Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 355: Manoni expulsion!

The mighty power of the ancient ghost flute exploded completely, and the black flute seemed to turn into a black hole space, with an unparalleled horror suction, devoured towards the blue robe ancestor.

The ancestor of the blue robe tried hard to resist, and the original solid shadow was extremely narrow at this moment. Before he could resist, Lin Lang was infused with spiritual power and shrouded in greater force.

There was almost no wait for the ancestor of the Blue Robe to resist, and the spirit mark left by him was directly absorbed into the ancient ghost flute space without any extra crap.

"I'll wait for you there."

An unwilling roar came from the mouth of Flute, and it gradually weakened: "Lin Youye, I remember you. If you get there one day, I will take you home to the West!"

The sound disappeared completely.

The spirit mark left by a generation of ancestors completely dissipated.

"how can that be."

Everyone was completely weak. Even the ancestors of Wangui Zongkaishan are not Lin Youye's opponents. Who else can save them?

The most desperate is the Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign. His deliberate procrastination delayed the activation of the ancestors' word-of-mouth ancestors of the previous Sovereigns.

The ancestor was defeated and all fighting spirits died out together.

"What did I do?"

Wangui suzerain asked himself. He was a waste from beginning to end. He lost the ancient ghost flute, and even the imprint of the soul and soul left by the ancestor's painstaking effort disappeared.

Why is it ironic to destroy the inside of Mangizong with the holy artifact of Mangizong? This is the card that can save Zong Men from the fire and water, but it was destroyed because of his omission.

"If the ancient ghost flute is not in his hands, it is easy for the ancestor to brandish him. If I found out earlier, it would be another result to kill him in the bud."

There is no medicine for regrets, even if the lord of all ghosts has infinite regret in his heart, he will not have any effect at all. He knew that Lin Youye would not let him go, and he would not let Wan Guizong go so easily.

"Everything is too late."

Sovereign Sovereign sighed.

As the sunset tilted, Lin Lang raised his sword forward, and Jian Qi slashed unscrupulously. The mountains and the mountains are full of corpses, some of them are living people, and some of them have been refined.

Blood stained the main red peak.

On the long slope, Lin Lang is constantly hacking and killing like a bloodbath, which is definitely a dead hand. Annoyed everyone, the second elder and the other elder were still savvy, determined to escape when they could not see what was happening, and left a way for themselves.

It's a pity they missed it.

The mountain guards of Wanguizong have been arranged to the highest level, and even if they want to lift the prohibition, it is not the strength of the two of them.

All of them were imprisoned in their own prisons, and they themselves chose the cemetery for themselves.

In despair, they saw Lin Lang walking towards them step by step.

"Master Lin Youye, they did it, everything has nothing to do with me, please let me go." An elder knelt on the ground without dignity and asked.

"Suggest the goods." The second elder sighed coldly: "Do you think you can ask for his sympathy? Farting, the old man will die with you even if he is dead!"

The second elder rushed up and didn't make a few moves. There was an extra cold body in the hall.

"He was right. There were only two results today. One was that you defeated me, and the other was the extinction of Wanguizong from China's martial arts world."

Lin Lang's direct and generous recognition.

In the presence of You Ye Xian Wang, there has never been any conspiracy or deceit, and everything is as long as it is resolved.

Maybe the death of the second elder infected other people, or maybe they realized the ending by themselves, and all the disciples rushed in fearlessly, including death.

Lin Lang shuddered through the crowd, raised his hand and pointed, and all the gorgeous blood flowers bloomed and ended. This is how fast life is dying.

When killed to death, Sovereign Sovereign Suddenly rushed to Lin Lang and growled: "Lin Youye, if you don't keep your promise, you will leave Wan Guzong a way of life. You will kill us now!"

"I promise you that."

Lin Lang's face was cold, his men kept on moving, and his lively lives continued to fall.

At sunset, everything is over.

The main peak of Wanguizong was divided in half by a horrible sword spirit, and at the center was a bottomless crack. At the bottom of the crack, there were densely packed corpses.

The flowers and grass on the main peak were basically destroyed, and only a few tender grass remained, stained with a drop of red blood, which was telling the fierce fighting.

Lin Lang was standing on the long **** with his hand under his feet, and at his feet was the body of the Sovereign Sovereign of the Ten Thousand Ghosts. In the shadows, there were two or three yellow robes standing scattered.

This is the only few people left in the gate.

In accordance with the promise, Lin Lang did not rush to kill, leaving only a few disciples. These people have just entered the ancestral gate, and they have not learned the means of controlling corpses.

It is precisely because of this that they did not have any evil experiences and Lin Lang did not take their lives. Compared with those disciples of all ghosts with blood on their hands and curses lying on the ground, at least a few of them are still alive, and it is goodness that saved their lives at a critical time.

