Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 323: Underground palace

Prior to this, no one had ever heard of a tyrannical messy human like Dixian. But what they have seen and heard today has completely changed their views.

Dixian really existed!

"How amazing is the Dixian strongman, who just jumped out of the world enough to live in the world. I never thought that such a strong man could not escape doom, was separated by a human body, his head was trapped in the dark underground, and it was only four thousand years before he could see the sun again. "Suzaku exhaled slowly.

Although she doesn't have the extensive knowledge of Lin Lang, at least from the attack just now, she can roughly infer the strength of Dixian.

It can open the Yuanying treasure, tearing the shield of the light is like chopping melon and cutting vegetables. With so much power left after his death, how terrible should he be during his lifetime?

Thinking of this, everyone's nerves trembled involuntarily.

"Fortunately, none of these characters have lived to modern times, otherwise it will be a disaster for any country. Perhaps in the world, except for the five major countries, which can barely maintain their autonomy, other small countries will basically fall into the shadow of these strong ones to survive."

"In fact, I think it is very difficult for an ordinary nuclear bomb to be a true earth fairy. At best, it can be injured. To really destroy the earth fairy, I am afraid that it will require several million tons of equivalent nuclear bombs or even more."

Speaking of which, everyone stunned. If it does happen that day, there is a chance to kill the fairy, but the consequence will be the disaster of extinction.

"Let's go. There is no longer nostalgia here, go ahead and see what else." Lin Lang shook his head slightly. There is still a trace of speculation in his heart, which can only be verified by continuing to move forward.

Suzaku's eyes were radiant, and he glanced at the large cylinder containing Dixian's head, and looked at Lin Lang: "Can we take the Dixian's head together? If these are taken out for national research, we should be able to study many valuable things s things."

Everyone froze, looking at Dixian's head with a trace of fiery. This is a land immortal. If he can get the earth immortal method from him, it will be priceless for all humankind.

"Even if some fur is dug out of Dixian, I'm afraid we won't stop at the current state. Without mentioning Dixian, the achievement of God's state should not be a problem." Someone licked his lips.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are greedy, no matter from the selfishness or other perspectives, there is no reason to miss it.

"If you have the ability to withstand the anger of Dixian, you can give it a try. Without the seal on the cylinder head, Dixian's head can be revived at any time."

Lin Lang splashed with cold water, waking everyone from their dreams.

This is a place of immortality. The previous scene was a lesson. Without Lin Lang, more than half of them would die here.

The deep pits left on the ground have explained the problem deeply.

"Don't fight the idea of ​​Dixian's head, you can't provoke it. The Yuwei of Dixian's head alone is enough for you to drink a pot."

Lin Lang shook his head gently. The crazy neurotoxin is a product derived from the head of Dixian.

Then one line packed up and set off again. The flashlight's beam of light is constantly hitting the wall in front, and the light can only cover a distance of more than ten meters.

After walking for about three or five minutes, the distance became hundreds of meters and it became narrow and craggy dirt roads. In some places, the land was completely cracked and the soil was extremely soft, just like walking on the Gobi Desert.

The crowd walked on this road, even if their footsteps were light, they drew countless fumes, leaving behind different footprints.

"Even such a large underground mausoleum can be built. Isn't there no material here?" Tieshan muttered aside.

"Don't talk nonsense." Suzaku glanced at him.

Tie Shanxi nodded. These people counted him the most. He stepped on the ground and even half of his feet fell into the soft soil, while some places were similar to quicksand and the soil was loose.

"I depend."

Tieshan's cursing sound came from the darkness.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked back, it turned out that Tieshan stepped into the sand pit without paying attention, and half of his body fell into the ground.

The team members around Tieshan handed out two hands and pulled him out of the bunker. After Tieshan secretly sighed, he got up and stunned the dust on his body.

"Leader Tieshan, how big are your feet?" A member of the team asked in confusion.

"Ask this what to do?"

"Here are a few foot prints ..."

Tieshan raised his hand and patted the back of the man's head: "After I am in charge, it is strange that we have no footprints along the way. It's strange. Whose feet are so small and they don't have shoes yet, who walks barefoot?

I saw the few footprints that everyone looked at, five toes, and clear outlines of the soles. And the mark is very shallow, only half the depth of the thumb and belly, compared to the footprints that almost cover the soles of the feet, it is very inconspicuous.

Everyone looked at each other, they all saw their shoes. And in terms of their weight, if they want to leave such a shallow footprint on the ground, they can only use light work deliberately.

But in such a place, no one is so boring.

Suzaku glanced a few times, and Shen Sheng said, "Look if there are any similar footprints around?"

Everyone looked for a circle carefully, and indeed found several similar footprints, some of them were basically buried in the corners, the lights were dim, and they couldn't be found without notice.

These footprints are neatly arranged, with four in each of the front and back, divided into two rows, one at every ten meters. And small and exquisite, less than the size of an adult's palm.

"It's not our footprints, and the people who leave them are very good. The means are almost shrinking." Suzaku solemnly said: "I think someone has stepped into the ground first."

"There is a red hair here ..."

A careful group member twisted a dark red hair from the sand pit covered by footprints and handed it to Lin Lang.

Lin Lang took this dark red hair and looked at it for a while, then a sudden flame came out of his hand, and the flame was not approaching, and the red hair under the high temperature gave out a blue smoke, the taste was disgusting, Eventually floated in the air.

"What is this?" Suzaku approached and asked.

"Hongsha's hair." Lin Lang fainted.

"What are you talking about? There is red sha activity in the ground?" Suzakugen hair was upright.

"Indeed. They will go underground one step first, and they will probably encounter them later." Lin Lang nodded.

"No wonder the footprints are so shallow."

