The mountain crumbled and shattered, and the rubble flew across the sky.

In the center of the mountain forest, another red robe man came out. Except for the color and pattern of the clothes, the rest was exactly the same as the two yellow robe men.

But the breath on him was far more numerous than the two, as if it were the difference between a stream and the sea.

This is a super powerhouse at the pinnacle of realm. It is no less than Nozawa Sword God. It is definitely the most terrifying group of people in the realm of the world.

The red robe was imposing, and the majestic cultivation was deep like the sea. It was not deliberately released, but it brought out a depressing momentum, and he walked in the void.

"Young Master!"

The two Huangpao men stood in awe with awe in their faces.

"Your people in the special department of Huaxia are really annoying. I used to run away two messy flies. Now I want to go back. You are still pursuing."

The red robe's tone was indifferent. It seemed to be telling an insignificant thing. He squinted at Lin Lang and said, "Finally, there is a character who can see the eyes. Presumably, you are the most recent Lin Youye who is full of passion. Right. "

Rumble ...

The moment the Hongpao people walked out of the mountain, the mountain was shaken in the mass grave post, the inexplicable formation method was widened, the graves were cracked, and the soil layer on the ground was raised and sunken, as if something was going to break out of the earth.


The tombstone was blown up.

A dry palm protruded from the soil layer, and a sparse sound of slicing the ground sounded, and the owner of the dry palm kept waving his palm to peel away the soil layer covering it.

A corpse with ancient hair and a white hair crawling out of the ground.

This is a white fierce!


Another grave exploded, and a black murderer struggled to crawl out of the ground. Looking around, the entire mass grave post stretched out from the ground, moving the soil layer covering the body.

Bang Bang!

One, two, three ...

Walking out of the Yunyun Mountain from the red robes was like opening a Pandora's box. Twenty or so black and white fierce men walked out of the tomb.

A military vehicle came from a distance and stopped at the foot of the mountain.

Suzaku rushed here according to the location of the headquarters, quickly jumped off the military vehicle, and packed lightly.

It can be seen that when they are in front of them, they are almost dull.

"How come there are so many zombies?"

Suzaku's face changed a bit. These Tianchuan Shu gave birth to a zombie. She once led the team members to destroy several. Especially Bai Xie left a deep impression on her.

A white fierce, almost comparable to the physical body of the Grand Master.

At the moment, there are no fewer than ten such zombies. What does this mean, ten powerful men comparable to the realm!

"My God, eighteen black fierce, eleven white fierce, why are there so many ..." Tieshan was also dizzy for a while, Rao was already broken into the guru, but at this time facing so many zombies also Can't help but feel cyanosis.

It's good that he can deal with two white fiends at the same time. And with so much left, even Suzaku, the great master of the late stage of transformation, could do nothing about it.

"Such a big battle, I am afraid that the divine realm will also be extinct here. I hope General Lin can deal with them." Tieshan took a deep breath.

And Suzaku looked extremely serious and stared tightly at the red robe man. She knew that the real threat would never be this man, but the red robe man who stood up in the air.

"This momentum belongs to the demigod. This person is definitely an old monster who is only one step away from the divine realm!" Suzaku was startled: "Although this existence has not been recorded in the dark list, it does not mean that they are not strong and are on the divine realm. The strong are estimated to have a battle. "

Suzaku's head is as big as a fight, and he never expected to provoke such a deadly man. Besides, there were two middle-aged Huangpao people around him, and there were about twenty black bears and white tigers around him.


Smoky clouds in the sky.

Lin Lang stood in the void, and his clothes were dancing with the wind behind him, his face was cold. The opposite was overwhelming, almost pressing against him like Wang Yang, but only two meters to his side, it collapsed instantly.

"Who are you and why am I ambush here." Lin Lang said slowly. The two Huangpao people said that he did not believe it anyway and had no plot, it was impossible to kill him just for his physical body.

Before the war, he wanted to know the origin of this group of people.

"Ask why, you just need to know that your body is comparable to a great medicine, and it is enough to make a white fierce comparable to the divine realm." The red robe man said leisurely.

"It's ridiculous, because you want to chop me." Lin Lang shook his head endlessly: "Let the four red evil spirits come out together, or it may be possible to ask the person who came out of the mountain behind you, it is still far behind you."

The people in the red robes were not angry, and looked at Lin Lang with a smile, "Do you want to tell me?"

"Don't worry, you won't need four red evil spirits to deal with you, and I will kill you thousands of times by myself."

Hongpao people's tone is very tight, and no valuable information was leaked at all.

"Then fight! If you cut it, everything will come out."

That's all for now, the only way to make a difference is life and death!

Lin Lang stepped forward one step forward, his hair flying, and a white beam of spiritual power was raised forward, and the light beam detached from his fingertips soared instantly, like a beam of light rushing towards the red robe man.

