At the beginning and end of Guyu Lake, a long cordon was drawn, the road was also isolated, and it was only possible to detour from the other end. On the periphery of the cordon, a man in a black suit stood Zhuang Su in three or five steps, forming a continuous wall of people, blocking ordinary residents of good things in the distance.

A group of young men and women stepped off a Buick business car and looked around curiously. "What is the situation? From last week to today, Gu Yuhu has been martialized for seven days. This has not been lifted."

"In the 1970s and 1980s, there were legends that there were water monsters in Guyu Lake, and then it was so busy that even the Huaxia headquarters sent a commissioner. Looking at this situation, I think this may be true." The young man said playfully. It was just his serious look that made men and women laugh around.

"Rest assured. We are here today to investigate the matter, I packed the tickets and they must let us in." A young man dressed up by a full-body luxury brand stepped forward to pack the tickets.

His voice was touted by several other companions, but the young man was always absent-minded and looked at the beautiful college-style dressing girl around him.

"Shi Lan, let's go in."

But when they were near the cordon, the man in the black suit stopped them immediately.

"Some people please come back, Gu Yuhu has been martialized, not where you can come." The black security guard fainted.

"Little brother. We have no other meaning, just want to go in and have a look, you put us in, we are not bad people." Said a girl coquettishly.

The security guard was unmoved and said coldly, "Please come back."

"So strict rules." The girl tried to argue reasonably: "Guyu Lake has always been a public place, and it's not the land you bought. Why can't we let us in?"

"Ahem." The extravagant youth approached, handed a pack of precious cigarettes, and set it almost: "I think the uniform on your body should be a member of Lianqing Company. My uncle is your supervisor, named Nie Mountain, should you know? "

The security guard in black looked like iron, and insisted: "No matter who you are, even if you are the sons of the four major families, as long as they are not warriors, leave. I cannot let you in."

"What a coincidence. Her uncle is a warrior, a warrior from the Chen family."

"Brother, let's be comfortable."

The extravagant youth pushed Su Shilan to the front and kept frowning.

"That won't work either. Call his second uncle, otherwise it will be avoided."

Speaking, the other nearby security guards have pushed several people out of a row, and the headed youth has been pushed down and his forehead swollen with a red envelope.

"What do you do? I'm the young director of the Fuhai Group. Be respectful, beware I'll go back and steal your body." The luxury youth glared.


The security guard in black made a stern voice, and brought several people around him to force him. Looking at this situation, it seems that he is going to do it directly. The boys and girls were instantly panicked, and all of them were strong men with big waists and round waists. They really beat them.

The extravagant youth was even angry with a crooked nose: "Okay, now even a little security guard dares to speak to me, you are finished today."

Extravagant youths have to call out of their cell phones.

"Forget it, people have their own problems, we are still being embarrassed. Besides, there should be nothing beautiful in it." Su Shilan advised.

"Let's count your life." The luxurious young man snorted coldly. "Fortunately for you today, there is no Shilan to intercede for you. Don't think about doing it at Lianqing Company in the future."

The black security guard's face was stiff and very unsightly, but at this time he took people back. To them, as long as these people do not break in, everything is fine.

"Let her go in too. I'm missing one to talk to me." A delicate-looking girl came from behind.

Her cheeks are slightly sharpened, which is a typical beauty face. The facial features are delicately carved, as if it were the most perfect masterpiece of God, and she is even lighter when she walks. It feels like dust and fairy. .

Perhaps the whole world can rarely find a few beautiful women on a par with it. Even big beautiful women like Su Shilan are inferior to her. In the face of such a peerless beauty, Su Shilan also has a little taste of Xiaojiabiyu.

The security man in black was also stunning, and I couldn't believe there was such a gorgeous woman in the world. After a long while, he finally murmured, "Sorry, you are not a warrior, and you can't get in."

The exquisite beauty glanced at the security guard. The slender jade pointed forward, and the security guard in black flew out. After a few rolls, she stood up before she could get rid of the dust on her body. Respectfully reached out: "Please!"

Su Shilan and others were completely stunned. No one expected that such a weak-looking woman would have such a great deal of strength between shots.

It doesn't look like an ordinary girl at all.

Just as they worked hard, the exquisite beauty had already pulled Su Shilan's cuff and pulled Su Shilan directly into the warning zone: "Come with my sister to go in, it's boring."

Su Shilan was so stagnant for a while, and found that at this moment, she could no longer see her friends, and was already standing on the shore of Guyu Lake. Not that she was in a daze for too long, but that the delicate woman's figure was too good and too fast.

The extravagant youths outside the guard zone are anxious, but unfortunately the security guard in black said nothing and he was so angry that he rolled his eyes: "You wait, I'll call my third uncle. You don't want to do this security. "

The call was connected, and the other side scolded his face and scolded the young man completely. After a long while, the youth had to leave with a few friends in a bleak manner, and even Su Shilan couldn't care less.

"What about Susu? She's still inside."

