Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 340: He doesn't have me!


Li Dongbin frowned. He had never heard of the name Qiao's family in Chuanshu. Even in several nearby provinces and cities, he had never heard of it.

"Let's have a chance." Li Dongbin didn't catch a cold and barely accepted it.

"This beautiful lady, it's not very good for you to draw Dong Bin so blatantly." Bai Zhihuan was also unhappy.


"who are you?"

The surrounding sounds kept ringing, and Qiao Qinghuan also stunned, never thinking that Li Dongbin would be so disrespectful.

"Okay, okay, everyone is happy at the party, even if you give me a thin noodle, let me unhappy things first."

Chen Miaoxuan spoke out in a timely manner, and the embarrassment was virtually resolved by the incident of Li Dongbin who intervened: "Everyone can only be happy today, but if you have any requirements, please mention them."

"Let's be lucky." Li Dongbin looked at Lin Lang with a pout, "I don't believe you can always hide behind a woman. I remember you're talking wildly today."

Lin Lang's eyes were so sharp that his palms were raised and lowered, and he said lightly, "Today is Miao Xuan's birthday. I don't want to see the blood. Let me go first. If you don't blame, I don't warn you next time."

Today is Chen Miaoxuan's birthday, and Lin Lang doesn't want to mess up the banquet. He simply gave Li Dongbin a chance. If he continues to be obsessed, he must blame him for being ruthless.

"Some kind of horses, come here." Li Dongbin said fiercely: "You come, I will break your two legs!"

Lin Lang didn't continue to listen to him, instead he looked at Chen Miaoxuan and said, "Miao Xuan, you are here. I have a gift for you."

Talking, Lin Lang's fist buckled, his palm was loose, and a string was placed on the middle finger, and a jade pendant naturally fell. This jade is the amulet that Lin Lang carefully crafted for Chen Miaoxuan. Although the refining was successful before, the internal power was a bit violent. He has been nurturing him for a long time, knowing that he was now handed over to Chen Miaoxuan with confidence.

"It's for you."

Lin Lang sent Yu Pei to Chen Miaoxuan.

"Give gifts only at this time?" Many people stayed a while. Before Bai Zhixuan and others provoked Lin Lang, he didn't see him take them out. Instead, he just gave them out at this special time.

Is this going to be the finale? But looking at the jade, it doesn't seem to be precious.

"The quality of this piece of jade looks average, the texture is loose, and the turbidity of the jade lacks the beauty of agility. It should not be a good piece of jade."

There was no shortage of knowledgeable people at the scene, and at one glance they identified the quality of jade. Even if you do n’t know the goods, but you see more, you probably have a steelyard in your heart.

"So why does this jade look so awkward?"

"I look very ordinary, right. What kind of ghost is the pattern carved on?" The sharp-eyed rich and the young saw the pattern on the jade pendant and said with excitement, "My mother, isn't this a piglet!"

The crowd also stayed awake, and also saw the nostril on the jade pendant facing the sky, wishing that the pig had a nose longer than its face.

"Oh my God, Pig Page is in a mess. What the **** ... can someone give Pig Page a gift? Come on, applause for you." A rich and young man laughed with an indifferent smile.

"You take this thing as a baby, and you give it away?" Li Dongbin laughed and leaned back, his tears almost laughed: "Today I have seen it, it is definitely no one before and no one came, I thought What a national treasure gift? "

Bai Zhisong couldn't help but smile, holding his belly and laughing: "Giving gifts is a good thing, but you can also use snacks, make a bad street stone, and then carve the hottest pig now, this is what you give to Miao Xuan Surprise? "

He is still like this, those who just look at the lively can't help laughing. It was the first time they had seen such a wonderful gift.

"Oh my dear, this is a surprise, it's almost scary. Anyway, you need to be careful when preparing gifts. It is hard to buy without asking for a lot of money, but you can't just buy one from the street."

Lin Lang was unmoved, and despite the ridicule of others, judging by others, he still looked indifferent.

They don't understand the value of the best jade chalcedony, isn't he clear?

"How do you know its value?"

Lin Lang countered.

"It's one million, and ten million don't even want to find such a piece of jade in the world. Those who are ignorant are fearless." Lin Lang shook his head gently.

"I'm laughing with laughter, who can't see the quality of this jade, I guess only you are still in the drum?" A rich young man laughed.

"The quality of jade is not something you can tell in one sentence. If you don't understand, it doesn't mean that others don't understand. Don't be so sure if you don't know the goods." Lin Lang said indifferently.


Everyone does not say that they are knowledgeable experts, but at least the quality is clearly distinguished. It was only Lin Lang's swearing attitude that made them all hesitant.

"It is said that the beautiful jade is priceless. It is difficult to identify the real good jade from the naked eye. Is this really a good jade?" Everyone was surprised.

Compared with gold and diamonds, jade articles do not have a clear measure of value. Sometimes they are really difficult to identify. They can only be identified by experience and jade quality, even when the master has a horse. It is basically impossible to judge 100% by eyesight.

It's just ... will the real good jade be engraved with the pic of the piglet's pecs, isn't that violent?

"Then what is the origin of this jade?" A rich and young cried out.

