Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 354: Patriarch of the Blue Robe!

"Enough! Shut me up."

The lords of all ghosts roared and repelled the elders who were eloquent and turned to look at Lin Lang: "Lin Youye, don't you have a question to ask me? I can cooperate with you."

"In exchange, I still ask you not to kill all the disciples under my door. Otherwise, I would rather rot these secrets in my stomach and bring Jiuyou Huangquan, you will never think about it." Wan Guizong's voice has already begged .

Lin Lang raised his eyelids slightly, glanced towards the mountain guard, and then retracted his gaze.

"If I had the chance, I would be willing to give the descendants of Wan Guizong a way of life."

Lin Lang faintly said, "The first question, where is your ancestor?

"No." Sovereign Lord Wangui shook his head: "The ancestor was also one of the best among the gods. He was in his prime when he became a god. He is rich in life, and it is impossible to sit down and be cut off. kill."

"After the founder of the Kaishan ancestor, he has been sitting in the ancestral gate for decades. In the world of Weiling, from time to time, there are experts from the ancient realm of the ancient ancestors to visit and make good friends for generations.

"Only one day later, Kaishan left silently, and those who were strong in the divine realm saw me weak, and never appeared again."

Although the lord of all ghosts is telling the truth, it is not without warning. A **** of wonder whose life and death is unknown, still has a little deterrent ability in his lifetime.

"That's it." Lin Lang nodded: "I have seen a young man wearing a red robe, attacked me by manipulating a red evil spirit, I don't know what he has to do with you?"

Lin Lang had also speculated that the demigod youth might be related to Wan Guizong. The same long robe and robe were also a means of controlling corpses. Just waiting for him to come to Wanguizong now, he found that Wanguizong was ten times weaker than he imagined. He couldn't join the power of the goddess described by the red robe youth, and he couldn't raise such a young disciple.

Even the whole China is difficult to find such a demigod in his early twenties.

"That's from Shangzong." The ancestral master of Wangui replied: "He has been here and showed us the token of Shangzong. We have the ancestral rules and he kindly entertained him."

"Shangzong?" Lin Lang frowned, wondering: "Where is Shangzong in your mouth?"

"I don't know this." Sovereign Wangui Sovereign shook his head helplessly: "All the information was destroyed at that time, except for the old monster who has lived since then, no one else can know these secrets."

"The only thing I know is that the previous case is equivalent to our main line, and it must be respected. Our ancestors moved out from there, but the rest of the information was not passed down."

The words of the Sovereign Sovereign Sect were half true and half false, but they could not find any faults.

Lin Lang nodded: "Last question, let me ask you what status the Qingpao people have in Wanguizong, but you ancestors?"

At the time Lin Lang saw a man with blue face and Tsing Yi robe in the memory fragments of Bishen. His cultivation was so terrifying that he even transcended the innate realm, so that Lin Lang kept thinking about it.

"You don't know. The color of the robe symbolizes cultivation and status. The yellow robe is for the disciples, and it is only at the warrior stage. The red robe is for the elders, all are masters of transfiguration, and the black robe is for demigods. "

"The ancestor of Kaishan established this rule when he established the gate, and only his old man was a blue robe. The ancestral rule established that even the master of a sect cannot change the blue robe without authorization before reaching the realm of God."

"As for the Qingpao, it's unheard of."

Sovereign Sovereign Sect is extremely determined: "There is no such rule in Swan Sect, and our information has also been erased. If you want to be confirmed by reliable points, you may go to the TAI Nation Wizard to meet."

"The big wizard and the ancestor of Kaishan came out together. The Wangui ancestors were established together. Less than ten years after the establishment of the ancestor, the big wizards set up their own portals and went to the T country to develop alone."

When his voice fell, there was a sudden turbulence between the heavens and the earth. With a loud noise, the main peak at this moment actually moved forward a distance of more than ten meters, and the rocks rolled.

The sky is full of bright colors, countless beam traces are intertwined, and the dazzling light is radiant. In a short time, a looming light and shadow is formed in the sky.

As soon as light and shadow came out, the world was frightened.

A strong coercion fell from the sky, as Tianwei was generally trembling, suppressing the entire space. Tens of thousands of elder disciples all had knees that were weak, and they instinctively fell to the ground with a thump.

The face of that light and shadow gradually became fuller and clearer. A handsome middle-aged man in a blue robe stepped forward. The heavens and the earth seemed to be unable to withstand his might and a fierce turbulence.


"It's the ancestor!"

The crowd danced with excitement, and some elders even burst into tears with excitement, moving from their lungs. At present, their ancestors of Kashan came back in time!

They don't have to die!

"Welcome the return of the ancestors."

