Have a good show!

No one in the entire Sichuan and Sichuan circle knows that Bai Zhixun's heart is full of Chen Miaoxuan. Although he hasn't succeeded yet, it is the one that has been given the most popularity. If anyone in Chuan Shu is worthy of Chen Miaoxuan, then it must be Bai Zhixuan.

Today, Chen Miaoxuan has been alone with this Lin Lang for so long, and she drank a lot of wine. Everyone with a long wink can notice. Not to mention that Bai Zhizhen looked really earnestly.

He couldn't even accept the girl who was feeling good was abducted by other men, and they talked well in front of him. He was intolerant at all.

"It seems Bai Zhizheng has troubled looking for this kid."

People watched the fire from the other side, even though the influence of the Bai family in Chuanshu has shrunk sharply, and they are out of breath when they are suppressed by many forces. However, after all, it was the first family of Chuanshu who once dominated, and the details are still unfathomable.

Moreover, as the chairman of Bai's Commercial Group, Bai's father is the first spokesperson of the entire Bai family in the business world, and his status is not inferior to that of contemporary homeowners.

No one would underestimate such a centuries-old family, even now they are gone.

"No time."

Lin Lang didn't raise his eyelids, and responded slightly.

"You." Bai Zhizhen froze, his back to Lin Lang, his expression cloudy.

"Bai Shao asked you to give you face in the past, you have no idea how to show it." Li Dongbin snorted coldly.

"Then I will give him a face, and let him come over and talk to me."

Li Dongbin was stung for a moment, his face was not very good-looking, but it was not easy to attack directly on this occasion, he had to stare at Lin Lang with a calm face. Instead, Bai Zhizheng shook his head first: "Forget Dongbin, there is no way people don't give this face, let's go."

There is no benefit to continue standing here, and Bai Zhizheng is naturally unwilling to continue to shame.

However, Li Dongbin is not the one who can easily swallow his voice: "It's not just a straw bag that can rely on a woman to stand in Sichuan, and even a gift can't be given. What can I install?"

He snorted coldly, with an expression of disdain in his eyes: "Is it still unclear what identity you have, it is already a big face to be able to come to this party. Without Miss Chen's strong invitation, would you deserve to attend such a high-end party? ! "

"I'm not qualified. Do you think you have it?"

Lin Lang's complexion was ancient, and he could not see the mood.

"I?" Li Dongbin sneered: "You ask everyone present, which one's identity does not leave you ten streets, family, ability, background, you can't match anything. Is this your pride? Worth nothing! "

Lin Lang included all the people around him at a glance, and said calmly: "So what, even if there are thousands of troops in front of me, I won't be defeated by one finger."

"What a big tone, what kind of person are you?" A richer and younger man shot at the case, glaring at Lin Lang, saying one word at a time: "To tell you the truth, the gap between us is far from you It is conceivable that even if you work hard for ten years, one hundred years will not reach our level. "

This person was one of the people who guessed Lin Lang's identity at the door, trying to spread his anger on Lin Lang.

"This brother, you said a little bit too much. We are also bad people in Sichuan and have face and face. If you want to flatten a finger, we may have some difficulty." A young man in a suit who looked more gentleman sarcastically said.

Seeing that Lin Lang was about to be attacked by the rich and the young, it was okay for Lin Lang to be full of energy, but Chen Miaoxuan couldn't stand it. She just remembered to persuade, but was held down by Qiao Qingchen.

"Wait first." Qiao Qingyi shook his head gently. "I always think your friend is not easy. At least the development of things is still under your control. You can see a lot of things at this opportunity."

Qiao Qingyi said without insult. These are all the experiences she accumulated from going north to north, and she has experienced a lot, and it can be regarded as a mention of Chen Miaoxuan.

Chen Miaoxuan hesitated. She had the same idea in her heart, but she never had the chance to verify it.

"Okay, then wait."

This is also her doubts for a long time. She guessed that Lin Lang's body was always covered with a layer of fog.

"Miao Xuan, this one is your friend? It doesn't look too ordinary." A gentle voice came, and Ni Ziting sat down beside Chen Miao Xuan.

"What's so unusual?" Chen Miaoxuan blinked.

Niziting is a well-known socialite in the upper circle of Sichuan and Shu. The background in the family is not very deep, but she has been living in this circle with her excellent communication skills, and she has given a lot of points to many children Degree of face.

No matter whether it is the mind or the means, Niziting has its own excellence, and it is extremely sharp to see people, even some of the old churros that have been in the mall must be beyond reach.

"Can't say clearly." Ni Ziting shook her head: "I have seen too many people in these years, but very few people like him, everything is not astonished, everything is like a cloud. It feels like a superior The same looks down in the clouds. "


"What do you want?" Lin Lang fainted.

"It's very simple. Take back what you said before and apologize to all of us." Li Dongbin proudly said with a loss of his hand.

"Are you forcing me to do it?" Lin Lang blinked coldly in his eyes. To this day, in his capacity, these so-called 'high-level' children have not been taken into consideration at all, even if one or two words are not understandable, they are not bothered. After all, they were never a level person.