However, it is foreseeable that even if they are concerned with the ancestral gate, it is impossible for them to re-support the beams of Wanguizong with their few. Wan Guizong has survived in name, and has been completely removed from several hidden Shizong gates.

"Let's go."

"Forget everything here, and be an ordinary person again." Lin Lang waved his hand, and the ghost guardian formation of Wanguizong suddenly cracked a gap and threw the three men out of control.

Lin Lang did not leave on the spot, but stayed at the site of Wan Guizong for two or three days, and made some changes to the mountain guard formation. If necessary in the future, this place can be used as a pure land.

Before leaving, Lin Lang held a stone tablet in his hands, thought about it, and finally put it back. This is another treasure of Wanguizong, called a town stele. Although it is not comparable to the ancient ghost flute, its power cannot be underestimated. Previously, the Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign used it to mobilize the power of the Hushan Array, but was eventually killed by Lin Lang.

Compared to the rich resources of Yao Wangzong, Wan Guizong is shabby. Unlike the medicine king sect, which has a lot of materials for refining medicine, Wan Guizong regards the corpse as a treasure, and it has scraped the entire Wan Guizong. There is no valuable treasure.

As for those corpses, he didn't bother to use them. Before he left, he set off a large fire, and completely ignited the corpses in the mountain and other annoying things.

Lin Lang stepped out of a distorted space, and Lu Beidou and the beard happened to be waiting outside. When Lin Lang approached, Lu Beidou immediately greeted him.

"How's it, Wan Guizong's people didn't embarrass you?" Lu Beidou asked openly.

"Went out."

"I don't seem to understand what you are talking about." Lu Beidou shouted.

"Wan Guizong was completely removed today."

Lin Lang shook the corner of the large mountain guard, and the internal flames soared into the sky. Under the billowing smoke, all the corpses in the mountains were incinerated. Those that should not be stored in the world also scattered with the wind.

Looking at the back of Lin Lang's departure, Lu Beidou only felt that the other's body was 10,000 times taller.

"Unconsciously, his strength has reached this level." Lu Beidou was filled with emotion. He didn't know what happened in the Hushan Formation, but according to the scene in that corner, Wanguizong was completely destroyed.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Lang received a call from a friend he hadn't seen for a long time. It is an international long-distance call from Han Zilong. On the ice fields in the north of country E, there is a hidden treasure to send the information of birth.

According to local legend, there is the remains of a Xeon strongman. Perhaps the relics will open in the second half of this year.

Anyway, it was too early to unearth the remains of State E, and Lin Lang was not in a hurry. I hurried back to Chuanshu that afternoon.

It is also today that he heard an interesting news. The second strongest player in the dark list, Yin Yang Taoist, is out! He first searched for the Chinese warrior Valkyrie, but he also visited several other hidden Sejong gates in succession. It is said that there were large fluctuations in some places at that time, which were suspected of fighting between the powerful gods.

The yin and yang people searched for the strongest in the world, and only asked for a fight.

Also on the weekend of this week, the yin and yang people came to Chuanshu, fishing on the shore of Guyu Lake for many days, and released a word, inviting Lin You to come to battle!

The entire Chinese warrior circle is boiling for it.

A Chinese who was once the second strongest player in China was a rare adversary decades ago, and now he is suspected of breaking through Divine Realm. The other person is the world's best Chinese summer list and the world's best list of peerless powerhouses. He had fought alone for nearly ten grand masters, regretted the army, and killed the killer king.

There are too many legends left by them both. Both were shocked and astounded. Their battle was destined for the comet to hit the earth with an unparalleled impact.

Countless martial arts masters swarmed in, all the martial arts in the world gathered in Sichuan, and even some of the old monsters in the family who were not born to hide and conceal are coming out. The momentum is far greater than the impact of the original life fluid.

Divine Power has never been a member of the WTO, Shenlong never sees the end, and rarely sees one on weekdays. Not to mention this is the battle of the divine realm.

For those masters who are sleepy and stop at the threshold of divine realm. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you can get some secrets of the divine realm from the two, it will definitely benefit you for a lifetime.

Countless people are looking forward to this battle.

This is the glory that belongs to the power of God.

On this day, the misty rain on the shore of Guyu Lake was hazy. On a small boat in the center of the lake, an old man with a white-haired hawk quietly held a fishing rod, and was fishing in the center of the lake.

Some insiders knew that the gray-haired old man had been sitting dead in the heart of the lake for seven days. No fish was hooked, and no movement was seen.

Because fishing lures have never been hung on fishing rods.

A handsome young man was mixed in the crowd and it was difficult to hide the dust. Beside him, he was closely following a dry old man, like a dead body, quietly accompanied by a servant.

Divine war is about to start!

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