Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 329: Cut red evil

Lin Langdu against nearly ten strong men in the sky, surging like a gazing ocean, golden light, full of fist shadows wrapped in endless divine power, shot down a famous opponent.

In the eyes of others, the white fierce, whose strength is more than a hundred times stronger than the reinforced iron bone, fell into Lin Lang's hands at this moment, but it seemed like a piece of paper.

"very scary!"

Suzaku was frightened, she knew that Bai Xie's physical arrogance was stronger than her cultivation. It also required many attacks to completely destroy a white Xie.

At this moment, the white fierce, like raindrops, kept falling. Lin Lang was alone in the face of more than a dozen people who were comparable to the realm, and even had the same red spirit as the realm of the gods.


Lin Lang punched Hongsha in the sky, like a meteorite hitting the ground, making a deafening noise, and the storm was scattered and moving. Several white fiends leaned too close and couldn't bear the divine power completely, just like the run-down dead leaves, they were lifted away very far.

"This red evil is a little different." Lin Lang frowned, as strong as his physique, and the tiger's mouth, which was also shaken in the recent collision, numb, and took two steps backwards.

"His body can fight red evil!"

Compared with Lin Lang, Hongpao people's heart is even more turbulent. This Hongsha has extraordinary origins. It was once raised by the previous founder when he was young. Whether it is the branded runes or the body selection, they are all top grade. Since then, he has been accompanying the former leader for more than ten years, and has been infected with the blood of several powerful gods.

If not, how can they teach the Red Sha to him as a life-saving thing.

However, it is such an extraordinary red evil corpse that does not take any advantage in the physical confrontation!

Boom boom!

In the sky, Lin Lang once again fought with Hongsha Corpse, like two humanoid beasts, conquering each other with the most primitive and wildest fighting methods, each shot has the power to kill the peak master.

"Lin Youye, suffer!"

The man in the red robe shouted a terrible mystery, holding a shining red light ball in his hand, as if holding a little sun, covering the dazzling needles, and attacked Lin Lang's back.


Lin Lang looked back at him indifferently, drawing a perfect circle with his hands in front, two spring eyes metamorphose in the center, and two yin and yang fish roaming in it, just like Tai Chi.

The man in the red robe killed it with mystery and shook his hand to shoot the light ball. However, something unexpected happened, and the great killing technique formed by the light sphere stagnated at a distance of two meters behind Lin Lang, and an invisible ripple undulated. A yin and yang picture emerged from Lin Lang's back, shocked the light ball, and almost hit the red robe man himself.

The man in the red robe was surprised, but no matter how he tried, all his long-range attacks were bounced back to kill himself.

After many attempts, he suddenly discovered a desperate fact. He couldn't even participate in this battle!

How sad it is that a demigod is now a spectator.

"What martial art is this, it can bounce back any attack from me, even if the inheritance of the several great immortals in the secret realm is not so exquisite." He did not know that Qingxu Taoism was the supreme scripture of the Supreme Sect of the Immortal Realm, let alone the secret realm they lived in, even if the entire lower realm was difficult to find a few equivalent exercises.

In the past, the masters of the Qingxu Gate martial arts transformed the magical powers, and by virtue of the Qingxu Taoism method, they dragged several immortal kings of the same level to death. Today, even though Lin Lang is exhibiting martial arts of Qingxu Taoism, it is definitely conducive to invincibility.

Without tyrannical attacks and a deep understanding of Daoism, I would not like to break through the envelope of Qingxu Daoism. Only close combat is the best way to deal with this martial art.


I have to say that this red shaman is really fierce. The physical body has been out of the ordinary state of God through the sacrifice of the previous leader, and there are two-horned ghost kings under the control of the master. recovery.

Although Hongsha is physically domineering, after all, he cannot perform Taoism like a real state of God, which is an irreversible defect. However, Lin Lang was not prepared to use the Taoist method to directly bombard the past, and chose to fight in close quarters.

In just a few minutes, Lin Lang and this red evil man from the sky to the ground, fist into the flesh, even Lin Lang's own tiger mouth has a tendency to collapse, and there is a black handprint on his shoulder.

These two were head-to-head, the red evil left on him. The situation in Hongsha was not very good. The face was twisted and deformed, and a thrilling crack appeared on the arm. The flesh broke apart, exposing the bones.

Several white rushed fiercely and did not fear death, Lin Lang gave a pointer and the body exploded and blood splattered on the spot.


Lin Lang was scratched with blood on his shoulders, but he was still expressionless, his hands moved together, his punches were punched out, and Hongsha was blown out again.

Hongsha's body was unstable for a while, and the flickering ghost fire in his eyes was flickering, his combat power was far below the peak.

After all, the double-horned ghost king is a ghost summoned by a secret method. It has limited time to take over Hongsha's body. Now that it has taken so long, it has become a trend of disintegration.

On the other hand, Lin Lang's momentum is more vigorous, and his surge of cultivation is climbing up, which is much higher than the cultivation in the early war. Originally he swallowed numerous elixir, and there were still a lot of residual medicinal power and residue in the body that had not been digested.

Fortunately, the medicine power said that he would eventually dissipate in his body. However, the drug residue is different. If it is not refined in time, it will eventually contaminate the foundation and must be completely removed.

At this time, he was transforming by the hand of Hongsha, presumably there should be no better sparring in the world than Hongsha. I just don't know if the people in the red robes would be able to vomit blood for three liters if they understood Lin Lang's thoughts.

Every encounter with Hongsha shocked Lin Lang's body, and together with it was the medicine power hidden in the flesh, which turned into the purest spiritual power into the vast spiritual sea. In his body, a little black stain was discharged from the pores, which was an impurity in those elixir.

Hundreds of strokes were taken, and even though Lin Lang's physique, a shocking bloodstain was caught on his chest, but he won many secrets, his recovery power was amazing, and the wound was soon healed and repaired.

As for the faint green ghost fire in the red pupil, it seems to be half off at any time. Similarly, the ghost portal summoned by the red robe man is also swaying, fearing that it will be scattered with the wind the next moment.

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