But there is one exception, that is, without prejudice to his majesty.

"Do it?" The irony on Li Dongbin's face was even stronger: "If you are confident that you can fight a warrior, you can do it directly."


Everyone looked at each other for unknown reasons. Bai Zhizhen looked at Li Dongbin with a smile on his face and said, "Everyone knows something. In fact, Brother Li was successfully promoted to a military position half a month ago."

"Li Dongbin? Warrior?"

"The Li family has not been in business for generations. It has never heard of a military presence."

Many people show incredible expressions. In their impression, Li Dongbin's family is not outstanding. He has been regarded as Bai Zhiyu's role as a follower from beginning to end. He usually spends a lot of time in small things, and has family at home, and big things. Brother-in-law of the standard.

However, it was such a person who turned gorgeously in front of them and became a martial artist whom they all envy. Most people can never accept it.

"It's not that the warrior has something to do with qualifications. A badly-qualified one kills a group of people. A good qualification also requires a good foundation from a young age. Those who can't awaken the warriors after adulthood have no hope in this life? How could he wake up now ? "Said a young man who knew a lot about the martial arts circle.

"There is something called a late-generation device." Bai Zhixun explained with a smile: "Brother Li has not been tested in martial arts since he was a child, and has spent the best time, but even so, it is difficult to conceal his extraordinary beauty."

"Just a few days ago, he was accepted by my uncle and received a disciple. After giving a set of boxing skills, he flew into the sky and became a martial artist." Bai Zhixi laughed.

Li Dongbin nodded with a smile, his eyes full of pride.

"Li Dongbin turned out to be a warrior!"

"I said he was a kid. I didn't expect it to be said. Congratulations!"

For a while, Li Dongbin became the focus of the audience, and numerous compliments were heard. Li Dongbin was immersed in it and took it for granted.

"Why is his luck so good!"

Many people's envious eyes are red, and the Xiuwu family in Chuanshu doesn't exceed one hand in total, but there are dozens of families with heads and faces.

The few families with martial arts skills are the four major families of Sichuan and Sichuan now!

The limiting factor is not qualifications, but exercises! Every Xiuwu family sees the exercises as deadly, more important than life, and even some people with little blood relationship can't reach them, let alone outsiders without blood relationship.

A good book on martial arts is hard to find. The family without the support of Gongfa can only choose one of the three in business, politics, and military. Even if Chuan Shumeng Jiuling became the richest man in Chuanshu, he could not transform the Meng family into the Xiuwu family.

Therefore, even if the Meng family is rich, but the Meng family without the support of the strong can only be reduced to the last rank, barely being regarded as Sichuan's 'fifth family'.

As for the Li family, it is no better than the Meng family, let alone mentioning the training of martial arts.

"The Bai family was crushed badly and it was the end of the road. It even passed the Bai family exercises to foreigners. It was also fateful." A rich man sighed. In any case, this kind of luck was beyond their envy.

It is foreseeable that Li Dongbin will soar in the future! Even those with a family background that exceeds Li Dongbin's daring not to be underestimated, if it is not the case, they will try their best to win.

Because it is the number of warriors that can really maintain the longevity of the family, the families that are not frightened by the strong are all paper tigers, unable to withstand the storm.

Throughout the history of Sichuan and Sichuan, there are countless disputes, large and small families are rising and falling, but only the four big families have been able to survive the ups and downs, and have been passed down to the present century.

Everything is because of the warrior!

"The old saying is good. It is not as good as martial arts for ten years. It is not just the influence of the four big families that is in the business world, but the number of warriors in their clan."

"Although we people are big families, the real masters are those martial arts masters, but they just give up their careers to our fathers to take care of them." Some people sighed.

"It seems that Li Dongbin's identity will change dramatically in the future." Someone thought in silence.

Even Qiao Qinghuan could not keep calm, and immediately stood up and walked towards Li Dongbin. As an important member of the Qiao family, others did not know the meaning of Li Dongbin's representative, but she could not understand it.

A warrior Qiao's family does not look at them, and half-step masters can dismiss it, but a person who has risen to become a warrior at the age of 20 must pay attention to it!

If he can break the habit of not being able to practice martial arts as an adult, then how terrible should his talent be? I am afraid that the future masters will not care.

Thinking of this, Qiao Qingmin's mind also dismissed the idea of ​​watching the lively. A talented superhuman warrior is too worthy to be attracted. No matter what Lin Lang's identity is, is he greater than the future master or even a powerful god?

She was quite trivial and she could tell the difference.

Chen Miaoxuan also got up, but she came to protect Lin Lang. Although she knows Lin Lang's skill, in the face of a warrior, even the first level is enough to hit other people ten times.

If she doesn't show up at this time, I'm afraid Lin Lang will be miserable. This was something she didn't want to see.

Almost three or two steps later, Qiao Qingying came to the two and praised him: "Although there are many Chuan Shu families, young Junjie like you are rare."

"If Mr. Li is interested, the door of Qiao's house is open for you at any time."

Qiao Qingyi threw the olive branch directly.

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