Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 336: birthday present

In the eyes of everyone, the most dazzling protagonist tonight, the young lady of the Sichuan Shu Chen family walked into the clubhouse side by side with Lin Lang.

The people standing in the doorway looked a little stiff, but more of them were still at a loss. They couldn't figure out why, because of this person's arrival, even rich people like Chen Miaoxuan went out to greet him in person.

In such a pomp, even the other young people in Chuan Shu didn't have this face.

"It seems that he is treated differently from us." Fei Yingzhe stayed aloof, his face could no longer keep showing off.

"Yingzhe, did you know that person?"

"Why is he here?" A rich young man approached and asked.

"I'm not sure." Fei Yingzhe wondered: "I met Qi Mo once in the jewelry store this afternoon, but it doesn't look like he has a deep background at the time."

The rich and young rolled his eyes and said to himself that you thought that all rich people in the world were as open as you. It's just a meeting, how can you directly judge the family history of others.

"Perhaps this is a hidden youngster who can't say for sure. There are always people who are lonely or ambitious in our circle, never proactively proclaiming their family. But who knows the amazing energy behind them." Someone secretly guessed.

In their rich and poor circles, there is no shortage of such low-key people. They usually do not show up in the mountains and water, and wait until the background of the real accident is scared.

Perhaps only this kind of person is worthy of being accompanied by the Chen family.

"You said that person would be from the Zhonghai Xu family just now? I think the Chen family and the Zhonghai Xu family have come very close recently." A Bai Fumei who knew something inside suddenly made a noise.

"Absolutely not Xu Zidong." A rich and young man shook his head and said, "I was fortunate enough to have seen a young man from Zhonghai Xu. He is much more handsome than him. Yours. He looks so far from Xu Dashao. "

"Will that be Xu Ziao?"

"Xu Zi'ao is even more impossible." The rich man and his wife shook their lips, with a disdainful expression on their face: "I heard that Xu Ziao had suffered a great loss in Nanliao Province a while ago, and offended someone who should not offend People, their legs have been abolished. It ’s not a year and a half since I did n’t want to appear in Huaxia. "

"It is said to be like that at the time. Xu Zi proudly provokes Lin Shenyi, a doctor in Nanliao Province that has risen in the past two years. That guy is also a ruthless man. He doesn't sell the face of the Zhonghai Xu family. Zi Ao knelt for a long time, and then directly abolished his legs. "

An insider broke the news.

"No matter what the kid's identity is, anyway, in this troubled autumn, don't offend if you can draw another ally."

"Yeah. Chuan Shu is messed up now."

Everyone looked at each other and sighed. Chuanshu has not ceased for a moment since last year. Since the original first family Bai family was beaten by an unknown big man, the dispute has never stopped.

At the beginning, it was only a family dispute within Chuanshu. Because the Bai family was pushed down from the altar, the two Chen Lus were also weak. However, their accumulated experience over the years is extraordinary. It is only a large or small dispute. Big families are in peace, and no one can break this delicate balance.

However, since the Zhonghai Duanjia stepped in later, the Deng family led the original four big family names to suppress the emergence of the major families, and the rise has been amazing. There is almost the potential to become the second largest family in Sichuan after Bai family.

From then on, giants such as the Zhonghai Xu Family, the Heijiang Dragon Family, and the Jiangnan Su Family all joined in, completely muddying the Sichuan and Sichuan waters.

"You don't have to guess. He is from Nanliao Province, but is just a friend of Chen Miaoxuan in college."

A faint voice came.

A handsome white man came.

"Here is Da Dao." The crowd was indifferent.

However, although the Bai family has been declining again and again in the last six months, and it is about to fall into the ranks of the four major families, as a former first family, it is still a force to be reckoned with.

This person is Bai Zhizheng. He was just nearby, listening to the sound of these rich and young people's discussions, he couldn't listen anymore. God knows if this group of people keep talking, will he go crazy.

"That's what happened."

Everyone looked at each other. It is really a mix of Sichuan and Sichuan fish and dragons, and all kinds of bull heads, ghosts and snakes can appear, causing them to be followed by all locals and young soldiers, for fear of offending people who can't be offended.

I have repeatedly demonstrated the identity of a poor student, and it is a bit difficult to tell the truth.

"I'll just say it. He doesn't look like a capable person." Fei Yingzhe laughed, feeling a little embarrassed, and quickly rounded off: "The dinner should start soon, let's go in and talk."


Lin Lang has been led by Chen Miaoxuan into the Aoto Clubhouse. The dinner was buffet-style. It is not yet the time to start. So everyone also got together to chat, surrounded by the gentle violin music, just a few drinks.

