Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 338: Welcome the Quartet guests

Chen Miaoxuan was not idle, she walked in circles from time to time, and sometimes came across a cup, smiling. After more than half a round of drinking, the wine line in the glass did not drop much. Of course, as a host, she couldn't get drunk, just a few sips.

Although Chen Miaoxuan was greeting her friends, she also did not forget Lin Lang. When she saw that Lin Lang was drinking alone, she brought Sun Xiaohan to sit next to Lin Lang.

"It's boring to drink here alone. I'll come with you for a drink. Thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday."

Chen Miaoxuan smiled and raised Lin Lang's cup together. Lin Lang raised his head and looked up. Although Chen Miaoxuan did not have the same amount of alcohol as Lin Lang, he also drank at least a half, which added up even more than all the people who had finished drinking.

It's not that Chen Miaoxuan is overwhelmed by alcohol, but she thinks that a little girl doesn't need to drink too much in front of outsiders, so she has always shown herself in the image that she can't drink.

But in front of Lin Lang, she was completely free of this burden.

"I always forgot to tell you, happy birthday." Lin Lang smiled and raised a glass to gently signal Chen Miaoxuan. No one knows more about Chen Miaoxuan than he does. Drinking a little less does not make him drunk.

"Wait, I won't drink this with you first, let's figure it out."

"What account?" Lin Lang was surprised.

She stretched out a few fingers and stunned her, saying: "It's been six months since I saw you last time, and what have you been busy for six months, and you don't say hello to me."

"If I hadn't known that you were good, I thought you had been taken by a bad person."

Chen Miaoxuan raised her pink cheeks and muttered her mouth, and she looked so adorable at home, making her feel pity.

"Of course, I will fight for my future wife, and when I marry her, I will be well-known all over the world, and give her an unfinished unforgettable wedding." Lin Lang said humbly, though he did.

"Go to you. When you marry as a British prince, you still need to be known all over the world." Chen Miaoxuan rolled her eyes, and the point of the second sentence was completely ignored by her, and she was suddenly surprised: "You already have Girlfriend? Who is it, I have never heard you say. "

"Not yet, but I've arranged for a candidate." Lin Lang raised his mouth and smiled: "I just casually figured it out, she will soon be my girlfriend, at the latest two years, and then bring She walked into the marriage hall together. "

"I will definitely inform you when that happens."

"Really?" Chen Miaoxuan's eyes were a little dim, but she resumed as usual the next moment, joking as usual: "Be sure to inform me at that time, don't forget to arrange a role for me, I will definitely not help."

"What character do you want?" Lin Lang smiled.

"Of course, the more important the better."

Lin Lang thought about it seriously and replaced it with a serious expression: "Rest assured that I have arranged the most important role for you. When you get married, I will send you the most beautiful clothes, and then invite you to the scene to meet me. Four friends and friends. "

"I don't know the guests in your family, so I won't help you. You have to help me if you want to help." Chen Miaoxuan poked her lips. Although she said so, she felt a little bit unpleasant in her heart and sipped her wine gently. I found that I had bottomed out in the cup, and I pour out my own drink. I seem to want to taste the bitterness and sweetness.

The glass was full of delicious wine, but at this moment Chen Miaoxuan didn't taste much, it was more like a bitter drink.

After all, the sweetheart has a heart.

"I said, you two can flirt in front of me." Sun Xiaohan really couldn't listen and said silently: "Can you two give me some dignity, so it's really good to flirt in front of me? ."


Chen Miaoxuan was shocked. After thinking about it for a long time, then I came back. Is it not the groom's job to meet the guests and friends of the Quartet? No, there is a bride!

After thinking about this, Chen Miaoxuan's pretty face quickly flew up a touch of red glow, just like wine dizziness, white in the red.

"You bad guy is taking advantage of me. Miss Ben can't see you talking about it!" Chen Miaoxuan gritted her teeth.

"Xiao Han, give you a task!" Chen Miaoxuanfang stared at Lin Lang, and then looked back at Sun Xiaohan: "You drink better than me. Today you are responsible for pouring him more and seeing him dare not talk nonsense."

Sun Xiaohan gave a shock and showed a crying expression: "Sister, do you think I died fast enough, didn't I?" She remembered the first dinner when she was in school. Feng Lang's Jiuxian-level figures were put down by Lin Lang.

"Well, you two continue. Can I not give you two space yet?" Sun Xiaohan wailed and ran away.

Chen Miaoxuan's face turned redder. Sitting in the distance, he was restless, his eyes fluttered from side to side, but he was afraid to look straight ahead.

"Don't you have to entertain your friends?" Lin Lang asked loudly.

"It's okay, all the respects are almost respected, and there are a few good sisters to help with the rest. I'm all right now, I just want to find a place to rest my legs and feet." Calf belly.

It can be seen that Chen Miaoxuan is in a very good mood today. In the next time, she frequently toasts, and a few small and a half cups go down. A red wine halo appears on the delicate pretty face, which looks fresh and charming. .

