Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 328: Ancient ghost flute

The dark mouth-like flute light gradually dissipated, and the faint light converged. At this point, Piccolo was like a child with a brace and a few mouthfuls of black smoke, and then slowly flew back to Lin Lang.

The black piccolo was obtained from the white eyebrow. At that time, even if he judged that the black piccolo might be a spiritual tool close to the fourth grade, but the piccolo did not conform to the path he had cultivated.

Today, when I encountered the pure corpse cultivation and the false trigger triggered by the false alchemy, this gave birth to the due divine power!

But someone saw the black piccolo but was not calm.

The spell was broken, and the red robe man was a little flustered at the moment. This is a real false dandelion. The power blooms enough to destroy any of the powerful gods. Even the strong ones who stand on top of the gods can only be destroyed .

Because it is not only the cultivation of the senior man, but also his way!

The Tao is invisible but infinite. Even if there is no cultivation urge, the way of the former sage can stir the heavens and the earth and brew a blow to destroy the heavens and the earth.

But now it was broken silently.

But the next moment, after seeing the black piccolo clearly, there was a surprise that could not be concealed on Hongpao's face.

"Ancient ghost flute! I teach the inheritance of Zhibao really fell into your hands!"

The man in red robe seemed to confirm something, and his face was full of ecstasy. He looked at the black piccolo with undisguised greed.

What hatred, humiliation, at this moment you can see all the ancient ghost flutes turned into greed and warfare.

Because of this piccolo, this is one of the tasks he came out this time. Escort Dixian Skull is one of them.

"Sure enough, Wanguizong didn't lie, today I will chop you, and welcome back to me to teach inheritance to the treasure!"

The man in red robe shouted, his palm pressed down to the air below, and a green wooden coffin appeared out of thin air.

"Ancient ghost flute has always been in my hands, and has nothing to do with you." Lin Lang stroked the black piccolo, looking at the other with a smile.

"Nonsense! It's me in the ancient ghost flute ..." The red robe man suddenly realized something, and Leng Hum said, "You still want to talk to me now."

He stared coldly at Lin Lang for a long time before finally speaking coldly: "I have to admit that you have a fight with me now."

"I didn't expect that the outside world with poor resources could raise you and other peerless figures. They are not weaker than those geniuses of Xianmen. It is worth my exhaustion to deal with you."

"Today I have cut off your achievement of supreme prestige, and then I will fight those unicorns, and cast my glory on your blood and bones."

From the beginning to the end, the people in the red robes had a detached attitude. He snorted, and the gate behind him appeared again, and a loud sacrifice came out. His body shook again, spurring the cultivation of the whole body, and spreading the vision.

"Please give birth to the King of Ghosts.

The man in the red robe leaned on the ghost door and closed his head for a while. The quaint portal seemed to be responding to him. There were several heavy impact sounds behind the ghost door, and it sounded like a knock.


A tadpole's friction sounded, and the portal was pushed open a corner. The endless cold atmosphere rolled out. It evolved from Vientiane Sunra, a purgatory, and a humanoid with antelope horns came out of the door and turned into a ray The streamer submerged into the Aoki coffin.

The green wooden coffin trembled, and with a loud bang, the coffin exploded and sawdust flew across the sky, and a violent cold radiated to the four sides.

A red-haired creature from the whole body stood in mid-air, and the horrible waves radiated to the surroundings. The air seemed to freeze at this moment, especially those who were black and white, and they seemed to see the king, stopped all the movements in their hands, and whined in their mouths, showing the color of fear.

This is a red evil!

It is enough to be the king of the dead!


At this time, in another battlefield in the distance, the Huangpao man led a white murderer and slapped the Suzaku horizontally with one palm. He stopped after breaking an old willow tree, and there was a trace of red blood on Suzaku's mouth.

She was shot to the ground by a white murderer, and her ribs were almost broken. Bai Xiong's body is likened to the master of the realm, this is not just talking.

Suddenly, several corpses surrounded her, entangled her and couldn't wait, and had to conquer each other on the ground.

On the other side, Tieshan fought with dozens of black murderers, and the hammer swept away, blasting a black murderer's head. The black blood splattered and splattered his body. He is the master of transmigration. It is naturally not a problem to deal with these black fiends. Finding a good opportunity is basically a hammer.

But another white murderer restrained him, and even if he slammed his hammer, falling on that white murderer could only cause some minor injuries. These had almost no effect on the white murderer who had no pain.

He swept his hammer and landed on Bai Xiong's chest, but he could only leave a large bowl of depression.

"So powerful flesh!" Tieshan's eyelids jumped.

At this moment, another white fierce kills, surrounded by a dozen black fierce. At this point in time, Suzaku was surrounded by dangers, surrounded by white fierce shots, and the space above his head was blocked by two Huangpao people, and from time to time a terrorist attack was launched.

