind them was stretched, and they stepped lightly on the surface of the lake, their bodies were extremely light, and they looked like antelopes hanging on horns.

"Then I will help you end this wish."

Say nothing. The yin and yang man drew across his hands, and the water of Guyu Lake was immediately pulled by an inexplicable force and rushed towards him. The soft water stream that could have been cut by the hands was now extremely hard, even exceeding the hardness of ordinary stainless steel, and the tank cannon did not necessarily blast out the gap.

Yin and Yang Taoists turned their left hand into a hammer and knocked in the void, like casting weapons on the spot. As he sighed forward, the blades of the lake formed by countless waters, knives, forks, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, and eighteen weapons were all available. And even more amazing in number, there are more than a hundred.

"go with."

The yin and yang Taoist hummed, the mighty weapon turned into a torrent, and blasted to Lin Lang in the whistling. Lin Lang was extremely calm. He took a deep breath, and the muscles on his arm tightened at this moment. On the arm with sharp muscles, the circle was fine, and the blue blood vessels were exposed, full of more explosive energy, ready to go.

The moment the weapon torrent came, Lin Lang suddenly punched. I saw his fist tip that was originally placed behind the body, but at this moment only one shadow of the fist was left. The speed is terrible, even the speed of sound.

It's a punch to touch the sound barrier!

The hardness of Lin Lang's body was comparable to that of Divine Realm. Now, with a punch of speed of sound, the striking force is ten times stronger. In front of him, those indestructible weapons smashed into pieces as soon as they were in contact, and turned into a dusty powder. And the 'raw materials' that make them, the water stream is also evaporated to nothingness.

This fist Yu Wei continued unabated, under the control of Lin Lang rushed to the direction of Yin Yang Taoist.

The Yin-Yang Taoist looked immobile, his handprints were flipped, and the lake was pulled up instantly under his traction. It looked like a mirror hanging down from the sky, and you could see the slimy riverbed mud below.

"Turn into water, my spell is more than that."

The unsupported lake was spattered, and the Yin and Yang Taoist cast another spell. The spiritual power in his body seemed to be endless, and there was a continuous transformation of weapons in the air. The overwhelming weapons turned into endless light rain, just like the stars and rivers.

Lin Lang's surface was covered with light, and his left and right hands punched at the same time, ramming in the rain of the weapon, and each piece of weapon burst instantly when it touched his skin.

I can burst everything by my body.

Lin Lang is invincible, shuttles in the sky, and his fist is wrapped with a thick layer of spiritual power. Like the invincible God of War, he buryes numerous weapons. He punched out with a single punch, an invisible ripple spread, countless weapons flew backwards, and the entity was completely evaporated.

Until this fist really fell in front of him, the face of the yin and yang Taoist finally moved a little. Shin has been unable to dodge, only to raise his fists to face the enemy.

This is a punch of sound speed, more than 300 meters per second, and the distance between the two is close. A punch is a thing in the blink of an eye, and it is almost difficult to react. Even the divine realm is the same.

As expected.

Yin and Yang Taoists flew out and smashed into the silt of the river bed. Until then, the lake water that had lost its spell control was restored to its original state, and rushed towards the riverbed hollowed by the Yin and Yang Taoists. It is only four or five centimeters lower than the original horizontal line.

"A terrible punch."

Those who watch the war will not change color.

The punch that breaks the sound barrier, whether in speed or strength, has already surpassed the level of transmigration. Physically breaking the sound barrier, this also means that it is enough to escape the missile attack.

Although the Grand Master could also do this, it was pre-judgment at the moment of firing, and the physical sound barrier was different, which meant that even if the missile was close to his face, he could safely escape by speed.

In this era where aircraft cannons dominate, this can be achieved, except for nuclear powers, which are basically as big as the sky.

"What about the yin and yang man?"

Everyone's eyes fell on the bottom of the lake which had refilled the water. Yin and Yang Taoists are gods, so it's impossible to resist even one blow? Sure enough, a few bubbles appeared on the water surface, and the water surface blew open, and a wolf figure reappeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the yin and yang Taoists were ragged, and the robes were full of holes. If they were not hung by a few strips of cloth on their shoulders, they would be naked. And his face is muddy and dirty, if not to witness this scene in person, it is estimated that everyone can be treated as a beggar on the street.

"Lin Youye, you **** it!"

Yin and Yang Taoists no longer return to Fengxian Bone. He screamed angrily, and cultivated vigorously, and his lifelong study of Taoism broke out at this moment.

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