As for today's master, it is naturally impossible for Chen Miaoxuan to stay with Lin Lang all the time. After chatting for a few words, she went to work elsewhere.

Lin Lang occupied a table by himself. On the table was a red gift bag full of dozens of gift boxes, large and small, and no one was around. Although it is sitting in the center of the main hall, it has a somewhat lonely meaning, which seems incompatible with this circle.

He seemed to be abandoned. No socialite came to him to talk to him, and Lin Lang himself would not do so.

"Why are the handsome guys sitting here by themselves? Everyone comes out to relax. It's boring to be alone here." A beautiful woman in a purple hip skirt walked with her **** waist.

"I'm used to it. I'll just look here." Lin Lang shook his head. He has always been accustomed to doing things his own way. Looking at the exchange of rich and young people in front of him is like playing a house, because his vision is too high to focus on the big game of the world.

Besides, there is no role worthy of his intersection here.

"You're pretty depressed."

The beauty smiled, raised the goblet and touched Lin Lang's cup lightly.

"My name is Niziting. Remember me next time I meet."

Nezi Ting's red lips touched the red wine, cast a bright smile on Lin Lang, and then left swiftly.

"This girl is not easy." Lin Lang shook his head gently. In a few words, Niziting left a deep impression on him, and his communicative ability was somewhat outstanding.

At this moment, a cool voice sounded from behind.

"Why are you here?"

Bai Zhixuan approached with several rich and young. There were also several people familiar with Lin Lang walking alongside him, such as Deng Qi and Li Dongbin.

"Why can't I come? Is it your birthday today?" Lin Lang looked surprised.

In the face of Lin Lang's irony, Bai Zhizhen still changed his face, but instead laughed cheerfully: "Of course I also came to Miao Xuan to celebrate her life. You should be like me."

"You haven't been in school for a long time since you didn't do it last time, have you? You didn't expect your news to be well-informed, but you also know today's party."

When Lin Langquan didn't hear it, he thought for himself and looked around, but his eyes never fell on Bai Zhizheng.

Bai Zhixuan's face was unpleasant, but it was not easy to attack in public. It happened that Chen Miaoxuan passed by.

"Miao Xuan, here."

Bai Zhixuan greeted.

"Well?" Chen Miaoxuan approached and looked at Bai Zhisong and others in a stunned way: "Bai Shao Deng Shao, when did you arrive, you didn't inform me in advance, and I will go to meet you."

"How dare you bother you, but you are the protagonist today." Bai Zhiyi smiled politely. Turning the topic to other places naturally requires a lot of politeness.

A few words of conversation, Deng Qi and other young people also intervened, wishing the words of beauty continued. Many of them at the top of Chuanshu gathered together, naturally there are many topics to say.

It didn't take long for everyone to get hot. For a while, the sentence continued to make people laugh, and even Chen Miaoxuan's pretty face was full of smiles.

Bai Zhiyi glanced at Lin Lang without leaving a trace. The latter sat behind the standing crowd and drank red wine by himself.

"Miao Xuan, happy birthday to you."

Bai Zhizhen's face was solemn, he paused, and then tidied his shirt slightly: "I have a surprise here for you as your birthday gift."

Speaking, Bai Zhishou didn't stretch out his right hand behind his back, and quite a gentleman handed a beautifully wrapped gift box to Chen Miaoxuan.

"Thank you."

"Open it." Bai Zhizhen smiled and hee.

Although it is not polite to open the gift in front of the guests, since Ms. Bai Zhizheng also asked for it, Chen Miaoxuan would not refute her face.

The bow above the gift box is opened, and the wrapping paper is also peeled off. In the center of the gift box is a pair of green earrings, crystal clear, like a drop of water, dazzling and eye-catching.

"so beautiful!"

Chen Miaoxuan's eyes were full of light, full of surprise. It wasn't her intentional response to the scene, but her heartfelt likes.

This is indeed the case. In order to prepare this gift, Bai Zhizhen did not spend a lot of thought, this is a homework that must be done alone even if you have money.

Only in this way can the girl's favor be obtained.

"I said why these earrings look so good. If it weren't for the logo on the gift box, I wouldn't have thought it was from Master Shui Hongzhi."

"Master Shui Hongzhi is a recognized master of jewelry carving, but he left the sculpting industry three years ago. The only few times he just taught his disciples or directed design."

"I did not expect that these earrings were actually carved by him!" A white Fumei exclaimed.

I don't know how many women look around, envy. It's just that this pair of earrings does not belong to them. Some girls even looked fiercely at Bai Zhiyu.

"Just like it." Bai Zhizhen smiled generously.

His eyes glanced at Lin Lang, not intentionally provocative, but aggressive and full of meaning.

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