"The Taiko peoples have an eternal law, named Jiuzhong Heavenly Prohibition, which is on par with the Protoss Supreme Gods and Heavens and Earth. It evolved into a chaotic world and reversed the heavens when it was done. "Unfortunately, this kind of prohibition against the sky is forbidden by the heavens and is scattered in the long river of history."

"The Ninth Heaven ban passed down in future generations can only be arranged to the sixth, that is, the sixth heaven ban. Some ancient holy places may be able to find the seventh ban, but after the Eighth Festival, it is basically extinct."

Lin Lang shook his head gently. At that time, he went to the dojo of a nine-day banned master, and in the end he only got the seven-time ban.

As for the eighth and ninth after the Seventh Heaven ban, even he could only sigh.

"The first three bans have spread widely, and it is reasonable for the ancient humans on earth to get them, but why do they want to shake the body of the earth immortal in the three bans? What does this person want to do?" Lin Lang wondered.


The main hall shook for a while.

Suddenly, the entire main hall was brightly lit with tiles, and the patterns inscribed on the walls and floors flashed at the same time, dazzling.

"what happened?"

The crowd is unknown, so it is not enough time to look at the sight in front of you. There was a violent shaking at the foot, and the whole underground space seemed to be turned upside down, shaking the mountain. Many sapphires set on the wall rolled off, and some members of the team were unstable and fell to the ground.

"No. Couldn't a collapse happen?"

Hearing that many members of the team suddenly changed color. This is underground, but I don't know how far it has been. If it really collapses from above, even if they are extraordinary martial arts, they can only be buried in the loess.

A landslide is equivalent to burying alive. Except for the Master of the Realm, almost no one present can survive.

"Someone touched the lines in the palace."

Lin Lang frowned, with complex inscriptions in his hands, pointing forward in succession, shining brightly, touching the wall and dispersing immediately, as if melting with the wall.

He is using his array to make up for the ban on the entire underground space and temporarily settle this space.

When Lin Lang stopped, the earthquake here had subsided.

The members of the group breathed a little sigh of relief, but the next moment, a red star was born at their feet, surrounded by a red circle.

These things that are similar to red mist slowly combine, and finally a large red character appears in front of them, red as blood, bright and dripping. Suspended in the air, and condensed without dispersing, it finally forms a seven-line symbol.

It looks like this should be an article.

Although he was puzzled, the handwriting was juxiuxiu, and there was a deep euphemism in the lines, which made people feel a sense of sadness and wonder.

Because they can't understand a word, they can realize that state of mind.

The member of the group who is proficient in ancient history was shocked and said, "I have seen this sentence on the Shushu Shushu."

Everyone looked. The team member took a deep breath: "The first sentence of the opening chapter is also the beginning of the water book. The translation means that the **** is dead and the immortal is dead."

The **** is dead, the fairy is dead!

Everyone has seen the head of Dixian, knowing that there was such an immortal existence in ancient times. Now this sentence really emerges in front of me, the meaning is self-evident.

There are really no immortals in the world!

"Shui Shu is said to have been passed down from the end of the Xia Dynasty, perhaps since the demise of the Xia Dynasty, such fairy-like figures have been cut off, and now only the divine realm is honored in this world." Suzaku secretly guessed.

"What do the following lines mean?"

Some people were concerned about the second half of the scarlet text and asked. The group member could only shake his head: "The Xia Dynasty is too far away from modern times. Even if the text described in the water book is half-clawed, most of the text cannot be deciphered."

"The rest of the text I can only recognize is limited, only the few words mentioned in the water book." The group member pointed at a few red words and said: "Wushan is mentioned in this line, and the center of the other line should be It means the goddess. "

"As for the rest, I can't help it."

The people's faces were slightly disappointed. After all, the group member was not an expert specializing in the history of the Xia Dynasty. It can be seen that these are not easy.

"It's okay, let's take a picture with a camera and return it to a professional archeologist for research."

But what shocked them again was that the camera took only a wall behind the picture, and this red article didn't stay on the image at all. Everyone tried this several times in a row.

"No need to waste any effort, all these are thoughts, which come directly to your mind. The text cannot be seen by the naked eye." Lin Lang said. The words in front of them are similar to the nature of consciousness, they can only be felt by the spirit, and they are not real things.

"I see, Wushan, goddess, together is Wushan goddess!" Lu Huowu suddenly said.

Wushan Goddess actually has many legends in folk. In mythology, Wushan Goddess was originally the daughter of the Southern Red Emperor Yao Ji, innocent and affectionate. In a few dreams, I saw a handsome boy stepping on the colorful clouds to meet him.

