Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 335: Chen Miaoxuan's birthday dinner

Fortunately, Lin Lang did not continue to challenge everyone's ability to accept, so he stopped. The manager glanced at the name left on the note and squeezed a smile.

"Mr. Lin, please invite us to the VIP lounge. We will put together what you want later."

The obese manager made an inviting gesture. In addition to the back-end after-sales service of the jewelry store, another convenient location is the so-called VIP area. Although the place is not large, but the decoration is extremely luxurious, European-style decoration style, milky yellow light shroud, full of nobility.

The obesity manager invited Lin Lang here to discuss payment issues. After all, this amount is involved, not to mention testing the strength of the other party, but at least the basic process relationship needs to be clarified.

Transactions involving such a large amount can only be transferred to the company's account.

"So I have to delay you for a little while. Our boss will be here right away. He will talk to you about specific matters." The obese manager politely made Lin Lang a cup of tea.

Anyway, the task has been pushed to the boss, and then he just needs to accompany the chat. The rest of the matter is left to the boss to handle. It's not that he's smooth or inadequate, but that he really doesn't have such authority.

It doesn't matter to him whether the other party buys it wholeheartedly or deliberately makes trouble.

"Our boss's surname is Meng .... Meng Meng is very famous in Chuanshu, and I don't know if you have heard of it." The manager has a side by side introduction, and by the way, he is ready to set up each other's origins.

But he was doomed.

Lin Lang's lack of interest caused him to ignore him at all, and he wouldn't follow himself clearly by a person who used his own words. He even talked to Su Shilan on the other side.

"It will be clear in a while if it is a dragon or a worm. If you dare to be blinded, let alone President Meng, even if I can't spare you." The manager felt no light on his face and snorted in his heart.

What's more, Mr. Meng is definitely not the character who broke his teeth and swallowed his stomach. If the identity background is not deep, he will not only be repaired, but even if he can take out the jewellery money, Mr. Meng may also make fake accounts. Cruelly hacked an extra 'jewel money'.

This is a black heart plus professional killing black heart businessman.

After a while, a middle-aged man came into the shop in a rage, and the clerks around him greeted each other. This person is the owner of the jewelry store, and people are used to calling him President Meng.

"You wait outside, everything listens to me."

After General Meng instructed, he plunged himself into the lounge, and the other four brawny men with large waists and round waists were standing at the door. They could rush in as soon as there was any situation inside.

"Mr. Meng!"

The manager stood up and greeted him properly.

Although he is a manager in name, he is just a dog for General Meng.

"Mr. Lin, this is President Meng of our shop."

"Mr. Meng, this is ..."

President Meng paused for the first time when he saw Lin Lang, and then looked at it for a long time, and finally he remembered that face.

"No need to introduce."

Mr. Meng waved his hand, and then laughed, "I said that who has such courage and took care of my Meng's business so much, it turned out that Lin Shenyi came."

But Lin Lang frowned: "Do you know me?"

"Mr. Lin is really a noble person who forgets things." Meng Meng did not mind at all, but smiled: "My surname is Meng. Chuan Shu also has only one surname Meng. Last year I was with Meng at the authorization ceremony of Holy Water The one beside the owner. "

The manager was secretly grateful that the young people across the street were indeed promising. Fortunately, he would look at the situation and didn't sweep the other person out of the house directly, otherwise things would be a mess.

"It turned out to be you." Lin Lang nodded, naturally a pretext. He had seen more people during the authorization ceremony, and naturally it was impossible to remember even some small characters in his heart.

"Since you know me, it's easy to handle. I will buy these jade from you in the afternoon, but you don't seem to be able to swipe your card here. I will send someone to your account in a while?"

"You are out of sight now. Now that Lin Shenyi is optimistic about this, you can take it away. It will be good to call the money at your convenience. I believe you."

Mr. Meng smiled, and then hooked his fingers to the manager, calling the latter to his side: "How much is the total price of what Lin Shenyi wants?"

"18.6 million," the manager answered truthfully.

"How come there are so many fractions? In this way, I will give Lin Shenyi a zero, only 18 million is fine." President Menghao gasped.

As for the manager, he was amazed by the fact that President Meng had always been known for his black money. I never imagined that he would make concessions this time.

He didn't know that the young man in front of him had to be a good man even with the Meng family leader. How could he offend a businessman who can only be regarded as a middle and high level man in the Meng family.

Lin Lang naturally did not take the guest words seriously, and took things directly to leave. Later, he called the Yueyue company. Because it was a private relationship, the transaction expenses of the funds all occurred on his account.

Rao is also involved with the problem of excessive bank funds. Waiting for almost an hour is the end of the real remittance.

It was also during this time that Lin Lang took the superb jade chalcedony to his side, until he heard the value of the superb jade chalcedony, he couldn't help but speechless.

The most precious of these jade articles turned out to be the lowest value, less than two hundred dollars, and even cheaper than some silverware.

Taking advantage of this waiting time, Lin Lang did not avoid other people either, and devoted his spiritual power into it, and at the same time, he ran into violent runes.