However, in the eyes of Bai Zhihuan, all this caused his eyes to spit fire, full of infinite jealousy.

"Beauty Miao Xuan, why are you drinking alone, my sister is here to accompany you for two drinks." A crisp voice like Huang Zhi came.

A flowery woman came from behind.

The woman wore a purple corset lotus skirt, which completely covered her proud posture, and exposed half of her beautiful legs below the knees to the air in flesh-colored stockings. With a light layer of makeup on her face, her eyes are full of water and her looks are extraordinary.

If Chen Miaoxuan is closer to the early growth of the girl next door, the girl in front of her is extremely charming, and it is definitely a **** girl that makes people feel excited at first glance.

"You sister, why are you here?"

Chen Miaoxuan was surprised, and stood up excitedly. Lin Bu lightly moved to the side of the opposite woman, as if she saw a loved one, shaking the latter's arm.

"Sister Qingyue, I think it's hard for you to think about it. It's been a long time since I saw you last time. If I hadn't seen you today, I was planning to find some time to return to Qiao's house to see you in the summer." Coquettishly.

"Yeah. I saw you last year and you went back to Qiao's house with your aunt last year. I couldn't think of two years when my family Miao Xuan had grown into a slim girl."

Qiao Qing smiled sweetly, his eyes moved around in the middle of the autumn, and many of the male compatriots around him looked straight.

"I also came to Chuanshu to handle the family business. I happen to hear that today is Miao Xuan's birthday. Since you have caught up with nature and haven't missed it, should you not welcome me?"

"Where did Sister Qingyu say, I ca n’t wait to raise your hands and cheer for your arrival. There's no welcome. Don't just stand still, sit here, or my mother should say I won't entertain people."

Chen Miaoxuan intimately held Qiao Qingyu's arm and sat down next to Lin Lang. He opened the conversation box and chatted with Qiao Qingyu fiercely. It can be seen that the relationship between the two daughters is very good, and it is definitely not the kind of upper skin child.

"Time flies really fast. I still remember that when you were a kid, you wore soaring braids, and you were naughty behind you with open crotch pants, and you cried and asked me to borrow a doll. Now you know how to dress and grow into a beautiful girl Big girl. "

"That was all a child, I'm grown up now." Chen Miaoxuan blushed slightly, shyly.

"By the way, how is Grandpa's health now."

"Sorry to say that. You didn't go back to Qiao's house for two years. Grandpa asked me your news a while ago, and asked me if you had a boyfriend or something."

Having said that, Qiao Qing changed into a gossip woman in seconds, and inquired the news of Chen Miaoxuan with great interest: "Do you have a boyfriend now, or something like that?"

"Nowhere," Chen Miaoxuan said shyly.

"It wouldn't be better if there weren't." Qiao Qingyi nodded: "I have a few good peers around my sister. The family background is not worse than the Chen family, and talent is also the best choice. I will introduce you later. Each. "

"Sister Qingyou!"

Chen Miaoxuan turned red with a cheeky expression, and lamely said, "I don't worry about marrying someone, and I'm still young."

Qiao Qingyi's beautiful eyes rolled over: "I just introduced you first. You talked first, but didn't tell you to marry someone now. You are more anxious than me."

Chen Miaoxuan really couldn't proceed on this topic, and instead raised the glass and touched a glass with Qiao Qingyu. Lin Lang listened quietly without interrupting him.

"By the way, Sister Qing, I will introduce you to someone." Chen Miaoxuan saw Lin Lang staying bored aside, and introduced him: "This is my good friend Lin Lang. He took care of him when he was at school. I."

"This is my cousin, Qiao Qingyi."

"Hello there."

Lin Lang nodded slightly, without saying a word, even if he had seen it. But Qiao Qingyi's eyes flashed brilliantly, and Lin Lang looked up and down and said, "I've seen you somewhere."

"Oh?" Lin Lang raised his eyes slightly, looked at Qiao Qing's eyes, and found that there was no slight impression in his mind. However, he didn't care. He had seen more people in his life, and he couldn't always have memories.

"I haven't remembered exactly where I've seen it." Qiao Qingyi shook his head: "And you have a different temperament than other people. I don't know which noble son?"

Qiao Qingyi has not been independent of the family these years. Instead, he has built a great career through the reputation of the Qiao family. Naturally, he is not only a business tycoon or a wealthy lord. It is reasonable to associate with this.

But if she reminded everyone who knew her, it would be a little difficult.

"I'm not a noble son, with a common family background and ordinary background, barely able to support myself." Lin Lang said indifferently.

And at this time, Bai Zhihuan brought a crowd of people to the three of them.

"Miao Xuan, I respect you for this cup and wish you a happy birthday. Wisdom and beauty coexist forever, and every day is full of smiles and flowers."

"happy everyday."

Bai Zhizhen raised his glass and slumped to the bottom, followed by several people beside him who spoke the blessings and drank the wine in the glass. He simply did not continue to struggle after having a drink with Chen Miaoxuan, but turned around and went elsewhere.

He fainted before leaving.

"Brother Lin Lang, take a step to speak."

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