"Oops. Let the two of them take complete control of the corpse." Suzaku Qiaoyan was cold and frosty, and she felt a strong sense of crisis.

As a last resort, Suzaku had to retreat while fighting, as was Tieshan. The two were back to back, and in front of them were filled with more than 20 corpses, these black and white fierce together, enough to kill any strong man in the world, including the divine realm!

"Protect the back. We insist on it, and when General Lin solves the red robe man will come to help us." Suzaku gritted his teeth and said.

"Rescuing you, Lin Youye can protect herself very well." Huangpao sneered.

At this moment, all the black and white fierce stopped moving and stood rigidly. In their mouths, there was a constant whining sound, and they looked up with awe and fear.

Suzaku can't help but look up, at this moment she suddenly changed color. In the sky, a creature with thick red hair all over his body floated up and down, exhaling a heartbreaking breath.

"How could it cause a red evil!" Suzaku Huarong overwhelmed and shocked.

You should know that this is a red evil king, fierce and powerful, and the **** state of the world is not dare to belittle its front. If only that was all, there are people on the other side of the Red Robe who can fight the divine realm.

Who can fight? !!

The bodies of the two Huangpao people were also shocked. They looked at the red shaman in the sky in disbelief, almost shaking. It is also precious in teaching. Only elders can be given. "

"The young master has to teach the master's true biography, which can stimulate Hongsha's great combat power, which is the limit that the realm of the world can reach, which is equivalent to the regeneration of the realm."

Even though the two Huangpao people have seen four Hongsha lifted the coffin, it was after all to **** the body of Dixian, and it was not under their control.

And now the red robe man releases a red shaman, which means that their leader has high expectations on the red robe man, and let a red shaman guard the road next to the red robe man.

"The leader is too fond of the drowning leader, maybe he is to be cultivated as a counterbalance to the demon evils." The Huangpao people secretly guessed a conclusion.

At this time, a gloomy curse sounded in the battlefield. It was from the mouth of the red robe man and passed to the corpse below. Many green fierce fire burst out from the pupils of many white fierce.

Seven or eight figures shot towards the sky.

This is the eight white fierce men who broke away from the control of the yellow robes, and the fighting instinct was completely stimulated and rushed to the upper battlefield.

"Eight white fiends, and one red evil has joined forces with a demigod."

Suzaku was almost suffocated. Facing so many powerful enemies, I am afraid that the most powerful person in the divine realm only has the fate of hatred falling.

"Yes, General Lin is in danger most of the time." Suzaku raised her fist, feeling deeply powerless and anxious. The two yellow robes around her were entangled in mad entanglements, and she could not intervene in the battlefield of the sky.

"Desperate. The young master must return with Lin Youye's head in his head. No one can stop so many strong people, even if he is a **** in the world, or the Huaxia Valkyrie is here."

"When I kill you, it is the death of Lin Youye."

Huangpao sneered sneer.

Suzaku kept silent and did not refute. The facts of this power in front of him are too deep. Not only the demigods, but even these corpses appearing in front of them are enough to run rampant in China.

"How could Huaxia unknowingly have so many monsters, are they from the hidden Sejong gate?" Suzaku suddenly became desperate.

What kind of forces are this, and when these people come out, they can definitely push any of China's forces. Not even the details of the Special Operations Division can be overwhelmed.

Unless two or more highland masters are dispatched, it is impossible to defeat them. Suzaku thought about it, and suddenly felt that he was a bit ridiculous, and the master of Shenjing was not Chinese cabbage. How could it be so easy to find so many.

Even today's special operations department, even those old guys invited out may not be able to face.

"Killing them both, Lin Youye, as an ant in front of the young master, is only meant to fulfill the young master."

The Huangpao spoke in a blow.

"I think this battle will soon come to an end." Another Huangpao man also struck.


The voice of the two of them had just dropped, and one arm that fell towards Bai Mao fell heavily to the ground, just in front of the two. This is Bai Xie's limb.

"How is that possible? Is it Lin Yuye's mortal blow that dragged a white murderer to death?"

The man in the yellow robe frowned. If you want to kill a strong person like Lin Youye, you may lose one or two corpses, which is not surprising.

Suzaku's heart was cold. There was a terrible premonition in her heart, but she did not dare to look up or accept this reality.


Another half of the corpse fell.

Suzaku set his eyes on the lower part of the battle while confirming that it was not from Lin Youye, and finally relieved. She looked up, but saw such a picture.

Lin Lang stood up in the sky, his whole body was surging, his fist was entangled with golden light, and his fist was blown out. He was absolutely unmatched.

Lin Lang fisted again, hitting that red sha also a few meters away. He fists repeatedly, like a golden **** of war, with an imposing momentum, facing the siege of more than a dozen strong men, still not falling a little.

"He can still fight!"

Suzaku breathed a sigh of relief, secretly caring about his own concerns.

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