Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 337: Dinner starts

At the moment, the Ivy Club is the top batch of children in Chuan Shu. Since they are all here for Chen Miaoxuan's birthday, naturally there will be no small birthday gifts.

"Miss Chen, happy birthday."

"Big birthday star, Happy Shellbreak Day."

At first Bai Zhiyu threw a brick to attract the jade, and everyone came forward to present the congratulations he had prepared. Although they were not particularly precious, they at least represented a blessing.

Chen Miaoxuan received all the photos, and her pair of eye-catching eyes showed a stunning arc. Every time she received a gift, she expressed her gratitude and was extremely happy. Sun Xiaohan was responsible for receiving the gifts handed over from Chen Miaoxuan.

After about ten minutes, the children's birthday presents were almost gone. Instead he started to pull other things up, and the conversation was fiery.

Bai Zhi squinted his eyes, his eyes fell on Lin Lang's body, and a corner of his mouth flashed. Li Dongbin, who was beside him, complied and walked in front of Lin Lang and said, "Brother Lin has been drinking here for a long time. I must have prepared Miss Chen's birthday gift early."

From the eyes of everyone, they naturally found the young man who was sitting behind them and tasting the wine alone.

Sun Xiaohan's gaze towards Lin Lang was a bit complicated. Although she had a lot of friction with Lin Lang before, all the things that happened later, coupled with William as Lin Lang's roommate, she could vaguely guess the truth of Lin Lang. Identity.

That's why she didn't attack Lin Lang like a wave today. Because she didn't dare.

As for other people who do n’t know this, it ’s a little more informed when Lin Lang is a friend of Chen Miaoxuan.

"You don't know. Actually, I met with Brother Lin in a jewelry store in Minghui City this afternoon. I must have found a good birthday gift for Miss Chen then." Fei Yingzhe groaned with a smile.

"That's nature." Lin Lang fainted.

"Brother Lin is also an alumnus of our Sichuan University. He and Miao Xuan are even better friends. Brother Fei also said that Brother Lin picked up an afternoon gift at the jewelry store in the afternoon. How could you come forward suddenly like you said." Bai Zhixiong shook his head.

Hearing that there were several rich and young people who couldn't help humming. Some of them were the people who had guessed Lin Lang's identity at the door before. Bai Zhihua said that it logically reminded them of the embarrassing scene just now.

"Bai Zhishou must have deliberately exposed our scars." A rich and young man snorted coldly, and his heart was unhappy.

Although he was dissatisfied with Bai Zhizheng, there was no doubt that Lin Lang had a lot of bad feelings in his heart.

This is precisely the purpose of Bai Zhiyi's sentence.

It ’s not that everyone is generally wise. A rich man and a young man directly caught Bai Zhihuan ’s trap. Looking at Lin Lang, his eyes were strange. Surprise Miss Chen. "

At this time, it was obvious that Lin Lang had been grilled on the fire. It would make people laugh if they couldn't take out the gifts, and they would be criticized for taking out some gifts of ordinary value.

"Okay." Chen Miaoxuan stepped out in time, looking more or less dissatisfied when she looked at Bai Zhihuan. Is it about to hit her where she presented gifts in front of her.

However, she still held down her anger, and said, "I am very happy that everyone can come here. As long as people arrive, this friendship is more precious than any gift."

"Let's sit down, the dinner is about to begin, we must have fun."

Chen Miaoxuan stood up in time to resolve the embarrassment.

The next time is indeed the start of the dinner. First of all, the invited master of ceremonies presided over the warming up and mobilized the atmosphere of everyone. Then Chen Miaoxuan, as the protagonist and host, naturally came to the stage to say a few words.

Today, Chen Miaoxuan wore a burgundy evening dress with a single shoulder, an irregular skirt on her calf, her chest closed, her shoulders exposed. Highlights the long neck curve, showing a mature and elegant style in sexy.

Although this is not Chen Miaoxuan's daily dress style, it has undoubtedly become the most shining star on this occasion, and no girl can cover her style.

Chen Miaoxuan thanked Yunyun on the stage and said a few words briefly. When she stepped off the stage, the dinner really started.

Although the main purpose of the dinner was to celebrate the birth of Chen Miaoxuan, it was more about communicating feelings with each other. Although it was not about family union, it was at least an opportunity to make friends.

No big or small will miss such an opportunity.

This is why Chen Miaoxuan, who has always been low-key, also wants to set up a birthday Patty for himself. Although the banquet is simple, at least this face is still required.

At this time, the inside of the Aoto Club is clustered in groups, or one or two people are moving through the crowd, constantly looking for a relationship suitable for attracting, even if they are not very familiar, you can also take this opportunity to meet a cup, and then you will know . Staggered, so lively.

There were also beautiful violin tunes on the stage, and the violinist was intoxicated by himself, as if he had forgotten everything outside him, and concentrated on playing, sometimes soothing and sometimes curling.

One song, another duet accompanied by the piano and violin, danced softly on the other side, and there was also a handsome young gentleman reaching out, about to invite the girl who was happy to dance a ballroom dance.

Chen Miaoxuan was not idle, walking in circles from time to time, and sometimes met a cup, smiling.

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