Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 318: Thirteenth person

Hair pulse pumping heart points Xiu Nen, hiding the wind to avoid killing Zi Qian Cong. The vicious atmosphere around Xishanping is like a funnel, and it is properly buckled in the tomb.

The center of the barbed wire is unknown. It is also surrounded by a circle of barbed wire. On both sides are rocky remnants affected by the explosion. Like two portals, they guard the center entrance. The mouth of the hole is three or four meters in diameter, and a piece of black cricket seems to be able to devour all the light and cover up the unknown below.

Lin Lang also felt the strong yin, and clearly recognized the direction of the yin flow.

Here is a good corpse place!

If there is a corpse repair here, I'm afraid Xiuwei will enter the country a thousand miles. Even more mysterious is that Lin Lang's stretch of consciousness can only vaguely touch an underground outline, even if it is differentiated into silk, it can not penetrate it at all.

"I've heard of some corpses. It is said that they are used to keep the flesh from rot, and for the ancestors to worship the descendants, it has no substantial effect." Suzaku whispered softly.

"Do you think it's useless?" Lin Lang sneered: "You can break in and try. This kind of sullen atmosphere is enough for a hundred years to raise a red brake, and for a thousand years, it doesn't matter to create a mercury body . "

"Hongsha? You mean that there may be a Redsha which is comparable to the powerful gods below!" Suzaku Huarong overshadowed. However, she has heard Lin Lang's explanation that a Hongsha can definitely be compared to a powerful god. As for the mercury body, it is even more terrifying. Once born, who else can stop it?

I'm afraid that I want to destroy a mercury body. Only by using a nuclear bomb or the most advanced laser technology can we?

"General Suzaku, this is a tile dug out at the time. The archeological team took two pieces and took them back for research. I have one left here."

A soldier in the rear handed forward a bag of evidence.

The tiles are almost silver-gray throughout, with exquisite lines and smooth lines, as if formed naturally, interwoven with complex patterns. At the edge, there is another line of small print, Long Fei Feng Wu, but it seems to be some years.

"I don't know much about the history of ancient China. I don't see any particularities. Let's take a look together." Suzaku shook his head.

The people passed on each other, and suddenly a member of the team Shen said, "It should be the sacrificial rite of Xia Xuan, also known as the 殄 文, but its shape is similar to the record on the water book."

"Can you see what it says?"

The player shook his head: "The Xia Dynasty was the first dynasty, and the text had not reached a level of unity, and many words could not be deciphered yet. However, it seems that it should be a sacrificial text, and the handwriting is juanxiu, most likely from a Xia Dynasty. The hand of a woman of the dynasty. "

Everyone froze. The handwriting on the tile is full of beauty, without the engraved edges and stylus, and it can be written in such a smooth way on such a hard tile, and the artificial seal with the handwriting is also extraordinary.

"You mean this is an ancient object from the Xia Dynasty?" Rao is Suzaku, who had already read the information, but was still shocked. Xia Chao has a history of more than 4,000 years!

"let me see."

Lin Lang took the tile. When he looked at the tile, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He raised his hand to infuse the strands of spiritual power into it. Suddenly, the tiles shined brightly, projecting a few golden words in the void.

Everyone stayed, the words originally carved on the tiles suddenly seemed to be erased from nothing, but in the air in front of them, there were several ancient characters floating in the same shape, which were dozens of times larger than before. garish.

"This is it?" Suzaku wondered.

"It's just a means of formation." Lin Lang shook his head: "Let's go and prepare to go to the grave."

The array method, which is only a method that can be used by the cultivator, cannot be laid out by virtue of the so-called method of cultivating the law on earth.

"The Xia Dynasty has already spawned such an exquisite formation system, but why are these annihilated in the long river of history?" Lin Lang frowned.

And the underground world is also very extraordinary. It can actually bounce back his gods completely, which should be caused by the carving patterns on the tiles.

Even Lin Lang, who has divine knowledge, can hardly tell what is unknown below.

"It's kind of interesting. There are so many things on the earth that I don't know about." Lin Lang ticked his lips. Originally, there was very little in the fairyland that could hide his secret. I never thought of this rebirth, but found that he had lived for decades Zuxing has something he didn't know.

This just made him curious.

The team members also checked their equipment and prepared to go to the tomb.

"Unfortunately, the monkey hasn't woke up, or it should be able to avoid a lot of risks." Suzaku looked back at the unconscious monkey, worried.

"According to him, a hundred years of red evil, a thousand years of mercury, and this ancient tomb has at least four thousand years of history, what kind of monster should we raise?"

Suzaku looked at the black hole and was worried about the way forward.


Lin Lang jumped down from the entrance and landed flat on the ground. Members of the team followed, but they were not as bold as Lin Lang, and carefully down the rope along the hole.

The vertical distance from the hole to the ground is really not short, it is about two or three meters high. If you don't notice it, it is very likely that you will not fall lightly.

At this time, the group members gathered together, and the first few groups turned on the bright flashlight, the light was like a torch, and the whole space was illuminated like daylight.

With the help of lights, everyone dimly saw the surroundings.

On both sides is a straight metal lamp made of black metal, about half a person's height, but the lamp oil has long been consumed in time. The surrounding walls are engraved with various types of wall carvings. The lines are simple and clear, but they are lifelike.

The top of the head is a semi-circular slope, and the front and back are unobstructed. A straight pass passes from the front to the back, and there is no end to the strong light. There is no way out. They should have come in by accident from a node in a graveyard.

This borderless martyrdom is very spacious, and it fully accommodates twelve people including the special operations department.

"Should the Xia Dynasty be in the Bronze Age, how could such a large tomb be created?" A member of the team wondered, digging a three-meter-high passage under the ground, and after so many years of water vapor infiltration, plus Sichuan Geology is also not very stable and often shifts.

It is a miracle to save it from 4,000 years ago!

"Nothing to see, let's go." Lin Lang shook his head and just wanted to move forward.

Suddenly, there was a voice of doubt behind him.

"Are we twelve?"

"Team, twelve, what's wrong?"

Suzaku and others turned back.

I saw the vocal crew member looking a little terrified, but his eyes were staring at somewhere behind him.

He opened his lips lightly and spat out a few chilling words: "But I saw the thirteenth."

There, there are dark corners.

Countless lights hit the past, and the light flickered, even if swallowed up by darkness into nothingness. Only the glimmer of light reflected from the wall can make a goose bumpy scene.

A figure crouched in the corner, motionless.

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