"I can't take care of him. None of the people in it are accessible to us. Even Master Chen is only a small character in it, including Duan Zhengchun's owner in the Zhonghai Duan family." The young man described with shocked expression. Uncle's original words.

The delicate woman stood by the lake with Su Shilan, and looked forward to the old man fishing in the center of the lake curiously.

"This is the yin and yang Taoist from the outside world. It looks good. It's just a little older, you've run out of talent, and you can only stop in the realm of life." The delicate woman began to shake her head.

"Yin and Yang Taoist? Who is that, Taoist?"

Su Shilan asked.

At this moment, the fishing man opened a gap across the shore with his eyes open, and his eyes fell on the delicate woman. Su Shilan suddenly felt a sense of being peeped, as if every skin on the whole body, any clothes there There is nothing in sight.

The delicate woman hummed, and an invisible barrier cut off his perception.

"It's a master. Unfortunately, it's not Lin Youye."

The fishing man shook his head, and turned his eyes to cling, and was drunk with the fish about to be hooked in the heart of the lake.

Su Shilan was relieved, hesitated, and still expressed his feelings just now. After all, she is a girl, and she wants to remind the delicate woman.

The delicate woman couldn't laugh or cry: "He didn't do it that way. But if he thinks, he can really do it. But with me, he can't hold back the thief."

"So my sister is also a warrior?"

Su Shilan blinked.

"Want to learn? My sister is a cultivator, you have good qualifications and can teach you. At that time, you can travel all over the world like me." The delicate woman laughed.

"No. I don't want to leave. I just want to live a good life now. It's calm and peaceful. I can live in peace and quietness."

"The horizon is still too far away for me." Su Shilan shook her head and clenched the clover pendant on her chest.


At the moment, the shore of Guyu Lake has been blocked by all sides. The shore stretched over a length of two kilometers, and the nearby bridge porches, arch bridges and gazebos were packed with various figures.

A man was shrouded in a black windbreaker, his brim just covering his eyebrows, revealing a pair of scorpion-like eyes. The sensational cold from his body inadvertently made many people around him jealous.

"The master of the day list, the second person in the Huaxia arrest list, the curved blade dagger, his lone killer also appeared."

In the promenade, Mo frowned.


"My dearest China, I did not expect that I Ivan Ivanovich Berekov came to this familiar land again in this life. The country is still so enthusiastic. My friend, Duan Mr. Zhengchun. "A bearded man speaks specious Huaxia language and speaks with a mouthful of e-state.

"Old friend, welcome to Huaxia."

Duan Zhengchun stepped forward and gave Belek a big bear hug. However, in front of Belekov, who was more than two meters tall, Duan Zhengchun also only hugged his waist. It looked like his father and his son.

Belekov, a strong man with a surname on the world's dark list, is in the top 20 and has a reputation.

In the distance, there is another handsome young man with blond hair and curly hair, who is having a good talk with a young man with the same blond hair.

"This is Keweis, the superhuman in the wood system, and Pranda, the superhuman in the gold system. They are both the top ten in the dark list." An old man standing side by side with Mo was indifferent. The cultivation on this person is fluctuating and extremely restrained.

This is truly a peak master of Huaxia!

Before the war, at this time there were more than ten masters gathered on the shore of Guyu Lake. As for ordinary martial arts, they were like Jiang Zhiqing, and there was almost no weak person. Moreover, there is no ordinary person who has not cultivated here.

As for standing beside Mo Yixian, he is a former master of the dark list, who has been living in Beiliao Province for many years, so that the statistics on the dark list have listed him as a death list and removed him from the list.

It suddenly became a paradise where warriors gathered. Ordinary people are not eligible to enter at all. Looking at the crowd below, there are still many who are not weaker than his existence, Mo Yixian sighed deeply: "A battle, do not want to see the bulls and ghosts of all parties appear."

"You underestimated the attraction of the mystery of Divine Realm. The battle between two suspected Divine Powers, not to mention the fact that Divine Realm escaped the world, is rare even in the era of Dafa Changlong hundreds of years ago."

Don't wait quietly.

He is now also a guru, and the state of God is still far away. Today, he also does not need to consider these things. But he could deeply feel the despair of the old man around him.

The word Shenjing is exactly trapping him for forty years! Imagine that he was in his best years at that time, attracted much attention, and was listed as the most outstanding genius of that era, and countless talented women have fallen for it. However, it is this divine state that Shengsheng consumes a talented Tianjiao into dying.

In his twilight years, he is still trapped at the peak of transmigration.

How sad?

Breaking through the divine realm has become his incurable obsession and heart disease. It's not just him, I believe the other others present are also the same, crazy for an opportunity to become a god. Cheng Shen is still buried, the last choice in this life.

In order to become a god, they have consulted Yin and Yang Taoists in the past few days, but the latter seems to be unheard of. Whether it is a **** or a bow, the old man fishing in the center of the lake is still unmoved and seems to have completely turned into a stone pier.

However, at this moment, the old man fishing in his heart suddenly opened his eyes.

"Lin Youye, you are finally here!"

Thunderclouds rolled in the sky, and the voice of the fishing man sounded through the sky.

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