In front of everyone, three corpses first came into view.

"Feng Bai! Bald! Dakui!"

The members of the team changed their faces and screamed sadly.

The three people lying on the ground in front of them were the team members who had been left by the Suzaku at the entrance of the cave. At this time, all of them faced with purple sauce, eyes bursted, a bruised brown handprint on their necks, and their bodies were placed at the entrance of the cave.

They are absolutely strangled by life!

Except here, in the distance, the elite platoon members who are responsible for guarding here are also in the same state of death, covered with corpses, without blood, but they are all cold.

Lin Lang glanced, and in the distance he found the platoon leader who had a relationship with him before. Every inch of this person's bones was shattered, his back was leaning against a wall, his neck was weak and drooping, almost boneless, and there was only a layer of old skin between his head and his body.

A gust of wind trembled his head.

He was holding a handful of red hair tightly in his hands. He would not relax until he died.

The sun is setting behind the sun, and the sky is covered with clouds. The glow of dark red, like a cage, shrouded in this land, looking extremely gloomy.

The earth was shrouded in blood, and the wind was rolling.

There are some scattered cartridge cases in the vicinity, but the number is very small, and no fierce crossfire occurred in the middle. Apparently, they were attacked suddenly, and it was too late to return to God to rise up and resist.

An elite platoon of thirty or forty people with live ammunition, plus three members of the special operations team in the late period of the warrior and even the peak of the warrior were all killed, almost unilaterally tortured.

There was a chill in everyone's hearts, and they were crying sadly.

When did all this happen? They were deep underground without even realizing it.

"Damn it, who did it?" Tieshan drank violently, roaring the mountains and rivers, hating to go mad.

The rest of the team members were also dazzled and angry.

"It's those **** red evil spirits." Lin Lang looked cold. He went to the tomb with his front foot, and someone on the back foot slaughtered all the team members outside. Even if the mood is extraordinary, at this time can not help but give birth to a trace of anger.

"It was they who twisted everyone's throat, and even the knots were directly crushed. The time of death was about half an hour ago." Lu Huo trembled.

She examined the injuries of the dead and found that each of the dead's throat to spine was crushed into powder. Kill with one blow, show no mercy.

"The people who killed me in front of me are so brave." Lin Lang's eyes suddenly appeared, and the members of the fifth group were his current subordinates. Now they are being tortured and killed so that they will not be completely cut off. It is difficult to calm down the anger.

"You stay at the processing site and report the situation to the truth. I will go after them."

The crowd bowed in anger.

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the headquarters to report and mobilize Tianyan."

Suzaku also knew that it was not indecision at this time, and immediately called the headquarters to ask for all nearby monitoring equipment to see the killer's trace.

"Too late, I have my own way."

Lin Lang shook his head, closed his eyes lightly, and secretly urged to follow up the secret technique of tracking, taking the remaining breath in the air into his hands and carefully savouring.

Everything has a unique atmosphere. People are full of vitality and vitality. The corpses are entangled with a deadly spirit. They are clear and easy to distinguish.

Each person's breath is completely different. A unique breath will always be left after walking through a space, and it will take a long time to dissipate.

Everyone, including the icy bodies here, exudes their own breath. What Lin Lang did was to remove the breath and cocoon, and naturally it was easy to find out the breath that belongs to that group of murderers.

"Huh?" Lin Lang opened his eyes, and a cold color was found on his face: "In addition to a few red evil spirits, there are other people to do it."

"Then I'll kill you clean."

Lin Lang froze, and didn't tell the rest of the team members anymore. The whole person blasted out like a sharp sword off the string, the speed was astounding.

Stepping under the mysterious footwork at his feet, he almost shrank into an inch, stepped out, and appeared at a distance of a hundred meters away the next moment, and a few flashes disappeared completely in the sight of everyone.

"So fast!"

"His speed is almost comparable to the speed of sound." Suzaku stayed, even if she, a great master in the later period of transformation, was able to reach a speed of dozens of meters per second.

Shaking his head, Suzaku Qiao's expression of killing appeared on his face, saying: "Tieshan came with me to help General Lin eliminate the evil, and the rest waited for the battlefield to report to the headquarters."

Speaking of it, Suzaku jumped on a military vehicle. Tieshan played the role of driver, and the car roared, moving to its maximum speed, leaving the dust.

"General Lin, General Suzaku, Tieshan, you must avenge your brothers!"

The team members shouted exhaustedly.


A weird ringing bell sounded.

On this day, an unbelievable scene appeared in the sky of Chuan Shu, and all witnesses will never forget.

"Look at heaven, what's that!" A young man pointed at the sky with a terrible look.

Hearing the words, the pedestrians looked up and looked up, and then all stood still, shocked.

"A big coffin is flying ..."