Lin Lang did not answer. Since I do n’t understand, telling them is no good.

Just then, a sharp sneer sounded: "Everyone don't have to watch, it's just a piece of waste jade."

The crowd turned back, only to see a pearly tide man came forward.

"It's Han Shao!"

This Han Shao's family is in the jewelry industry, and his major in university studies is also high-end jewelry appraisal. The level is not comparable to those of the semi-dragon characters. His words are naturally very convincing.

Han Shao slightly glanced at Yupei, with a disdainful expression on his face, and said, "This is only carved out of Luo Luoyu's stone skin. It can only be used to sculpt some weird patterns. There is no buying value at all."

"It won't sell in ordinary jewelry stores, and it's only done at street stalls at night."

"I was almost bluffed by this guy. I thought he had any confidence in it. I couldn't even think of parallel imports." Everyone was surprised.

"am I right?"

Han Shao stared directly at Lin Lang, his eyes could not be changed.

Everyone looked at Lin Lang, waiting for his answer. Although they believe in Han Shao's vision, they still have to listen to what the other party said.

"Death is a matter of face and suffering. If you can't afford it, don't take it out." Numerous eyes were full of irony, looking at the guy who had been talking hard.

Surprisingly, Lin Lang nodded voluntarily.


Surprisingly, Lin Lang nodded gently: "You're right, it's really picked from the jade skin of Miluo Jade."

The crowd was uproar again.

Now that everything is clear, the value of this piece of jade is already extremely low: "Since you know the value of jade, why do you want to deceive us?"

"I see. You are losing or not, even if you have nothing worthy, you have to entangle it."

"Since you can't afford it, don't be stubborn and shameful!"

Everyone made satire. Even those who have nothing to do with Lin Lang hate to speak up. Obviously a worthless jade pendant, have to pout and say that this is a priceless treasure, when they are all confused?

"When did I admit that Yupei is not expensive." Lin Lang fainted.

"Let me ask you, is it true that the material of jade is Luo Luoyu?" Li Dongbin said.


"That's not going to end. Now that you've said it yourself, isn't that what you say is the water that spills out, and you can't even handle it yourself?" Li Dongbin was aggressive.

"That's what I said right. But how do you know it's not expensive." Lin Lang said.

There was a sigh of laughter, and it was okay to say the same thing over and over again, but there was a suspicion that it was entangled too much.

Everyone's evaluation of Lin Lang was once again lower.

"Miss Chen, although we are happy to attend your birthday dinner, there is a word that I have been in my heart for a long time." Deng Qi also said softly: "The party is a relaxing occasion, but not so much Clear identity restrictions, but at least the people involved have to consider it. "

"How can a person with misconduct and misconceptions be qualified to mingle with us, and I hope that next time Miss Chen can carefully consider it, don't ruin a pot of soup because of a rat feces." Leng uttered a shy look.

Although Deng Qi's voice was not loud, it fell into everyone's ears clearly, and the meaning expressed was clearer, but he was already severely cutting Chen Miaoxuan's face.

"Deng Shao really dare to say it." Everyone froze, this is equivalent to the words of noisy guests, and it is estimated that only the character Deng Qi dared to say.

After a series of shuffles in Chuan Shu, Deng Qi's identity also rose with the water. He was originally one of Chuan Shu's top young men, and now he has the faint voice of Chuan Shu's first son.

Of course, all of this stems from the power of the Deng family. Since the end of the last martial arts conference, the Deng family has annexed countless forces of all sizes, and even the other three centuries-old families are within their reach. Today, in the province of Chuanshu, it has become a behemoth on the hegemony side, and the other three big families are not willing to provoke easily.

"Deng Qi, what do you mean!"

Chen Miaoxuan started shooting, and his face was ugly.

"It's not interesting." Deng Qi shook his head: "I just expressed an opinion of everyone, he Lin Lang treats us like a fool, I can't tolerate such a person to stay with us all."

"I don't have him, I don't have him."

Deng Qi was decisive. In fact, his speech was equivalent to forcing Chen Miaoxuan into a palace.

"I can't do it, feel free."

Chen Miaoxuan's eyebrows fell down, her face frosted, and she was very angry once. Ask her to drive Lin Lang away. She can't do it. If she wants to choose one, she would rather invite Deng Qi, the one who chooses the victim.

"Something is about to happen."

The people's breath quickly, this is the two top Chuanshu Qianjin gold torn face in front of each other, even if the knife in the back, usually face to face with a smile, when such a conflict.

Because of their words and deeds, their influence, and the power they can mobilize is enough for the two Xiuwu families to collide. By that time, I am afraid it will be a major event for any family.

"Okay." Deng Qi snorted coldly and glanced across Lin Lang. "I remember today's events, and teach me another day."

It is foreseeable that if Deng Qi really walked away like this today, it would definitely cause a big uproar in the future. Maybe the Chen family will hinder the situation to bow their heads, or maybe the Chen family will no longer stand still and completely tear their faces with the Deng family.

"A hundred-year-old family is finally about to start a fierce competition." The people breathed fast.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"Wait, shall I let you go."

Everyone looked back, but saw that Lin Lang, who had been leisurely tasting wine, had been scorned by them many times.

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