Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 341: Let you walk three meters

"Since it all happened because of me, let me solve it." Lin Lang lowered the goblet and stood up calmly.

No one expected that Lin Lang, who had been crowded out by everyone at this sensitive time, would take the initiative to speak out. In common sense, the current situation is far beyond the controllable range, and no one is willing to interfere too deeply.

But at this time Lin Lang took the initiative to take the initiative.

"This idiot was originally just a dispute between Sichuan and Sichuan. Now, in his early days, he will inevitably be caught in the middle of the two forces to receive the blow of the storm."

"If it's impossible for the Chen family to push him directly as a dead ghost, it's really no brain." Bai Zhixuan sneered.

Chen Miaoxuan was also anxious and stomped. At first, she carried all the pressure for Lin Lang. After all, she stood behind the Chen family. The Deng family had to weigh her carefully, but what did Lin Lang have?

Now that he stood up, it was tantamount to ignite.

"What enlightenment do you have."

Deng Qi turned around and said lightly.

"Remember what you said before?" Lin Lang put away the jade in his hand and got up leisurely.

"Say what?" Deng Qi frowned.

"It's very simple." Lin Lang said softly, "I remember that you said before that I would pay the bill next time. Actually, there is no need to wait until the next time. I can make a break today."

"What on earth do you want to express?" Deng Qi Lengheng.

Lin Lang did not continue to speak, but instead walked straight to Deng Qi's side to stand. He raised his hand gently, and two undetectable light beams shot out, pointing at Deng Qi's leg.

Just hearing a scream screaming loudly, Deng Qi's legs were convulsed, and the whole man was shaking like a sieve. Finally, he could no longer support the weight of his body, and knelt heavily on the ground.

Deng Qi's teeth were clenched tightly, and a groan was heard in his chest. The expression of pain on his face was so painful that it clearly showed what kind of pain he was suffering at this time.

"what happened?"

It happened so suddenly, no one thought that Deng Qi was okay a second ago, how could he kneel in front of Lin Lang in the next moment.

What the **** is this?

"My legs, what did you do to me?" Deng Qi was sweating all over, and his facial expression was a bit horrible, and his legs were even more boneless.

No one else can feel his pain. Only he can clearly understand the pain of heartbreaking. He can't stand not only because of the pain, but because the kneecap of his legs has been turned into powder. , Congested legs are like a balloon bag.

"Do you think I'm right? The matter was really resolved satisfactorily, and you don't have to wait until tomorrow." Lin Lang's words were gentle, as if it were a conversation between two good friends.

The corners of Deng Qi's mouth continued to twitch, and he could not tell whether it was painful or angry. He opened his heart to speak, but the pain in his lower body turned the words that came to his mouth into a mournful howl, and the people around him listened for a while.

"Did he destroy the Deng family?"

To this day, even people who don't see clearly what happened before can roughly infer some fuss from the conversation between the two. It was Lin Lang who abolished Deng Qi's legs!

No one expected that Lin Lang would move without warning. After all, there was a huge power in Sichuan and Sichuan. Behind the behemoth of the Deng family, even the people of the other three major families did not dare to move easily.

In the whole Sichuan, even if Deng Qi made a big mistake, even if he offended those top-level hand-eye-connected characters, they would be disciplined at best.

That amounts to a direct war with the Deng family.

However, this scene is actually happening in front of them, which is tantamount to a sunny thunderbolt, and will inevitably cause uproar.

"Something happened!"

Everyone felt the same, and remained silent. Some people's gazes towards Lin Lang have already taken their fright, and they have taken a few steps back subconsciously.

In front of this, even Deng Shao said that if they abandon it, they will abandon it. If they change to a lower status, they will go up, and the result will be even worse.

Chen Miaoxuan's face changed drastically.

"You are disrespectful to my words, I disuse your legs, can you be convinced?" Lin Lang watched Deng Qi calmly and vocally.

Deng Qi was sweating all over, his nails scratched the carpet, his teeth crunched, and finally he squeezed a few words out of his teeth: "I serve your mother ..."

His words were only half said, and a dark sole was printed on his face: "Give you a chance to reorganize and speak."

The guru must not be humiliated, let alone Lin Lang, a superpower who is comparable to the divine realm.

Offended Guru only one end, and that is death! Even if it wasn't Lin Lang who stood here today, but any of Huaxia's masters.

The master must not be insulted, and the iron rule that martial arts cannot trample on!

If it were not for Chen Miaoxuan's birthday, I would not have seen blood. On the other hand, he didn't need to humiliate like this at all. Can bear to this point, Lin Lang has been very face-saving.

In addition, in order to save him, Chen Miaoxuan even took responsibility for himself, and even clashed with Deng Ai. If he can still sit on the Diaoyutai station, it is not a thing. Now that he is so troubled by him, even if the Deng family pursues it in the future, they will come to Lin Lang for trouble, and it has nothing to do with Chen Miaoxuan.

"Xiao Lang, let it go ..."

Chen Miaoxuan couldn't stand it. She just thought about it but was interrupted by another voice.

"Deng Shao just argued with you for a few words. Even if he didn't make sense, he didn't have to do it directly. Why do you want to use his hot hands to abolish his legs?"

Li Dongbin stood up and said coldly.

"Do you also want to help him?" Lin Lang didn't raise his eyelids either. He turned his back to Li Dongbin and didn't turn around, only a calm voice came out.

