Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 330: Kill the Red Robe

By this time, the black fierce surroundings had been basically eliminated by Tieshan. As for Bai Xie, there are not many left. Counting the damage in Lin Lang's hands, only three are left on the field.

But at this time, the two birds faced a greater crisis.

After acknowledging that they were not Lin Lang's opponents, the red robes resolutely withdrew from the battlefield and joined forces with the two yellow robes to siege Suzaku.

Suzaku is only in the late stage of transformation, but the red robe man is a real demigod. The two are separated by two realms. This battle is doomed to be more difficult.

The Suzaku duo are losing ground. Five delicate wounds have appeared on the delicate body. Especially the clothes on the waist have been cut into two pieces. A **** long scar spreads half an inch below the umbilicus and the blood is full. Legs.

If she hadn't responded quickly, I'd be afraid that she would have been cut into two by the red robe.

"Send you on the road first, obstructive ants." The red robe man shot indifferently, his handprints were frequently staggered, holding a flashing red sun in his palm, exuding a shocking power.

Although these mysteries have little effect on Lin Lang, they are peerless and horrifying to the two people. After all, the gap in cultivation is in front of the eyes, even if a pig has such cultivation, it is enough to crush any transformation, let alone the red robe man who is proficient in mystery.

Suzaku is close to the enemy, and the layers of flames behind it are suffocating. She opened her mouth and spit out another flame of origin, colliding with the red ball of light.


The ground trembled faintly, flames splattered in the air, the source flames burned and burned, and they could block the incoming red light ball, but the source flames were also exhausted.

"Finally blocked." Suzaku breathed a little sigh of relief, but her face was as pale as paper. Using the source flames many times has put her body into a severe overdraft state.

Tieshan was unharmed under her protection, and her heart was breathtaking. If Suzaku can't resist the red light ball, there will be only one result.

That is two more cold bodies on the ground.

The man in the red robe wore an expression that could not be seen with the mask, but it was certain that his face must be hard to see. He couldn't get involved in the battle in the sky, only to blame Lin Youye too strong. But now that he has failed to deal with two masters who are far behind him, how can he bear it?

"My ants, you successfully angered me."

The man in red robe was furious, and the same mystery in his hand was shot one after another. In front of him, three shiny **** of light revolved around him. With a rage, the three **** of light whistled together, making it impossible to dodge at such a speed.

Even if the moves are old, that is not something Suzaku can resist.


Suzaku's face changed tragically.

The last time she was able to retreat because the source flame blocked the mystery, but now there is no trace of source flame in her body, but the mystery in front of her is even more horrible.

"It's over."

Tieshan was also desperate, arms dangling, closed his eyes and waited for the terrible attack to fall on his body. He knew that any resistance was futile under this attack.


Just then, the horror turned up.

An invisible ripple spread in the sky, which interfered with the castration of the red light ball. Several attacks fell near the Suzaku two, blasting a deep hole the size of a millstone.

"How can this be?" The man in the red robe looked up in fear.

The figure bathed in golden light in the sky was like a **** of war in a golden shirt, majestic, sacred, and unstoppable.

And the last scene everyone could see was that Hongsha was torn apart by a golden fist, and fragments of his limbs fell all over the sky.

The ghost gate called out by the red robe was twisted at the same time. After being blown by a breeze, it collapsed suddenly.

The battle came to an end.

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