It was a red-red copper coffin, decorated with lacquer lacquer, with quaint patterns carved around it, two or three meters long, and a shadow shrouded on the ground.

Below the coffin, four small, red-haired young infants raised their hands and held a black coffin in the shape of a sky. They walk on air, their bare soles break through the air, but they are completely free from gravity.

Above the red coffin, there is a man in a yellow robe sitting upright, wearing a ghostly head mask, and cannot see the true appearance.

The infant boy lifted the coffin, and the Huangyi people thought about it.

Five people and one coffin, walking slowly from the edge of the sky.

Many people were stunned when they saw this scene.

"Oh my God, is this magic? How can humans walk in the sky, and these little farts are also born with divine power, otherwise how could they move such a coffin."

The red-haired children were stiff, but the speed was surprisingly fast. Before the passers-by fully recovered, the speed at their feet increased sharply, and Sanhuanglianghuang lifted the coffin and went away.

Until walking a few kilometers away, the speed of the red coffin coffin slowed down again, and it disappeared into the field of vision again after the passerby took a picture. So I walked back and forth several times, as if I was waiting for someone.

Less than half an hour later, a gust of wind swept through, and shuttled here at an astonishing speed, setting off dust and earth.

"It seems that the wind is not normal, I seem to see a figure inside." The pedestrian muttered.

Just before they completely digested the shock, a siren sounded behind, mixed with a deafening horn, and a military vehicle was driving at full speed on the highway.

The man driving the military vehicle had excellent vehicle skills, rushing to the left and right on the highway, passing several cars by chance. Once or twice when it was more thrilling, the car's rear view mirror was even scraped off, making the road owners growl with anger.

"What's wrong today?" Someone frowned.


Smoky Mountains. It is located in the southeast corner of Fuhai County, Sichuan Province. It is covered with a mist of fog all year round, but it is also evergreen. The mountains are filled with wild camellia. There are many wild animals in the mountains. It is a national nature. protected area.

It is rich in flora and fauna, but not many hunters dare to think of it. Not only because of nature reserves. The mists in the mountains are long-lasting, and experienced locals are not easy to get lost.

More importantly, it is said that here is a blood-stained demon soil, and there is a mass grave post at the foot of the mountain, which is always overcast and often weird things happen. Unless it is a burial, few locals are willing to enter alone.

Lin Lang walked around and stopped, and found the breath that followed the secret method, all the way to Yanyun Mountain.

The breath of the group suddenly disappeared here.

Lin Lang glanced left and right, faintly said, "Come out and die, I know you are hiding inside."

The sound was amplified by spiritual power, echoing in the forest, shaking half a mountain peak.

There was a dead silence in the mountain, and the needle drop was audible. Suddenly, the mist in the mountains boiled like boiling water. The clouds dispersed on both sides, and a mountain road without fog was autonomously separated, and a yellow-robed man came out of the mountain.

"It is indeed the famous Huaxia Lin You Ye, even if I hide here, you can find it." The voice of Huangpao was hoarse and low, and the whole cloud shook with his voice at the same time.

"People who dare to move me under my eyelids, you have the courage."

Lin Lang half-footed in the void and spoke indifferently. When the gray mist touched the sound, it almost collapsed at a touch, and retreated like the tide, completely isolating the Huangpao people.

"As a last resort, how could you invite Lin Youye to come here without killing the few obstructing ants?"

Such a voice came from the other end of the mountain. Another Huangpao man walked out, wearing a ghost king's head mask, both in clothing and figure, exactly like the previous Huangpao man, it was carved in a mold.

"How can I lead you here without killing them. We have already laid the Tianluodi net here. I didn't expect you to be stupidly hooked," said another Huangpao man.

"By the two of you."

Lin Lang faintly glanced at the two Huangpao people. Both of them were in the middle of the transformation period, and they were both masters on the outside.

Just in front of him now, it is not enough.

"It's enough to kill you."

"Maybe you don't know yet. Our purpose from the beginning was you. White Tiger and Xuanwu are just additions. Although they were not able to hold them both, you are enough to recover everything." Huangpao sneered .

"Your physical body is very good, and the physical body from the divine realm is not weak at all. I will catch you up and make it into the strongest white fierce in the world."

"You're too arrogant. If you put it elsewhere, we might not want you, but here, let alone you, Lin You Ye, even if the four major Chinese wars will come out, you will also hate."

Another Huangpao smiled strangely.

"By the two of you, or by the corpse below the mass grave post, or by the master you hid here." Lin Lang ignored the two completely, and seemed to completely treat them as a clown like a jumping beam clown.

"The mouse generations hiding their heads and tails, get out of me." Lin Lang snorted coldly, his gaze looked somewhere in the mountains.

"You knew we were here for you."

The pupils of Huangpao contracted abruptly, and the pedals stepped back a few steps.

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