Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 317: Burial ground

Bai Zhidi didn't understand Lin Lang's identity at all, so he made the most wrong decision, which was to find someone to ambush Lin Lang.

It was precisely because he made such a kick, but it was wrong to push Lin Lang and Chen Miaoxuan together.

Although, there is no clue whatsoever.

The two walked side by side on the road to Xingchu Street, and there was a crowd of people behind them.

"Are you all right?" Lin Lang laughed.

"It's all right." Chen Miaoxuan shook her head. The two were very acquainted, and no one had mentioned what had just happened, everything was in silence. Then he looked: "I know there is a playground nearby. Would you like to go with me?"

"Of course, glad to be accompanied!"


The next morning, Lin Lang rarely went to the school. At the school gate, the two agreed to meet.

After the meeting, the two looked at each other and smiled, and the relationship was much closer, and all this seemed to be a matter of course.

They walked around the campus for a few laps, rushing eastward and westward, then the first big class started, Lin Langgang sent Chen Miaoxuan to the classroom, and then the cell phone ringing suddenly.

The call was from Suzaku.

In the early hours of this morning, the monkey woke up, and the first thing he woke up was to find people like Suzaku and Tieshan.

Not much secret was revealed in his mouth.

The only word is.

Go to the tomb now, and do n’t delay it!

"So anxious?" Lin Lang frowned. The monkey's wake-up time was indeed one day earlier than he expected, but it is estimated that even with the monkey's condition, it's hard to talk?

And there is something attractive about that tomb that makes the monkey so anxious. Or is it important?

For a moment, she let go of her doubts, and said goodbye to Chen Miaoxuan. Lin Lang also found a car and went straight to the contact point of the Special Operations Office.

Suzaku and others have been waiting outside for a long time. They are fully armed. Each team member is covered with a gas mask, and long pipes are dangling in front of them, looking like a biochemical crisis. Behind it is a huge military backpack, and various cold weapons are hung behind it.

As for the monkey, he insisted on traveling, and was carried by the two team members on a stretcher. At present, it should be exhausted, and temporarily passed out.

Fortunately, they have special military pickups for their trips, which is not too noticeable. Otherwise, let the residents see it, it is really possible to discuss the situation online.


The site of the incident was Xishanping.

Since the last incident, the original workers and several archeologists have scared their souls and fled away one by one. At present, the military has been completely martialized here, and a few miles away have been encircled by a power grid.

Responsible for guarding here is an elite platoon of the Chuanshu Military Region. There are special sentry posts, and basically they also control the firearms.

Several military pickups stopped, Lin Lang jumped from the co-pilot position, and the rest of the team members also jumped out of the car, with clean skills.

"Hello, please show me your credentials." The sentry sent a standard military salute. After all, it is important, and it is necessary to confirm your identity.

Lin Lang was led by the team. The original position of the fifth group was transferred, and the group leader's credentials were recovered. He wanted to pass the official document, but at this time Suzaku shook his head: "Your one is a big deal. . "

Suzaku passed the documents, but it seemed that the sentry soldier did not know the thing, and at this time the platoon leader came over from a distance and set out to inspect the documents.

"War ... combatant ?!" The platoon leader was stunned, the general, this is equivalent to the position of general.

The platoon leader stood up in awe and immediately led everyone forward.

"It was first discovered here two months ago. At that time, the construction company of the Chen family in Chuanshu was preparing to construct the project. At first, only a few fine tiles were dug out. Nobody took it seriously at that time until it exploded. Blackbird's hole. "

"Some people suspect that this is a treasure house in ancient times. A few bold construction workers went down. Later, several people from the Chen family came. It is said that they had all trained martial arts. Only one of the Chen family escaped "The platoon leader shook his head." But now that person has become crazy. "

The platoon leader arrived first, so he knew the information here.

"The second group of people who came here was a professional archeological team. It was concluded that the text on the tiles was earlier than the scriptures, and it was of great reference value for research. "

"The last wave of seekers is also your special operations department. Many people have escaped this time, but most of them have caused epilepsy. Some people ran out to choke themselves alive. I cut my limbs, how could it be a miserable death ... "

Only these three groups came here. As for Bai Hu and Xuan Wu, unknown people ambushed before they even came here. The incident happened several miles away, but there are signs that it must be inseparable from it.

The members of the special operations department were all deeply sad, and there was a sad cloud in the dead air.

These are the same comrades-in-arms who fought side by side in the past. The more desolate the dead, the more heartache they make.

"Well, they are all martyrs who can sing and cry, don't say anything." The platoon leader also noticed the surrounding changes, sighed, and turned the topic elsewhere.

"As for the rumors of zombies, you have heard it, it happened after the third entry. Although there is no clear evidence that the zombies ran out from here, it is estimated that they are inseparable."

"It was thought that all kinds of demon here, even buried explosives nearby to be completely destroyed, was stopped by the old antiques of the Cultural Bureau, saying that there might be a secret before the Xia Dynasty was buried, and then this is what it is today."

At this time, only Lin Lang pacing back and forth in the open space, holding his forefinger to his cheek, seemed to be thinking about something.

"But what do you see?"

Suzaku models came.

Lin Lang nodded, his brow slightly, and said lightly: "This is not a cemetery, but a place ..."

"A corpse!"

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