Suzaku is pretty ugly. Hongsha, also known as a corpse creature, has a powerful power of enemies. If there is only one, they can still deal with it. But looking at the footprints left on the ground, there are four or so.

Four corpses comparable to Divine Realm come out together, even the real Divine Realm have to drink hate!

The rest of the team stopped, and they didn't know the meaning of Hongsha's representative. But at least by looking at Suzaku's face, one can guess that it is inseparable.

"Everyone is up and ready to fight at any time," Suzaku said with a calm face.

After this incident, everyone raised a high degree of vigilance.

Fortunately, they didn't find anything strange on the way, which made them a little relieved. However, Lin Lang reminded me that no one would dare to take it lightly. After all, there are traces of Hongsha activities here.

The dirt road passed quickly, and the area in front of it was narrowed a lot, and the shape of the passway also changed. In the past, the walls of the cave were semicircular arc tops.

But here, it has formed a perfect circular channel, but the range of the ground under your feet has shrunk a lot.

The crowd stood at the bottom of the circular gangway, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble, and did not dare to touch the wall easily, so they had to walk side by side with two or three people, carefully following Lin Lang.

This section of cylindrical gangway probably extended out a mile or so.

Suddenly open eyes!

A little glimmer of light shone from the end of the martyrdom.

This is an amazingly large hall with a large area, with a space of seven or eight hundred square meters. The surrounding walls are inlaid with countless blue gems, and the folds are bright, as if they were in a crystal palace.

The outside walls are all built with ten thousand bluestones to absorb light, but here it is infrequently inlaid with luminous sapphires, it seems that it does not care that the light will cause corpses.

Although the night pebbles the size of the night pearls are eye-catching, everyone's eyes still involuntarily fall in the most central position.

There are five crystal coffins!

The length of the five crystal coffins was less than half a meter, and they were placed in the hall horizontally and vertically. They were disorderly, and the coffin lids had been opened, and they were thrown randomly to the ground.

The floor tiles also look much more exquisite than the outside, with intricate patterns engraved on them, and the edges and corners are neat and orderly.

Lin Lang glanced at the sapphire on the wall, frowned, and stepped into the temple.

"This should be the main hall." Suzaku whispered, and followed Lin Lang into the hall.

The group walked with each passing step. The moment they stepped into the entrance, the temperature became chilly, as if they were in an ice cellar.

"It's so cold. Why is the temperature so low here."

Chen Fangyin's palm clasped her arms a few times and slowly smoothed the goosebumps emerging from it.

Da da da!

A clutter of footsteps sounded.

And this sound did not come from other people. It was the sound of everyone walking into the main hall and stepping on the floor tiles, just like wearing high heels on the wooden floor. The sound was short and crisp.

"This floor tile ..."

The crowd walked on the ground and immediately discovered the unusualness of the floor tiles. Knocking around, eventually came to only one conclusion, the floor was hollow below.

Lin Lang naturally found the anomaly long ago, and thought about it, two finger beams were emitted from his fingertips, and a piece of floor tile was cut neatly.

The floor tiles are very light to start with, and there are intricate carvings on the top, bottom, left, and right. The whole looks similar to a wooden box. A little shaking inside makes a sound of water flowing.

"Weird inside."

Lin Lang frowned, and his fingers ran across the surface of the floor tile, and a pool of the same black liquid as in the side hall suddenly flowed out from the floor tile. When the black liquid ran out, Lin Lang cut open the top surface again, exposing the contents of the floor tiles.

It's a heart!

Lin Lang once again lifted a floor tile and cut it apart, but this floor tile contained not a heart, but a red liver.

"This is ..." Suzaku's pupil narrowed.

"Heart and heart are all sealed, so the rest of the floor tiles should be ..."

Lin Lang glanced at the other floor tiles. This time he didn't lift the floor tile again, but shot several brilliance from his fingertips, sweeping across the floor tiles in all directions.

Suddenly, a series of floor tiles were flew into the air, black liquid splashed and splashed on the ground, and something peculiarly dropped.

Sure enough, Lin Lang found an innumerable number of human internal organs in his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and the number was amazing.

Lin Lang glanced roughly, the number of floor tiles was exactly 500: "That is to say, every heart, spleen, lung, kidney, and kidney have been sealed here for exactly one hundred. In detail, the skulls in the crock are also one hundred Pieces. "

"In the corresponding five empty coffins, the organs originally contained should also be Dixian."

Lin Lang looked at the center, as if five coffins were guarded by numerous floor tiles.

"Are we all stepping on these things?" The team members shivered.

Rao had previously seen the one hundred and ten heads sealed in a crockery in the side hall, but now thinking that all the feet are stepping on the internal organs, and the apex of the heart can't help getting cold.

One hundred human organs represent more than one hundred lives! The significance of these people's existence is as a funeral.

Maybe for the funeral of Dixian strong, or for the funeral of Dixian with these remaining organs!

"What kind of character is really worthy of such a big battle. Even strong men like Dixian can only be buried as spoils." Suzaku muttered.

"Perhaps the truth of the matter is far from simple as we see." Lin Lang shook his head slightly, and came to the five empty caskets, and looked carefully. On the casket he found a row of complicated runes, lines and The cylinder head of the head of the seal was exactly the same.

Triple ban again!

"What does this man under the triple ban want to do? It doesn't look like it's for the purpose of shaking the immortal body, but it's like retaining the divinity of the immortal body."

Lin Lang was puzzled. Even with his knowledge, he couldn't guess the intention of the seal seal fairy.

The other people also approached and looked around five crystal coffins. Someone sharpened a pile of red hair from a floor tile near the crystal coffin.

Obviously, those Hongsha also came here, maybe they stole the internal organs in the crystal coffin.

But did they break the triple ban?

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