A trace of horrible energy overflowed, and even the air was faintly distorted. If the energy contained in the superb Milo chalcedony is released at this moment, I am afraid that the entire Minghui Mall will be razed to the ground.

Since the First World War in Japan, and after being polished by Hongsha, no one can know to what extent his strength is horrible.

It was a force close to his full blow, and even better than that. This is because the superb jade chalcedony has become a small array, making it even more powerful.

When Yupei was finished refining, Lin Lang picked out one of the remaining pieces of jade, which had a good tolerance, and also made a powerful restrainer.

"This is for you. Remember to stay with you at all times. It will protect you at all times." Lin Lang handed the jade to Su Shilan.

Although this jade is not offensive, the rune and spiritual mark it contains are indestructible, and it is impossible for anyone in the divine realm to break it.

"Ah? Give me again?" Su Shilan froze.

"No, no, I have already received one before. This is too expensive."

Su Shilan quickly refused.

"It's okay. This piece of jade is of average quality and worthless. I am also worried that you will meet a bad person. Take it." Lin Lang glanced at the manager. The manager immediately noticed and said in a timely manner: "Don't look at the exquisite appearance of this piece of jade, but it is actually made of scraps and is not worth a few dollars."

After speaking, the manager couldn't help but feel bad for Lin Lang for a while. What is the cheapest of this piece of jade, it is clearly the most expensive one. Hundreds of thousands of people have given away like this.

After Lin Lang taught Su Shilan Yupei's activation method, General Meng also received the news that the funds were received. Lin Lang naturally won't stay longer. After receiving these jade articles, he stands up and leaves.

"I'll find someone to help you send the jewellery to the house?" President Meng suggested. Lin Lang has bought too many things, and each one of the delicate jewellery boxes was laid aside.

"No. Just find a bag to pack it for me, maybe I will use it later." Lin Lang shook his head.

Several people got up and sent Lin Lang out.

"Whether Dr. Lin is free at night, today I will do the friendship of the landlord and take good care of the dust."

At the door, President Meng invited him again.

"Thank you for your good intentions. But I have other things at night. If President Meng has the opportunity to go to Shencheng in the future, you can go to the Yueyue company directly to find me. If I am not there, I can just mention my name.

At this time it was getting late, close to about five in the evening.

Chen Miaoxuan's birthday dinner is about to begin.

When I went to Qingteng Club and happened to be on the way with Sichuan University, Lin Lang simply sent Su Shilan back to school and then drove straight to the destination.

Taxis traveled all the way around, tree-lined roads on both sides continued to retreat, and a six-story small building in the center of the city was getting closer.

Don't look at the towering buildings all around, but the six-story small building is completely impressive, with a gorgeous metal frame appearance and neon lights.

There are many tall buildings around, but here is full of contrast, unique. In the hustle and bustle of the city, there is a monopoly of tranquility.

This is the Aoto Club.

It is almost the largest private club in Sichuan and the entertainment place for rich people. The annual membership fee is more than hundreds of thousands of millions. It is definitely a veritable meeting place for middle class or people of the same social class.

Lin Lang got on and off from the taxi, and there was a luxurious atmosphere on his face. He had to sigh: "If I didn't return, maybe I didn't have the qualifications to think about it."

"It's nice to be rich."

Lin Lang stretched himself and was about to enter the door.

At this time, a young man with a bright back on his face came forward and just bumped into him.

It's a coincidence that this person Lin Lang just met.

It is the injustice encountered in the jewelry store-Fei Yingzhe

When Fei Yingzhe saw Lin Lang rushing into the Ivy Club, he couldn't help chanting: "Yeah. It's really a place where life does not meet."

"What are you doing at the Ivy Club?"

"Like you." Lin Lang glanced at him lightly.

"We are different." Fei Yingzhe shook his head.

The net red face that was held in his arms was the first to say: "In normal times, you may come to the doorkeeper to be accommodating, but today it has been reserved."

"Everyone in Chuanshu is now inside. Everyone except them has to step aside. Do you know who the protagonist is today?"

"That's Qian Chen, Chen Miaoxuan, one of the five major families in Sichuan and Sichuan. Forget it, maybe you haven't heard of it."

Fei Yingzhe looked at Lin Lang with a smile.

"is it."

Lin Lang swaggered and did not refute.

He feels that arguing with this guy is very likely to lower his IQ. Ignore it and walk to the clubhouse.

"This man is afraid of being a fool."

Fei Yingzhe murmured: "I kindly reminded that some of the guests at the door could not speak well, and they would not be allowed to ask the security guards to throw them out directly."

However, just now.

A crunchy sound sounded.

"Well, you are here."

At the rear, a crisp stepping sound of high heels sounded.

Chen Miaoxuan and Tingting passed over a few friends who were welcoming guests and stepped in front of Lin Lang.

"It's rare that you're a busy person to make an appointment. Come on and get together." Chen Miaoxuan smiled, warmly pulled Lin Lang's wrist, and entered the clubhouse side by side.

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