The lord of all ghosts grabbed the ground with his head, and he refused to lift his head after worshiping: "The descendants of the unsuccessful generations failed to carry forward the ancestral gate, but suffered the annihilation of the sect, and faced the ancestors without face.

The ancestor of the blue robe glanced at the Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign, stepped forward, and suddenly appeared a mile away. His gaze glanced at the mountains below, his body flickered, and the man had already reached another place a few miles away.

In just a few steps, the mana alone is beyond reach.

In terms of speed, it is still above Lin Lang, and even surpasses a lot. To be sure, this is what he did not use the real strength

The ancestor of the blue robes looked like the emperor in the world, walking gracefully and with magnificent eyes, and Ni Ni swept through this place where he had lived for decades. Every inch of land, every disciple elder.

"Have my ancestors fallen to such a degree?" The ancestor of the blue robe said expressionlessly and slowly.

"I'm guilty!"

Thousands of ghost lords keep pounding their heads.

"Of course you are guilty."

The ancestor of the blue robe nodded, his voice was ridiculous, and it was very unpleasant: "You almost destroyed my hard work once, this is a deadly sin."

"But he is the culprit compared to you."

The ancestor of the blue robe, like a catkin floating in the air, left a residual image in the place between speeches, and suddenly appeared in front of Lin Lang the next moment.

"The twentieth-year-old demigod is still a cultivator, but it is very good. It must be a rare genius in his lifetime."

The ancestor of the blue robe admired endlessly, but his eyes were cold and there was no meaning of praise: "You are also the first demigod to meet me so disguised and calm, and other people have already been scared and begged for mercy."

"Why do you pretend." Lin Lang's mouth raised a scorn, "It's just a piece of imprinted spirit, what fear? You have speed, you have to repair some parts of the body, but you hurt me?"

"Did you know the imprint of the soul?" Pupil of Lanpao shrank his pupils.

The imprint of the spirit is to record the power of the self as a tyrannical force in the void, which is equivalent to a clone, possessing some deities of the deity, and engraving the lines, which can stimulate part of the combat power of the body when necessary.

This secret method is very rare, and the required cultivation and the carrier that bears the brand of the soul are rare in the world. It may be possible to know only one or two of the tyrannical existence that originated from ancient forces.

The reason why the ancestor of the blue robe can be arranged is not only that he has the best fighting power in the divine realm, but also that his background is beyond the imagination. It is difficult to compare it with any ancient gate in Huaxia.

"You know a lot." Grandpa Lanpa blinked his eyes and frowned, "Must you also come from that place? No, even in that place, there are very few people who are qualified to come into contact with the imprint of the soul, most of them are big doors. "Kirinzi is also at the level of suzerain."

"I haven't found any familiar exercises on you. What is your origin?"

The ancestor of the blue robe fell on Lin Lang and did not rush.

"Me? Just a casual repair."

Lin Lang's voice was dull: "The point is that you can't stop me. Relying on the spirit mark of the big guardian formation, you can only exert your strength in the formation."

"So what? Even if I can't travel far, but here I kill you if you kill chickens and dogs, do you know how easy it is to kill an ant in a divine realm, I can crush it with one hand."

The ancestor of the blue robe smiled vaguely, while raising a finger.

"If my deity is here, it's you, you only need one finger to kill ordinary gods."

"The ancestor is so strong!" The head of Wangui Zongzong was shocked. Their generation grew up listening to the stories of the ancestors of Kaishan, saying that the ancestors were all legendary figures in the realm of God.

But he did not expect that the strength of the ancestor Kaishan was so horrible that even the realm of God could be killed. If the ancestor of the ancestor is still, what is the ancient gate?

Wan Guizong's disciples and elders are also excited.

Not for others, but they have been saved!

"Your arrogance will stay until you meet me alive. Show you something, and I look forward to seeing you laugh."

Lin Lang's face was smooth, his fingertips trembled, and a dark piccolo was held in his hand by his backhand.

"What east ..."

The ancestor of the blue robe seemed to be choked on his throat and jumped up instantly. His expression changed drastically, staring anxiously for a long time, and the roar continued.

"Waste! You are a waste that is not enough to lose, and which waste has elected you as the lord of all ghosts. All are waste. Even my sacred artifact was lost and fell into the hands of an outsider!"

As the ancestor of the Wanguizong, the ancient ghost flute was his favorite magic weapon, but it was not taken away for some reason. No one is more familiar with the power of the ancient ghost flute than him, and restraint to the soul and Tao is not fatal. The spirit brand is also within the scope of the ancient ghost flute.

"Then I will send you to see your body."

Lin Lang shook his hands.

A dark suction, a horrific suction erupted in vain!

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