She slowly fell in love with this young man who only existed in dreams but never appeared in the world.

However, Hongyan was so fragile that she couldn't wait for the handsome young man in her dream to die in the good years. Her body was buried in Wushan, and many years later she was transformed into Yaocao and reshaped into a human form.

The dream of this life has become a reality. That year, she was two decades old. At the top of Wushan Mountain, she waited for her sweetheart, a handsome young man with a magnificent style and a magnificent style, exactly like her dream.

It is a pity that this life is still not a happy ending. The lovers are not yet satisfied. It didn't take long for the teenagers to die in the inter-tribal battle. Of a Yao grass, waiting for the teenager to return.

Until Lu Huowu's explanation was completed, all the people understood the origin of Wushan Goddess.

"These are legends of wild history, maybe some old man made up." Lu Huowu sighed.

"and many more."

Hearing that Lin Lang's spirit was shocked, and a sudden enlightenment suddenly came to his mind. He glanced at the five coffins: "You stay here first, I'll go back when I go."

The voice fell, Lin Lang's body fluttered, and the whole person fluttered forward, rushing towards the two lanes on the wall opposite the main hall.


The main hall is the center of the entire underground palace. There is a martyrdom on the left and right walls, and there are two martyrdoms on the opposite side, opposite to the martyrdom when everyone came in.

Lin Langshi exhibited shrinking effort, and after several martyrdom came and went like the wind, about half an hour later, he almost looked at the other four martyrdoms.

There are four partial halls leading to the four lanes, which are exactly the same as the partial halls of the seal's head. Similarly, there are 101 earthen jars in each of the four side halls, which contain the left arm, right arm, left leg, and right leg.

The most central position is the body of the Dixian sealed by the triple ban, except that the triple ban has been broken, and all of the dixen's corpses have been removed.

"It was exactly the same as I guessed."

Lin Lang took a deep breath. He finally understood the intention of laying down the triple banned man, not to use the triple ban to quake the dead fairy, but to preserve the vitality of the dead corpse.

The whole picture of the entire earth palace is built according to the human body, the head is the tomb door, the main hall represents the trunk, and the surrounding limbs are buried according to the position of the human body.

The reason why the entire underground palace was chosen as a corpse burial ground is for this reason. This is a mausoleum built for the dead fairy.

And the person who shot is likely to be Wushan Goddess!

"Nine is the pole number, and ten does not exist. The number nine is the pole, which is for completeness, so Jiuzhong Tianban can have the power to cut off the sky, and beyond the nine, it must be above the sky, so there is one more variable. Nine, does not exist under this starry sky. "

"And she placed a total of ten triple bans on her head, limbs, and five internal organs. She also exceeded the number of poles, and wanted to use this to change her life and resurrect her lover in death!" Lin Lang said to himself.

It is rumored that Jiuzhong Tianban can reverse life and death, while Wushan Goddess is only proficient in the first three prohibitions, which is not comparable to the real Nine Heaven Ban, but has created another completely new method to achieve similar results.

Utilizing the peculiarities of the corpse lands, the corpses of the celestial beings are preserved, and the special "tenfold heaven forbidden" is used to capture the heavens and the earth, which can awaken the return of the celestial beings from previous lives.

"Although this kind of thought is good, it will definitely fail in the end. Even if the earth gods are reborn someday, most of the given intellect is the newly born corpses of the earth gods." Lin Lang shook his head in his heart.

It is still the original body, but the original soul is long gone.

"When the manpower is exhausted, even if Chengxian can't survive forever, there will be a day when Shou Yuan will dry up, and he will not be able to reverse life and death out of thin air."

Even though Lin Lang denies the feasibility of this move, he still appreciates the daring and daring of this goddess.

To this day, this ground palace has no secrets for Lin Lang. Everything that Wushan Goddess has done is deeply affectionate, just to resurrect the love.

The only thing that puzzled him was what was the origin of those red evil spirits. The whole thing had nothing to do with them except to steal the heads of the earth fairy. Was it the goddess of Wushan or others?

"And why the body of Dixian has been stolen by Hongsha, only the head of Dixian has been left."

Lin Lang couldn't think of it, so he just stopped thinking about it, anyway, these have nothing to do with him. If there is a relationship, it is good to hit it flat.

Lin Lang returned to the main hall and took everyone out of the palace. A long ray of sunshine shone back to the sky.

When they walked out of the underground palace, they saw a terrifying picture.

The hairs of all people stand up and suspend weapons, just like the enemy.

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