"Sculpture of the worm."

The red robe sneered, without fear, bursting into a thunderous body, the sky was overcast, the wind howling, and among him, there seemed to be countless screams of fierce ghosts.

Facing this beam of light enough to annihilate any of the masters of transmigration, the red robe man was not afraid, and leaned forward with both hands. The red runes on the back of his palm flickered.

"The famous Lin Youye was revered as the first person in the realm of God. I didn't expect that it was just a fame." The red robe sneered.

"Then let's see how I cut you and make you into a beloved white fierce!" The red robe whispered, the two runes on the back of his hands were bright and bright, the palms stretched like eagle claws, and sharp nails grew, Spike straight forward.


"We also help! The confrontation between Lin Youye and the Hongpao people is very important. General Lin cannot be distracted by these white fiends." Zhu Quejiao sang, and behind him was a bunch of flame feathers, which caused a wave of fanning. High winds took her into the air.

She is also a fire spirit. In addition to the cultivation in the later stages of the realm, the fire roots have also become small. The actual combat effectiveness is definitely much more arrogant than the masters of the same rank.

When she opened her mouth, two pure flames spewed out, and two fire lotuses bloomed in the air, like a dazzling shooting star, and took two Huangpao people straight away.

She knows that these two people are the strongest except for the red robes, and they must be solved first.

"Suzaku will stand up. I'll help you by slaughtering the underground animals first." Tieshan snorted, but was trembling with war.

It's not that he didn't want to help Suzaku, but that he didn't get involved in combat in the sky shortly after he first joined the Grand Master. The combat power is second, and the inability to stay in the air is the problem.

"Then I will kill you first!"

Tieshan rounded his eyes, yelled, and rushed towards many zombies, smashing the hammer.


A black murderer was smashed by a hammer, and the outer clothing was instantly shattered, and his chest was also deeply sunken. The corpse flew up and shattered more than a dozen tombstones before stopping.

The other black fierce white fierce swarmed together, almost completely submerged Tieshan. Fortunately, the two Huangpao people were entangled in Suzaku and had no time to control these corpses. They could only fight by their own instincts.

Otherwise, you can completely kill Tieshan without having to face the corpses, even Suzaku has the power to overthrow.

Rao is so, this battle of Tieshan also felt pressure. After all, those white fiends are corpses that are comparable to the physical body of the Grand Master, and it is impossible to break their physical body without more than a dozen.


Lin Lang and the Red Robe are fighting fiercely, and they kill you to come and go, all kinds of strange mysteries.

I have to say that the cultivation of this red robe man is really terrifying. Although the name has not been recorded on the dark list, the true strength is even more terrifying than the Nozawa sword **** at the peak.

This is the demigod that has half-foot stepped into the gate of the divine realm. At some time, it can even play the power of the divine realm, which is definitely more horrible than the peak master.

"The outside master is so unbearable. Lin Youye, who is known as the strongest in God's realm, has only this ability. I knew that this seat didn't need to come in person, and sent five yellow robes and these corpses to deal with you." The man in red robe shook his head.

A pair of long, heinous, arms with a length of more than two meters continued to attack Lin Lang. He is also very agile, and the whole person looks like a sensitive gibbon monkey.

"is it?"

Lin Lang looked immobile, and the red robe man's words revealed a lot of information. What he could judge was that this man was definitely from a huge force. In this inexplicable force, the number of masters of the transmigration was absolutely quite large, and like He's such a lot.

Maybe there is no real wonder in them.

"What if there is a state of God, dare to offend me and kill you!"

Lin Lang whispered, facing the red robe man who came across, the ghost claw, which was nearly two meters away, suddenly erupted.

"Break me!"

Lin Lang sighed, turned his arm into a knife, and suddenly slashed at the ghost's claw grabbing at him.

"It's useless. My physical body is subject to the sorrowful pool of water every day, and the fellow initiates have no one to control me. Even if the divine realm comes, his physical body may not be able to stabilize me. "Said the man in red robe indifferently.


The ghost claw made a crisp sound, and the right hand cut off from the forearm, exposing the white stubble at both ends.

Of course, Lin Lang couldn't stop, just hold the other ghost's hand firmly in his hand, fingers crossed. He slammed down hard, and the fingers of ghost claws snapped.

Four fingers were pinched by Lin Lang in his hand, and a flame was steamed from the palm of the hand, instantly burning it into nothingness.

There was a convulsion in ghost claws, and he quickly pulled back. The bones were broken, and four of the five fingers were broken by Lin Langya, but there was no blood flowing out at the moment, which was very strange.

"Presumptuous! How dare you!"

The red robe man was furious, and quickly retracted his hands. The back of the hand flashed red, and the ghost's hand was scattered, leaving his own palm. The palm of his hand was sticking to the back of the hand at a strange angle, and the tiger's mouth had been cracked.

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