"If you have the courage to do it, you can come up and accompany him directly." Lin Lang stepped on Deng Qi and let the latter's arm beat on his calf.

"Lin Lang, don't go too far!" Li Dongbin laughed angrily, and he had some friendship with Deng Qi, and wanted to take the opportunity to avenge Lin Lang: "You must think that only you are a warrior, don't forget, me too!"

Li Dongbin spoke coldly.

"Then you come up."

"court death!"

Li Dongbin screamed angrily, rushing forward like a fierce beast, the huge force even brought a gust of wind to everyone's ears.

This is the difference between a warrior and an ordinary person. Even a newcomer like Li Dongbin can directly kill an ordinary person by virtue of his physical strength.

Unfortunately, he encountered Lin Lang, a fierce man who can fight even in a realm. He almost rushed to Lin Lang's near, but felt that he was bound by an invisible stance, and it was difficult to move in the slightest.

Lin Lang looked back faintly, and the star-like eyes were dazzling at this moment. Li Dongbin only felt that he was being stared at by a wild beast, his breathing slowly became rapid, his thinking began to be confused, and his brain was muddy.

When he woke up completely, he found that he was stepped on by a huge force behind him, and it was even harder to move. He opened his eyes, but in front of him was a soft red carpet.

"What is he trying to do?"

The crowd was almost suffocated. Chuan Shu had two heads and faces, one was the chief son, and the other was a talented warrior. Now two people are stepping on one foot by the young people who seem harmless to humans and animals.

The scene in front of them gave them infinite impact.

Deng Qi was trampled under his feet, mourning and miserable.

Although Li Dongbin didn't feel that much pain, the humiliation made him want to find a place to dig into it. He is one of the few people in the martial arts world who broke the rule of being unable to practice martial arts as an adult. In the future, he can spy on the existence of the divine realm.

"Lin Lang, I'm going to kill you." Although Li Dongbin struggled very hard, it was a pity that the weight behind him was more than a thousand pounds. He couldn't get rid of it like pressing a mountain, and he had to curse in his heart.

"Lin Lang, stay in the front line in everything and see you in the future. You have enough lessons for them today, let them go." Bai Zhizheng took a step forward: "I can guarantee it, as long as you let them go today, I try my best to help you settle. "

"Do you want to take the lead for them?" Lin Lang's sharp eyes glanced and Bai Zhizhen shivered.

"It wasn't I who helped them, nor did I warn you. I know you are also a warrior, but there are too many powerful men you can't imagine, and not to mention that Master Li Dongbin is a half-step master, even if Deng There are also two grand masters in the family. Can you beat the grand master again? "

Bai Zhiyou said.

Lin Lang's eyes slowed slightly, fading out: "Bai Zhixuan, the two of us haven't known each other for a short time, but do you know why I haven't seen you in my eyes?

Bai Zhi froze.

It was originally that he didn't put Lin Lang in his eyes. Now why did he speak out of the latter's mouth and change his taste? He still remembered when he first went to college, because he talked with Lin Lang specifically about Chen Miaoxuan.

"Because you are too weak, you never deserve to be my competitor." Lin Lang shook his head gently.

At that time, Bai Zhixun asked him to talk about Chen Miaoxuan. He had such an idea. Bai Zhicheng has never been seen by him. However, it is a character that can be pinched to death with a slap, and is not even worthy of being his rival, let alone being a competitor.

Everyone listened to the black lines of their brains. What was this person doing and did they hurt people? It's not enough to step on two Chuanshu big and small, now it's time to take the third derogation?

"You are too hypocritical. You are obviously ambitious but you always show a light and gentle scholar. This is the most annoying place for you." Lin Lang faintly said, "Let ’s go back, Baijia in the past two years. No ten or eight of the warriors died in my hands, and they will kill the tribe if you kill them. You will now return to me and save your life. "

After a short pause, Lin Lang looked at Bai Zhizhen again and asked, "Who is Bai Mu?"

"What do you think you are? Takeshi."

There was a disdainful voice from the crowd.

However, the person who spoke did not dare to put it on the bright side, and murmured in the back.

"The budding rat."

Lin Lang's gaze burst into the cold, sweeping somewhere in the crowd, quickly finding out the voice, under the palm of his hand.


A rich and young man couldn't bear the pressure, his legs were pressed against the ground, and it was estimated that it was not much better than Deng Qi. Everyone was still ashamed, for fear of becoming the next unlucky ghost. This time the big and small dare not even chew their tongues too loudly, even if they talk a few words, they must quietly bite their ears.

"You said you killed the warriors of the Bai family?"

Bai Zhiyi's psychic drama shook. In recent years, there have been occasional deaths of several warriors in the Bai family, which is also the normal state of birth, illness, and death. But there was only one exception. At the martial arts conference last year, the killing **** opened the killing ring, not only slaughtered Bai Mu and other Bai family masters, but other Bai families were also killed. .

This is the most loss of Baijia Wu in recent years.

"Lin Lang, warrior, that person also seems to be surnamed Lin, maybe he is ..."

Bai Zhihuan was so frightened that he didn't dare to think about it. Even if it might be only one in ten thousand, it was not something he could bear. Almost the next moment, he bowed down obediently down to 90 degrees.

"I offended today, and I am sorry for you. In the future, I should take the initiative to evade and let you walk three meters."

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